The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 10: +Breaking Bed+

I wake up, finding some dick in my face. It seems like while we were getting down in the dream, the bed broke.

I squirm out of the V shape I've been stuck in, seeing Julia laying on the floor on the opposite side of the bed. Seems she rolled out when it broke.

That heroine was probably watching the entire damn time and didn't even think to come help us out? How am I even gonna sleep in this now?!

I grumble, snapping the frame into pieces, pulling them out with loud crunches and scrapes, causing Julia to wake from her slumber. She looks at me with bleary eyes, indicating her rest was not likely restful.

Makes sense, we did kinda get to the bone zone in our dreams, her heart was probably racing like crazy the entire time.

Why am I not freaking out about her taking advantage of me and humiliating me? It was the heroine who got humiliated, of course!

Feeling a bit better with that thought rattling around in my head, I wave slightly to Julia, trying to play it cool. ... What do humans usually do after having sex with someone? Normally I just leave as fast as possible.

"What are you doing with the bed?" Her voice is interrupted by a loud crack of me breaking up the frame, but I still heard her.

"It broke while we slept 'cause the heroine ruined it the night before." I feel like my phrasing was off there, but correcting it would make it more suspicious.

"... That's not what I asked, but wow. I know she likes you, but... Wow." I can feel my brow twitch with her words. I may be slightly challenged in social matters, but innuendos I can get.

"No, I mean like..." Trying to speak, I'm hastily interrupted by a red faced Julia.

"It's fine, it's fine, I don't wanna hear it! I'm... Proud of you?" She seems to be making things up in her head and trying to divert the conversation. I'm supposed to be the one who does that! Here I thought I wouldn't rub off on her much dream bonding with her one time.

Maybe it's cus I'm so sexy and humans are so weak. "No really, we didn't-" I try to reiterate, attempting to break through her defenses.

"Really, please! It's fine! Lady Heroine can do whatever she wants with whoever she wants!" Why don't people ever let me finish my sentences?! Why is she looking at me like she's jealous?! Well, I know the answer, she probably thinks I fucked the heroine and she only got to in her dreams but c'mon!

During all of this she has been dressing herself, covering up her scars and muscles. Despite my sadness from seeing her no longer undressed, I have to press this point for my pride. "She didn't-"

"Thankyouforthesexbye!" I stand there, stunned as she bolts out half dressed. Pretty sure if I go chase after her that'll ruin my good reputation with humans as I am in various states of undress and uncleanliness.

I should have just bit the bullet and charmed her, who cares if the heroine gets grumpy? At the very least she didn't seem like the type to spread rumors.

Is what I thought two hours ago before I dealt with the rest of the bed and got ready. Coming out of my room, I find a blushing maid gawking at me with breakfast in her hands. A good servant who waited until I finished showering and getting ready to bring me food! I shall recruit you as well when I escape.

"Um..." Oh! She's talking to me! Oh, oh! My food delivery service just became a social delivery service! I watch her with an excited look, wondering what sagely wisdom she has to share.

"... Is it... Is it true?" She's already lost me on the first sentence. Humans are way too confusing for me to follow their trains of thought. I try to gesture to her to at least add some sort of subject or verb to that sentence.

"Since I'm your personal maid, uh... My friends have been asking me a lot about it. Is it true the Lady Heroine broke the bed on your first time together?" I stare at her after her question, my brain suddenly freezing. I'm pretty sure I heard that wrong, so I'll just ask again.

"I appear to have misheard you, could you repeat that?" I slowly start processing ways I could fashion the shattered bed frame into a weapon to kill the heroine while I listen to her response.

"I mean, everyone is asking about it, even my superiors... So um... ah... I can't... ask the Lady Heroine so... Did she really break the bed? Everyone already wanted to try and catch her attention for the harem, but now it's..." I don't even respond to her this time.

I open the door to my room, heading in to grab the pieces of the broken bed frame, earning a gasp from behind me followed by footsteps running away.

(I really wish I'd told her the truth then and there... That rumor remains to this day.)

+I mean it's true though, I DID break the bed when we finally had sex.+

(That is literally not true, quit sowing misinformation.)

I slam some of the wooden pieces together, splintering them, making a bunch of wooden bed frame shrapnel I scoop up into my arms. Charging out of the door, I make my way through the halls, heading straight to the heroine's office!

10 minutes go by, passing by several maids in my path, but they just quickly step aside, not wanting to get in my way.

30 minutes go by, occasionally I'll hear a murmur from the passing maids, but they still step out of my way.

An hour later, I suddenly hear a voice behind me. "Okay, now I'm actually starting to kind of feel bad for you, so-" I interrupt the heroine's voice by using all my power to throw the wooden shrapnel at her face.

It all immediately falls to the ground in front of her with a crunch. Obviously that wasn't the real attack, it was a distraction to get her to use her magic, I charge at her, unleashing magical claws at her throa-

I really hate the taste of the floor. I'm not thinking of this for any particular reason. People just walk on it a lot, why wouldn't it taste bad? I really have nothing else to say about the matter.

On an unrelated note, have I ever mentioned how much I hate how overpowered the heroine is? I have a lot of things to hate since I've come here, and it's really starting to get to me.

My escapist thoughts are interrupted by cold leather tapping against the side of my face. "Hey, are you listening to me?" Actually, now that I think about it, the hateful heroine doesn't exist. She never existed.

There's no voice talking to me right now, so it's kind of lonely, I should find someone to talk to at some point. "Hey, I've released the magic, get up already."

You know, a funny thing about talking to people is that a lot of people only like to talk about themselves, it's really silly because they could just talk about me instead.

For some reason I feel points awfully reminiscent to high heels on my back, but unless there's a ghost stepping on me there's clearly nobody around me. It does hurt though, so perhaps I'll find a chiropractor to enslave when I get out.

"Alright, I guess since you've become a limp toy, that's what you want to be. Time to us-" I finally raise my face, not looking at her, but the pile of wood scrap in front of me.

"Ah, there she is. Welcome back." I murmur something that could be interpreted as an acknowledgement, though in reality I was just mumbling 'Fuck you.'

"You know, I was wondering how I was going to raise your reputation among my allies, but it seems you somehow managed to do it yourself. I hope you enjoyed us breaking the bed on our first night." Her taunts make me want to disappear, I can feel my ears burning from shame and humiliation.

Hate. Despise. Loathe. Detest. Abhor.

+Is this some sort of attempt at padding the word count?+

(I really did hate you that much at the time, you somehow knew how to press all the right buttons to crush my pride when I'd barely retain it.)

+Oooh, was our first time a hate-fuck?+

(What? You literally know the answer to that, why are you asking?)

+I'm asking for the people, obviously!+

(Hate. Despise. Loathe. Detest. Abhor.)

+Mhmmm, 50 spankings.+

I would have loved it if they had said I broke the bed, or it happened during my time with Julia... Of all things though, they're saying that bitch broke the bed, and treating me like I'm something to be envied! We didn't even fuck! Aaaaaah!

Resisting the urge to pointlessly bang my head against the floor, I brace myself and stand up. "Would you like to lean on me? I'm sure your hips are still sore from our-" I ignore her words, just walking back to my room.

Problem is, it'll take me a better part of an hour to find it. I'd know it takes that long because it took it to get back after I had escaped the heroine yesterday. Seriously, this place is fucking huge. It's no joke that you can see it from really far away.

I feel her following behind me, so I've elected to turn off my hearing for now, letting her words go in one ear and out the other. A couple times she tries to cut me off while we walk, but I just walk past her like she isn't there.

From what I've heard, the reason this place is so huge is for harems that can even rival a large town in population. Honestly, even as a lust demon I have no clue how anyone can have that many harem members. If you fucked one a day, it'd take like 2 years or more to get through them all.

I wonder if the heroes' harem serves some other purpose, but I don't particularly know. At the very least they should put up signs for wings that aren't in use. Separate them out into buildings or something! Anything that isn't a giant ass building that makes no sense.

I have a feeling a lot of the reason it's so big is the shape. It is literally a cock and balls after all, and I'm sure whichever hero made it probably was crying from laughter when it was done.

I understand now why the Demon King wants to destroy humanity, honestly. Destroying them prevents them from doing stupid stuff like-

Suddenly I'm stopped by a firm hug from behind me, not letting me move forward in the slightest. The peaceful time in my brain was nice while it lasted.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" I hear next to my ear in a low whisper, drawing a shiver of definite horror, and absolutely no other feeling besides it, up my spine.

"Thinking of destroying someone's cock and balls." It's not a lie, and at least wording it this way makes me feel better.

"Sorry, I don't have one yet for you to mess up, but I'll try just for you~." She really never misses a beat whenever I say something.

We both stand in awkward silence for a while before she speaks up once more. "Hey, I've got another person for you to meet, will that cheer you up?"

(FYI, she really did try after that.)

+I was trying before, but you saying that really cemented my desire for it.+

(It's funny because you tried to perfect body swap magic first.)

+What? Being in your body and railing myself is such a good idea.+

(I keep telling you we have two COMPLETELY different biologies, on the surface it's similar, but at it's core...)

+Isn't that what makes it hot? Kind of like becoming a tentacle monster and violating someone else. It's in a lot of things!+

(Sometimes I worry about the world you came from.)

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