The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 31

~2 hours later ~

After a long explanation, Roxanne went back to relaxing again. She completely ignored the now stupefied maid, who for several minutes was unable to process all the information she had been given.

Luciana felt as though she had aged another century after hearing her mistress's explanation. Just thinking about it gave her a huge headache. She sighed heavily, mentally exhausted—she had been sighing far too many times in the past few years. Sometimes, she wondered if her mistress was cursed by some fate deity, destined to attract all the trouble in the world.

Sighing one last time, she looked at her mistress, who was leisurely eating some cookies she'd prepared while watching something on her phone. Luciana thought, ‘Well, with her, it's never boring.’ Like every long-lived species, she too wanted to experience anything interesting. That's why, despite Roxanne bringing chaos into her life, she was never bored. She had learned new ways to enhance her control by observing Roxanne, who was a natural genius at creating new techniques. That’s why Luciana never complained about their chaotic lives—she knew her mistress shone brightest when she was free.

“Hey, Luci-chan, let's start a band.”

Luciana looked at her mistress as though she'd grown a second head.

“Mistress, might I remind you that we are both wanted individuals, and neither of us has the talent necessary to earn a decent income from this.”

Despite saying that, she knew her mistress already had a plan to back up her goal.

As expected, Roxanne's smile widened. “Luci-chan, while our singing talents are average, we can both play any instrument with a little practice, thanks to our heightened senses. And as for our main singer—we already have one.”

Roxanne’s grin widened even more, and she glanced toward the hallway leading to her room with a predatory glint in her eyes.

Seeing this, Luciana thought, ‘Whoever that girl is, I pray for her safety,’ while placing her hands together in a prayerful gesture.




[Sacred Gear awakening at 87%...]

After finishing her favorite cookies, Roxanne went back to her room to wake up the sleeping princess. First, she used magic to clean the room, as it had become a bit of a mess due to the chaotic aura from her earlier ascension. Then, she activated the runes in the room to cast an illusion to scare—er, convince—the girl of her grand plan. She decided to create the perfect stage, while Ciel focused on awakening Ingvild’s Sacred Gear.

With all her preparations complete, Roxanne just had to wait for Ciel to finish her part. Luckily, she didn’t have to wait long.

[Master, Ingvild Leviathan is ready to be awakened. Shall I proceed?]

“Yes, Ciel, do it.”

[As you command, Master,] Ciel replied with visible enthusiasm. And like a certain slime might say, when Ciel gets enthusiastic, the balance of power is about to be broken.

Roxanne’s eyes began to glow red, indicating that Ciel had taken control. She channeled the unique energy Roxanne inherited from her mother, Azrael—the energy of death.

Contrary to popular belief, the energy of death isn’t always used to bring about death. Its primary purpose is to deal with souls. When a being dies, their soul isn’t usually harmed, and resurrection is possible by using magic to reconstruct their physical body. However, if the soul is shattered, the being cannot be revived unless the soul can regenerate, which is far more difficult than it sounds.

Since the energy of death interacts with souls, Ciel calculated a precise, non-lethal amount to target Ingvild’s soul, specifically the area where her Sacred Gear resided. By allowing the energy of death to come into contact with the Sacred Gear, it triggered the automatic safety function embedded in every Sacred Gear.

Because a Sacred Gear relies on the soul to function, it automatically stimulates the soul when the Sacred Gear is tampered with. That’s why Sacred Gears tend to manifest when their host is in an emotionally unstable situation. The soul, unable to release its energy efficiently, forces the Sacred Gear to activate in order to balance the soul's output.

This is the truth behind the Juggernaut Drive, embedded in Sacred Gears like Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing. What makes them unique is that these Sacred Gears try to contain as much excess soul energy as possible. This is why the previous hosts can influence the current ones—the stored energy leaks and begins to contaminate the present host’s soul. It’s a curse the Red Dragon Emperor and White Dragon Emperor must bear.

Since the hatred comes from within the Sacred Gear itself, it’s nearly impossible for any third party to purify it without directly tampering with the Sacred Gear. However, the Sacred Gears have their own security system to prevent hacking. So is it truly impossible? Or is there another way?




In a world of clouds, a girl was sleeping in a bed that was strangely made out of clouds. The girl’s body began to show movement indicating that she was about to wake up.

Slowly the girl began to open her revealing two beautiful orange eyes. The girl woke up from her sleeping posture and began to look around confused. A few seconds later clarity began to come to her as she frantically looked around and while jumping out of her bed. Feeling the texture of something solid she began to walk slowly and found that the ground she walks is a cloud since she could disperse it a bit with her hand but when she walked on it, the cloud became as solid as a rock.

Unable to find a reason for this phenomenon she muttered,

“ Where in the name of the Satans am I “

She said that expecting no answer but to her surprise, she actually got one.

“ You, my child is in my domain, the land of the dead. “

Startled she turned around and saw a throne made out of clouds that was not there earlier. And sitting on that throne is a beautiful lady who has her beautiful White angel wings spread. While surrounding her were various weapons that were glowing golden. She herself was glowing in a white light that seemed to hide her face or the mortal like her is unqualified to see her beauty.

How did Invild know she was a beauty? Because despite not seeing her face she has a well-sculptured body that radiates holiness. She also has a crown on her head that indicates herself as queen.

Invild was surprised at this, despite not knowing much about the supernatural world she knew that this being is not an angel who is a holy being because she was then Invild would feel pain due to her aura that she was continuously releasing due to her devil heritage. But no she even feels comfortable in her aura.

Invild then asked,

“ Who are you “

The girl smiled, which was confusing since Invild couldn’t see her face but she knew she was smiling. The lady then declared in her angelic voice,

“ My name is…..”







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