The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 35: +Ilvia the Angel+

Rundown of the plan... The moment I appeared in the battlefield, their targeting was immediately directed towards me. While that may be because of the fact I was the only one vulnerable at the time, I have a strong feeling towards the fact it was because I'm a demon.

I mean I was the original target after all, wasn't I? So, ughhhh, I'm gonna have to be the bait. More importantly, I'm gonna have to be a lot more than just 'bait'.

I hold the heroine's hand, making her sight line follow mine as I gesture for the remaining two to begin looking.

All of us covering the area with our vision, the movements of the earth begins to grow more erratic, though never leaving the spot just in the edges of our vision. I don't know exactly why they're still firing despite this, but I don't want to find out whatever they have planned, it could be that they're calling for backup, or something.

Several times I watch the rocks fire at the barrier from the edges of my vision, my heart pounding in frustration and fear from the current situation. The dark forest feeling all the more gloomy and paranoia inducing with the complexity of my emotions.

While there doesn't seem to be a particular pattern, that's likely yet another bit of ammunition they're using against us, to make us think they don't have a plan, or maybe that they are unpredictable, and exhaust us through constant tension.

I can be smart when I want to be, okay? It just so happens when I want to be is in life or death situations...

I hesitate to put my plan into action several more times, clenching the heroine's hand unconsciously, counting the beats of my heart to try and ingrain that feeling into my very soul.

Who was the idiot that made me have to trust this gaggle of glorified girls? I take absolutely 0 responsibility for this entire situation, and if that dirty Goddess exists, I bet it's her fault.

My head spins in random thoughts, trying to deflect from the situation, but the longer I put it off the worse off we'll be.

I shake my head firmly, casting aside all my doubts, the heroine vaguely squeezing my hand back in response after several moments of thinking.

Ain't nothing to it, but to do it! The moment another rock hole appears out of the corner of my eye, I direct the heroine to it, charging the barrier, arriving the moment the rock bounces off.

I leap through the aggressively enhanced gravity, past the deflected rock, my leap getting intensely boosted by the heroine's magic. The reflection now working for me as a catapult, and an extremely effective one too.

I go flying towards the hole at a speed far greater than its ability to escape, diving into it with grace that would definitely earn many points from any participating judges.

I can feel my face immediately get pummeled by another boulder as the hole is held open, my body getting dragged along by the chaotic movements of the bump, though I can only feel it as my body is dragged and knocked into things relentlessly, tearing uncomfortably into me with each motion.

My hands push forward at the boulder trapped against my broken face, flapping my bum wings to get as much force as i can manage to push myself in.

The heroine seems to catch onto my plan, as everything suddenly feels incredibly heavy, forcing me through the hole with no lack of pain, but seeming success as I begin to hear shouts of panic coming from beyond the rock.

I do my best to ignore everything else besides the goal, the heroine shoving me forth with an incredible force, my legs buckling under the crushing weight, my feet finally fully submerging into the hole, causing it to finally close behind me. Oh no, this is really unfortunate, the heroine can't easily cast gravity magic on me without just outright crushing me!

Unfortunate for them, I mean. While I may have lost the power of gravity, a lady never skips leg day!

I begin to forcefully shove myself through, pushing against the closed dirt above, birthing the rock into whatever earthen cavern these bastards reside. I can feel a boulder immediately bowl into my stomach, but I do everything I can to force my eyes open, immediately casting a charm on them.

To be completely honest, I can barely define how many people there are, let alone any descriptions, my eyes struggling to work after being so abused. However, with my hearing at least, I can register that the charm seems to have worked, though it took a lot more effort than I would have initially hoped.

I'm not sure what I managed to say through my messy mouth, but whatever it was caused us all to immediately surface from the underground. I assume the others were surprised, but frankly? I'm tired. I'm done.

Fuck that stupid plan. Fuck the heroine. Fuck the world. I'm going to sleep. I vaguely register something that sounds like words in my ears as I fall unconscious, but who cares? I certainly don't.


+Ilvia has already become a saint! Sacrificing herself for others!+

(I wasn't sacrificing myself for you, dummy, you all were useless, and if I didn't do anything I would have probably died.)

+What do you mean? You're the pinnacle of the angelic nature here!+

(Please don't insult me like that. I may be 'good' now, but I don't want to be a completely 'anti-evil' like them. They'd probably kill you, after all.)

+Rude, I'm not evil, I'm morally comedic!+

(What does 'morally comedic' even mean?)

+It means my morals revolve around whatever is funnier at the time.+

(Seriously, how do you keep coming up with these kinds of deranged thoughts? Can't you just be like most people and claim a tabletop alignment? I think chaotic evil would fit you.)

+Rude, I just said what my tabletop alignment was!+

(Morally comedic isn't on that list.)

+No, but chaotic neutral is.+

(I have nothing to say against that, so... Fine, you win.)

+Hooray, common heroine W.+

(Stop saying stuff like that, though, ew.)

+Can't, chaotic neutral.+

(You can't just excuse everything with chaotic neutral!)

+Yes I can! Oh, look, Ilvia is waking up!+

I groan, every part of my body aching in agony, wondering if I had either died and gone to some sort of hell, or if I lived to see the day I no longer wanted to due to pain.

I slowly pry open my eyelids, my eyes seemingly having healed enough to be able to properly see again.

I'm in some sort of bedroom, one that kind of looks like it'd belong in an inn, or something? Or maybe I'm just in a brothel that really lacks creativity...

The room is devoid of any presences beyond my own, leaving me to groan in peace at least, trying to verbalize the pain to at least get some of it out of me.

That plan sucked. I know I'm saying this a lot, but seriously, couldn't I have come up with literally anything better?

Like, I don't know, throwing the heroine outside of the barrier and making her do it! She would have probably just kept the barrier around herself, though...

Actually, the heroine still said she was gonna kill me the next time I tried to escape. Perhaps I can get her to come in here and finish the job before I have to tolerate this any longer?

I try to groan louder, my voice feeling dry and hoarse from a lack of water. While I don't particularly need it to function, not having water to moisturize things can make things... Difficult.

I can hear some creaking footsteps outside the door before it opens, the heroine peeking her head in meekly, followed by a glare from me. I mean, I can't really help it at this point, if she didn't want to be glared at, she should just disappear.

Self-harming thoughts aside, I don't actually want her to kill me, I want water, and to know why the hell she put in the effort to save me.

Perhaps she needed someone to keep the ones I've charmed in line? I dunno, this is all too complicated, and I'm not into making one shitty plan after another.

I continue glaring at her as a look of discomfort continues growing on her face, my arm vaguely reaching up to make a 'drinking water' gesture.

Her mouth curves into an 'oh' shape before she scampers off, her footsteps fading down the corridor, the door left slightly ajar this time.

Normally, that would tempt me to try and escape, but honestly? I'm done with escaping, I'm tired, and it's just not possible. I'll just resort to asking Wrath for help, and hope she'll be nice enough to not murder me.

Well, I guess technically to her it wouldn't be murder, a motto of 'it's not murder if they ask for it' definitely showing a lot about her personality.

She is very much a fan of providing nonexistence assistance to anyone who she feels is 'asking for it.'

My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening fully, the heroine trotting over to my side to hand me a tall glass of water.

Unfortunately, while I try to grip it, my hands are a bit too weak for that. The heroine looks at me, a concerned expression on her face, but she still isn't saying anything. I guess I'll just have to live without water for no-

I'm interrupted by a sudden ice-cold kiss passing a refreshing amount of water down my parched tongue and throat. A chilly tongue melding with mine, enhancing the plain flavor with an incredibly lewd feeling.

She pulls away after several moments, I open my mouth to try and protest, but a quick repeat of the previous happens once more, passing yet more water into my mouth, the kiss even deeper this time.

This continues to happen, the heroine continuing to not let me speak while she refuses to do so herself, the kisses growing in intensity each time as she gradually feeds me the entire glass.

Finally she pulls away, leaving even me bashfully red faced, or blue in my case, as we part ways, my eyes unable to help but follow her lips, wondering if she'll come back in once more.

I hate her so much, why does she have to be my type?

+Hey, you know there's a rumor from my world that cumming helps mask pain and naturally relieve it!+

(Why does that sound like a spoiler for what's to come?)

+No, it's a spoiler of who's to cum.+

(I bet giving a certain commenter a chastity belt on it being me.)

+Oh, I guess it ended up being a spoiler on who's not to cum too, huh?+

(... Nice one.)

+Thanks? Normally people laugh at jokes instead of just saying 'nice'.+

Author's Note:

Lots of busy.

Lots of sleepy.

Lots of words.

Lots of people who seem to enjoy this story.

Overall, a positive experience.

I dunno where I'm going with this. Well, besides passing out the moment I release this.

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