The Punishment of A Demon General

Interlude: +Succ ’til you Buss+

(What is that title?)

+Don't blame me, making succubus puns is hard.+

(You could have like... Just not done one?)

+Nah, not my style. Once I get it in my head, I'm all in, baby.+

(... Yeah, that checks out. Anyway, I guess to help figure out what's next, we're gonna need to learn about succubi. I already said I was originally one, and that still holds true.)

+You definitely suck 'til I bust.+

(Succubi are, in classical literature at least, known as 'dream demons', but that name is more of a misnomer. Most succubi do not invade dreams. If I had to estimate, only 1/100000 succubi can do so. It's extraordinarily rare, and prized by basically everyone except the succubi who have to suffer through it.)

+Hey, it ended up good for you.+

(To explain the concept... Basically, when an orgasm is shared between the succubus and their partner, there will be sort of a 'mind meld' as this idiot once called it. A succubus gains access to the fetishes of their sexual partner, becoming intimately knowledgeable, as well as creating a sort of... 'heaven' for the partner to live out their fantasy. I guess if it happened once or twice, to a succubus it would be a blessing. Who wouldn't pass up the opportunity for a crazy dream fuck?)

+I wouldn't! And I haven't.+

(The problem is, it does come with a downside. If you can measure someones personality in weights on a scale, effectively it adds weights corresponding to the strength of the feeling of said partner, vice versa as well, but generally succubi don't stick with one partner long enough to... Yenno. Basically, if a evil succubus fucks someone good, the succubus will become slightly more good. It's VERY negligible, but on account of the fact you have succubi fucking hundreds of people, as necessitated by their position and instinctive desires... It adds up.)

+I mean, I think it's kinda hot still.+

(Yes, it also corresponds to fetishes but technically opposed on each side. If the partner REALLY likes to cream pie, the succubus will enjoy cream pies more, that kind of thing.)

+Yeah, that's what I find hot about it.+

(I had to clarify because you were too vague. The issue with this is if you're with demons, you have to balance a fuck ton to get anything done. You fuck a really angry dominant minotaur? Well congrats, you've become angry, but also more submissive, which is death for demons. So you have to balance it out by finding servants or slaves who are submissive to counteract. If you WANT to have a certain fetish, you have to keep someone with the opposing fetish around... Yadda yadda. It's a whole thing that's a huge pain in the ass.)

+Basically, it's a really sexy succubus genetic anomaly.+

(In the very rare written history of demons, there are other succubi who often talk about this anomaly and call it a curse. I kind of agree, but... Well, I wouldn't be here where I am today without it so, I guess bonus points?)

+If you didn't have it, I would have probably killed you, yeah.+

(... Basically that, like I said, wouldn't be here today.)

+I mean, I might have kept you around as a fuck-slave for a while, because that's probably what you would have done to me if I lost.+

(As opposed to doing it anyway like you did?)

+What was it like living as a succubus in demon lands anyway?+

(Changing the topic? I dunno, what was it like to be a human in human land?)

+Uh, boring. Then I got brought here, fucked a ton of people, now life's great.+

(That feels like it's cutting out a LOT of details, but I guess I get your point. I do have more perspective on the human side now so I'm able to... More accurately tell our differences.)

+Yeah, that! That's totally what I meant.+

(Living as any lust demon is a bit perilous in the 'demon lands' as you called it. Generally strength is low, we're more magicians than anything. Spells relating to hedonism, charms stuff like that. To balance it, we're REALLY good at what we do, so as long as you don't meet someone with high mental resistance, you're gonna be okay. Living there is generally a list of goals by their respective importance to your situation.)

+Sounds not fun.+

(Was not fun. If I had to give an example of my own tier list when I was in the lower ranks of our people... 1. Don't die. 2. Fuck. 3. Get slaves. 4. Get food. 5. Become higher rank. 6. Shelter.)

+Wait, that priority list sounds totally fucked up, why is food after fucking and getting slaves?+

(Lust demon. Even though I used to need to eat like all demons, fucking was still a higher priority. As for slaves, that's due to my 'unique constitution'. Submissive means you die. Basically everything lower than that is all going to that number one goal of 'Don't die.' Not fucking would have been worse than death, fucking would have brought me closer to death, all while I'm on a timer for food. This is why it's known as a curse among those who have had it.)

+It basically adds another entire necessity for your life. If humans have food, water, and air. A succubus would have fuck, food, water, air, and then slaves added on top of it with your thing.+

(... When did you become intelligent?)

+It's still hot, though. So, bite me.+

(And she's back.)

+I never left. 20 spanks.+

(Here I thought you forgot to start tallying up spanks because you started to feel bad for me.)

+Oh, alright. 50 spanks.+

(Ugh, anyway. That's basically what the life of a succubus is, and it can kind of be attributed to all other sins as well. Gluttony would be something like 1 Don't die. 2. Get food. 3. Get food. 4. Get food. Or whatever else their bodies say they're gluttonous for, drugs maybe? Pride would put getting up in ranks above everything else, wrath would put getting stronger above everything else, as well as killing. Sloth would... Well, most sloth folk die unless they get in the good graces of another being. Envy would place taking things they want from others as a priority... Greed would take whatever their fixation is to a maximum. They're effectively similar to dragons and their 'hoards', all unique. Some get socks, others get valuable paintings.)

+I like the idea of a dragon hoarding socks.+

(Funny enough, in the demon realm there was an old wives tale about a greed demon who got sloth folk as their fixation. It raised the population of the sloth folk to an all time high.)

+I don't get what part of that is funny.+

(Eh, demons have a different sense of humor.)

+You could just admit you aren't always clever.+

(And you could admit you... You...)

+Point proven.+

(I'm gonna go on strike from sex if you keep being mean.)

+Pffft, okay, that one was funny.+

(What else did we need to talk about before this, anyway?)

+Oooh, should I say how I knew about your secret?+

(Nope, not interested. I don't want to be scarred for life.)

+It's not that bad, I promise.+

(Save it for later, keeps the tension up.)

+But... The reveal will just be disappointing then if it's not up to expectations.+

(Yet you've keep teasing me about it forever, holding it over my head like a comedy prop. What about my expectations?)

+Basically, when I hit level cap, the goddess appeared before me and was like... Well, I kinda forgot what she said 'cause I was distracted by her boobs, but she said she'd give me anything I wanted. So I told her I wanted a demon for my harem, preferably a succubus. She directed me to you and told me about it.+

(You used what was probably some sort of insane once in a life time boon, one that probably could have changed the course of the entire world's history... For a succubus in your harem?)

+Hell yeah, and I don't regret it one bit. Succubi are fucking hot.+

(I can't even begin to express just how utterly insane that is.)

+I mean, past you keeps calling me a psycho, so.+

(You ARE a psycho.)

+Aw, thanks babe.+

(Also is that seriously what you made me wait all this time to find out? You just asked the Goddess for some succubus puss and wham bam, here we are?)

+I mean, I wasn't planning on saying it to you. It was too fun to tease you about when I knew it wasn't going to be anything interesting.+

(Also, why didn't she just make a succubus for you?)

+Cus I had a fetish for breakin' em in, so to speak. Omniscient Goddess definitely knew that and decided to give me the option.+

(Are you sure it wasn't because she just wanted to get you out of her hair as soon as possible?)

+Nah, I'm charming. I think I even asked for a romp in the hay once while I was staring at her boobs. Not every day you'd get to fuck a Goddess.+

(So basically she was afraid you'd remember about your earlier request, and decided to grant it in the most expedient way possible?)

+Hey, I'm great in bed, there's no way she wouldn't know that and not want a little something.+

(Perhaps I really should convert to the Goddess' religion so I can spend the rest of my life atoning for the amount of blatant sacrilege your very existence gives off.)

+Aw, you'd do that for me?+

(Acting coquettish really doesn't suit you at all.)

+Oh, right, speaking of sacrilege... If anyone wants to join Heroineism, title notwithstanding because it's more fun to keep my name a secret... We're always recruiting, even from other universes. Worship me and I probably won't do anything for you!+

(Why would they worship you then?)

+Cus I'm hot, and there's plenty of simps out there looking for it.+

(They're not gonna want to follow you if you're literally calling them simps for following you.)

+That's what you think! C'mon my simp army, speak to me!+

(Please, nobody encourage her. She already has a big enough ego to literally start her own religion. I'm cutting this short so she doesn't get anymore ideas.)


Author's Note:

Going to bed after my massive marathon of writing up to the current chapter all in a span of like 30 hours, with a couple breaks and sleep. Still, it was productive and I think I'm happy with what I did despite not being experienced in writing.

It's hard to believe I had the dream that inspired this story just the other night, brain has been overclocked.

Releases are likely to slow when fatigue catches up to me, but I currently still plan on hitting 6 releases a week regardless. Around 2k words a day isn't that much of a problem.

I hope you've enjoyed thus far!

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