The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 39: +Seeing Double+

I burrito myself in blankets, having not yet been allowed clothes. Technically, this is pointless this time, but it at least gives me an excuse to cover up my arousal with it. Fully dressed, though not as much as I would like, I head to the door and-

It's locked. Did they seriously lock me in here? No, did they seriously think locking me in here would actually do anything? I squeeze down on the handle, getting ready to give it a firm turn when suddenly a chill sneaks down my spine, causing me to look around in paranoia.

... Maybe breaking it this time would be a bad idea, I have a really bad feeling about it. It's not because I'm scared or anything, it's just only rational to not put up with bad feelings, you know?

I ponder for a moment, looking around the room while deciding on what to do next, before spotting the easy solution right there!

I open the window and begin to crawl out of it, it's not exactly a difficult leap to make, so I dunno why they bothered locking the door when it's obvious this would just happen.

I fall down from the second story, landing gracefully without any issues, my bare feet tucking into the bushes that were lining the house with a rattling crunch, though nothing loud enough to alert everyone, hopefully.

I climb my way out of the bushes, looking a little more raggedy now, but I quickly brush all the leaves off and accept it, looking around for another window to sneak in, or the front door. Not much sneaking if I use the front door, but hey!

I continue to try windows as I walk around. Nadda, nadda, and nadda. I could go try the rest of them, but the front door is right here! I wrap my hand around it... Locked too. Hm.

I spend the next couple minutes checking every window, only to find locked window after locked window. Seriously? Is this neighborhood that terrible that they feel the need to lock literally everything?! This house isn't even that good! I can't even find anyone wandering around beyond them either!

Frustrated, I begin looking for the open window I had just exited from. I don't remember exactly which one it was, but it should just be the open one, anyway. Shrugging, I begin walking around the house, looking for the one I left open.

Once, twice, three times... Okay, I'm pretty sure I should have found it by the first one, but I had to do it a couple more times to be sure, what the fuck?! Did they seriously just lock me out?! With a frustrated sigh, I pinch the bridge of my nose.

There's no way, they would have been annoyed that I had left, they wouldn't have just closed the window and not stirred up a fuss. Maybe I forgot to put the latch down to hold it open? Groaning at my forgetfulness, I begin to check every window one by one, having forgot even which side the room was on after three plus passes trying to find it.

Curtains, empty bathroom, stairwell, curtains, curtains, and hallway. Okay, they also closed the curtains on it, too! Aaagh! At least I think I know which one it is now that I've found the hallway windows. I nearly hop back down before seeing the door to what I think is my room open, causing me to duck down, watching for who is coming out.

Julia steps out... Did she close the curtains and windows because she just wanted to conceal me escaping to get rid of me? That would make sense but aren't you just trying to get me in trouble?! I move to knock on the window in annoyance, trying to get her attention before being interrupted by a familiar face exiting my room.

It's my face. Wait, what? Why am I- What the fuck?! My head spins in confusion, wondering what the hell is going on, I watch in horror as Julia treats her nicely, heading downstairs after knocking on the door to what I can only think is Fluffy's room.

Huh? What? I hop down quickly as my double begins looking around, not wanting to be spotted. What the fuck is going on? My brow furrows as I try to figure out what the heck could possibly be happening. I don't know how long it took me, but it can't have been more than 15 minutes, so what and how did...

I mean, this is good, right? Unless it's some sort of trick from the heroine to try and get me to run away again as an excuse to punish me.

I frown, wrapped like a frustrated burrito as I pace around, wondering what the heck is going on. I'd normally want to take this as some sort of opening to run, but this is far too suspicious to let go.

Why can't I get a break for two seconds? This trip has just been a mess from start to finish! I groan and ruffle my hair, night already beginning to take over, shrouding everything in darkness as I pace around, trying to figure things out.

So, first suspicion, the heroine is trying to trick me into running away so she could punish me. Second suspicion, Julia is doing this to try and get me away from them because she's sick of me. I mean, she was treating me pretty nicely when she came out of the room with me, and that's pretty suspicious...

Illusion magics of some kind? That would require an air or water mage... Or even an unholy mage, but that one is incredibly unlikely. I can't see a human putting in that much effort, either...

Ughhh, I hold my head in frustration, completely blanking on what might've caused this to happen. I just wanted to challenge the heroine and this happens?! What are even the odds that they let me sit there for hours then suddenly replaced me the moment I left.

Were they waiting for this to happen? Should I just leave? I don't trust it, though, this feels like someone is trying to trick me.

Plus, if I run away, I don't even get revenge on the heroine, and that's the most important thing! Okay, maybe not the absolute most important thing, but I still don't trust this not to be some sort of scheme from Killa and Julia to try and get me killed...

Killa acts more like a demon than anyone else here, she would definitely come up with something like tricking me into running away again and-...

Wait, was Killa the mastermind this whole time? She was completely useless during that fight, and I can see Killa convincing Fluffy, who is someone who seems like she easily gets lost, to lead me somewhere, and then try once again after that to try and get me to run away again to get me killed... Hm.

Wait, what if she's just jealous over my relationship with the heroine? Not that we have much of one, but still, that's a very demonic thing to do...

I mean, this trip has just been one bad thing after another, stuck sitting in a car with boring people, stuck sleeping in a car, stuck waiting in a car alone, the moment I try and escape some random bunch of people tries to kill me, forcing me to get caught by the heroine again, and now there just happens to be a convenient opening for me to escape again.

One coincidence is coincidence, two coincidences means there's someone behind it! I clench my fists, rolling my head while I try to think of what the next plan is. If Killa is trying to get me to 'escape' and try to get the heroine to murder me, then that means I should just tell on her first, right?

What if Killa and Julia try to convince the heroine that I'm the fake one, though, and try to get the heroine to kill me? It's just an illusion though, so all I need to do is get rid of it! I stand up, pumping myself up. I need to find the heroine and tell her!

I make my way back around, trying to find the entry way door, sneakily peering through windows as I go, muting my steps as much as possible. Kitchen, curtains, dining room, living room...

Oh! The heroine is talking to fake me! Julia is there as well, snickering slightly at Fake-Me's words. Aha! I knew it, you're the evil one! Well, you're just the evil one's lackey, but still! I've never seen Julia snicker cheerfully like that, so it's obvious that she's up to something regardless. I sneakily press my ear up to the window to listen in through the panes.

"- were right about it, I guess. You kept saying she needed some taming, but I didn't really believe you much after 'that', I'm sorry, Lady Heroine." Julia says.

The heroine has a slightly confused voice, but she seems to be pleased at the very least as she talks. "Well, I'm glad she seems to have become a bit more polite, though I guess it's been a long time coming considering she's been slowly improving." Hey, you should have a lot more uncertainty in your voice than that! That's a fake, Julia is lying to you, you ignorant heroine!

"Yeah, I guess I just... Feel like I owe you all a bit for forgiving me after I ran away and even going so far as treating my wounds." Fake-me says, that doesn't even sound remotely like me, though! Are they really falling for this? Well, it's not even they, just the heroine! Is she an idiot?!

I huff in frustration, temptation to just burst open the window and tell the heroine of Julia and Killa's evil plans. I should wait until she's alone, though. I tap my foot in frustration as they talk about a couple of random things that just further proves the heroine is an idiot for not realizing that isn't me.

I wouldn't apologize that much! I wouldn't be that servile, especially not to that bastard heroine! I grit my teeth in frustration, the conversation continuing on for way longer than my patience can handle and then some, leaving me raring to leap right in and kill that fake of mine.

I can't bear it anymore. This pathetic heroine deserves a helping hand, she can't even tell right from left let alone me from fake!

I'm going in!

+The fake is certainly a lot cuter than you are.+

(... Wow, rude.)

+Maybe you should try being all docile and servile more often?+

(That would ruin the novelty of it really fast.)

+Mmm, sure, but having you and the fake get reamed by me while begging for more at the same time... Mmff.+

(You've already done that... Like three times.)

+Hey, having more of you is always hot.+

(... Thanks?)

Author's Note:

Slowly recovering, with emphasis on slowly.

Chapters should regain previous frequency soon as I get back into things, my previous business starting to die down as well.

I'll leave an explanation in spoilers in case people want to know what went wrong, also because I feel kind of owe an explanation for my off and on absence.

Thank you for your patience. <3


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