The Puppet Emperor Regresses

6: Forging the Mask – Part 1

Mikhail sat on the edge of his bed, his small legs dangling above the floor. His eyes, far too old for his young face, scanned the modest room. He had slept through the day and night, and had now fully recovered thanks to the accelerated healing provided by his mana heart and aura core.

The prince had never experienced in his previous life – a warm, tingling energy that seemed attuned to his dual cores. Of course, alchemic potions, and a healer's spells offered similar effects, but it never felt as intimate as this sensation. 

Cuts and bruises that would have taken days to heal would now vanish in mere hours, leaving behind unblemished skin. The bone-deep exhaustion from the Rite of Ascension had been swept away, replaced by a vitality that made him feel as though he could run for miles without tiring.

In his past life, Mikhail had been intimately familiar with the slow, agonizing process of recovery as at times healers and potions were mysteriously unavailable in his times of crises. Injuries sustained during his futile attempts at training had lingered for weeks, each twinge a bitter reminder of his weakness. 

Now, his body seemed to defy the very laws of nature, knitting itself back together with an efficiency that bordered on the miraculous. It was yet another tool in his growing arsenal, a secret advantage that he would guard jealously. For in this world of cutthroat politics and constant danger, the ability to bounce back from injury with supernatural speed meant the difference between life and death, between victory and crushing defeat.


[System Alert: Host status updated]

Name: Mikhail Robinette D'Arcy Ironforge

Title: Fourth Prince of the Tiberian Empire

Age: 6 (Mental Age: 127)

Status: Recovered


Health: 100/100 [Recovered]

Stamina: 100/100 [Recovered]

Mana Heart: 0/200 [Dormant]

Aura Core: 0/200 [Dormant]



Strength: 8 

Dexterity: 7 

Constitution: 10 

Intelligence: 15 

Wisdom: 20 

Charisma: 12 

Magic Circle: 0

Aura Tier: 0


Unique Abilities:

Dual Core Cultivation (Hidden) 

Temporal Consciousness

Personal Dimensional Space



"Beyond Expectations" - Endured the Rite of Ascension for an unprecedented duration.

"Sleeping Beauty" - Survived a 3-day coma following magical overexertion.

"Daddy's Favourite" - Gained the Emperor's personal attention and concern.



Magic Sense (Level 1) - Ability to perceive mana.

Aura Sense (Level 1) – Ability to perceive aura.

Physical Endurance (Level 2) - Increased due to surviving the extended ritual.

Acting (Level 3) - Improved ability to conceal true thoughts and emotions.

Basic Meditation (Level 1) - Basic meditation techniques mastered.

Accelerated Healing (Level 1)[Passive]


Items Possessed:

Rare Skill Book "Foundations of Imperial Might"


Current Quests:

"The Path of Atonement" - Begin your intensive training regimen. Reward: Increased stats, new skills, improved relationship with the Emperor.

"A Second Chance" - Navigate your new life armed with knowledge of the future. Reward: Opportunity to change fate, prevent betrayals, reshape the empire.

"The Unseen Web" - Begin building a network of loyal allies among the palace staff. Reward: Increased influence within the palace, access to hidden information.



Excessive use of future knowledge may alter the timeline unpredictably.

Dual Core nature must remain hidden to avoid suspicion and potential danger.


"I may be in a child's body," Mikhail thought, "but that doesn't mean I'm powerless." This youth could be my greatest asset.

The soft sound of footsteps alerted Mikhail to the approach of his household staff. He straightened, schooling his features into a mask of childish innocence. The doors swung open, admitting a stream of maids and servants. They moved with practised efficiency, each knowing their role in attending to the young prince.

"Good morning, Your Highness," the head maid, Elara, greeted him with a perfunctory bow. "I trust you slept well?"

Mikhail nodded, not trusting himself to speak yet. He needed to choose his moments carefully, to craft the persona he would present to these spies in his midst. As the maids bustled about, Mikhail's mind drifted to the new teachings of Imperial Might he was studying, "Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are."

His eyes fell on Bella, the youngest of the maids. Since she was new, her movements were still slow and careful as she arranged his breakfast tray. Although she had been trained in these tasks from a young age, she had to be sure of her movements when serving royalty. A small, cruel smile played at the corners of Mikhail's mouth. Perfect.

"You there," he called out, his voice imperious. "Bella, isn't it?"

The young maid startled, nearly dropping the teapot. "Y-yes, Your Highness?"

Mikhail's smile widened, malice seeping into his expression. "Come here."

As Bella approached, a memory from his previous life assaulted Mikhail's mind. Bella's sneering voice, dripping with contempt: "Look at the crippled prince. Can't even dress himself without help." The other maids had laughed, their eyes cold and mocking.

The palace had a habit of turning even the kindest people into villains. Mikhail understood that Bella had changed as a matter of survival in his past life, but the memory sent a surge of bitter resentment through him. 

As Bella reached him, Mikhail suddenly lashed out. His small hand connected with the breakfast tray, sending it flying. Porcelain shattered on the marble floor, food and tea splashing everywhere.

"Clumsy fool!" Mikhail shrieked, his face contorting with rage. "Can't you do anything right?"

Bella fell to her knees, frantically trying to clean up the mess. "I'm so sorry, Your Highness! Please forgive me!"

The other maids watched in shocked silence, their eyes wide with disbelief. This was not the meek, young prince they were accustomed to. Confusion flickered across their faces as they tried to process this sudden change.

Mikhail turned his gaze to them, allowing a cold, almost adult calculation to enter his eyes. "Well? Don't just stand there gawking like idiots! Clean up this mess!"

As the maids scrambled to obey, Mikhail permitted himself a small, satisfied smile. The seeds were being planted, now, he must nurture them.

Over the next few hours, Mikhail unleashed a reign of terror on his household staff. He criticized every task, and found fault with every service. Clothes were thrown back in faces, meals sent back untouched, and rooms declared insufficiently clean. With each outburst, Mikhail felt a twisted sense of satisfaction. 

As the day wore on, Mikhail could see the change in the maids' demeanour. The looks of barely concealed contempt were gone, replaced by uncertainty. They walked on eggshells around him, jumping to obey his every command before he could even finish voicing it.

Yet, even as he revelled in his newfound power, a small part of Mikhail recoiled at his own actions. The part of him that was still Albert Mannery, the ordinary office worker from another world, whispered that this was wrong. Mikhail ruthlessly suppressed that voice. There was no room for soft-hearted sentiments in the cut-throat world of imperial politics.

As the sun began to set, Mikhail decided it was time for the coup de grâce. He summoned Elara to his chambers. She entered cautiously, her usual stern demeanour replaced by wary apprehension.

"Your Highness," she said, bowing low. "How may I serve you?"

Mikhail fixed her with a stare far too mature for his young face. "I find myself dissatisfied with the service in this household. Perhaps it's time for some... changes."

Elara's face paled. "Changes, Your Highness?"

"Yes," Mikhail nodded, a cruel smile playing across his lips. "I think it's time we reassigned some of the staff. Do you have any recommendations?"

"But, Your Highness," Elara protested weakly, "Everything is as it should be. If there is any fault in our service to the crown, please tell me and I'll correct it immediately."

"Are you questioning my decision?" Mikhail's voice cracked like a whip.

Elara flinched, but then she drew herself up, her face hardening. She was till the Head Maid and he was but a child. The Empress would protect her, she was an extension of the Empress's will after all. "With all due respect, Your Highness, I cannot allow this behaviour to continue. Your treatment of the staff has been unacceptable. I will be reporting this to-"

"Guards!" Mikhail's shout cut through her words like a knife.

Two royal guards burst into the room, hands on their weapons. They looked between the young prince and the head maid, confusion evident on their faces.

"Arrest her," Mikhail commanded, his voice cold and clear. "And not just her. I want her husband, her children, and all other relatives taken into custody. They are to be questioned and investigated for any actions that may harm the crown."

The guards hesitated, shocked by the order. Mikhail's eyes narrowed. "Did you not hear me? I am your prince, and you will obey my commands."

Torn between their duty to obey royalty and the extremity of the order, the guards finally moved to restrain Elara. As they led her away, her face a mask of fear and disbelief, Mikhail felt a surge of power course through him.

Just as the guards were about to leave with Elara, a sharp knock at the door interrupted the tense scene. A royal messenger entered, bowing low.

"Your Highness," the messenger announced, "His Imperial Majesty requests your presence in the throne room immediately."

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