The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 7

~ Cleria’s POV ~

My name is Cleria Belial, and I am currently the ruler of Kouh. My family is a branch of the Belial household, but due to financial issues, we had to move to the main house. Life there was good. I had a wonderful family, and most importantly, I had my cousin, Diehauser Belial. Since we were children, we were always close—he was like a big brother to me. When he entered the Rating Games and became the champion, we were all so proud of him. We worked hard to support him, and I did the same.

After receiving my Evil Pieces, I created a powerful peerage, and I was entrusted with governing this territory, which was given to us by the Shinto faction. However, when I heard a rumor about the King Piece, I knew I had to investigate. If the rumor was true, it could jeopardize my cousin’s honor if he lost to a cheater. But I never imagined that those arrogant devils would collaborate with the Church to silence me. And worst of all, they dragged my lover into this mess as well.

In my final moments, as I lay dying, my deepest regret was not being able to see my family again. But then, something miraculous happened. Darkness enveloped us, and a monotone voice spoke. Suddenly, our wounds began to heal. When the darkness lifted, we saw a black-haired girl standing there, a giant magic circle beneath her feet. The complexity of the circle was astounding, even to me.

The girl opened her eyes and calmly instructed us to lower our aura to a minimum and sit on the couch for a few minutes. We gladly complied. As I observed her, I guessed she was about ten years old. She had no visible aura, which suggested she was human, but my instincts told me otherwise. Her control over her aura was terrifying—so precise that even while using magic, none leaked out.

Soon after, a teleportation circle appeared beside her, and a silver-haired maid emerged. The girl led us to a table, and we sat down across from her.

“Well, let’s start with introductions,” she said. “My name is Roxanne, and this is my maid, Luciana.”

Wait, Luciana? That name sounded familiar.

“My name is Cleria Belial, and this is my lover, Masaomi Yaegaki,” I replied.

Roxanne simply nodded before speaking again. “Do you know why you were attacked today?”

“I have a theory,” I said cautiously, “but what’s the real reason?”

“There are three reasons, actually,” she began. “First, the devils attacked you because you discovered the truth about the King Pieces. Second, the Church was manipulated by the devils to make your execution appear legal. Lastly, someone wants your bodies to be used for experiments.”

I was stunned. I knew the council would do something drastic, but to think they would go so far as to involve the Church—and that last reason... experiments? Why did that seem like the true motive behind the attack?

“I can understand the first two reasons,” I said, “but why would anyone want to use me for an experiment?”

“Well, there’s a certain lunatic devil who’s trying to create the ultimate devil—one who can use the powers of all 72 Pillars.”

I was left speechless. Who would do something so insane?

Roxanne must have noticed my expression. “No, I can’t read minds,” she said with a slight smile. “But your emotions are easy to read from your face.”

How embarrassing.

“Anyway, let’s put that aside for now. What are you two planning to do? You’re basically dead as far as the world is concerned.”

What she said was true. It would be better if everyone believed we were dead. I looked over at Masaomi, and we exchanged a glance, silently agreeing. Then I turned back to Roxanne and Luciana, who had appeared beside us with a tray.

“We’ll leave Kouh and go into hiding,” I said.

Roxanne nodded. “I won’t tell you how to live your lives, but a small warning: don’t think true peace can be achieved without bloodshed. You should always be prepared for a fight. And if you have a child, don’t hide the supernatural world from them. It will only make them weak, and the weak always suffer at the hands of the strong.”

We both nodded in agreement. I would have to become stronger.

“Now that the serious talk is over,” Roxanne continued, “get some rest tonight. Leave tomorrow—Luciana and I will also be leaving this town soon.”We bid them farewell and retired to the room we were shown.

Roxanne POV:

With my talk with the couple over I closed my and have a talk with Ciel ' ciel tell how did the analysis go '

[ master it seems when super Devils release their true form they condense their aura and give that aura some properties corresponding to their bloodline and let it flow through the whole body without leaking anything, that is why when Sirzechs releases his true form he destroys everything in his path without any resistance]

' so, in short, I have to hold my aura flow like blood in my body ' I asked just to be sure.

[ yes master, but I advise you to do that when all of your bloodlines are released] Ciel nodded as she agreed to her shortened explanation.

' well Ciel add that to the list we have to experiment on after releasing my angel side ' I said as I opened my eyes.

I could feel Luci-chan coming towards me. I smiled wryly at her and said "Sorry about not telling you that we are going to leave tomorrow but, I didn't expect Rizevim to come here personally, and since his pride was hurt he most likely would come to hunt me down tomorrow"

Luciana just shook her head and said "Don't worry mistress where you will go I will always follow you "

"Aww thank you, Luci - chan " I then hug her tightly. I really scored big when U managed to convince this girl to become my maid.






~Time skip the next day ~

We were currently bidding farewell to Cleria and Masaomi, exchanging contact information in case we ever needed to reach each other again. Once that was settled, Luciana and I made our way back to the apartment. We quickly packed our belongings and carefully erased all traces of our stay. We even went as far as creating a fake memory of another family who had supposedly lived there.

"Isn't this overkill?" Luciana asked, glancing at me as we worked.

"Nah," I replied, shaking my head. "In this world, there are people who can even search for memories, so it’s necessary. We can’t leave anything to chance."

Now, with everything in place, Luciana and I found ourselves in a car, driving toward the exit of the city. The apartment was wiped clean, and our presence here was nothing more than a distant, fabricated memory.

“ mistress now how will you do your training “Luciana asked as she drove the car.

“ well Luci- Chan I have mastered my magic so I think I should master my weapons. Also, I think it is time for me to get some real combat experience. “ Roxanne said as she thought of her future training plan.

“ So mistress plans to fight different opponents while sharpening your skills. “ Luciana asked as she turned on the signal to the right.

“ yes that's the plan. “ Roxanne nodded.

“ I see then Mistress I would recommend setting up a base of operations, “ Luciana said as she turned the car to the right lane.

“ hmm you are right, but don't worry we will first travel around the world, and become stronger and after that we will make our base, besides I already have a good place in mind. “ Roxanne said with a smile as she looked at the car window.







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