The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 36: +Healing Process+ (FemdomxF*tasub, Noncon)

When she keeps her mouth shut, she's way too fuckable, I swear. It drives me crazy that she can't have a good personality to go with it.

I want to complain about the kisses as well, but it was hot, so whatever. I look away from her, grumbling slightly, discontent with the fact I enjoyed it.

I said I wasn't gonna complain about the kisses, not the fact I enjoyed it! I have to have something to complain about, alright?

Ugh, everywhere hurts. Not literally everywhere, but close enough that it's really unpleasant. The heroine standing next to me silently hurts too!

Well, maybe not. She still hasn't said anything... What the heck is her plan here? She came over to feed me water silently, now she's just standing at my bed side silently.

Is this some sort of new 'confuse your enemy to win' strategy? I glance back over to her, squinting at her in suspicion. "Why aren't you talking? What's your game?" I have to ask to know at this point, my curiosity and caution getting the best of me.

She tilts her head, looking to me with a silent gaze screaming 'I'm innocent, I swear!', like I believe that. I won't let you off this time! "Tell me." My words are once again met with silence, she stares at me while fluttering her cute eyelashes, playing coquettish.

I noticed this a bit before as well, she was really awkward with me when we were fighting 'together', together being used loosely because I was the only one who did anything, these lazy ladies!

"Did you lose your voice or something? Did your 'goddess' finally punish you for being too annoying?" To that she shakes her head, bringing an even more confused look to my face. Why is she acting so docile and cute? What is this for?

Did I charm her accidentally while I was asleep? It didn't seem to work on her before, though... Nothing really explains this change, though.

"Get me something to relieve the pain." I gesture her towards the door, staring at her with a firm look. I want to know, but I do really want to get rid of this pain.

In response, she nearly hops away, coming back in short order with a bottle in her hands, as well as another glass of water. Oh, so that's her game.

I grumble in displeasure, but try to ignore what she's about to do. I hold my hand out for the pills lying in the clear bottle, watching her intently.

She pours a couple into her hand before downing them into her mouth. "Wait, I can-" I'm suddenly given a pill-laden kiss, my cheeks darkening again from the sudden kiss once more. I don't know what it is about this idiot that has me blushing like a school-girl, it's frustrating!

Maybe it's the fact she's cute when she shuts up, or the fact it feels like she's doting on me like a mother hen. Regardless, I don't like it! It's really not that I like it! It's just interesting, okay? That's why I'm blushing.

My grumbling is muted by the kiss which had been quickly replaced with more water, her tongue sapping away the warmth of my own with cold water, my thighs squirming together, trying to prevent the rising tent I'm pitching with the blanket.

My tail flops against the bed sheets weakly, one of the few things on my body that aren't in pain, one of the others obviously being you-know-what.

Finally, she breaks away from the kiss, licking her plump lips lewdly, my gaze wavering slightly as I watch her. Why is she so damn good at teasing me? If she wasn't so trash, I'd take her as a slave immediately! There's a reason I was willing to take her as my wife despite my reservations.

Though, that was before I found out she is the way she is. I groan slightly, laying my head back into the soft pillows. "How long will it take to take effect?" I glance at her in the corner of my eye, she holds up a single finger.

"A minute?" I ask. While the game is annoying, it at least keeps her from talking, so whatever, it works for me.

She shakes her head, pointing up. "... An hour? What kind of shitty medicine is this!" I almost consider lashing out at her, but with my body in the state it is, I'd probably miss let alone hit with any force.

"Don't you have anything faster? What kind of 'overpowered heroine' are you if you can't even get some painkillers properly?!" I berate her smoothly, the words of frustration pouring out, less worried about her retaliating with her seemingly docile state.

She furrows her brow, watching me for a bit in silence, thinking to herself. A twinkle appearing in her eyes shortly after, like an idea had just come to her. Oh no, I don't like this.

"Whatever you're thinking, don't. I'll just stick with your useless medication." I wave her off, not wanting her to put into practice whatever stupid thoughts she'd managed to have.

Her eyes slowly scan my body, lecherously sticking to each part before moving to the risen bed sheets. I try to open my mouth to shoot out another order for her, but her hand already has wrapped around my cock through the blanket, eliciting a gasp from me.

Fucking... The pleasure almost makes the pain feel better, not in any physical sense, but my arousal is beginning to feel the pain in a far more lewd direction than before.

As I watch her stroke my fabric covered cock, my mind begins to drift into more lewd directions, my brain fantasizing about the aches and pains from my body being from some sort of month-long orgy that I had spent plowing dozens of people, making them all worship me like a goddess.

I'm really way too vulnerable to thinking about things in a lewd manner... Though I feel like as a lust demon that should really be a good thing. It's just annoying that the heroine is the one causing it! Why couldn't it be Fluffy or something?!

"A-alright, I get it, you can stop and leave now." I try to shoo her, at the very least I can try to take care of this alone to make myself feel better. Anything but her doing it would be better! ... Having her cute face to look at, though, is doing a lot for me.

She lets go almost immediately, leaving me slightly shocked that she actually had done so. Right after, she begins moving towards the door, my brow furrowing with a strange feeling as I watch, wondering why the hell she's just accepting my orders.

Whatever, I don't need to think about it. I let my head flop back into the pillow, closing my eyes. I'll just jerk myself off once she's left. I'm nude under these sheets anyway, so it should be pretty easy despite the lack of strength in my arms.

Suddenly, I feel rustling under the blankets at the foot of the bed, my eyes shooting open to look, finding the heroine crawling under the sheets, her hot breath already tickling my privates with a sensual heat, causing my cock to throb painfully, leaving me groaning.

"What the hell are you doing down there!? Stop! I said go away!" I try to shoo her off, but the rest of my protests are quickly shut out by a hand firmly squeezing my raw dick, a set of fingers probing at the folds below it, causing me to squirm.

I use all my energy to pull off the blankets, leaving them partially draped over my body, but enough to reveal the heroine stroking my cock and labia with fascination.

"Why are you so damn obsessed with hand jobs? Can't you just leave me alone for once?" I manage to push out my words while trying to not give her the satisfaction of my moans, my body warming up even without the sheets, arousal beginning to take over my senses.

It appears she took my words as a challenge, her mouth diving in to lap at the length of my cock, making her attractiveness in my eyes spike immensely, the sight of her silent worship nearly driving me to try and slam my cock down her throat.

This is the heroine! It's the heroine, remember? Not some cute subby slut! I try to catch my mind from spinning into lust, reminding myself that it's not someone I like, it's in fact someone I hate! I hate her so much, I can't stand it!

My thoughts are lambasted by her tongue grinding across the bottom of my shaft, trailing up and down from the tip to base. My hands clench at the sheets as her fingers begin to probe at my slit more aggressively, shivers running up my spine with her expert work.

She doesn't seem to move past this though, at least until the moment I try to open my mouth. Her head immediately dives down, her tongue testing the limits of my folds, causing an intense shudder to run through me, the index and thumb of one of her hands wrapping my cock with slow strokes.

My body tries to curl up with the double sided attack, even as weak as it is, my hips shaking slightly from the delicate motions threatening to set my crotch aflame with lust. Fuck, I hate her! Why is she so damn good at making me this painfully horny?!

Sometimes I wonder if she has some sort of charm magic and she's cast it on me. Every time she does stuff like this I can't help but get sucked into her pace, even when it makes me frustrated just to think about it.

She's the one that is trying to kill me, don't forget that! She's the worst trash to ever exist, there's absolutely no redeeming qualities to her whatsoever, the amount of times she's done the absolute worst to-

My thoughts are cut off by her tongue suddenly thrusting into me, punctuated by her whole hand firmly grasping my cock, drawing a shaky breath from me as I try to ignore it, unable to fight back.

My head abuses the pillow for a third time as I try to relax and close my eyes, trying to focus on anything but the heroine between my legs. If I can't see her, I can't be attracted to her. All I have to do is try to ignore her until she gets bored and goes away! This bear heroine. ... Bearoine?

My distraction via that amusing thought is short lived, fingers beginning to thrust in adjoining the tongue, my hips bucking weakly as she begins to stroke my cock with a determined fury.

The pace isn't fast, but that reality doesn't manage to comfort me any from the heated pleasures beginning to fill my crotch, my insides feeling practically boiling, each touch and lick spreading that disastrous heat even further.

I cover my face with my arms, trying to ignore the fact that this is exactly what that subby puppy was trying to do to hide his shame as well, the comparisons not lost on me, just thrown away for good reason.

My inner walls cling to each touch, squeezing down in rapturous bliss, my heart thrumming in my chest with the blissful agony filling me. Her grip on my cock grows even more firm, the jerking motion speeding up, though no less relentless than before, causing me to writhe under her touches.

Fuck, how am I supposed to distract myself like this?! My brain frantically works, not wanting to fall into the depths the heroine continues to drag me figuratively kicking and screaming towards. Unfortunately, I don't know about the lack of screaming part.

I can hear my moans, muffled by my arms, echo through my ears, my mind boiling over in equal parts shame and ecstasy as she violates me. My hands move down lower, gripping onto her hair to try and fruitlessly pull her away from me, hoping for any relief from the constant lashing of her tongue.

I don't know how she does it, but she manages to make every part of me tingle with each lick, my toes curling as the pleasure rapidly builds, my hips beginning to rock back against her motions, my hands having quickly swapped to trying to pull her into me.

I hopelessly writhe as the pulsing need filling my soul gets forced out with each thrust and jerk, her fingers and tongue curving in opposite directions to spread me out as firmly as possible during their nigh orgasmic massage, my moans rapidly devolving into cries of pleasure.

My already weak lungs feel taxed by the constant gasping and crying out, my fingers tangled in her hair as I push as her as hard as I can into myself.

The heat in my crotch feels unbearable as electric bliss courses through my system, orgasmic pleasures suddenly welling up within me as I cum with a numbing amount of force, alabaster streaks shooting upwards before plastering the heroine and my stomach, soaking us both in time with the uncontrollable orgasm.

My legs pull up, knees high as my ankles line the heroine's head, weakly squeezing down on her as I curl up into them, moving from pulling at her hair to hugging my knees as she forcefully wrings every drop of pleasure from me.

Screams fill the room as I writhe, every part of me tensing, the pain in my body grows to match the onslaught of pleasure, but not spoiling it at all, this masochistic body nearly begging for more.

Her heated licks and thrusts work nonstop through my pussy, setting every nerve alight with ecstasy, my heart slamming in my chest as I cum my heart out from such vanilla treatment, my body collapsing and going limp after a few more pulses of pleasure with her work continuing without fail, leaving me gasping.

I stare up at the ceiling, my vision clouded by uncontrolled tears of bliss, my hips faintly jumping with each motion as she milks my cock with a vigor matched by no one else, the streams of white having turned into faint beads running down my cock, only to be caught up in her hands.

I need to beg her to stop, my mind trying to push out the words as I choke on the orgasm being forced into me, fucked well and truly through the entire thing, leaving my hips feeling insensate.

Finally, an incredible relief washes through me as her torture ends, my limbs quaking faintly with aftershocks of pleasure running through them as I begin to drown in the exhaustion suddenly flooding in, my already taxed body pushed to its limit from such an incredible experience.

It wasn't that good, really. It wasn't.


(Good friend.)


(Wasn't it a lying contest?)

+... ow.+

(... Um... Sorry, that was a bit mean.)

+It's alright? I think?+

(... I'll give you some extra lap pillow time today, come on.)

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