The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 32

“My name is Amelia the goddess of reincarnation “

Invild was confused right now, as she had never heard of a goddess of that name in any mythologies she heard. But she didn’t ask since she isn’t sure 100 % of her knowledge as victors tend to write the history as they wish.

“ So what will happen to me now “ she asked.

“ Well my dear, since you have committed various good deeds you have a decent amount of good karma so I will let you reincarnate again, how would you like to reincarnate yourself, would you like to go to another world and start a new or would you like to stay in your world and travel the world like you wished. “

Invild thought for a while, she really thought for a long time and then finally said,

“ I would like to reincarnate in my previous world “

The lady smiled, and she stood up from her throne which made her shine even brighter. She then declared,

“ As per your wish, you will reincarnate into your previous world but in another era, an era where 100 years would have passed after your sleep. As a bonus, I will even let you inherit a sacred gear to protect yourself. Now open that door. From it you will be transported to your destination, enjoy life as you wish, and I guarantee you, you will never be bored in that timeline, so now go enjoy your freedom Invild Leviathan. “

Invild smiled happily while tears streamed down her cheeks she then turned and walked towards the door that appeared some time ago. She looked at the lady for the last time and she still had the same small smile on her face. She waved at her and opened the door and went through it clearly excited to enjoy her new life.

When the light subsided all she saw was a wall with a notice on it saying

‘Welcome to the future Invild Leviathan please return back to discuss your plans for the future. 😉’

Then she heard a sound of laughter when she turned around she saw the dignified lady was now laughing while rolling on the floor. Her earlier nobility is nowhere to be seen.

Invild was burning in anger and shame manly shame. Her thoughts were heading towards somewhere where it shouldn’t be.

Roxanne who was laughing suddenly felt a chill run down her spine and she stood up abruptly and looked at Invild while cold sweat was pouring in her back.

Invild although was doing nothing is now releasing a terrifying killing intent directed at her.

‘ well, I might have gone a little bit too far. Ciel help me, I fear if I let her be like that for a few minutes she may actually come to kill me ‘

[Sigh master, you took your prank too far]

‘ haha ciel I know I messed up a little bit so please help me ‘

[Sigh … fine I will help you just this once]

Saying so Ciel said a few instructions that Roxanne listened attentively. After it was done Roxanne had a strange expression on her face.

‘Hey Ciel not that I doubt you or anything but is that really going to work ‘

[Yes master it will work, and I advise you to do it quickly I detect Invild Leviathan’s mental state is slowly becoming unstable ]

Roxanne hearing this gulped and took a deep breath to calm her nerves down, she then like Ciel instructed lifted the illusion she created by snapping her fingers. Then she opened a small portal to her imaginary space and took something out of it, then she threw it towards Invild while shouting,

“ Here catch “

Invild subconsciously caught what was thrown at her. She looked at it and all her negative thoughts stopped. Her brain literally stopped. Her hands began to tremble and tears began to come down from her eyes.

What appeared in her hand is a necklace. While it may be ordinary to any being to Invild it was the most precious thing she could ask for.

Before she was taken into the Leviathan clan to cure her disease. She was living the life of a normal girl with her human mother and her devil father. On her 10th birthday, she was given this pendant as a present from her parents. And after a few years, they were killed during the civil war. At that time there was a group that was trying to profit from the civil war by kidnapping heirs in various clans and blackmailing their houses. And luck turns out her father is the main heir to the title of Leviathan. And he and her magician mother died protecting her. She was luckily saved by the clan and due to her father’s nature he created a situation where she would live safely without any problem from the devil society as a whole. But as luck would have it she fell into the sleeping disease.

And this pendant was the only momento she had left of her parents. She definitely remembered losing it when she was taken that day.

“ how “

She asked while her voice shaking due to her emotions.

“ well let’s just say it was safeguarded by someone “

Said Roxanne and she wasn’t lying. This necklace was found in the corpses of her parents when the clan went to retrieve them. One of her father’s late servants kept it as it emanated a unique aura which was later found out to be a storage artifact containing her father’s and mother’s legacy it also had a function to conceal the wearer's aura which was the reason Invild was not attacked by a random passerby supernatural.

After Invild was hospitalized the servant put it on her hoping one day she would wake up and to protect the last remaining item of her parents. And that necklace just happened to fall down when Invild was about to be kidnapped.

And it did help her. According to Ciel Invild is an anomaly for surviving this long while having the sleeping disease. It is said that after one was infected by the disease one would normally be alive for most 100 or 200 years even with them artificially delaying the body from decaying.

According to the analysis Ciel did, to have the disease meant that your soul is very unstable and is leaking its essence or life force you call it to nature or someone who she still is trying to find. Anyway, the short theory is that due to the necklace having an energy concealment function it manages to decrease the amount of life force that was normally be released. That’s why she was able to live more than 500 years. And to top it all off she has a sacred gear which is on a Longinus class. So her soul energy was already very dense in order to sustain the sacred gear.

After a few minutes, Invild stopped crying and began to calm down. She wiped her tears and looked at Roxanne. But unlike before she didn’t have that much hostility, but it was still there as women are very vengeful creatures and they never forget a grudge.

“ So who are you really, and why am I here and not the hospital ”

Roxanne smiling wryly thought ‘Well at least she has lessened her hostility for me. Since her soul is still recovering I must be careful to not upset her too much as her mental health is not good ‘

“ My name is Roxanne, and it might sound impossible but I saved you from being kidnapped “

“ bulshit if you helped me then why did you go and do that drama to fool me, you clearly have some ulterior motives “ spat Invild with some hate in her voice.

“ Ehhh well to be honest with you I just did it to have fun, so will please forget about that. “ said Roxanne while sweating from Invild ‘s pressure she is releasing.

“ Do you think it is funny to give someone hope and crush it and say it is a prank? Do you have a mental disorder or something “

Invisible arrows began to hit Roxanne and she began to take damage from every word Invild spoke.

“ Arghh you are right please forgive me I won’t do that ever again. “

“No I can tell you are not sincere, then let me teach you what you did wrong, “ said Invild with a smile full of malice.








~ A few hours of lecturing later ~

“ Now do you understand what you did wrong “ asked Invild for the who knows what time.

“ Yes I am very sorry for my misbehavior, I will behave from now on, “ Roxanne said in a monotone voice with her eyes devoid of any light.

Invild nodded satisfied.

“ Now then tell me why did you kidnap me and brought me here instead of bringing me to the clan “

The light in Roxanne’s eyes returned and she said with less enthusiasm,

“ Well to be clear, I kidnapped you from your kidnapers so don’t look at me with that judging eyes. Next, your clan is almost extinct due to the civil war, you were left because you were a half-breed. And lastly, you would be in a whole lot of shit if I actually left you with your remaining clan members“.







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