The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 103

“Hey mum we are back “ Roxanne said as she pushed open the doors to her mother’s office.

“Oh welcome back , so how was the walk? Did you meet anyone special? “ Azrael asked as her eyes shone. She couldn’t wait to hear the juicy details from her daughter.

“Hmm we did meet Issei and Ereshkigal on the way if that is what you are asking “ Roxanne said as she tilted her head.

“ Oh you met Ereshkigal , I thought you were just going to the biblical hell “ Azrael asked as she raised one eyebrow.

She knew Ereshkigal wouldn’t go out of her realm. So she was curious as to why her daughter decided to go there suddenly. Wasn’t she supposed to go and meet her secret lover? How did Ereshkigal get caught up in this mix?

“ Well I was but when I saw Issei’s fight with Tannin I had this urge to teach him some martial arts. Since I couldn’t really snatch him away from Tannin without creating a huge misunderstanding I had to bring both of them together.

That’s when I remember Ereshkigal saying that her Devil fruit stock is ready for the market. So I distracted Tannin by showing me a business opportunity. And while he and Ereshkigal were negotiating I took Issei to the training field and trained him a bit. “ Roxanne said as this was a normal thing.

“ I have no words to describe your walk, “ Azrael said speechlessly. She knew her daughter tends to do ridiculous things on a daily basis but she was still surprised.

She introduced a miracle fruit to the dragon clan that would change their whole society just to distract Tannin. If that isn’t outrageous Azrael didn't know what is .

“Well anyway, since you are done having fun , let’s go on that tour. Others are waiting for your formal visit to show off their work. “ Azrael said, clapping her hands excitedly.

Although she said this as a tour , it is actually a routine inspection. There is a pile of paperwork that Azrael needs to give her approval. But for her to do that she needs to see what they were actually seeking approval for. So that is why this routine check is important.

“ Sigh Ok “ Roxanne said with deflated expression. She kinda wished she could skip this tour. But as they saw mother’s words are the law. And besides, she doesn’t have a reasonable excuse to run away now.

“Well now that’s settled Luciana would you also like to join us “ Azrael asked as she looked at Luciana.

“ It would be my pleasure, madam. “ Luciana said as she bowed a little.

“Wonderful since everyone is ready, let's be on our way. If we make it fast enough we could be done in 4-5 hours “ Azrael said with a smile.

‘ Nooooooooo ‘ Roxanne screamed in her mind. She couldn’t possibly stay the next few hours in boredom. That would be torture.









~ 4 hours later ~

“Well that surprisingly wasn’t that bad “ Roxanne said as she ate her ice cream.

After walking for 4 hours straight they decided to have a break and eat something from the canteen. And although the food here couldn’t compare to the one’s Luciana made, it was still delicious.

“Of course it is , why would you even think this would be bad? “ Azrael asked as she looked at her daughter with narrowed eyes.

“Hey, hey calm down mom. I thought we would just walk around the whole building listening to some boring speech. And just so you know my senses are constantly active so I have already mapped this whole building. “ Roxanne quickly explained.

“Oh if that is the case I can somewhat understand why you would hate the idea of going on the tour “ Azrael said. It’s like watching a film again so there is no adventure.

“By the way mom it’s just my curiosity but why do you have to approve how models pose in a porn magazine “ Roxanne asked with innocent look

“Cough cough cough ahem well you see sweety , it’s not actually a part of my job. It’s azazel who was in charge of this. “ Azrael said with a bit of embarrassment.

Since the porn magazine industry earns is one of Grigori’s main income methods the higher ups had to make sure it wouldn’t crash down. But Azazel being the pervert he is, used this as an excuse to fool around.

He used his authority as the Governor of the Fallen angels to go there and sleep with the models. Since it has been like this for the last few years everyone forgot how abnormal this is.

“I see, “ Roxanne said with a look of understanding . Inwardly though she was thinking, ‘ How did Grigori even survive this long if Azazel was fooling around this much. ‘

You know there was at least a dozen models. And if Azazel was sleeping with all of them will he even have any time to do anything else. Fallen angels are not that very easy to satisfy.

Deciding not to poke the pandora box Roxanne decided the change the subject by asking something else, “ So mom when is that meeting with the Norse Pantheon happening. “

“Hmm if I’m not wrong it would be next week. They are thinking of doing it under the cover of the young devil gathering that is happening on the same day. “ Azrael said as she finished her ice cream.

As though she thought of something she suddenly asked, “Roxanne sweety do you want to go to the meeting with me. If you want you can even go as a representative of the Lucifer clan. “

Roxanne and Luciana who were eating their ice cream suddenly froze as they heard her words. Roxanne was the first to break free from her shock as she asked seriously , “Mother please explain “

Azrael smiled and took out a jade tablet from her storage ring. The jade slab is dark coloured and has a shine that is visible in the moonlight. On the jade there was something carved in. Roxanne who has enough understanding in devil runes recognized what was there immediately.

“ Lucifer “she muttered as she read the characters aloud.

“Madam, why do you have the Lucifer clan seal with you? “ Luciana asked in shock. Although she hasn’t seen it she could recognize it immediately. Her Lucifuge bloodline made their blood contract under that seal as a medium.

“ This is the clan seal of the Lucifer clan. This seal was supposed to be handed over to the heir of Lucifer clan. In fact it isn’t wrong to say that the whole Lucifer clan obeys the person who has this seal. “ Azreal didn’t answer Luciana's question as she introduced this seal to all.

“But why do you have this mother? “ Roxanne asked with a frown.

Azreal said with a smile, “well sweety there is something else that no one knows yet. This clan seal is not complete. Similar to how the Lucifer clan has two branches, the seal also has another part. “

Saying so Azrael brought her other hand out and another jade slab identical to the previous one appeared in her hand. But unlike the previous one this one was light coloured and the characters craved there read ‘ Morningstar ‘

“ This is the other half of the seal. And this is also the clan seal of my lineage “ Azrael said with a smile.







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