The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 40: +A New Challenger+

I've already encountered an immediate problem, the window is locked, causing me to groan in frustration. I'm tempted to just break it open, but that ruins the element of surprise!

Well, technically it doesn't, but I'd rather not end up ran through by some glass shards when the heroine slams me into the ground. Sure I'd survive it, but it's not like it's comfortable.

I could just mess with the heroine from here since I can catch her off guard, but...


Wait, isn't that always what she was doing to me anyway? Isn't this just the perfect revenge? Surprise! Blame it on the fake while you're at it, too! I snicker evilly, my eyes glinting evilly as I consider what to do.

So, I have a couple options. Option one is to just make her cum her brains out. Eh, maybe, just slightly boring. Option two is to just make her suuuuuuuuuper horny.

Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of my revenge though? It's not really as fun to make her a begging lustful mess just by using magic. Much of the rest of my magic is similar use-cases, or more for use during the act rather than a prelude to the act...

I do have a couple spells that can make someone more able to be coerced into bed rather than just outright charms, though it doesn't work if someone has a direct dislike for the person trying to coerce them, so that won't do anything for me with the heroine, since she dislikes me.

Shouldn't I just try and run? I really should just run, right? Hmm, I dunno, I'm glad this happened when night was falling, at least, I'd have probably been seen fairly easily otherwise.

Oh! I've got it! Pfheheheh... The other options are boring, right? Well, I do have magic that can transfer lewd contact from a distance! I snicker briefly before it turns into a frustrated frown, realizing that the only person I can 'transfer' the touch of is myself.

Technically it would be better to call it 'copying' than transferring, so I'd have to sit here, staring at the heroine, and masturbate. I'd be sitting here creeping outside of a window, in the dark, in a bush, masturbating while staring at someone I don't even like, cute face or no! I'll just put that plan on the back burner.

I pout a bit while I watch them chat in liveliness, a twinge of extra frustration sparking in my heart while I snoop. First I have to stay trapped in my room, and then the only time they let me out is when a fake replaces me? Now they're acting so happy, it's almost sickening!

Humans really have no place in this world! The only time they seem to consider 'tolerating' a demon is when it's controlled by a human... Well, except for slaves, human slaves are good.

I pinch my cheeks and pull hard, trying to pull myself out of my annoyed thoughts. Plans! Stopping Killa's evil plot, getting revenge on the heroine, and then killing the heroine. A simple three step process.

I just really hate how 'cheerful' they're all together with that fake, it's a normal reaction. It's really normal. I pop my head back down, having a seat with knees pulled close to my chest, re-wrapping myself while I think.

Something feels wrong here, I just can't place my finger on what. I'm just so damn... Ugh! They act all aloof and cranky with me, but then when it's with her it's like, 'Oh, I'm fake Ilvia, look at me, I'm not even as pretty as the real one!' I clench my hands together as hard as I can, an aberrant amount of resentment building in my chest.

If you think about it, all that they've been doing is just forcing me to act as they want, and then when I try to do something they go 'Ohhhh, no, that's wrooong.' Oh, so you can kidnap someone and imprison them for a long period of time and continue to fuck with them that entire time? I mean, seriously, what even is-

I give myself a few firm slaps. Where did that all even come from? I grit my teeth, rubbing my temples as I try to concentrate, while I'm not an expert in magic, at the very least I'm no stranger to ones that manipulate feelings.

I take a few deep breaths, trying to think as clinically as I can, giving myself a slap whenever an errant thought appears. Emotional magics towards interpersonal relationships come from either Envy demons, or unholy mages. There's no reason a demon would have to be here and unleash them on me, so that's right out.

All that leaves is an unholy mage, probably hired by that psycho bitch Killa, I'm sure she has a lot to gain out of it, and I'm sure this is probably all apart of her master plan of getting me killed.

What, is she trying to make me try and kill that bitch of a heroine? 'Cause I'll do it, I really will! If they want to treat me like that and then play pretend with some sort of fake like it's a self-fellating tea time, go ahead! That'll be your last meals, all of you!

I give my cheeks a couple slaps this time for good measure, groaning in frustration as I try to concentrate, unfortunately, concentrating is definitely not my strong suit. Unholy mage. They're extraordinarily rare, and are pretty considerably powerful.

Unholy mages are effectively the best of both worlds in that they have access to all aspects of the sins just at a lower level, a jack-of-all-trades sort of deal. Aside from the fact half-demons are in fact half-demon, the other reason they are disliked so much is because a powerful one strikes fear into many a weak being's heart.

Easily identifiable from their traits, so, I need to find this wannabe-demon scoundrel. I take in a few calming breaths. Nothing ever goes right, but that's how it's always been ever since I met this psycho heroine.

They just caught you off guard, it's just a pitiful halfling whose only worth is to be mercy-killed, there's no need to get worked up. I continue to repeat this calming mantra in my head, pulling at my cheeks whenever my thoughts threaten to derail.

I can just do my occasional good deed and kill it, the heroine will be less whiny at me about being 'good' or whatever these humans want from me, and everything will work out.

A bit of an aside, I really wish I was better at resisting mental effects. I can resist compulsions and charms, but I'm not exactly level-headed enough to have a high resistance, though the fact they were able to affect me still means that this unholy mage is of an extraordinary crop.

Why can't I just be back in my room, bundled up and sleeping?! There are really way too many over-complications in my life, I swear. I hang my head, resting my forehead lightly against my knees, a wave of gloom washing over me.

I sit there motionless for a few moments before prying my head from my knees, resting my head back against the wall, groaning as I try to break out of this new funk I'd found myself in.

Glancing around halfheartedly, I realize the dim light attempting to break through the night got a lot weaker while I wrestled with myself. I glance beyond the windowsill behind me, seeing the Fake-Me ominously tower above, looking down right at me with disdain, like she had just spotted a bug.

I can hear some vague murmurs from beyond the window, but I can only clearly hear her response, followed by her turning around and walking away. "It's nothing important, I just thought I saw something interesting, but it was just a bug." Her mimicry smoothly resonates in my ears, drawing an ashamed flush to my cheeks.

Okay, me apparently being a mind-reader now aside, what the fuck is your malfunction too?! You have everything and you're whining and glaring at me like it's-.

I rap my cheeks a couple more times. Self-illusion wouldn't be too far-fetched, that would just make that the shitty unholy magus, right? Right, so they're my enemy. That's it.

I do my best to calm the maelstrom of emotions in my chest, trying to come up with a plan as best as I can. If I can convince the heroine that she's the fake, then the heroine can just use her overpowered shenanigans and BAM!

... Unless the heroine is also in on it too, she seemed awfully cheerful for seeing someone she hates. Is she really in on it, though? Possibly because I inconvenienced her so much with my escape, this may be her way of attempting to punish me before killing me? I really wouldn't put such a thing past a human, humans are really just something else on the scale of cruelty.

If the heroine is in on it, though, wouldn't that just make this entire debacle meaningless, anyway? If I just go up to her and confront her about it, then I won't be able to give her the satisfaction! I clench my fists, pumping them both together, clawing my way out of this emotional funk tooth and nail.

I just need to sneak up on this damn heroine, rules be damned, I'm breaking in the moment she's alone!

(You've been awfully quiet.)

+Should I just be open-mic eating popcorn?+

(No, but... You could say something at least.)

+Something at lea-+

(Stop it, I knew you were gonna do that the moment it left my mouth.)

+Wellllll... If I had to talk about something, it'd be sheesh do you hate half-demons. Humans too, but...+

(As inexcusable as it is, I was basically brainwashed, you know. Half-demons are 'supposed' to be an affront to the Demon God, and all of demon-kind as a whole.)

+Supposed to?+

(Well, thanks to you letting me think for myself a bit more, since leaving you to be the only one doing the thinking would be a disaster...)


(... I realized that the Demon God probably doesn't care. It's not enmity, just... Complete and utter passivity.)

+So if the Demon God hated them, you would hate them too?+

(If the Goddess hated demons, would you hate them too?)

+Demons are slightly more insane murder-sex-fiends than half-demons. Just a little bit.+

(That feels like a bit of an unfair justification, demons aren't the only evil in the world.)

+Demons aren't the only evil, but they are only evil.+

(Fair, I can't really deny that, I suppose. I wonder, are we bred like that, or is it just how demon society works?)

+Who knows, maybe half-demons are only normal because they're shunned by demon society, which keeps them away from such things. Regular demons don't exactly have 'childhoods' after all. Maybe having a childhood is something, among other things, intrinsically required to being able to empathize with others.+

(I don't know what to say to that, honestly. While I'm a bit more up to date on 'human lore', I don't really understand 'everything' about it.)

+You do understand the differences between children and adults in other races, though! See the fact you were uncomfortable about messing with them.+

(I can't really one-hundred percent explain everything there. It's just something... There, I guess? If I had to explain what being 'born' as a demon is like, it's similar to those amnesia stories.)

+So you know the 'basics', but the details elude you, and you can't explain why you know said basics.+

(Pretty much, good job you hero weeb.)

+I am a hero, I can't be a weeb for myself!+

(Not for a lack of trying.)

Author's Note:

Hoping to get some smut going next chapter, I am just sleepy incarnate.

Will do my best, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Hooray, chapter 40! :)

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