The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 38: +Nurse Ilvia! Or Not?+

(I am vetoing this part.)

+Hey, you can't do that!+

(I can, and I will.)

+I'm the one in control here, so hah!+

(And I will be sad if you don't skip this part.)

+... Okay, that is a strangely compelling argument, but why do you hate this part so much?+

(It's embarrassing.)

+That's the entire point of this! You can't just veto something because it's embarrassing!+

(Yeah, but this one is...)

+Okay, now you have me wondering, what exactly did you do? I was sleeping during all of this.+

(... If I tell you, promise me we can skip this.)

+Mmm... You have to say it in front of everyone though.+

(Ugh... That's... I guess third-hand embarrassment is better than second-hand embarrassment.)

+I feel like not by much but as long as you feel uncomfortable, it's a win for me.+

(That doesn't sound like something a 'kind heroine' is supposed to say.)

+Have you tried not being a demon?+

(... rude.)

+But seriously, maybe you shouldn't have earned this punishment the way you did.+

(But it wasn't that bad, really!)

+Aaah, maybe I should just let it play out as is...+

(No! I... I just may or may not have misinterpreted some human things I read in books, okay?)

+Alright, now I'm REALLY curious, hitting play!+

(No! You promised if I said it that you'd skip it!)

+Yeah, but you haven't said it yet, you've just been vague about it, so off we go!+

(Aaagh, I'll say it, I'll say it! I saw a couple things about 'kissing to make injuries better', and I just took it a bit too literally, alright? I thought it made sense because humans are fragile so they'd have weird ways to do things, but...)


(Just... It's not interesting to watch, it's just really embarrassing if not a little creepy to watch some demon sexually harass someone who is injured and unconscious. )


(Why in all Hells do you humans even write about this kind of stuff if it's nowhere near the truth?!)


(You... I... Why are you like this?! It isn't my fault!)

+Pff... Alright, I'll stop, you look like you're about to die if I keep going.+


+C'mon, you're really cute regardless. We'll skip it like I promised, how's that?+

(Why are you saying that like you're just trying to placate me now?)

+I'm gonna go watch it later, duh.+

(You promised we'd skip it, though!)

+Yep, doesn't mean I'm not gonna go back and watch it and laugh my ass off in my office, though!+

(... Fine, on one condition.)

+I don't think you're in the position to be making conditions, but go ahead, make my day.+

(Never bring this up again in front of anyone.)

+Ehhhhh, I'll never bring it up again in front of you, at least, how's that?+

(That's even worse!)

+Okay, then I'm not gonna accept your conditions.+

(Then you're not allowed to watch it!)

+Mmm, nope, I decline.+

(... I'll just accept you not bringing it up in front of me, then.)

+At least you understand.+

(I'm... gonna go bury my face in a pillow for a while and scream.)

+Bye, babe, love you~. Oh, rude, she flipped me off. Right, that was a long intro, sorry. I guess I need to figure out what to skip to, hmmm... Oooh, wait, this is a good part to skip into.+

"Here kitty kitty, meow meow, come come. Psspsspss." I boredly call out at the black cat from my window, my boredom caused by having been banished to my room once again.

I don't know why they won't just let me help treat Fluffy. I know they brought a holy mage, but still! I was definitely doing better than they could do, my kisses were finally starting to gain some traction!

+Pfffft... Oh right, sorry, gotta turn my audio projector off.+

I wonder what this black cat is doing here, though. It's just standing near the outside of my window and watching me menacingly.

Are cats usually menacing? I don't really know the answer to that since they're pretty rare where I come from. I continue to watch the menacing cat, entranced by it grooming itself, one of its rare occasions of not staring at me.

"Meoooow... meoooow..." I continue meowing at it, trying to get its attention, waving my hand to try and get it to come closer yet again.

It seems like that was enough! To get it to go away, at least, it trots off with a haughty look, leaving me frustrated and alone.

What was that for?! I grumble, leaning over the windowsill half-heartedly. It's probably pretty risky to just be hanging out of the window like this but, yenno, whatever, I'm bored, therefore I am not to blame for anything that goes wrong.

... Maybe I should go sneak out and get some virgin blood and take on a human appearance or something, give the heroine a scare at me suddenly being a living being to her.

Ughhhhh... No, it's a terrible idea, she seems to have decided to gloss over it this time, but next time she's probably gonna murder me the instant I step out of line. I'm not obediently sitting in my room because I want to!

I refuse to just be walked all over by her though, I don't care if last night felt good. I have to get back at her before she dies, my pride demands it! Just once... Just once I'm gonna fuck her silly! I tried to suppress it and harness every desire to kill her, but I seriously can't stand it anymore!

She just keeps doing things to me, and I'm left pathetically helpless to everything without fail each time. I don't care that I was injured, that's just excuses! I'm supposed to be a Demon General of Lust, and I can't even do something as simple as making her cum her brains out.

... Wait, did I just waste that opportunity? What if she was actually sleeping?

+Yes, and yes. I was tired, okay?+

Whatever, even if I did, what would I be if I couldn't do it out of my own power? I grit my teeth in annoyance, squeezing the windowsill until it cracks under the pressure. Right, how can I trick the heroine into letting me do it?

If she lets me get even the slightest edge on her at all, I'll win immediately, the question is 'how?' I tap my long nails against the edge of the window, staring off into the light rosy hue of dawn.

It's kind of difficult to believe only a day passed since my 'escape', though it wasn't much of an escape in the end. I wonder what happened to those rocky bastards? I guess that's another thing to ask the heroine.

Am I becoming dependent on her or something? I hate that damn near everything I do nowadays has to revolve around the consideration of what she will or won't do. What she will or won't give me. I'm not her fucking pet!

I growl in frustration, moving from tapping the wood to scratching it, leaving long crosshatching marks along it as I let out my irritation. I have to get out from under this yoke, and I don't just mean by getting Wrath to kill her.

I don't think I'll be able to live with myself if it has to be with the constant thought that I'm some sort of bitch-slave for the heroine, even after her death.

If I'm going to win against her, I need her to stop making the playing field so imbalanced... If I'm gonna win, it needs to be in sex, not in raw power.

I shut the window before flopping sideways onto my bed, staring at the door to my room while I think. There's no way she would allow it if it were something that would leave her at risk, though... I mean she could always just use gravity magic the instant I do anything, but when I inevitably win, she would definitely feel like she would be vulnerable.

Aaah, the curse of being too good, I can't even begin to put her off guard so long as it involves my specialty.

What if I spiced up the stakes a bit? Maybe try and goad her a bit into making her think she can win, and offer something in exchange? Ufufu, this sounds like a great plan, I might even be able to trick her into giving me something I want as well... Fluffy, perhaps?

Humans are very much hypocrites when it comes to the thoughts of 'slavery' though, so that one probably wouldn't pan out very well.

It's difficult to consider 'stakes' with humans since they're cowards, if I ask them for even the slightest amount too much it would immediately make them cow and step out of the deal.

Maybe I'll just leave it all up to her to give her more confidence? If I do that she might even be more willing to do it. Plus surprises are fun, and it's not like I'll lose, I'm mostly in it for the victory rather than the reward, regardless.

I begin to cackle happily against my bed, hugging the covers in excitement, the thought of the heroine melting under me and screaming in pleasure sending tingling shivers up my spine, arousal beginning to cause my form to flush.

Personality aside, her face is really the best... If I can just stop her talking and make her scream instead... Aah... I really adore that.

Ugh, ever since I saw her down between my legs, I can't stop thinking about that cute expression of hers while she worships my cock.

That was the real reason it felt good, no reason to give her any credit when it's not like she made her face, unlike a certain someone. Why should I compliment her for something she didn't put any work into?

I huff and roll around, tempted to just burst out and drag the heroine in here to get this plan over with, but she'd just be a bore in bed right now. All she does is sigh pitifully while staring at Fluffy with a frustrated expression, though she did seem pretty into it when I was the one injured.

Wait, why the fuck was she so into it when I was injured? I mean, I don''t expect her to like me but that's just... Oh, right, sadism.

Personally, I just like to see people agonizing by any means possible. Priorities are pleasure, fear, pain, and stress, in that order. Pleasure and fear are hot, pain and stress are cute. I mean, who wouldn't want to see someone under them squirming in pleasure and fear? Or Pleasure and pain?

Fear and pain combined are a bit boring though, I admit. Why bother with making them feel those when you could be making them cum themselves stupid? The best part is taking someone from pleasure, to pain, to fear. Start them with pleasure, cumming their silly hearts out, make them cum so hard it hurts, make them cum so hard it becomes scary how much they're cumming, aaahhh...

Fuck. I groan, trying to suppress the rapidly growing stiffness between my legs, panting softly as I work myself up, not having realized until it was too late.

I don't care anymore, I'm gonna make the heroine accept this plan whether she likes it or not. With these definitive thoughts, I stand up, trying to ignore the extreme stiffness as I move, attempting to conceal my aggressively aroused nature for when I go to see her.

Author's Note:

Brain downgraded to dial-up.

Someone is also on the line.

Chapters may still be spotty until further notice, but I hope that this chapter was fun regardless.

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