The Raptor of Life

Chapter 30

Chapter 30


Raptor of Life: Jean Quantum’s Gate adventures

Jean Grey In the Marvel Cinematic Universe


Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

-- Star Trek Intro --


Previously in the Raptor of Life…

Jean met Jessica Jones, the dimensional counterpart of her best friend and… she didn't expect herself to fall in love with this version of her. The two are interrupted from their lovemaking by Fury sending a distress call to her because of HYDRA attempting to assassinate him.

In the end, Jean decided to remove HYDRA completely from the fabric of Earth through military action. In a stunning move and with her enhanced super commandos made up of Eternals, Metahumans and power armored specialists she stunned the world. 

Jean conquered China because their Politicians were like children, unable to accept being told to stay put. The Systems Commonwealth conquered China and through the mistake of the CCP, they gave a new project to uplift Earth to Jean Grey…


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

I placed the Mind Gem™ into the Uru/Vibranium alloyed Witchblade gauntlet on my left arm. When the gem was absorbed into the artifact, I felt myself filled with energy and my passive telepathy expanding exponentially, but I still kept a tight leash on it. Restraining its inner layer to the bounds of the solar system while I left the external layers of it busy with the spying I was doing on every being in the Milky Way, the Large Magellanic Cloud and Andromeda Galaxies. At this point I used my telepathy like an onion, with a central point with layers spreading far into this galactic cluster.

I spotted immediately the taint in the stone placed by the Mad Titan and… crushed it, making the Mind Gem forever mine. A new personality rising inside it; the small trinket was really powerful… I can't wait to find my universe's version of the gem when I get back to keep them out of play.

The Mind Stone gives its owner psionic powers like telepathy and telekinesis or can augment the preexisting mental powers of its user. Because of the circuit formed by the Infinity Stones, how much of the Mind Stone's potential somebody can tap into depends on the strength of their soul, meaning that possession of the Soul Gem allows for a better use of the Mind Stone. In turn, possession of the Mind Stone allows for better control of the Power Stone.

Furthermore, when used in conjunction with the other gems, it can link its user with all the other minds in the universe at once. This meant that I needed to go find those two and remove them from play as well. But I was busy with my current social engineering project in China. Originally, I was supposed to spend only ten years in this universe; but it wasn’t enough time to do everything I wanted to. 

So, I placed Lukedonia and part of the solar system under a time dilation field that I enforced with Phoenix Force cosmic awareness. If Thanos and his cronies came into my turf, and he expected an easy pre-FTL world, he would be disappointed. 

I couldn't go looking for the gems, but I was woman enough to delegate the mission to my children and subordinates. My kids are the Eternals that I created after giving a sample of my own DNA to the World Forge. I call them Eternals but they aren't as immortal as the one made by Arishem, they are breathing and living beings and they have their own souls. 

This is how I became a mother thirty times over…




26 years ago
Sun's Orbit
World Forge
Eternal creation lab

Taking the World Forge was one of my better ideas, it was like a discount Starforge without the Dark Side of the Force permeating it… of course I had to resize everything for human use and not for Celestial.

Like the Starforge from Star Wars, the World Forge drew energy and matter from a star which, when combined with the power Cosmic, was capable of creating an endless supply of ships, droids, and other war material. It even would supply me with enhanced soldiers, but unlike Arishem, I would put limits on what my Eternals would be able to do and I would raise them like my own children and teach them at my feet. No learning or brainwashing device would touch their souls and minds in their formative years.

It was why I was donating over 1 liter of my blood to the birth matrix I was now facing in the lab. Fortunately, the knowledge I pilfered from old Nate back in my universe and from Arishem in this one helped guide me in using the Celestial technology.

I was unprepared about how intuitive the use of that technology was though, it was basically magic at that point. I can't wait to set my scientists on it. I had already started putting together some ships and space stations to place around all the Solar System's heavenly bodies.

I also placed the bodies of the dead Eternal I got from Earth back into a cosmic energy extractor. I started to retrieve the energy and powers they got and then… the robot servitors placed them in the genetic engineering modules which looked like big transparent tanks full of dissolving fluid.

Turning toward the computer, I connected with it through my technopathic powers and gave myself the highest level of administration, built a better security system and next… started reading through Arishem's research note concerning the Eternals. As expected, Arishem was a genius but an impatient bore; he focused on power and results more than the individual lives of his creations, the memories and experience of the Phoenix Force told me that it was a huge mistake on his part.

It was better to start my Eternals with a low level of power and eventually get up there at the Omega level with time and experience with their abilities. Thanks to the properties of my own cosmic energy being life, death, and rebirth.; they won't be immortal, but their powers and the cosmic energy imbued in their being will be. If they die someone else will inherit their powers and experience, something akin to a spiritual inheritor.

And with that simple change, my Eternals fulfilled the condition to obtain souls, and won't be meat automatons like Arishem's. Because of my own genetics, they were going to all be psionics though. Creating them like this also reduced the risk of them becoming deviant like a certain Mad Titan. I’m happy to see the results of the change that I brought to the future subjects; they will possess far greater strength, agility, and durability than an average human and overtime get up to the Eternals I know from the comic universe. 

With the push of a button, I started the entire process, a part of my blood was turned into eggs and another part into sperm, then I used the computer to give some genetic randomness to the DNA to the sperm cells. Next I bathed the eggs and sperms in cosmic energy and combined the best DNA together to produce the best offspring, it wasn’t exactly science, I was basically creating a new race of people.

They combined and quickly, the implantation process happened in the artificial wombs. It was fascinating, I spent days looking as the life process transpired before me; the computer was showing me that there would be more females than male in this batch, twenty girls and ten boys. I connected the computer to my own wrist mounted one, and played classical music for the fetuses. 

When the fetuses reached six months, I started to passively and slowly impart the official Lukedonian language into them which was a new dialect of English that developed because of the new technology and Star system network in place. Kids always made everything evolve…

The kids continued to develop over the weeks, the birth matrix stimulating their limbs and muscles to allow them to gain mobility eventually.  As I gave them information about the world around me and common sense, I let them grow up until they were eight years old physically. Taking an additional day to prepare for the children's release from the birth matrix, I fabbed some clothes and shoes for them. 

One by one, the children were released from the artificial wombs containing them, their lungs taking in oxygen for the first time and unassisted by the amniotic gel solution. I floated toward the birth matrix’ tube and held the children aloft with my telekinesis and burst into fire before them. The cosmic fire bathed them and dried them while I hugged all of them mentally and exposed them to my unconditional love.

“Welcome my little ones.”

They all looked at me and raised their hands to reach out to me, demanding attention…


(Flashback end)



It was strange, motherhood could change someone so profoundly. I raised all of them with love and care while teaching them to fight, relax, study and gave them some hobbies. By being supportive and loving I didn't imagine that I would make all of them mommy's boys and girls though…

Some like Ada, Jill and Claire sought to emulate me, they inherited some of my bad traits; they are cocky, and proud, but they are really social butterflies. My sons, John, Leon, Cloud and Chris are more rational and subdued. My best friend, Thor has become their defacto favorite uncle and taught them how to be men as I didn't know how to raise them.

Dante and Vergil were my two twins and they were quite the imps in their childhood. Tifa and Aerith were the peacekeepers in the family. Naming them all after video games, anime and movie characters didn't seem to bother them the least. They all had distinct power sets and abilities, but some of them gravitated toward the style of combat the people they were named after.

My Eternal children have been good training for my daughter between me and Hela. Sigrún was half Asgardian and possessed Omega level telekinetic and telepathy, with the magic of her mom's death magic and my cosmic powers over life. I was always adamant in not pressuring my children and encouraged them to look for their own way while also speaking about morality and line not to cross. But that sometimes searching inward for an answer without deluding yourself was important.

Me, Hela, Amora, Frigga, and Lorelei are who all my children take after. I looked at the time, it was late and I had to set the kids on a treasure hunt for the Infinity Stones. Maybe I could send some Asgardian with them as well? Being legally married to a princess of Asgard in my male form made it easy for our union to be recognized as political and won the Systems Commonwealth an ally in perpetuity.

Let's call the big guns!


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Sigrún Grey)


Being the daughter of the Governor General wasn’t easy, nor being the daughter of the Goddess of Death. She had grown up taller and stronger compared to her peers, it made it relatively difficult for her to relate to normal people; even more so when she had come onto her magic. 

Death and Life magic wasn't easy to control even with her parents there to avoid any collateral. But she learned the hard way through staying connected with Lukedonia how to operate her magic. It was strange to realize that a planet was basically your sibling. 

Sigrún has learned to not mind her father's quirkiness; speaking of Jean, Sigrún's Father was the soft one in the relationship, and Hela, her mother, loved her so much that she brutally trained Sigrún since she was big enough to hold a necrosword. 

Then her father/mother, Jean, was here to comfort her; the dynamics of her family were rather confusing compared to normal ones. Having a shape-shifting mom wasn't easy, she turned from female to male to be with her aunts or to take care of Sigrún's little siblings. It was hard to relate to Jean Grey, don't get Sigrún wrong, she loved her father to bits, but sometimes she could be too much.

Fortunately Sigrún had her aunt Amora and Lorelei and her grandmother Frigga to guide her and as stabilizing influences. They taught what was normal and what wasn't; undoing the damage that her parents lack of common sense have done to her education. 

Sigrún walked into the corridor leading to the spaceport's hangar, where she’s supposed to meet her siblings on a task given to them by their Father. Her participation was decided at the last minute, as she was being trained by Thor; it was typical of Jean, her father, to do so. But she wouldn’t refuse and disappoint her family. Sigrún stopped before the gate; she used her Augmented Reality Interface to look at herself in a simulated mirror, looked at her face for any imperfection and flipped her hair. She still relished the fact that she was allowed to wear her hair long now.

Hela had kept Sigrún's hair short in her childhood because only master combatants deserved to keep them long. It was only when she reached sixteen that she was allowed to have long hair when she reached master proficiency in two different weapons and her magic skills. Sigrún had to fight for everything that she wanted contrary to the other kids she knew, just because her mother wanted it this way and wanted to beat into her that privileges and rights could be taken from you at a moment's notice because of someone stronger.

It was a result of her time imprisoned at Helheim that made her develop this ideology. The gates opened with a mechanical sound, a transparent blue screen of energy which was a magnetic containment field that kept the atmosphere between the interior of the spaceport and the hangar separated. The field's main properties were: scanning, and filtering harmful substances.

Sigrún passed through the field, only to see the hive of activity in the hangar, civilian shuttles and other small sized ships landed and took off. Technicians in their power armored suit unloaded and loaded shipments. But it wasn't the civilian part of the hangar which interested Sigrún , it was the military sector.

She immediately teleported herself to the sector and was greeted by her Father's honor guard. They all wore silver and black power armor and had lethal battle-rifles in their arms while standing at attention, not moving at all. Sigrún saw the back of a Pelican dropping and her Father waiting for her with a huge suitcase.

Her father was wearing her white uniform and was in her female form; she must have felt Sigrún's presence because her eyes found her immediately. “Ah, Sigrún ! My baby!” She waved at her with enthusiasm. 

Sigrún reluctantly walked up to Jean and when she reached her, hugged her and kissed her cheek. “Father… where are you sending us?”

Sigrún was taller than Jean, another thing she inherited from her mother’s side; it was strange to have shot right past her Father in height when she was ten years old. It didn't stop Jean Grey from being the most dangerous being in the Sol System; even her mother, Hela, pales in comparison. Seeing Jean create a planet full of life had been an experience, Neo-Skrullos was a carbon copy of the world the Skrulls lived on. Witnessing her Father work had helped Sigrún master her powers over life tremendously. 

Jean looked a bit sad, “Straight to the point, huh. You had to inherit your mom’s bluntness.” 

Sigrún smiled and started bantering, “You're going to make me stay there for days if I let you speak too much, Father.”

It took her time, but she learned how to handle her father; Jean pouted and pushed her a bit. “Hey, that's mean, Sig…”

The half Asgardian grinned, shrugged and said, “Sorry, sorry… but I was with my girlfriend when you called.”

Getting some payback was a par for the course, being clam jammed by your own Father even more so. Her father's eyes gleamed with interest as she asked, “Is it someone that I know?”

Sigrún didn't want her father or mother to bother her lover, so to stave off any shenanigans from them, she said, “I will introduce her at the next family meeting, Father. So, no peeking into the future, please.”

That was another thing that Sigrún had got used to as a child, her Father could just use Precognition to anticipate problems, give her whatever she wanted before she asked. Sigrún had to actively tell her father to not peek into the future to let her experience life sometimes. Jean's love for her children could be overwhelming and unreasonable and terrifying. This was one of the reasons her mother had decided to train her to make her strong; to avoid the wrath of her father destroying something important, like this universe.

Jean nodded, “Oh, I can wait to see who it is. It better not be Fandral though.”

Sigrún stepped back and made a gesture as if she was puking her guts out. “Eww! Dad, ewww!”

She did that deliberately Sigrún realized as Jean started laughing. “Good, I'm reassured. Anyway, daughter, I have a mission for you.”

Finally they were going into the meat of the conversation. Jean put a hand on Sigrún's right shoulder. “I need you to get me the remaining Infinity gems which are in space.”

Knowing how her father could just get the gems in three hours and be done with it. “Could you just do it? You have three of them already.”

Jean gave her a sly smile; Sigrún recognized it, there was something else riding on this expedition to find the stone. Her father was plotting. “I can… but I am on vacation and I’m busy with China, North Korea and Mongolia. Then I thought… I have all those people with idle hands at home, they should go get some adventure.” 

Jean was proceeding to uplift humanity while using time dilation field and educational programs. Already, one hundred years have passed for the people of China and they grew out of the CCP propaganda permeating their lives. Her goal was to eventually make humanity space capable before she left this reality to her own. Obviously, she wasn't going to abandon the utopian Systems Commonwealth and Lukedonia. 

“Father…” Sigrún understood but she was also despondent that she was one of the chosen for this task. Knowing her Father, retrieving the Infinity gems won't be so simple after all.

Jean smiled. “I believe in you, Sigrún . Here take this.”

The suitcase at Jean's feet opened, and on a velvet cushion lay a gigantic ornamental battle axe with a blade shaped like a crescent moon, similar to that of a Monk's spade. The axe also features two golden protrusions, one larger than the other, with the white tips of a spear, the longer one is in the middle at the top of the axe and the smaller one is on the opposite of the blade of the axe. The handle is dark green and it features a golden semicircular guard with four golden spikes on it. 

The Divine Axe Rhitta? “Father, what is this? Are you stealing from anime again?”

Between training sessions, Sigrún has been raised on video games, manga, and anime from other universes. She knew the Seven Deadly Sins anime and she was a fan, Rhitta was Escanor's weapon, her favorite character. Her father must have used the reality stone to craft a similar weapon for her.

“I plead the 5th.” Jean smoothly replied.

Sigrún glared at Jean and put a hand on her hip. “That amendment doesn't exist in our constitution…”

Jean snickered. “Not in this form at least~”

“Anyway, daughter. This is made of Uru and Adamantine, it will help you channel your life and death magic more easily, is indestructible and can be used similarly to Mjolnir.” Her father continued to explain the Axe's function and how it was soulbound to her.

It wasn't long before Sigrún was shipped to the small fleet prepared by her father via Pelican. The half Asgardian will finish her mission and return home to her girlfriend she decided.


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Jessica Jones-Grey)


Space Station Gamma
Panoramic deck 


Jessica stared at the small fleet assembled; a Battlecruiser, a Dreadnought, a carrier and a bunch of escort and auxiliary ships were going on the mission to retrieve the Infinity Gems. Those shiny rocks in her lover’s shiny silver gauntlet that could manipulate reality, space and mind; Jessica understood that Jean was safeguarding them while also making use of them for the good of the Systems-Commonwealth.

Jean’s eyes were focused on the Phoenix, an Atlantis Class Dreadnought spaceship which was the most advanced vessel in the Systems-Commonwealth Navy. Seven kilometer in length, two kilometers in width and one kilometer in height; the Phoenix with its smart Titanium A hull treated with high energy reinforcement was the toughest ship they possess; it also had energy shielding that could resist a supernova and an assortment of weapons which could take out a small fleet or… a planet. It was also equipped with the next generation of slipspace drive created by the SC’s ministry of science; the new drive was now capable of traversing the void between galaxies instantly. 

It was developed after studying the Jump Drive, the Blink Drive and the Slipstream technology from the Andromeda Ascendant, Jean’s flagship. The new drive was renamed Etheric Drive as it didn’t have the same side effects as a slipspace drive, a causeway could be opened in the atmosphere of a planet.

Jessica was privy of this ship’s full capabilities because of her marital status, as Jean’s wife, her access level to the Systems-Commonwealth information was right below the Governor General’s. Jean also was a geek and loved telling her about the things she worked.

The super-powered Judge approached her lover and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Jeanie, are you sure that sending the kids is a wise decision?”

Jessica was fond of all Jean's children, Eternal and half Asgardian ones, she touched her belly with a warm smile on her lips; she was two months pregnant already, but was barely showing, her twins were developing well. Let’s say that she has a vested interest in making sure that she gets along with her lover’s family; Hela, Lorelei, Amora and the children were quite fun when you get to know them.

Jean was looking straight ahead as she said, “I trust them, they've been trained since they could hold a weapon in their hands and awakened their powers.”

“If you say so.” Jessica leaned her head against Jean’s shoulder and watched as the sub-light gravitic engines of the ship lit up with blue cherenkov radiation; the spaceships slowly took off, leaving one by one the enclosure of Gamma station.

Jean moved her hand and a 2D rectangle appeared before them on the transparent plasteel window, then the satellite network around Lukedonia showed a multi-angle  video of the fleet departing through a giant Etheric Causeway. The redhead sighed, “They left, I hope they will call me if any trouble arises.”

“Don’t worry, Sigrún is with her siblings, and the literal army you stuffed in the carrier.”  Jessica tried to sooth her lover’s worries.

Jean sighed again. “I hope it will be enough, Jess.” With a big smile on her face, she asked, “Anyway, wanna go eat some Italian?”

Jessica smiled back, she knew that she would have a date with her lover if she went with her today. She shrugged, not showing how happy she was as she casually answered, “Sure, I hope it’s better than the slop that the Mexican bistro served at the station.”

“We will see.” Jean said as she teleported the two of them. 


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Sigrún Grey)

Atlantis class Dreadnought- SC1002 - The Phoenix
Crew Quarter
Edge of Milky Way Galaxy
En route toward Andromeda Galaxy
1 hour since departure


She was led by the private to her cabin, she will have to share with someone it seemed. There was no privilege for being the Governor General in the military; this was a rule that all of Jean Grey’s children had to live by. The Private brought her before a door from the topdeck crew quarter.

The door swished open and what wasn't Sigrún's surprise to see the love of her life busy stretching in the shared quarter. “Kat? What are you doing here?”

With a svelte and athletic body, Katerina Annya Romanova stood in the middle of the room in a cobra pose; her perky breast fully visible despite her tank top. Her dog tags were in the middle of her cleavage.

Kat stood up right away, sweating a little bit. “I should ask you the same, Sig. Weren't you supposed to be sent on some super secret mission?”

The two girls approached one another, their body melding together as they hugged. Sigrún looked into Kat's verdant eyes and her hand glided on the smaller girl's waist. “You were bleeding the horny by doing some exercises, huh?”

Kat glared at her with reproach. “You left while I was almost there!”

Sigrún giggled, her hand slipped past her lover’s waistband. “I can help you get off right now.”

“That’s a rather good idea, моя любовь (my love)-”

“Cough!!” Someone coughed, causing the two girls to separate hastily.

“Hello girls. I’m happy to see you already up to your usual shenanigans.” Said a short haired blue eyed young woman that was standing in the doorframe. She was wearing a Systems-Commonwealth Navy Uniform.

This was Jill, one of Jean’s first Eternal children; she was also Sigrún's favorite older sister. The Half-Asgardian tackled the woman and hugged her. “Jill. So it was you who did that.”

Sigrún gave Kat a side-eyed glance and a smile. Jill chuckled, “I'm this ship’s captain. Choosing personnel is one of my responsibilities. I knew you were going to miss Kat and this mission might take months or a year. Though I had to convince the Task Force's leader on your girlfriend’s participation.”

Sigrún frowned. “You aren't in command?”

“Who is the task force leader?” Kat who walked up to them asked, almost demanded.

Jill simply smiled. “You'll see.”

That was enough for Sigrún , she would see who was in command of the small fleet later; but it seemed that it wasn’t going to reassure Katerina. She moved her left and manifested her omni-tool, starting to hack in the ship’s database; her eyes went cold as she saw who was in charge. “Ah, Гавно (shit). We got Danvers as leader? That cow is going to kill us all to get medals.”

Sigrún held onto her girlfriend’s waist. “She can't be that bad, Kat.”

Kat put her hand on Sigrún's mouth and glared playfully at her, “Shush. You haven't bunked with her for two years at the academy, I did.”

“Fair enough…” Sigrún mimed zipping her mouth.

Sigrún became concerned over the fact that someone Jill and Kat didn’t like was in command. She flinched as she realized that this may be a test from her father. She hoped that she was wrong, and didn’t want to have to fight tooth and nail to have her say in future operations.


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Captain Jill Gurē)

Andromeda Galaxy
Phoenix’ bridge
1 day later


Captain Jill was in a conference with the other captains from the task force; they were headed to the Eclipsing Binary Star M31V J00443799+4129236. The troops were being readied for sortie, the engineers were making last checks to the ships’ systems and the Artificial Intelligence were already coming up with strategies for insertion and exfiltration of the team they would be sending to Morag. The planet and its star system were to be turned into a forward base in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Plans to expand and do business with the local powers were taking shape with the permission of the Governor General. There was an ambassadorial staff in the Phoenix to be used just for that task.

The astrometrics showed the current situation in the target star system, Morag IV. The Office of Naval Intelligence had given some information of notes to this task force's command. It read like this: 

Thousands of years ago, Morag was the home of an advanced and flourishing civilization that was wiped out by a global warming catastrophe. Sometime prior to their demise, the inhabitants of Morag built a temple to guard the Orb, an artifact which contained an Infinity Stone. Following the warming, Morag became entirely covered in oceans. However, every three hundred years, the sea lowers and the Temple is made accessible. 

The Governor, their mother, dispatched Sigrún to help correct the planet's climate and situation. After Jean Grey, Sigrún was their most powerful telekinetic who could terraform a planet on the fly. If that didn't work, the task force had the means to create a floating base.

Jill was proud of her little half-sister, she wasn't just a warrior, but someone who could create as well. Their upbringing has been quite different, Jill had more leisure time and had trained less.

“Ma'am, we're in range to launch a probe.” The officer in charge of the navigation reported.

This was it, the moment which will decide if this was going to be a quick mission or a long one. Jill leaned forward in her command chair and commanded, “Send it in.”

On the holographic screen, something detached from the Phoenix; a missile shaped object that created its own slipspace causeway and entered the star system right in the orbit of a gas giant and its moon. It wasn't long before the system was mapped thanks to the powerful scanning technology inside the probe.

The navigator started to talk. “The planet is just like ONI described, mainly water, the continents are covered by the ocean and there's no ice caps.”

The pilot at the Navigator's side quipped, “We will have to change that.”

There was a small alarm, the officer in charge of radar reported while manipulating her console, “Ma'am we're detecting a quantum window entering the system. Jump drive signature detected, someone is here.”

Jill's blood froze for a second, someone was already coming? “Dispatch a frigate, and send in the ground team right now!”

“Right away, ma'am!” The communication officer transmitted her orders.

“Transmit data and the situation to the rest of the Task Force's, put the ship on general readiness alert.” Jill continued to give command as they were all surprised by the events.

The communication officers called her out. “Ma'am, Captain Danvers wants to talk to you.”

Jill clicked her tongue. “Put her on!”

A screen appeared over the left arm in Jill’s command chair; the strict visage of Carol Danvers appeared; she was in a full regalia uniform. This pissed Jill off, why was that woman parading like that?

“Captain Gurē, what the hell is happening there?!” The woman hissed.

Jill was going to have none of it. “Ma'am this isn't the time, we have a situation on our hands!” 

Carol growled, “You-”

Before she could say anything, radar reported, “Multiple Quantum signatures detected!”

On the Astrometrics, a bunch of drive signatures were gathered at the other side of the system, behind the star. *When it rains it pours…*

“Astrometrics, zoom-in.”

10 Q Ships appeared on the Astrometrics, all making a beeline for Morag. Jill whistled and said, “That’s a lot of fucking Q ships. Send in the Glamdring! Destroy them!”

The officer was about to Transmit orders when on the main screen, Captain Carol Danvers’ face appeared and countermanded Jill's orders. “Belay that, send in two ships! The Rogue, cloaked and in reserve; then send in the Glamdring to intercept the enemy ships! Prepare a fighter screen ready for launch just in case.”

*That old hag!* Seethed Jill in her thoughts.

Jill tried to explain about deploying too many ships, that only one of their ships could take easily on dozens of those primitive vessels in possession of the Mad Titan. “But-”

Danvers cut her and smugly added. “Like you said, that's not the time to discuss, Gurē. It is time for action.”

“Yes… Ma'am.” Jill said between her teeth.

*If murdering a commanding officer wasn't a felony…* Jill's hands twitched as she wanted to wring the woman's neck.


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Star Lord or Peter Quill)


Morag IV
Temple vault


Peter was happy, he had the Orb break the containment field and land on the ground. He was going to make it! If he sold that Orb, he was going to buy himself a bigger ship and maybe hire his own crew. Picking up the Orb and pocketing it, Peter made a little dance while also recovering his gravity mine.

He traced back his path when he was out of the temple, the cavern was lively with a horde of the small lizard-like creature. Peter did his best to avoid them and was already counting the money that the client would port into his bank account. When he exited the cave he smiled dumbly at the mist shrouded purple sky only to find himself in a standoff between two forces on the desolate plain facing the cave.

“Uh oh.” His smile was wiped out of his face.

On the left there were a bunch of Kree in power armor and heavy weapons; on the right, humans? What were humans doing in Andromeda? And why the hell were they in some kind of suit with cylinders in their hands? A tall woman wreathed in an aura of green fire walked forward and asked, “Dogs of the Kree, surrender! This planet has been claimed by the Systems-Commonwealth; you’re trespassing.”

The Kree cyborg who seemed to be the leader looked mutinous. “Never! Men, attack!”

The powerful battle-rifle shot a wide beam of green energy at the group of humans; the shots crashed against a forcefield that had been invisible to the naked eye. Peter’s eyes widened, then he heard the tall black haired woman order, “Fuck them up!”

Peter had seen enough when those humans started flying in the sky or projecting lasers from their hands. He looked as he felt the air tremble and the ground shaking as multiple flaming objects entered the atmosphere. There were multiple spaceships with the Q configuration in the sky, scattering around the cave of the temple vault. 

*The humans are fucked.* He quickly activated his partial helmet. Just in time to see the Kree get roasted by a cone of green flame that turned them into cinder and devastated the wet rocky terrain.

Peter heard a rumbling sound, the HUD in his helmet showed a change in pressure in the atmosphere and the weather around him being altered. Dark clouds gathered in the sky as thunder rumbled and lightning flashed. Inside the storm cloud the silhouette of a gigantic spaceship could be seen as the arcs of lightning flashed. Peter’s ship's onboard computer linked to his Helmet’s HUD couldn’t find a match for the spaceship’s profile at all. Even the hull’s composition was unknown and this presaged nothing good.

The cloak of storm clouds finally broke revealing a warship, because something so big with so many guns couldn’t be anything but.

It opened fire on the five Q ships with five of its front cannon, the beams of energy coalesced into straight lines that pierced through the Q ships’ hulls like Xandarian tofu. The sub-light drives and propulsion systems having been targeted with frightening accuracy, the Q ships swiftly either exploded or crashed on the ground.

Peter decided that it was the moment to skedaddle, but it was too late. The humans seemed to have already finished with the rogue Kree; the black haired woman in black and green suit stared at him.

The hot dark haired woman who filled her suit well floated toward him. “Ah, the first rat to enter the system.”

Peter was surprised by that, did this villainous hottie mean that they detected him entering into their system? Wasn't this system supposed to be unoccupied? The planet Morag IV barely had any viability and the system wasn't rife in resources.

A large golden war axe appeared in her hand and she said, “I heard you got something that we want, Mister.”

Peter raised his arms in surrender and said pitifully to the tall dommy mommy, “I don't have anything that you might want, ma'am…”

She twirled her war axe and said, “We can do this the easy or the hard way. That Orb in your coat right pocket, throw it.”

Peter looked at the woman, then at the army behind her; he used the trick that was going to make him escape this situation by remote controlling his ship and he answered to the black haired beauty, “No.”

He let his arms fall at his side, seeing his cloaked ship slowly maneuver toward him. The dommy mommy smiled as if she had expected him to refuse. “The hard way it is…”

Before she could reach him, Peter grabbed the nanocable extended by the winch of his cargo hold, and as he was carried away by his ship, he shouted with a laugh, “Sayonara.”

He delighted in the fact that the woman was making a stupid face as she saw him leave.

Peter swiftly ran toward the cockpit and sat at the pilot chair, before he could be more smug, the ship started shaking. Peter felt himself moving back, it was as if the ship was intercepted by a tractor beam. 

Brrrr. Creak. He heard the fuselage of the ship crack.

His Xandarian Babe appeared from the cabin's door and asked while holding tightly on the fixed table, “P-peter, what's happpeeeening?”

Bereft was here, he had almost forgotten that he was giving her a lift to Xandar Prime. There was only one way to get away right now and Peter put his hand on the lever of the Milano's jump drive. “No time, Babe we must jet! Lightspeed!”

The ship went FTL and was pried from whatever was holding it, and Peter cried, “Hell yeah baby, run!”


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Sigrún Grey) 


Sigrún stared at the Milano escaping from her Telekinetic grasp in shock. “Fuck!”

The ship went FTL and she couldn't keep hold of it as a quantum bubble surrounded it and it… jumped. Right next to Sigrún , Kat appeared, her cloaking device deactivated; she was wearing an armored black 4D-suit with a Force-Lance in her hand. 

She too was shocked that this man had escaped her girlfriend. “He escaped? How?” 

The Half Asgardian couldn’t imagine telling Jean or Hela that she’s been bested by such a rando. As for Kat she stared worriedly at her… Sigrún forced herself to say something. “He is smarter than I thought, next time I won't be underestimating him; I am throwing Rhitta in his face.”

Sigrùn punched her combadge. “Lieutenant Grey to Captain Gurē. Over.”

Her big sister picked up the communication right away. “Do you have it? Over.”

With a tone full of regret, Sigrùn reported, “No Captain, the Macguffin has been picked up by another agent. Over.”

Sigrùn heard the telltale sound of when the line was being switched, it seemed that Jill wanted the next bit to be out of the formal report.

TacNet switch.

Personal network communication, established.

Jill’s voice sounded apologetic. “Shit Sig, gimme some time… we’re retracing his path from the jump window he opened.”

Kat and Sigrùn looked at each other, it shouldn’t take more than one minute to pick up the drive signature of the escaped ship. First that man sneaks on the planet, and next those rogue Kree with Starforce training appear with their big dick energy and stop Sigrùn’s team from entering the vault. She went hard on them and incinerated everyone of little importance, keeping the clear leader alive to be interrogated as protocol dictates.

Why did she decide to not just nuke the entire field with her death magic again? Ah yes, she needed restraint because of the normies in the fleet. There’s a reason the Governor General has her own… cult down on Lukedonia. When someone can move moons, planets or a star or create life spontaneously, it’s hard to stop anyone from deifying someone; there’s communities in the jungles that worship her and her family. So as to not cause another case of worship in the military, Sigrùn has been told to not overdo it really badly.

*I bet Mother wouldn’t care.* Sigrùn thought secretly as she really wanted to let loose.

Fortunately, Jill had good news for them. “Girls. We got him, he is en route to Xandar.”

*Wasn’t it one of the planets they needed to send an ambassador to?* Thought Sigrùn, it was a job for her half-brother, Jimothy. The geeky guy was so happy to meet new aliens, Asgardian don’t want to meet him anymore.

“Interception?” Kat said on the com.

Jill acquiesced. “Interception, we will send you in our fastest Frigate.”

“Ooooh, a Slipfighter?” Sigrùn liked the slipfighters, they were fast and FTL capable through slipspace.

Jill snorted at how ridiculous Sigrùn’s answer was. “No, that’s too old school and too slow.”

Slipfighters were the backbone of Sol’s patrol fleet; her father had gone on tour with Sigrùn with them. It was an emotional connection to her childhood and having a good time with Jean. “Hey! Sue me, I like the classics.”

Jill said, “Sure. Anyway, we’re sending a stealth-capable ship equipped with an Etheric Drive.”

They’d pretty much arrive on Xandar instantly at this point; that means that Jill was going to lend them a, “A Sterelis?”

“Yep. A Sterelis.”

Just as Jill spoke a ship with a sleek profile exited an etheric causeway and hovered over Sigrùn and Kat’s heads. It seemed that Jill was intent on making them pursue the rude schmuck who escaped with the Infinity Gem.


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------


5 hours later


Xandar is the homeworld of the Xandarians and to many other species as the capital of the Nova Empire with a population of twelve billion people in the star system. Way more people than in the Systems-Commonwealth; that sat currently at 2 billions, counting the Skrulls of New-Skrullos in the Pegasus galaxy.

The high speed Sterelis strategic frigate stopped in the star system; immediately another vehicle passed through the small hangar onboard, engaging its sub-light engines. 

Kat and Sigrún were sitting in the cockpit, piloting a shuttle from the Sterelis frigate to Xandar's star Port. They couldn't land their warship as they didn't start diplomacy with the Nova Empire yet. The shuttle didn't have any weapons, it was only basic shielding and the common gravity sub-light engine that were innovative.

If the shuttle ever gets stolen or impounded, no groundbreaking technology will leak. Sigrùn pushed a button on the dashboard, accessing the communication network, she spoke loud and clear. “Tower control 1, this is the falcon, asking for permission to land.”

Right away, they obtained an answer. “This is Tower Control 1, I am beaming you the prices for the rent of a berth. Once the transaction is completed, follow the lights to your designated berth.”

On the holo-screen,  said prices appeared; shocking the two women who couldn't help but compare them to their local tariffs. 


1 day parking, single berth: 500 credits

1 week parking, single berth: 10 000 credits

1 month, parking, single berth: 100 000 credits

Kat turned from shocked to angry. “Wow, they're greedy fuckers.”

Those prices surpassed the annual amount of a well paid soldier from the SC. Sigrùn was happy that the Skrulls helped the Systems-Commonwealth to set up accounts at the Universal Galactic Bank running the economy in Andromeda. Absorbing them into the SC was a stroke of genius from Sigrún's father; they were pulling their weight in the Office of Naval Intelligence.

Jill had given Sigrùn enough funds for their mission, which was why she paid for two days and a single berth. She selected her choices on the holo-screen as she said, “Don't worry, we won't stay long… just pay.”

Kat said in a deadpan expression, “Sig… don't trigger flags you can't cash.”

Sigrùn cringed as she heard that, already imagining everything that could go wrong. “Hey! Don't be so pessimistic.”

“Transaction complete, thank you for choosing Xandar as your destination.” The Virtual Intelligence thanked them and transmitted the coordinates of the berth they could land at.

With a bad feeling, Kat prepared for atmospheric insertion. They smoothly inserted themselves in the atmosphere, slowly decelerating over the city of Xandar's starport.

It was beautiful, they combined their ecology and their technology, however it was clear that the planet was completely different from the wildness of Lukedonia. No giant kaijuu dragon roaming the oceans, or invisible panther waiting to pounce on you. The Xandarians tamed their planet and… it was no wonder they were so intolérant of crime as it was the only thing they couldn't make disappear.

It was still strange to Kat and Sigrùn that the Xandarians didn't build an arcology to save up space. The city of Xandar stretched all over a good part of the main continent. If they had tried to do that on Lukedonia, the city would have been turned to rubble and the will of the planet would have been angered.

It was in moments like this that Sigrún realized how peculiar her people were, and that their way of life was significantly different. Living off the land and communing with it via basic telepathy was pretty much the norm. Kat followed the signal light and eventually landed on an isolated berth of the starport.

The internal computer was beamed with ads about fuel, shipment companies and other services being available. Sigrùn immediately reported the predatory practice of those businesses to ONI after analyzing them, it seemed that Xandarian were predisposed to con other races out of a sense of misplaced superiority. The Virtual Intelligence in the girls’ 4D-suits were already dissecting the Network of the Nova Empire, already spying for the Systems-Commonwealth.

What they were doing was also taking overwatch by co-opting the available systems in the starport looking for the runaway agent, who stole the property of the Systems-Commonwealth. 

Kat bought a packet of information pertaining to material and information brokers or collectors on the planet. She deduced that if the runaway junker wanted to sell his ill gotten gains, he would go through the reputable and less so businessmen. Sigrùn consulted the news, and they weren't all peachy.

“...Rogue Kree Accuser, Ronan, bombarded more colonies and outposts this month. Killing surrendered population, even families, women and children. The Kree Empire has no comment to offer to The Nova Empire. Ronan the Accuser is also rumored to be in league with the Mad Titan and attacking while the Warlord is recovering from the losses incurred to his forces by the mysterious force which has been intervening against the slaughter perpetrated by his Black Order and Outriders…”

Sigrùn sounded offended that those people were doing nothing while their citizens were being slaughtered. “Why aren't they nuking that asshole’s fleet!? I mean they have those fancy Nova Corps with their shiny super-powered soldiers?”  

ONI suspected that the Nova Empire has over five hundred of those super soldiers, which can take care of numerous fleets. No one knew if there was a situation that stopped them from using them. *Something tells me it has something to do with that treaty they signed.* 

A 3D figure of Ronan the Accuser was projected by the computer as they saw him and his men in action. Kat glared at the painted Kree as she said,  “I have a bad feeling about that Ronan guy, Sig. He seems to be the type to go kamikaze when he doesn't get his way. It's in his eyes, he is a fanatic.”

Sigrùn shrugged. “Yeah, it might be good to transmit the news to our people back on Morag.” Athens, half Asgardian seemed to reach a decision internally as she took on a thoughtful expression. “Make a file on whatever is publicly available about our dear Accuser. But use a light touch, we don't know if this Empire's intelligence will notice deep probes.”

“Hear, hear.” Kat pumped her fist and used the onboard computer to hack into the Nova Empire's network. 

The Infiltrators class like her were assassins, and saboteurs; her lineage is part of the liberated agent from the Black Widow program and the founder of the Office of Naval Intelligence. Hacking was just one of her specialties. 

Beep! Beep! The VI of the onboard computer notified them with a sound that it detected the approach of the target ship's drive signature. Sigrùn made a predatory smile as she said, “Ooooh! He is finally here. I feel his life force.”

Rhitta appeared in the half Asgardian's hand, it was time to retrieve what the thief had stolen. Sigrùn and Kat stood up and exited the shuttle quickly, following the strange life energy of the thief.


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Peter Quill)


Broker's establishment 


Peter felt giddy, he finally made it. Sure, he had to flee from some unknown powerful empire which had taken possession of the planet, but he was out of the woods like his grandpa used to say. It was none of his problem if they eventually tracked him back to Xandar; what Peter wanted was the money attributed to the delivery of the Orb. He entered the high-end trading store and found the Broker amongst his wares which were floating, exposed into glass-like cases.

The Broker greeted Peter with a nod. “Mr. Quill.”

Peter presented the Orb in his hands and placed it on the counter in front of the elder Xandarian.“Broker. The orb. As commissioned.”

The Broker smiled briefly, looking at the metal orb. However, he still stayed wary as he only saw Peter here and not his captain, Yondu. “Where’s Yondu?”

Quill smoothly replied with a shrug, “Wanted to be here, sends his love. And told me to tell you, that you got the best eyebrows in the business.”

The broker picks up the orb, and starts examining it; still wary that Yondu wasn’t here to chaperone Peter. The Terran aske, “What is it?”

“It’s my policy never to discuss my clients, or their needs.” The broker said to enhance his own mystic instead of answering directly.

His answer pissed off Peter a bit. “Yeah, well, I almost died getting it for you.”

The broker sarcastically replied, “An occupational hazard, I’m sure, in your line of work.”

Peter, wanting the man to commiserate with him explained, “Got ambushed by a bunch of rogue Kree with obvious Starforce training and weapons who ended up fighting against another military full of Terrans with superpowers. They got smoked by the second group though.” 

The Broker's hands froze, he put down the Orb on the counter and slid it toward Peter. There was clear terror etched on his face. “There's people looking for the Orb and you said that it was a Kree military outfit? I’m sorry, Mr. Quill. I truly am. But I want no part of this transaction, the only Kree Starforce renegades in this region of space are part of Ronan's band, and if Ronan is involved, I advise you to run.” 

The old Xandarian turned around the counter and started pushing Peter out of his shop with the Orb in his hand. 

“Woh! Woh, woh, woh! Who’s Ronan?” Peter asked as he was shocked that the Broker was calling off the deal because of a bunch of dead Kree.

The old man shook his head, looking strangely at the ignorant young man. “I am surprised you don't know who he is. He is a Kree Empire fanatic, outraged by the peace treaty between his Empire and mine, who will not rest until Xandarian culture, my culture, is wiped from existence!”

After that, the broker made Peter get the fuck outta his shop and closed it; there was a holographic notice on the door saying that the Broker was moving it seemed. Peter sighed, this deal was supposed to have gone through and given him enough money to live like a king, he already burned his bridges with Yondu and his crew. He will have to run and go look for work somewhere else 

Behind him, Peter heard footsteps and he turned to see who it was and found a green skinned alien Babe with red hair looking back at him. She looked at the door and the notice and asked, “What happened?”

Peter sighed, and played it cool. “Uh...this guy just backed out of a deal with me. If there's one thing I hate, it's a man without integrity. Peter Quill. People call me Star-Lord.”

Before the Babe could introduce herself, something strange happened. Peter felt his body lock up and slam on his back against the shop's door by an invisible force. The Orb rolled on the ground and stopped at the feet of the green skinned knockout. The woman tried to catch the Orb and run but she got the same fate as Peter. 

Slowly, a tall woman shimmered into existence. The same one Peter had run away from. She looked quite put out with him as she spoke, “So your name is Peter Quill.”

“Oh no.” Peter voiced, he couldn't understand… How could she be there already? Did she come with an army? Xandar wasn't on fire though, that was good…

She walked up to the green Babe and Peter, and stripped them of their weapons and equipment.  Their stuff all disappeared in some sort of hole in space hovering near her. Once the woman ascertained that her captives were at her mercy she smugly said, “Did you think you'd escape after stealing from the Systems-Commonwealth?”

Peter began to sweat, he tried to struggle but in vain; the woman had even taken his Jet Boot Attachments. She pointed her left hand at him and a blue light almost blinded him. There was a chiming sound as the woman continued to speak. “Ah, we found your file. Peter Jason Quill, American, from the state of Missouri, city of birth: St Charles. Born from Meredith Quill and an unknown father.”

The ex-ravager blinked in surprise. “How do you know all this?”

Did humans really get out of their gravity well already and were that advanced? How long has it been since he left Earth? 24 years? No… he did the math… 26.

The harsh voice of the tall woman brought him out of his musings. “You're under arrest for theft and possession of a class 4-Omega artifact. As you are a member of the human species and a citizen of the Protectorate of Earth, you are subject to our laws.” 

Peter cringed at the news. *Well, at least Yondu wouldn’t get him if I am back on Earth.*

The woman shone her scanner on the green skinned babe. The chiming sound rang two times and in urgency. The woman’s glare that had been on Peter became harsher. “Oh and what have we got here? A member of the Black Order, Gamora Zen Whoberi Ben Titan.”

Said girl, Gamora, winced and said, “Ex-Black Order actually.”

Before the tall dommy mommy could say anything she was suddenly attacked by some kind of upright racoon and plant humanoid. The raccoon slammed against a force-field and another woman in black suit took down the walking tree by making it float with a field of purple energy surrounding him.

The tree pointed its arms at the smaller woman and tried to entrap her with tentacle-like vines. The vines instead coiled around her force-field; it became a stalemate for one second before the Dommy mommy grabbed the raccoon and slammed it on the ground repeatedly until it lost consciousness. 

*That woman is terrifying.* Thought Peter as he saw her lift the raccoon in the air by its left leg.

“I didn't know that there were some alien raccoons in this galaxy? Hmm, it looks cute.”

The red haired, more petite woman behind her said, “A bit of help here, Sig.”

The nicknamed Sig turned to her as she was being cornered into a cocoon of tree limbs and vines. Walked up toward the floating humanoid tree, slapping aside a vine spearing toward her, watched into the creature's eyes and said, “Sleep.”

“I… am… Groot.” It said with its eyes closing and opening.

“Stubborn. I like you. I am sure that the science division will love you.”

Peter saw a big golden axe appear in Sig's hand and she cut the arms of the humanoid tree. She pointed a finger at the mass of wood and vines and… a cone of green flame fired from it, reducing the vegetal matter into ash in seconds.

“About time!” The petite redhead complained with a stomping of her foot.

Peter couldn't believe that he was being done in by those two. The woman, Gamora at his side, stared at them as if she was looking at monsters. She tried to move as well but nothing worked.

“You could have killed it when you wanted.” The woman, Sig, retorted.

The redhead glared. “You know we can't do that, we have orders, remember?”

That was good to know, somehow they were given orders not to kill anyone on the planet. Sig huffed, “Fine.”

She turned to the raccoon who was waking up, but still unable to move on the ground. Sig secured his gear and gave it the black hole treatment as well. “As you attacked me, I have no choice but to take you with me, cute creature.”

“No Sig, you can't adopt him! He is clearly a sapient being.” The other woman informed Sig.

Gamora chuckled, but there was despair on her face. “The two of them are crazy…”

Peter wasn't sure about that. “No, they are humans.”

Sog turned to them and quipped, “Actually, I am Half-Asgardian. Kat is the only full human here.”

Peter frowned at that. “What do you…” He was certain that he was completely human, at least that’s what the doctor told him on his last medical scan. 

Before Peter could ask what they wanted to do with the Orb, a beam of energy struck at the force-field around Sig.

ZAP! She tanked it and slapped it to the middle of the road. Boom! It was like a bomb had gone off and created a crater in the small park facing the shop. Peter raised his head and saw a flying man in a black bodysuit and a golden helmet. 

It was a member of the Nova Corps, those super-powered brutal enforcers who were often accused of going too hard on criminals. Those guys are originally Xandar's space militia and exploration division, but due to politics were reduced to being a militia guarding the peace on the planet by the peace treaty with the Kree. From the helmet, Peter could see that he was a Millennian-ranked Nova Corps member, not one of the strongest of the Corps.

“Drop your weapon!” He commanded to Sig, who had her fuck off golden axe in hand.

Sig smiled as she said, “I don't think so.”

Peter saw her raise her left hand, and she made a gesture as if to reach for the Millennian with it. The Corps member was plucked from the sky and repeatedly slammed against the ground. 





It was done with enough strength to create a big crater in the sidewalks, blood was oozing from his mouth and Peter heard the cracking of bones. The man somehow fell unconscious when Sig was done with him; raised an arm towards the nova-corp then scanned him with her wrist scanner, and said with a frown, “Were those guys from the Nova Corps that weak?”

Her colleague shrugged. “Dunno, but let's go just in case they send more.”

They did just that, gathered the four of them, opened some kind of hole in space and transported them inside. Sig put Peter in some kind of individual energy cage and did the same for the others. 

“Night, night.” She said and pushed a button on the side of the wall.

Psshhhhh. Some kind of gas was starting to fill the cage and everything went dark for Peter.


A/N: Sorry guys, it's not that I forgot about you but... I'm quite busy lately.

By the I got a Patreon, but I'm going to move out from it because of their dumb rules...

So now I got a Sybscribstar:




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