The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 6

Roxanne, who had been sleeping comfortably, woke abruptly. She looked toward the window and saw that it was early in the morning. With a sigh, she muttered, "Looks like I spent the whole night with Amy. At least her explanations answered most of the questions I had." Stretching, she called out, "Ciel, can you show me what's inside my imaginary space?"

"Yes, Master," Ciel's calm voice responded.

The Executioner (sealed)

A scythe once wielded by the Angel of Death. After absorbing part of the first Angel of Death’s soul, it became a Sacred Gear bound to Roxanne Lucifer. In its Balance Breaker form, it can supply an infinite amount of mana by converting the fear and death aura of its target.

The True Longinus (incomplete)

A copy of the True Longinus, the spear that supposedly killed the Son of God. This weapon can transform into any form desired by its wielder. It was created as a prototype for the original.

Soul of Yahweh

Before his death, the God of the Bible split half of his soul to give to his successor. By devouring it, any devil can use holy magic and gain the right to command his domain and wield his name. This also grants access to any holy or sacred gear.

“Wow,” Roxanne muttered, her eyes wide in wonder. "So, with Yahweh's soul, can I use holy magic freely, Ciel?"

"Yes, Master," Ciel replied. "But you must first build a foundation to withstand the holy aura. It’s also recommended to use it only after unlocking your angel side."

"Well, that’s a bummer," she sighed. "Anyway, time to get some training in."

Roxanne left her room and made her way to the dining room, where she found Luciana preparing breakfast. She greeted her and they sat down to eat together. After their meal, they teleported to the mountains for training.

“So, Luci-chan, what will you train me in today?” Roxanne asked.

“Master, since you're still young, we’ll begin with your magic and stamina. First, you must learn how to supply mana to your spells efficiently. After that, I will apply a simple gravity spell to your legs, and you'll run around the mountains." Luciana replied.

"Yes, that way I can learn how not to waste mana while also increasing my stamina. Well then, Luci-chan, let’s get started!" Roxanne said excitedly.

Luciana nodded and began teaching Roxanne how to cast magic circles and measure the amount of mana required for each spell. Once she learned the basics, Roxanne used gravity magic to double the gravity around her body. She then ran across the mountains while maintaining the spell. Thanks to Ciel’s help and parallel thought processing, it was easier than expected.

Meanwhile, Luciana began her own training, focusing on magic that had been amplified due to her connection with Roxanne. Both of them trained until noon, after which they returned to have lunch.

Afterward, Roxanne mentioned that she wanted to walk around town. Though Luciana was reluctant, she eventually agreed. Now, Roxanne—disguised as a black-haired loli—could be seen strolling the streets, humming a cheerful tune to herself.

Roxanne had always been curious about the town where Issei lived, so she took the opportunity to explore. She visited many places that were featured in the anime, including the abandoned factory, the school, the arcade, and finally, the park.

While enjoying her walk, Roxanne noticed two children playing together and instantly recognized them. They were Irina and Issei. With nothing better to do, she decided to approach them. She was also curious to see if Issei had met his pervy grandfather yet.

When she got closer, Roxanne decided to break the ice and start the conversation.” hello I'm Roxanne what are your names “

Irina and Issei both looked at her for a bit and then looked at each other and then Irina came forward and introduced them

“ hey my name is Irina and his name is Issei, “ Irina said as she introduced her and Issei. “ it's nice to meet you, “ Issei said as he gave a V sign with a wide smile.

“Hello, you two I'm new here so will you two be my friends? “ Roxanne said as she gave her sweetest smile.

Irina nodded excitedly as she took Roxanne’s hands “Sure it's no problem, right Issei “

“ yeah that’s cool “Issei nodded. He was just a small kid so he wouldn’t mind playing with a beautiful girl.

After that, they all began to play together and became best friends. From that day on, Roxanne would train in the morning and come to play in the evening. Luciana initially thought this was odd, but after realizing that her mistress was just a child, she let it be. Five years passed in this manner.

During these years, Roxanne was able to defeat high-class devils without difficulty. She also discovered that the leader of Kouh was involved with an exorcist, leading her to conclude that it was about time the church made its move.

She created a temporary domain around the city, using her spatial domination skill This allowed her to use her skill Azazoth to absorb anything within it. She planned to save the couple when they were on the brink of death, thus ruining another of Rizevim's plans.

Roxanne informed her maid about this strategy and gained her cooperation to monitor the spies Rizevim or the church might send. After much preparation, tonight was the night they would take action.

A couple can be seen running from a group of exorcists. A group of devils first ambushed them while most of their peerages were out on missions. The couple consists of Cleria Belial and the exorcist Masaomi Yaegaki. Both of them have various wounds on their bodies, but Cleria is the most injured, with a large wound on her body. They are now in a building surrounded by the church. The worst part is that the one leading the crusade is Masaomi's superior, with whom he had a good relationship. His name is Touji Shidou, and he is Irina's father.

“ Masaomi come back to us and leave the devil and we will not report this “ Touji shouted as he looked at his subordinate.

Masaomi gritted his teeth and said,” I will not touji - san she is my girlfriend. But why are you suddenly hunting us we didn't harm anyone. “

Touji sighed and said, “The higher-ups have issued a death warrant to you and her. I am sorry Masaomi but I have to do this. Men open fire. “ Touji said as he closed his eyes.

As soon as he said that they fired off their spells toward the couple who could not do anything but close their eyes But all they felt was a cocoon wrapped around them and a monotone voice,

[ Target devoured.... Analyzing target .... Complete.... Using devour to erase any anomalies... Complete Using time manipulation to heal the wounds of the target ..... Complete ]

When they opened their eyes they were in front of they were greeted by a small child with black hair she opened her eyes. The ruby-like eyes turned purple and looked at them calmly. Those eyes held an intelligence a child her age should have.

" We will talk later but first you need to lower your aura to a level you can be considered humans so that they will not track you here. “ Both couples didn't understand her completely but agreed nonetheless. The girl smiled and closed her eyes again.

‘ Phew now that's done it's time to take over the stage. Let's give my dear stepbrother a lovely gift for imprisoning me in that laboratory. Ciel is everything ready 'Roxanne thought with a dark smile

[ yes master the illusions are set and Luciana is at a safe distance]

‘Hehe I can't wait to see his face when he receives my gift, ‘ Roxanne chuckled darkly scaring the poor couple.

Rizevim's POV

These past few years have been the worst. I lost my perfect test subject when I was in Teps Faction. The most unbelievable thing is that the doors or experiment tube was not opened which is impossible to do, why you ask?

Well first my hideout is in the dimensional gap which makes it impossible to teleport without having a proper channel and second it was like she was directly teleported out of the capsule which has many magic nullification tools and more security mechanisms. Argh thinking about it made my mode worse.

Anyway, I came here today to collect the Belial clan member's dead body.

Well with this sample I will be able to improve my sacred gear canceller even more. Sigh at least this will be able to make my mood turn better for a while.

I arrived at the place the couple was at. I then saw some devils sneak in there and start attacking and as they were fighting a group of exorcists came almost immediately, the devils dealt a huge blow to the girl and teleported away.

Then the exorcists came and finished them off. After they left I went out of my hiding and went near the bodies to inspect them and just as I was about to touch one of the bodies, it exploded and I was bathed in a liquid as I was about to lash out, then it hit me, my whole body began to scream in pain

" aaaaarrrrttttggggghhhh"




Rizevim began rolling on the floor, blood flowing from his entire body. The liquid that covered him was holy water—not just any holy water, but holy water that was 1,000 years old, steeped in the power of many sacred weapons. It had transformed into sacred water. Although he could barely stand up, the other body exploded as well. In that space, countless needles filled the area, and Rizevim, barely conscious, had his entire body pierced by them. Like the previous scream, his next outburst was so powerful that it made the building itself vibrate. Unable to do anything else, he crushed something in his pocket and was immediately teleported away.

All of this was being observed by a silver-haired, shocked maid—none other than Luciana. "The mistress's plan was a success. Rizevim showed himself and absorbed so much holy magic that it would have killed an Ultimate-class being instantly. But to think that the mistress's plan would be this effective..." She shook her head. "That's irrelevant. Focus, Luciana. No matter how shocking it is to see a ten-year-old devise something so spectacular, you need to check for any more spies and return to your mistress's side." She scanned the area for any supernatural presence and, after confirming there were none, teleported back to the apartment.

‘That was the best! It seems he was so relaxed that he forgot to apply an aura defense. To think he could take on that much holy energy and still not die. Even I had to be extra careful and add a layer of void energy to avoid touching that holy energy. Anyway, I got what I wanted. ‘Roxanne thought with a wide grin.

'Ciel, did we get what we needed?' she asked

'Yes, Master. I was able to collect many blood samples from Rizevim.' Ciel replied with a bit of excitement.

Yes, Roxanne set this trap to obtain a sample of a super devil's blood after hearing that when you reach the super devil class rank, you unlock your true form. She wanted to see how that would change your biology, so she devised a trap that would leave him injured and used my domain powers to devour that blood for analysis. She also made it extra painful for him so she could have my sweet revenge. But let's leave the analysis for later.

She then turned to the couple sitting on the sofa. ‘ I need to deal with those two. I'm quite curious about how much Cleria has found out about the king pieces.’ she thought Just then, she noticed that her faithful maid had returned to her side.

“ Is the coast clear of spies? “ Roxanne asked as she turned to the side.

Luciana nodded and answered “Yes mistress they're none after him. “

“ Ok good work out there “ Roxanne then turned to the couple, “Well since this is going to be a long talk would you like some tea and biscuits.”

They both hesitated for a moment and then nodded. So Luciana went inside to prepare some tea and biscuits.







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