The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 9: +World of Worships+ (FemdomxFemsub, Body Worship, Toys, Bondage)

I stare up into the mirror, admiring the form in it. She's really stupidly attractive when she isn't being a creep. I bat my eyelashes a bit, making a couple cute faces before shuddering. Okay, maybe cute doesn't suit her.

I continue doing this for a while to alleviate the boredom that comes with the wait, making sexy faces, funny faces, lewd faces... Ugh, now I'm horny.

While rubbing my thighs together to try and ignore the feeling, I do my best to get lost in thought. What is gonna be her plan? Her mind clearly wants to do something to the Heroine, but with the amount of fetishes in here it's gonna be impossible to clearly narrow it down.

Why is it that I have to satisfy her to escape from here? Why couldn't this ability just let me be the one satisfied? Now that I have experience going a week without sex, I could probably try and hold out for that long...

But what comes after that? Will I be trapped here forever? I'm not up to taking that risk, especially with how much denial sucks.

With a shake of my head, I get rid of those thoughts. I don't know what she plans to do anyway, looking like the Heroine has just thrown me off my game. I'll be the best God damned experience she's ever felt.

I pump myself up, ignoring how cute my face looks in the mirror while I do this. I'll just have to get social cues from her to see what she wants me to do in this scenario. At least even if I don't completely act like the Heroine she won't notice, so that's good.

I hear a solid thud from my left side. I turn to see a large wall inlaid with a door that wasn't originally there a distance from the bed, and a half armored Julia having just exited said door.

"Lady Heroi... Oh! My apologies, I..." She stutters with a deep flush on her face, her eyes locked on my naked body. Her mind could have clothed me, but obviously this was part of her plans for the Heroine.

"It's alright," I reply with a gentle tone, trying to mimic the one that psycho uses, "I don't mind as long as it's you, Julia." I lean forward to lay onto my stomach, giving her a nice show of cleavage as I push my breasts together before trapping them against the bed.

"Lady Heroine..." Her flush only grows deeper, her eyes unable to escape from my body. She looks about ready to burst considering that lewd gaze in her eyes, just one more push.

"Care to join me? I've been feeling a bit down lately due to that disobedient Demon General." I hit her with my best coy smile, firing my cupids arrow straight for her heart.

She freezes briefly, caught off guard by the offer. She wouldn't allow herself to turn it down, especially considering this is her fantasy. "Yes, Lady Heroine! I'll make you the happiest woman in the world tonight."

A bright smile from her strikes me back. Since when has she been so bubbly? Shaking my head of that thought, I watch as she brings over a plush chair to the bed, setting it down.

"It'll be more comfortable if you have a way to rest your back too, Lady Heroine. Please have a seat and leave everything to me." I can feel the lecherous nature in her eyes growing. Suddenly I'm hit with the thought that I really hope this will be as pure of a love as she's saying.

I move into the chair from the bed, leaning back before resting my arms on the armrests, getting comfy. I spread my legs a little to give her a not so polite view of the tingling folds between my legs where my dick once was.

In the meantime, she had torn off her armor, breaking straps and buckles, tearing fabric and lace. Was it really necessary to do that? I guess it goes to show how horny this gal is.

Seeing this honestly increases my urge to take her with me when I leave. Just one push and she'd break into an addiction for the carnal arts. I enjoy my musing while I watch her kneel before me, slowly lowering into a cowtow.

Aaah, body worship. I can feel her tongue tickle my toes as she begins to massage the soles of my feet with her hands, sending a tingling bliss up my spine. Moaning smoothly while I enjoy her work, I look down at her between my legs, my arousal spiking intensely from the lewd sight.

I don't get what it is about this girl that just makes me want to lay her out and ravage her until she begs for mercy. She's just so damn lewd in all the right ways.

I suppose I have something to thank the Heroine for, not that I will.

Her mouth encases my right toes one by one, cleaning me with reverence as her massage grows in intensity. I can't help but groan as my bones realign under her strong hands, each soft touch sending me deeper into lustful relaxation.

"You're doing wonderful, Julia. I'll reward you with anything you want soon. Just don't neglect your job in the meantime~." I lean into one of my raised hands with a playful grin, my other foot leaning up and gently stroking her hair back with dexterous movements.

Maybe I'll have a proper concubine after this, this girl sure knows how to worship a lady. My body tingling with arousal, I do my damnedest to hold back the urge to touch myself in front of her. I'd love to see her reaction if I did that, her eyes widening and unable to tear themselves away... Mmh...

I lower the hand I'm not leaning into down, gently stroking the folds of my sex, my heart leaping in joy in my chest as I tease myself further. I hear her squeak under me and look away, focusing onto my feet fully. Aw, that's no fun.

The squeak was cute at least. I continue my own massage, letting my soft moans run freely so as to tease her further. I can feel a slightly sadistic grin creeping up onto my face as she elects to just swap to my other foot to continue distracting her.

I oblige this, swapping the foot petting her as well, my thumb gently coaxing the hood of my clitoris, a soft electric bliss flowing from wherever my fingers touch. It takes a lot of willpower to avoid just fingering myself in front of her. Slow is the goal.

Ignoring my dangerously lewd thoughts, I ponder for a moment before slowly reaching a foot down to the muscled woman's breasts, softly pinching her nipple between my big toe and little toes. Her faint groan as she works her cleaning magic sends a cold ticklish feeling across my digits.

Looking a bit lower, I can see her intense arousal attacking the floor with an infrequent but repeated drip. It seems I need to repair this faucet later.

With my own pleased chortle at my joke, she returns her gaze to me, this time unable to pull it away, seeing me massage my labia and clit with a slow but assured passion.

I can feel her panting against my toes even more clearly as she pulls away, the a deep chill crossing them with each breath. "Lady Heroine... You said anything, right? May I please have my reward now?"

I can hear a tinge of desperation in her voice, bringing a smug smile to my lips as this girl is completely wrapped around my finger. "Yes, anything." I say, and as if to punctuate my point, I softly spread my lower lips, giving her a view into my nethers which faintly pulse in rhythm with my heart.

"May I... pleasure you, Lady Heroine?" She sounds unsure as she speaks, but I quickly respond with a nod and a gentle pat on her head with my foot before finally extracting it. I feel a bit frustrated as I pull my fingers away from myself, but I assure my inner lustful demon that it's for a good cause.

She stands up shakily before making a move towards some of the many racks of various sexual instruments around, causing me to raise a brow. I was hoping to have her cute face between my thighs, but I suppose it wouldn't be much of a fantasy if it didn't enter into some interesting territory.

I close my eyes, resting my head against the back of the chair, humming softly just to ensure she has a constant reminder of my presence.

I'm interrupted by the sounds of clinking metal coming from her direction, drawing my attention once again. "This..." damned chain slut. Good thing I caught myself, I almost said that out loud.

Perhaps I'll say it when we're out of dreamland to let her know she did a fine job. Leaving myself to her mercy, she comes back, and as if asking for one final assurance. "Anything?" She queries once more, though this time her tone feels a bit more... I shake that thought off quickly

I nod curtly, having to satisfy her to get out of here regardless. Plus, the Heroine is the one being shamed this time! Muahahahaha!

With a click and clanking, she locks me with solid short chains to the arms and legs of the chair, immobilizing each pair of limbs. I give a faint test to try and break them out of curiosity.

No dice, that's kind of the problem being in this dream world, I'm only as strong as the opponent wants me to be. It really sucks when you get minotaurs who want to do 'fight porn'.

Finally she gets between my legs, spreading my thighs with each hand, her thumbs teasing the flesh closest to my sex, but no further. I can feel her hot breaths against me, drawing delightfully lewd shivers from my body as she approaches, looking ready to bury her tongue right in.

Did this girl really have to chain someone up for oral? Vanilla isn't that bad of a flavor, you know! My reverie was quickly interrupted by her tongue teasing my clit with soft motions, her thumbs continuing their close teasing touches as my hips begin to rock with the pleasure.

"Mmmph... Thank you, Julia. You're doing a wonderful job." Considering how much she worships, praising her will probably go far.

And it did, I can see her beaming expression as she continues to playfully swirl her tongue around the sensitive flesh, causing my toes to curl. Somehow, I think she's getting off more to the praise than I am to her.

I let out repeated sighs of pleasure, continuing to enjoy her constant touch, my legs straining against the chains in an attempt to wrap around her head and drive her into me, but unfortunately, still locked in place.

"How about a little more for your... Beautiful Heroine?" Shit, I just called her beautiful. My mind is fraying at the edges from this teasing, okay?!

"I'm sorry, Lady Heroine... I want to see all of your expressions first." That line filled me with a sense of dread I couldn't place, but I decided to brush it off and continuing to enjoy the touch, trying to guide my expressions so she can get more.

Slowly with several more teasing moments passing, she stopped, not seeming very pleased. "I... Want your true expressions, Lady Heroine." I'm a bit flustered by her statement, to think she figured out I was making fake expressions for her. Running through my thoughts, I try to think of a way to salvage it.

"If you're not going to let me get what I want... I'll draw them all out myself." Her tone twists into a more firm one, while equally carrying the same reverence before, it's obviously one that will broker no denial.

A faint buzzing noise appears from somewhere as she suddenly thrusts her tongue in, looking like she's melting under my taste. Shuddering with the sudden and surprise entry, I attempt to open my mouth to apologize before being interrupted by the appearance of the source of the buzzing.

Feeling an egg vibrator suddenly pressed firmly against my clit, the torturous trembling turns my original words into a squeal, my hips bucking slightly as she hits me with surprise after surprise.

I can see a pleased expression on her face as she watches me with intent, my expression twisting with shock.

I strain against the chains holding me down, my heart slamming in my chest with the pleasure going from an intense teasing to a sudden numbing bliss spreading through me.

Recovering from the surprise, I try to recover my original words, however, as if to forgo any chance of me denying her, her tongue immediately pounds into the soft sensitive flesh inside me, sending me reeling into the back of the chair, gasping.

Finally, I manage to choke out a "Wait!", but it's obvious she has no intention of listening, feeling her soft but long tongue thrusting into me recklessly, no two are motions the same. I continue trying to break the bindings as she pushes the vibrator even harder into my nub.

I can feel a small bead of drool running down my chin as she tortures me with each faint suck, lick, and stroke, the vibrations only enhancing the building sensation running from between my thighs to the pit of my stomach.

My hips jerk, trying to escape from the violent push to my orgasm, each throe of bliss drawing an even greater look of pleasure to Julia's face, enjoying every little expression I make.

My thoughts start break apart under the aggression, my moans turning into cries as my entire body shudders deeply, an orgasm threatening to tear my senses apart.

My straining against the bindings begins to weaken under her motions, panting and gasping between loud cries threatening to make my voice break under them.

Without even able to brace myself I reach the peak, every part of my body quivering in abject ecstasy with her movements, not stopping even as I cum. Tension builds in my form as I squirm from constant waves of bliss running up and down my frame, chest heaving as my mind begins to white out.

She keeps me locked in this state for a time I struggle to count, unsure whether it was a long or short period. Finally all tension leaves my body as she breaks both the vibrator and tongue away from me, my shaky vision steadying, only to show me her licking her lips of everything I had given her.

"Fuck..." I can only manage to wheeze out between pants and gasps, my limbs and especially toes still quivering as I come down.

"I love you, my Lady Heroine." Are the words left in my ears as I black out, being sent into a true sleep, my temporary lover satisfied.

+Fuck yeah! That was awesome!+


+How the mighty have fallen, blushing from merely watching some chained up lewd torture.+

(I still haven't told her that was me.)

+Ehhhh? I'm gonna go tell her.+



Author's Note:

Tried to make this smut feel a bit longer this time to see if people prefer it.

I don't really have a body worship fetish personally, but I do find it cute.

Treating a lover so reverently has a slight romantic appeal to it, though I'm not sure it can be considered that way in this case.

Pretty sure Julia just wants to have any excuse to fuck the heroine.

I do plan on writing a lot of content that doesn't directly match my own tastes, but to make a large variety so that hopefully there's a little taste for everyone in this story.

If I don't particularly do your fetish as correctly as you would want, feel free to leave a comment with advice, I may incorporate it into my writing next time.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.