The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 28: +Ilvia Gets Lust+

I look around a bit, my eyes easily piercing through the darkness vaguely lit by the occasional street lamp. I have no idea where she went... Humans are fragile, could she have gotten kidnapped by someone?

I ponder for a bit before brushing off that thought. There's no way! Plus, this is my chance to escape! The heroine has finally made a mistake! "Muahahaha... ha..."

I try to use my evil laughter to quell this pinprick feeling in my heart, furrowing my brow as it digs in like a burr.

She's apart of the heroine's army, there's no way in hell she would ever be caught in some pathetic weak human town! I begin walking in no direction in particular, trying to head out of the forest of buildings.

She didn't ever say that she was apart of the heroine's army, technically... She's also the only one who didn't give any sort of rank when she introduced herself, I think... What was her name? I don't remember.

Well, the heroine should be able to save her, she's overpowered as all hells anyway! I do my best to ignore it, forcing my feet forward down the concrete paths, a very empty city, the only life in the homes, a completely separate world from me.

Wait, why am I even brooding about this?! I'm not doing anything wrong! I just like Fluffy a bit because she was nice and she kind of reminded me of Envy, that's it! Nothing else! I don't need to worry about her. She would have just made a great slave!

Ugh, I hate this feeling! Curse these humans for being stupid! Why can't you just be normal like demons?! I drown out the growing sensation with curses towards humanity, especially the heroine.

This is why I hate slaves! When something bad happens to them you have to feel this stupid uncomfortable feeling until it goes away! I don't care! Shoo, go away!

She probably just got lost or something, whatever, it's her fault anyway! I'll just kidnap her later when I kill the heroine!

I continue to batter the feeling prickling my heart with these thoughts, not letting up, using them to power on step by step.

... Maybe if I can find some sort of militia though, I'll charm them and make them canvas the area for her on the way out. Ah, yeah! Perfect.

Attempting to throw my worries to the wind, I continue to make my way through the maze of houses, climbing atop them to guide my way to what I can only assume is the city's edge. Walking on roofs isn't the most stealthy due to how much noise it makes, but it should be fine if I'm not staying here long.

I keep my eyes peeled for any possible militia, or soldiers protecting the town. I'm not going out of my way to look for them, I'm just looking for them on the way, okay?! It's just taking a lot longer to get to the edge of the town than I thought.

Maybe it's because it's not super close to demon territory, but I can't find any guards that stand out... Perhaps they all observe from a specific location instead of patrolling?

I look around for any tall looking buildings, and find a couple scattered around here and there. I can't be sure any of these are for guards, but... If I come back with more knowledge on their defenses, it's only right that I'll be praised for it! There's absolutely no other reason why I would be going to check these places.

I feel a deep frustration building within me as I have to tell myself every excuse in the book for why I'm not doing this because of Fluffy.

Gritting my teeth, I hop building after building, approaching one about triple the height of other buildings. I kind of saw on the way there, but all the windows are dark. I can't imagine there would be any guards working out of this place...

Ughhh... The exit to town is so close now, I could just leave! I could! I really could! I'm just gonna search for weaknesses in their defenses first, it's only smart! Oh, also I can totally just look for a way to complete the ritual to transform my body, and then fly back when Fluffy is saved!

Ignoring the slip up I just had, it still takes hours to carve a demon lord totem... I could get one done in an hour but then it hurts to use and I get splinters.

It'll take me forever to get around this town, though! If I can find a woodworker, I could charm them into making it super fast! With that definitely not a complete distraction from my original goal aside, I look around as I hop towards the next area for anything indicating a woodworker.

Oh! The Demon God must be smiling down on me! 'Wetzel's Wooden Wardrobe', even if I can't find someone in there to help, I can use their tools! Muahaha!

Hopping up to the door, I turn the knob... Locked. I turn it harder. Unlocked! Setting the handle onto the ground, I open the door slowly, peering in, checking for any traces of life.

I avoid making too many stealth noises for now, peeking in each door, finding absolutely nobody! Well that didn't go as planned, but tools are fine anyway.

I grab a bit of scrap lumber about six inches long, since it should be this size at the very least, I'm the embodiment of lust after all!

I saw out some large chunks and grab a carving tool and chisel, working across the idol with amateur expertise.

Fortunately, with tools this only took me about an hour, but it's done! I hold it up with pride, it's a bit messy, but at the very least it won't give me any slivers, and it's recognizable at the very least.

A Demon God idol generally has to have 8 distinguishable eyes, a shark-toothed maw, and at least a dozen tentacles at the base. The body... You can make whatever you want, really, so I kind of just made a thick, large boobed lady. Easier to carve out.

Okay, maybe it was inspired by that librarian girl, but whatever! Tentacles just make me think of her now! Grumbling, I look around for some candles or wax I could place some sort of wick in... The candle doesn't need to last long, just enough to melt the combination of wax and blood onto the idol.

I manage to find some sort of wax-like substance, no wick but it belongs to me now! I grab a bit of twine and shove it in with an awl, heading out.

I pause briefly at the entrance before setting the doorknob back in its hole, balancing it there precariously. Good as new.

My good deed done for the day, I make my way out and among the buildings once again!

Egghhh... Unfortunately, or fortunately, there's an easy way to find virgin blood when you're in a town. Just gotta find a kid, prick their finger, and bam.

... I don't know why that thought is making me feel uncomfortable, but shoo! I'm gonna do it! Easiest way to get it! I'm not gonna make it a pain in the ass to do just because I feel weird about it!

I look around for open windows, creeping around like a thing that goes bump in the night. I'm just gonna ask each adult I come across, and if it happens to be a kid, oh well, I'll take their blood!

Open window found! I hop up, peeking in, finding a child sleeping with their parent, the child laying over the parent's face in an extremely uncomfortable looking pose.

Alright, if it's a parent and kid sleeping together I won't do it! I hop down, continuing to look for random windows open windows, which seem to be surprisingly uncommon.

After what feels like 20 minutes, I find another open window, I hop up, perching onto the windowsill, staring into the bed. An adult! Muahaha! Be charmed! They seem to be a gruff looking dog guy, he was sleeping splayed out in a star pose, not anymore!

"Awaken!" I shout, causing him to snuffle and snort. He wakes up quickly, looking to the intruder with an enraptured gaze. It's me, I'm the intruder! Muahahaha!

"Are you a virgin?" I ask, my mighty gaze piercing them a-

"No." Fuck. I dive out the window, back onto the search.

I hasten my steps, not for any particular reason like this taking so long that Fluffy might be in trouble, but I just wanna get out of town as fast as possible!

Another window! Another child! Muahaha... Well, they look like they're sleeping pretty peacefully so... I close the window quietly, leaving them behind and heading back onto my search. New rule, don't do it to a peacefully sleeping child!

I have standards too! I'm not making excuses, okay?! It's definitely not because I feel uncomfortable for some reason!

Another window! Another adult, hooray! Charm, wake up! "Are you a virgi-"

"No!" After their shout, I dive out the window once again. I thought people were supposed to be prudes?! Why is everyone having sex?!

Another window... Ugh, it's a teen catboy, I'll just have to settle for it. I charm and wake him up.

"Finally, a virgin! Gimme your blood!" I claim with a strong aura, looking down upon the teen with-

"I'm not a virgin though?" WHAT?! What kind of things are people teaching their kids nowadays?! Abstinence is a virtue! Wait, why am I even the one having to explain this to you people?!

With a huff, I dive out of the room again, starting to feel hopeless, the wind taken out of my sails with that one. What does a lady have to do to get a virgin's blood around here?!

... Um...

Demon God, are you listening to my thoughts? If so, can you please just get me out of here and maaaaybe save Fluffy? No? Ugh.

I encountered a well-lit establishment, abruptly named 'Virgin's Blood', I have to wonder what kind of sick joke this is that there's literally just a building right here for it. Do people normally have a use for virgin's blood?

There are raucous noises coming from the inside, indicating a lively presence of people. Peering into one of the windows, I see many scantily clad men and women waiting on patrons with various bubbly beverages.

Perking up my ears, I can also distinctly hear moans and shouts of pleasure from the floor above in this two-tiered building. Okay, what is this? This blatant... presentation of sexuality? I mean, it's totally fucking hot, but... You people are supposed to be the 'good guys' according to your side, right?! What's the point if you do the same thing as we do?!

This is just a brothel! What kind of demon runs this place?! Well, I would probably run one, but that's besides the point! There aren't any demons here! I watch the many men and women flirt and put on shows for each other, causing me to have to swiftly ignore the throbbing from my dick.

I can't afford to get distracted here! There's no way I'll find a single virgin here! I... Uh... Well I'll just observe a bit, I came here to find weaknesses anyway!

+Ilvia finally learning what it means to have a 'conscience' even if it's a bottom of the barrel one.+

(Yeah, I wasn't feeling that conscientious here, but it was just such a new feeling that it was something I needed to build up a tolerance to.)

+Also, extra confirmation on Ilvia's ADHD. She started out trying to leave, then moved on to trying to save Fluffy, then moved on to trying to find 'guards' to save Fluffy, then moved onto trying to make an idol to get wings to help find the 'guards' to help find Fluffy and fly back... And has now been sucked into a brothel.+

(I... I don't have any excuses.)

+Definitely paying them more for making you medication.+

(I'm still baffled at the odds of me finding a club called 'Virgin's Blood' when I was thinking about it.)

+Honestly, yeah, I feel like some divinity was playing a prank there.+

(It's gotta be the Demon God...)

+No way, it's the Goddess, she's got a sense of humor unlike someone!+

Author's Note:

But it was I, Dio!


Ilvia has a lot of evil laughter this chapter. Methinks she's trying to overcompensate to cover up for something.

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