The Priest Wants to Retire

Chapter 32

〈 Chapter 32 〉 Encounter (2)


Thud thud.

Crumbled wall debris pelted the floor like hail, and the dust swirling in the bright sunlight added an eerie sense of dread to the already dank alley.

“Ku, kuahk!”

The man, pinned against the wall that looked as if it could collapse at any moment, let out a weak moan.

If I had to explain this chaotic situation to someone, there would be one essential point to make before discussing the details.

I am innocent. It’s not my fault. I’m not the bad one—this society is the bad one.

It’s true I carelessly threw that man who tried to swing a fist at me, and yes, he did pinball off the wall without uttering a scream, and the wall crumpled helplessly under all that momentum.

But isn’t it a bit unfair to lay all the blame on me alone? My mind, filled with holes in its defenses, was crying out for justice, making my head throb as if I’d guzzled cheap wine.


I splashed cold water on my face with both hands, desperately trying to calm my swirling thoughts.

That’s what I intended to do, at least.

Just as the man swung his brutish arms, aiming for my face, my cowardly reflexes kicked in before my mind could intervene.

Then, two familiar cracking sounds echoed.

Puh-uhk. Crack.

When I cautiously opened my tightly shut eyes, the spectacle before me was the pitiful figure of the man sent sprawling against the wall, like a soggy tissue.

Right after that, the thought blooming within my chest was simple and clear.

“I’ve messed up…”

All this was the result of the physical torture known as ‘training’ that my former comrades inflicted on me at all times.

Teeth strong enough to crush rocks. Skin tough enough to deflect steel.

In order to fight against those monsters, which came standard with such dreadful features, one must strengthen one’s own body to a comparable level—this was the principle espoused by my former comrades, no, my former leader.

Although it was a reckless line of action that blatantly went against the words of some great figure who warned that one must be careful not to become a monster while fighting monsters.

They were too young and full of vigor to realize how strange that approach was, and I wasn’t strong enough to resist their forceful push.

Thanks to that, I gained physical abilities sufficient to keep myself intact against most lowly monsters.

However, being a person lacking both the techniques to manage such power and the guts to use it, I often found myself in dire calamities whenever there was a dispute with ordinary people who couldn’t handle magic.

In everyday life, there was no tension of body or mind, so it didn’t seem to be a problem, but facing off against someone in this way was indeed an emergency.

Having continuously traversed the danger zone known as the ‘dungeon’ where monsters could attack at any moment, it was inevitable for my body to react to the most intense human emotion: enmity.

Fortunately, in this case, he didn’t seem to be in danger of losing his life or suffering a break, so there was no need to use prayer to heal him.


Now that I look, the upper part of my priest’s robe was completely torn.

It seems that when he was thrown in the same motion as his punch, his flailing fists managed to grab hold of my collar in the air, and that’s how this happened.

Geez. This is why I hate fighting.

Getting hit is unpleasant, hitting back feels like a hassle, and winning or losing leaves nothing but bitter feelings—there’s no satisfaction to be found in these wound-filled actions.

One of the elderly pastors from the orphanage who once took care of me would occasionally remind me of a saying.

The only times one should hit another person is if they’re an abuser of the weak or desiring another’s woman, or if they’re a scoundrel who can’t even compare to livestock.

As expected, the old folks’ words are never wrong, and I felt deep admiration welling up from the depths of my heart.

“Th-thank you so much for your help…! Priest…!”

“Don’t mention it. I merely did what I had to do.”

I stopped the injured passerby from expressing their gratitude while practically dragging their injured body toward me.

I understand your feelings, but with my upper body now fully exposed, I was covered in far too many scars I wouldn’t want to show to others, so having someone’s gaze fixed on me wasn’t very welcome.

While the patterns on my right arm could be accepted, the shameful marks buried from just below my chin to my collarbone were something I’d rather never reveal.

I couldn’t walk around with the marks hanging around my neck that would make one think I’d been flirting with women on the town’s main street, especially as a priest.

As I was worriedly pondering how to navigate this sudden embarrassing situation where I had unexpectedly lost my top,

“Excuse me! Priest!”

The stranger I had saved suddenly grabbed my opposite hand and began speaking loudly with gleaming eyes like glass beads.

“I’m aware I’m being ungrateful for asking a favor after you saved my life, but if you wouldn’t mind, could you grant me one request?”

The person, who had just been soundly beaten, seemed impossibly robust.

Although dirty from dirt and dust, the clothes they wore were quite exquisite, and the expensive-looking jewelry dangling from their fingers and ears hinted at their affluent background.

Had the son of a wealthy merchant wandered through town without any guards and fallen victim to a robber?

While I pondered this rough line of thought, the grip on my hand suddenly tightened.

“In fact, I’m currently pushing through an innovative business in this area! I’ve been constantly struggling due to a shortage of suitable talent for my endeavors!”

“Ah, I see…”

Oh no, this is not good.

I’ve always had a knack for sensing that special kind of ominous feeling right before things go horribly wrong. The problem isn’t that I can’t avoid it.

“And I realized at first glance! Priest, you are the raw gem I’ve been searching for! A rare talent that only appears once a century!”

“Um, I understand, but… could you let go of my hand while we talk?”

Is he scouting me?

Well, I had somewhat guessed that’s what was coming.

For merchant types who aim to navigate this rugged world not through swords and magic but through money and wisdom, having a solid backing for protection is essential.

It’s not uncommon for retired adventurers to find reemployment as guards in notable shops.

Most likely, this individual saw me hurl that ruffian aside and figured I’d make a cheap resource for labor.

So that fight earlier was just part of this ridiculous recruitment process, huh?

As I was piecing together the current situation, he called out to me in a booming voice.


“Um, I’m sorry, but I must devote myself to my deity…”

“Would you perhaps be interested in becoming a male prostitute?”

At that moment, I had to barely restrain my clenched fist with my reason.

I had no idea what kind of business this guy was running, but already I had some idea of why I got punched.


I felt perplexed and distressed.

Thanks to the young man who introduced himself as ‘Rengel’ giving me a spare outfit as payment for saving his life, I avoided the worst-case scenario of returning to the monastery half-naked.

However, the innocent comments he made while handing me the clothes stuck in my mind like darts, refusing to let go.

A deceptively simple appearance specialized for disarming women’s wariness. Muscles that are just right—neither too much nor too little. And finally, the status of a priest that makes mature women swoon.

The quintessential profile of someone who could lead a naive woman astray. Truly a being woven by the gods to fulfill the duties of a male prostitute.

Had there been even a hint of malice in his innocent smile, I would surely have taken his words as an insult or a challenge.

I even folded and unfolded the Blade of the Rosary hanging around my neck two or three times in frustration.


My pride was being chaotically influenced by my brain, and for a moment, I could empathize fiercely with that cringeworthy phrase that often comes from those who’ve had their pride bruised.


If I had any intention to do so, I would’ve already tossed aside the note he’d given me, which indicated the location of his store and told me to come find him soon.

If things went my way, I wanted to rip this counterfeit priest’s robe apart, but I decided to hold back.

According to him, this fake priest’s robe was meant for ‘event use’ when staff serve guests.

It could easily be torn by a woman’s strength, and when wet, it becomes completely transparent, making it a rather embarrassing item that must be handled with extreme caution.

I felt like crying from embarrassment, but shedding tears was not an option. The outfit couldn’t get wet.

“I’ll just grab a book and go to my room to quietly cry…”

I couldn’t help but think what just came from my mouth wasn’t breath, but rather thick black smoke.

Nothing seemed to go right today.

As I chewed on those sticky thoughts, I hesitantly opened the door to my favorite old bookstore, and that was the moment.


A weak collision occurred.

Maybe it was because I was feeling a bit gloomy. I didn’t realize someone was there, and I bumped into them just as I was about to leave the bookstore.

“Oh, s-sorry…”

“N-no! I’m the one who should apologize…”

As I instinctively turned toward the voice, my gloomy eyes were suddenly illuminated.

Seeing hair as red as the glorious autumn leaves, igniting softly, blending warmth with an intense desire, it became vividly clear.

And that pair of golden eyes, shining like a predator eyeing its prey within the delicate strands of red, was one of the most vivid images imprinted in my mind.

It would be impossible for me not to recognize the origin of that vivid imagination.

“Ah, Apis?”


“Ah! Aah!”


I quickly covered my mouth and abruptly shut the bookstore door.

I recognized her, but she might not recognize me.

It was like the theory I saw in a Western movie once, that if you pick up food off the floor within five seconds, it’s fine.

A mere second.

Just a second of our gazes meeting was hardly enough.

To be so sure that I had met her and that she recognized me based on such uncertain circumstances was stretching it a bit.



“Open up.”

The door speaks. How totally amazing.


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