The Puppet Emperor Regresses

5: Personal Dimensional Space

Mikhail tossed and turned in his bed, sleep evading him despite his physical exhaustion. The events of the past few days—his reincarnation, the Rite of Ascension, and his newfound powers—whirled through his mind.

He sat up, frustrated, and whispered into the darkness, "System, tell me more about this Personal Dimensional Space."

[System Message: The Personal Dimensional Space is a unique ability granted to the Host. It allows for storage of items and can be accessed at will.]

Mikhail's brow furrowed. "So, it's just a fancy storage ring?" he mused, thinking of the magical artifacts common among the nobility.

[System Message: Negative. The Personal Dimensional Space is not merely for storage. It is a separate dimension tied to the Host's soul.]

This caught Mikhail's attention. "You mean... I could enter it myself?"

[System Message: Affirmative. The Host can enter the Personal Dimensional Space at will.]

A slow smile spread across Mikhail's face, a glimmer of hope igniting in his chest. "Show me," he commanded.

[System Message: Negative. The System cannot place Host in the Personal Dimensional Space. It belongs to the Host not the System. Host must enter this domain with his own will.]

Mikhail scowled, “How? I can’t use magic yet.”

[System Message: Host possesses a Mana Heart. Perhaps Host should meditate?]

Mikhail closed his eyes, his brow furrowing in concentration. The act of meditation was familiar to him—a useless practice from his previous life that had yielded no results, no matter how many hours he had devoted to it. Back then, it had been just another reminder of his inadequacy, his inability to cultivate power like his siblings.

But now, as he focused on his breathing, he felt something different. The Mana Heart in his chest pulsed gently, a warm, comforting sensation that spread through his body. His Aura Core, hidden deeper within, hummed with potential energy.

Both of them had not yet stabilized and still rippled with unsettled energies that sought to calm themselves within his body, Grand Mage Thorne’s instruction would be welcome sooner rather than later.

These unsettled energies intertwined, creating a sensation he had never experienced before. He felt a hint of trepidation at exploring this feeling.

[System Message: The Host is safe, you do not possess enough mana or aura to cause yourself, or anything else, harm.]

“Geez, thanks, System.” Mikhail rolled his closed eyes and focused on his breathing.

Intrigued by this new novel feeling, Mikhail delved deeper into his meditation. He explored the ebb and flow of mana and aura within him, marvelling at how it responded to his will. Simultaneously, he concentrated on the concept of the Personal Dimensional Space, trying to visualize it in his mind.

At first, nothing happened beyond the internal sensations. The silence of his bedchamber pressed in around him, broken only by the soft sound of his breathing. But Mikhail persisted, encouraged by the tangible proof of his new powers coursing through him.

"Come on," he muttered, clenching his tiny fists in determination, then relaxing his hands – tension is the enemy of a meditative practice. He took a deep breath, allowing the mana and aura within him to settle into a steady rhythm. He recalled the feeling of the Rite of Ascension, how he had willed himself to endure despite the pain. Perhaps this required a similar force of will.

Mikhail emptied his mind of all distractions—the soft sheets beneath him, the cool night air on his skin, the lingering scent of medicinal herbs.

He focused solely on the idea of this other space, this dimension that was his and his alone. He imagined reaching out with his mind, grasping for something just beyond his perception, all while maintaining his awareness of the energy flowing through him.

For a long time, nothing changed.

He simply sat in his meditative pose, breathing, slowly sinking deeper, focusing on the present moment, letting go of his attachments as Grand Mage Thorne had instructed him to do in his previous life.

Although Mikhail couldn’t cultivate, the Grand Mage believed meditation was still an essential skill for him to learn.

Then, he felt it—a subtle shift, as if reality itself had hiccupped. The air around him seemed to thicken, pressing against him from all sides. Mikhail's heart raced, but he forced himself to remain calm, to push through this strange sensation, anchoring himself with the steady pulse of his Mana Heart and Aura Core.

Suddenly, the pressure vanished. Mikhail opened his eyes and found himself surrounded by endless, empty darkness. He had done it. He was in his Personal Dimensional Space.

A triumphant laugh escaped his lips, echoing in the vast emptiness around him.

"Well done, Mikhail," he whispered to himself, his voice carrying an edge of fierce pride.

As he floated in the void, Mikhail reflected on how different this had felt from his futile attempts at meditation in his past life. Then, it had been an exercise in frustration and failure. Now, it was a gateway to power and possibility. The irony wasn't lost on him—the very practice that had once symbolized his weakness had become the key to unlocking his strength.

Darkness surrounded him, yet he could see clearly, as if the space itself emitted a soft, ambient light. The void stretched endlessly in all directions, a blank canvas waiting to be filled.

"Incredible," Mikhail breathed, his voice echoing in the emptiness. He stood up from his seated position, as he was in exactly the same position he was in before appearing in this space.

He took a step forward, marvelling at the sensation. It was as if he was walking on solid ground, yet there was nothing beneath his feet but more of the void.

As he explored, Mikhail noticed a book floating in the distance. He approached it, recognizing it as the "Foundations of Imperial Might" he had been rewarded with earlier. Grasping it, he began to read.

The contents were eerily familiar, reminiscent of Machiavelli's "The Prince" from his original world. It spoke of power, of manipulation, of the delicate balance between fear and love, and the intricacies of imperial politics in a world where power was tangible and measurable.

Mikhail closed the book, letting it float back into the void. He’d give at further attention at a later time. He stood still, taking in the emptiness around him, feeling a strange sense of freedom he had never known before.

Here, in this space, he was truly alone. No expectations, no judgments, no pretences.

"I am not that frightened child anymore," he said, trying to make himself believe it, his voice growing stronger with each word. "I am not that meek puppet emperor. I am Mikhail Robinette D'Arcy Ironforge, and this time, I will forge my own destiny!"

His voice echoed in the void, and something inside him snapped. Years of pent-up frustration, anger, and helplessness surged forth. Mikhail threw his head back and screamed, a primal, raw sound that tore from his throat and reverberated through the dimensional space.

He screamed for the child he had been, scared and alone.

He screamed for the emperor he had become, weak and manipulated.

He screamed for the future he had lost, and the one he would now reclaim.

Again and again, he screamed, each cry a catharsis, each echo a promise of change. In this space, hidden from the world, Mikhail let go of his masks, his fears, his old self.

As his voice finally gave out, Mikhail fell to his knees, panting. Tears streamed down his face, but for the first time in either of his lives, they were not tears of despair or self-pity. They were tears of release, of determination, of hope.

He wiped his face, a grim smile forming on his lips. "This space," he said, his voice hoarse but filled with purpose, "it's unlike anything I've ever encountered. Even as Emperor, I never heard of such a thing."

Mikhail's mind drifted to whispered conversations he had overheard in his past life, talks of dimensions that existed beyond their world. He had been kept ignorant of so much, his weakness used as an excuse to withhold knowledge. But not this time.

"I'll have to ask Grand Mage Thorne about this," he mused. "Carefully, of course. Can't reveal too much, but his knowledge could be invaluable."

Mikhail took a deep breath. Now that the initial rush of emotion had passed, he could approach this new domain with the calculating mind of an emperor. He needed to understand the full extent of this space, its limitations, and its potential.

"System, what are the boundaries of this space?" he asked, his voice echoing in the void.

[System Message: The Personal Dimensional Space is currently unbounded. Its size will grow as the Host's power increases. However, the storage capacity is limited by the Host's magical power.]

Mikhail nodded thoughtfully. Another incentive to increase his power, as if he needed one.

He began to walk, his footsteps silent in the empty space. Despite the lack of visible landmarks, he had an innate sense of direction, as if his very soul was attuned to this dimension.

After what felt like hours of walking (though Mikhail suspected time flowed differently here), he hadn't encountered any boundaries. The space remained a vast, empty void. Yet it didn't feel oppressive or claustrophobic. If anything, it felt... expectant. As if it was waiting to be filled.

"Can I create things in this space?" Mikhail wondered aloud.

[System Message: The Host can imagine objects within the Personal Dimensional Space. However, these imaginings are not currently tangible and cannot be removed from the space.]

[System Message: With increased control over mana, the Host will eventually be able to interact with these imagined objects, however even then, those tangible imagined objects cannot be removed from this space.]

Intrigued, Mikhail closed his eyes and concentrated, picturing a simple wooden chair in his mind. When he opened his eyes, a ghostly approximation of a chair shimmered before him. It looked real enough, but as he reached out to touch it, his hand passed through it, leaving only a tingling sensation.

"Interesting," Mikhail mused. "So for now, I can only visualize things here, but they're not tangible. But in the future, I might be able to interact with them." He waved his hand, and the spectral chair dissipated like mist.

A new thought struck him. "System, what about real objects? Can I bring things from the outside world into this space?"

[System Message: Affirmative. This is also a storage space. Non-living objects from the world can be stored in the Personal Dimensional Space. They will remain in stasis until removed by the Host.

[System Message: Storage capacity is limited by the Host's current magical power.]

The implications of this were staggering. A secret cache that no one could access but him, one that he could carry everywhere without any physical burden. The strategic advantages alone were enough to make Mikhail's mind reel.

"And I can take these objects out at will?" he asked for clarification.

[System Message: Affirmative. Objects stored can be removed and returned to the space at the Host's discretion, within the limits of the current storage capacity.]

Mikhail's eyes gleamed with anticipation. He could store weapons, secret documents, emergency supplies... the possibilities were endless. And as his magical power grew, so too would the storage capacity and utility of this space.

"Are there any limitations on what I can store here?" Mikhail asked, his mind already racing with possibilities.

[System Message: Objects cannot be alive. All other non-living matter can be stored, up to the current storage capacity limit.]

Mikhail nodded, filing away this information for future use. This was more than just a hiding place or a training ground. This was a tool that, used correctly, could change the very face of the empire. And as he grew stronger, gained more control over his mana, he would be able to do even more with this space.

There was so much to learn, so much to experiment with. But that would have to wait. For now, he needed rest, and tomorrow would bring new challenges.

As he prepared to leave the dimensional space, Mikhail took one last look around. This empty void would become his sanctuary, perhaps even his training ground, his secret weapon. Here, he would rebuild himself, stronger and wiser than before.

Sleep finally found him, with his soul slightly unburdened of his past, his body began to embrace the tiredness he felt.

Mikhail willed himself back to his physical body. He opened his eyes to find himself once again in his bedchamber, the first light of dawn peeking through the windows.

As the palace began to stir with the morning's activities, Mikhail lay back in his bed, falling asleep. The young prince closed his eyes, a small smile playing on his lips.

And so, the Tiberian Empire awakened to a new day, blissfully unaware of the changes brewing in their midst.

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