The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 29: +Ilvia The Hero!+

I continue watching through the windows curiously, watching humans flirt with each other with lecherous gazes, my own gaze rapidly becoming lecherous as well.

Seriously, why do humans hate demons so much when they do stuff like this? Is it because they're naturally weak so they get all huffy and puffy that we're better than them?

Ugh, I really shouldn't get distracted by this... Even though I really want to. I really... really want to. If I go in there everyone would start screaming and panicking though.

I puff my cheeks out a bit, it's been so long since I've just let loose and fucked a load of people, it's starting to get on my nerves. I COULD charm them, but then it's just kind of boring because instead of flirting with each other they'd be all over me.

If I don't charm them I can't go in, so... Catch 22.

Grumbling, I watch for a little while longer before hearing some muffled cries a short distance away, followed by speaking from a gruff male voice. "C'mon pretty boy, no crying. You just owe me for pushing me away in there..."

More muffled noises appear, I peek down an adjacent alleyway, seeing the two. One tall bearded man, a very lumberjack like stature, is holding a small young man down by the mouth while he struggles, his free hand trying to drop his own pants.

Perfect, information! Also I get to kick a human, and that'll make me feel better! I leap forward, drop kicking the man a dozen feet unceremoniously, leaving him immobile on the pavement.

Sheesh, he went down like a bag of rocks... If you can't handle the heat, don't stay in the kitchen! I grumble, looking at the young man, he looks effeminate, but around maybe 20 years of age. There are pointed canine ears sticking from his head, though they're pressed down against his hair in anxiety.

A fluffy tail droops behind him as he eyes this new combatant! It's me, I'm the combatant! Anyhow, since that establishment there is called Virgin's Blood, I can ask him if I can get a virgin there!

"Are you alright, young man?" I put on my most heroic and suave voice, my cloak fluttering in the wind! Oops, I immediately tuck the cloak in, ensuring my skin isn't revealed.

Honestly? He's really freaking cute. Look at him tremble! Aaah, I just want to eat him up, but I don't have the time for it...

"I... I, yes... Ma'am. Thank you for... Saving me..." The tension seems to ease out of him slightly, but he's a stuttering mess, his tail faintly wagging behind him as he starts to understand that I'm not a threat.

His clear brown eyes look up to me, his neck length black hair falling slightly in front of his face as his lips tremble, tempting me to steal them. What a cute little face he has.

Aaah... Maybe I'll steal him, but I'm supposed to be playing the part of a 'hero' right now. Maybe later.

I have to hold my cock back as well as my cloak, my dick growing harder by the minute as this puppy shakes in front of me. Fuck, this is even worse than looking in there.

"May I inquire something?" I continue my regal, heroic tone, not dropping the act for a moment!

"Yes... um... ma'am." He's nodding his head so rapidly, his ears are flopping back and forth with them... How tempted I am to take a bite and hear his whines.

"Where might one find a virgin? I need one for... something." Okay, it's not the most heroic thing to ask for, but fuck, there's a place called Virgins Blood right there!

He pauses for a moment, seeming shocked and uncomfortable for a moment before drooping his head, mumbling out some words. "Um... I am, ma'am. What do you need me for?" It looks like he wants to pay me back, by his expression.

Okay I change my mind, I'm no hero, I'm a saint for not immediately eating this puppy up! I need his blood first, I need his blood first, I need his blood first... I repeat this mantra in my head while I try to calm down, my dick throbbing between my legs, ready to take this puppy butt at any moment.

"Well, I needed to take their virginity." Okay, maybe a little lie wouldn't hurt, I wonder if I could get him on board with it, mmphh... Consent is optional, but I want to see this puppy willingly break to pleasure as he begs for more.

I suck in a gasp, trying to calm my body down, I can see him go through several conflicting emotions for several minutes while looking down at the ground before finally looking back up to me.

"I... I think I would like that, ma'am." His words nearly make me push him down and fuck him in an instant, he would even like it! Oh my god this puppy is so darling! I want him so badly! I want to see him crying in agonizing pleasure, oh yes...

"But, but..." He continues, "I work as a busboy for that place over there, um... A lot of the workers have been trying to encourage me to take clients, but I was... Scared to let them know I was a virgin. If I can lose my virginity, I can finally work there properly!" That place over there seems to be the Virgins Blood... Would they really judge if he was a virgin? Oh well, more for me!

Using all my willpower, I gesture for him to continue getting to the point. "Can... Can you go in there and meet them with me so I can tell them you'll be my first client? Y-you won't have to pay or anything, I just wanna say that you saved me and I want to give myself to you, and then they'll... We'll... Have a room, I think... I hope." He seems like he's finished talking, looking up to me with shining eyes, his tail wagging hopefully, his ears finally perked up.

Fuck, I don't know how much more of this I can take, but a comfy room to fuck this puppy in would be great! Win/win!

"Sure, little puppy." I push his head down so he can't see me and give him a fierce petting between the ears, ruffling his hair, drawing a happy whine from him.

He quickly, and nearly skips toward the building a short distance away, I follow after him, an excited hunger in my gaze as I watch that cute butt wiggle in front of me.

He pushes into the building, making sure I'm following after him. One of the bar girls looks up and shouts over to him. "Lil' Tui, I thought you were headed home for the night?" Her voice is cute, and it sounds like she's very affectionate and doting towards 'Lil' Tui'.

He approaches the bar, while I follow, keeping my cloak tightly wound around my body, hiding every inch from sight except the occasional revealing of the underlying clothes and shoes.

"I, um, that customer attacked me as I left..." He seems like he was about to continue, but the girl immediately shouts "Oh no!" and pulls him across the counter into a hug. "My baby, did he do anything to you?!"

He tries to speak past the aggressive mouthful of cleavage, to no avail, wriggling as he tries to pull off her. It takes a few moments, but she lets go, allowing him to speak.

This place smells like home. The deep scent of sex, heavy perfume, and absolute debauchery. It's even more wonderful than I could have imagined.

"He almost did, but um... This cloaked woman behind me rescued me, and-" Her attention immediately turns to me after his words. "Oh, thank you so much for saving our precious Tui! We'll make sure to ban that man ASAP."

Tui speaks up, loudly interrupting her as she was about to continue. "I WANTED HER TO BE MY FIRST CLIENT!" It appears that was a lot louder than he intended, because the entire building went dead silent...

Before erupting into raucous, nigh deafening cheers, causing the puppy to flinch. The woman holds Tui's hands while jumping up and down excitedly. "Omigosh, you're finally gonna do it! Finally!" A bunch of other workers immediately begin nearly surrounding the puppy, giving a bunch of happy praises, causing the barely visible Tui's tail to wag aggressively, all the praise sending his puppy senses wild.

I step back a bit during all this, not wanting to get caught up in the crowd, let alone spotted. I could charm them all, but it would still be an annoyance to be found right now. Plus, I want to see if I can get the puppy into bed without charms.

It takes several minutes for the commotion to die down, a lot of people trying to examine me, seeing who the 'first client' is gonna be, but I make sure my hood is fully pulled down, not giving them a proper view of my skin.

Instead of trying to inspect, the affectionate counter woman looks to me and speaks. "Could we get a good look at our Lil' Tui's savior? I wanna know who he'll be with!"

I pause briefly, shifting uncomfortably, my head immediately trying to think up a lie... Thankfully, one came up in short order!

"My apologies, my face is a little bit... Scarred, so it's a bit..." I try to sound as uncomfortable as possible.

That doesn't seem to dissuade her though, her face perking up. "Oh, c'mon. I'm sure it's not half as bad as some of the ugly bastards who come in here!"

I open my mouth to speak, but Tui beats me to it. "I, I um... Please don't bother her! I don't want her to be uncomfortable!" Good save, puppy!

That seems to give her some pause, causing her to rub her chin a bit before nodding. "Ah, sorry... I got a bit too excited, you can borrow room 8." That seemed to change her tune quickly, she must really be weak to this puppy's charms. Same, girl, same.

Tui gestures me to follow, his tail wagging excitedly as he bounds up the stairs, though I take it far slower, ensuring the cloak continues covering me. We're lead down a hallway full of moans left and right, which only serves to raise my arousal even more, getting difficult to stifle, but I'm almost there!

Tui guides me into a room with a heart shaped fluffy bed and all sorts of lewd instruments, his cheeks darkening as his nervousness seems to grow out his excitement. He sits on the bed, looking up at me as if asking 'what should I do?'

"First of all... I have a request, uh... Can you promise not to scream until I explain everything?" My heart is racing, if I get to lay this virginal puppy without charming him... Fuck. That's so Goddamn hot.

+Hah! Stopping right before the fun part!+

(I think they knew though because I didn't put any comments down on the title...)

+True... You've foiled my plans! Also that puppy is hella cute. I feel like with the way you're acting, you're the one with the fetish, not me.+

(Shush, anywhere there's a subby puppy is a place God has blessed.)

+Fine, I'll agree with you on that.+

Author's Note:

So close to 200 readers! I doubt it'll be 200 when I post this, but I can only hope!

Thank you all so much!

I hope you all like Tui, he's a qt3.14.

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