The Raptor of Life

Chapter 31

Chapter 31


Raptor of Life: Jean Quantum’s Gate adventures

Jean Grey In the Marvel Cinematic Universe


Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

-- Star Trek Intro --


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------


(Rocket Raccoon)


Rocket woke up with a start. Looking around him, he discovered that he was in some sort of cell. The red field of energy separating him from the corridor and other cells was a clear hint that he had been made. His ears perked up when he heard footsteps on the metallic plate upon the floor.

The door of the jail he woke up in changed open, two humanoid beings walked with purpose toward his cell. He identified the two as a male and female; the protuberance on the chest was always a dead giveaway that a humanoid was female, not always, but it… that’s how it is.

The tall humanoid male in a black armor, red and black half helmet spoke with a gruff voice as they stopped before Rocket’s cell, “Subject is an Eastern Raccoon which has been genetically and cybernetically modified. How sloppy, whoever did this to him didn’t know what he was doing.”

Rocket frowned at the commiserating tone the man had used, as if he didn’t like what had happened to him. The Raccoon recognized the species of the two beings; just like the idiot who had retrieved the orb, a Terran. Rocket stood up and stared up at the two Terran with undisguised anger. “Who the hell are you, Terrans?”

The female with long red fur on top of her head stepped forward and looked down at him. She wore regal, beautiful and exotic -for Rocket- white clothes and stilettos heels. “You can call me Jean. I’m in charge here. We captured you and your tree friend after your meddling in our affairs.”

The man in black behind the one called Jean smiled when she said that she was in charge. It wasn't a mocking smile, but a fond one. Rocket looked down and sighed, “Captured, again.”

This happened a lot lately… like this time with the space pirates who sold him to a Zoo. Looking up, Rocket asked, “Can we come to an arrangement, Miss?”

Jean frowned and said with an insistent tone, “Actually it's Mrs and of course we can negotiate.” 

The red haired woman snapped her fingers and in a flash of white light a wooden chair appeared. She sat gracefully and crossed her legs while looking expectantly at Rocket. The Raccoon became wary because of the woman's display. Energy to matter manipulation suggested that the woman and her people were high up in the technology tree or she was some kind of reality warper.

The Augmented Raccoon spat out bitterly, “I want my and Groot’s freedom, we were just trying to make some money.” Rocket then added, “... Ma'am.” at the end of his plea.

The redhead became thoughtful and began to say, “That is something I can easily grant you, Mister Rocket.”

The raccoon heard a but and he wasn't surprised when she continued speaking. “But… unfortunately, you attacked an agent of the Systems-Commonwealth while she was on duty.”

So the two broads capturing his target were some sort of sponsored commando. Rocket’s shoulders fell as he said sadly, “I’m not getting out of here am I?”

Jean smiled, smoothed her white pants with a caress of her right hand. “Oh you will, Mr Rocket. But only if you accept my offer.”

*There is always a catch.* Rocket laughed and queried sarcastically, “And which offer is that?”

Jean stood up and exclaimed, “Work for me, of course!”

This floored Rocket. “What would little ol’ me do for someone like… well you, ma’am?”

The woman sat back and said, “I need boots in this galaxy and someone who knows the lay of the land, of all the people we've captured, you’re supposed to be the most reliable.”

Rocket had expected to be turned into a lab rat or being used for his technical expertise. However being used as a spy was something else; even more so for a seemingly technologically advanced society. It was true that Rocket knew his way in the local galaxy; the woman, Jean, was also giving him clues that her people weren't local at all. 

*I can take advantage of that.*

The woman stood up again and stared at Rocket’s body. “Even if you refused, I already intended to help you, Mister Rocket. What has been done to you is simply…”

Rocket saw no pity in her eyes, more of a gaze that said that she related to his problems. “Fucked up? Yeah, I know… but I moved on.”

Rocket remembered what the man behind Jean said, they might be able to do something about the cybernetic parts that have been giving him problems lately. But it was time to negotiate first. “What's the salary around here?”

“I can give you a quote and some information.” The woman's bracelet manifested a red holographic construct which looked like a screen. 

She touched the holo-screen and turned it toward Rocket who started reading everything. After being shown the salary and privileges of what a SC agent enjoys, Rocket said, “When can I get started?”


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------



Atlantis class Dreadnought- SC1002 - The Phoenix
The brig
Interrogation room


Gamora was made to sit down on a metal chair, she was facing a red haired woman sitting cross legged before her. Gamora looked around herself, saw four individuals in white and silver full-armor, holding battle-rifles reminding her of the Kree ones she saw on Ronan's ship.

They even had swords at their hip while standing with rigidity but ready for anything. This also told Gamora that the Terran female before her was high in the chain of command of the people who captured her. She looked down at the restraints on her hands; they were made of a silver metal and had a lot of strange runes and symbols engraved artistically on them.

*Is it magic?* Gamora asked herself, she had heard that there were planets practicing strange customs which had strange effects. 

The voice of the woman facing her shook Gamora from her train of thoughts. “Yes, we do practice magic.”

Gamora's eyes widened in surprise. *Did she just read my mind?!*

The woman nodded again, a little rictus on her lips. “There's plenty of telepaths onboard, and I am indeed one of them.”

The green skinned beauty focused her mind and thought about a castle enveloped by a forcefield; it was the representation of her mind that she came up with when Maw had trained them on how to protect from a telepath.

It succeeded because the woman praised her. “Oh, those are excellent mental defenses. You were well trained.” 

Gamora glared at the woman. “What do you want? Is it about Thanos?”

It was always her adopted father's fault; she wished that she had never survived him attacking her planet or met him sometimes. So much hate was directed at her by association that she had to always be wary of being stabbed I'm the back or poisoned. People wanted her dead for most of her life right now…

 But contrary to Gamora’s expectation, the redhead was dismissive of her question. “Your adoptive father is none of my concern, young Gamora. I have already taken measures to weaken and hinder him.”

For a moment, Gamora’s brain refused to acknowledge what the terran woman said. Until she understood and remembered all the events which contributed to her betrayal of Thanos’ little cult. “What? Oh… oh! Are you saying that it is you who killed Maw and the others?!”

The woman smiled and continued to speak, “And destroyed half of your father's fleet and continued to harry him even as we speak.”

The woman leaned forward, waiting for Gamora's reaction; she wasn't disappointed as the ex-member of the black order refuted the redhead facing her with, “Impossible, you-.”

Before Gamora could finish her sentence, constructs in the form of fiery birds appeared around the woman who became surrounded by a halo of flames. The atmosphere in the room became sweltering as the temperature rose up.

Gamora stood up in fear when she saw this and tried to jump away, her metal chair clattered on the ground. She had seen what those Flames had done to Maw and the rest of her ‘siblings’. “How… how are you doing that?!”

The manifestation of the fire birds ceased, the room's temperature returning to normal. The woman in white stood up and decided to enlighten Gamora's Lantern. “Power, young Gamora; this is what I have and what I used to waylay your old father's doomed quest. The poor Titan is deluded and traumatized; lashing out at the universe. I am thinking of putting him down, but it would be too easy…”

Gamora knew that the woman wouldn't be speaking to her just to give her the news that she was going to kill her adoptive father. “You want something from me…”

“I already got it, thanks for giving me the coordinates of the Soul stone.” The woman said with a magnanimous smile. 

Gamora reeled in shock, she had thought that her mental defenses were good enough to protect the location of the stone. As if to mock her, the woman's arm covered itself in a silver gauntlet stopping at her forearm, on it were colored gems glowing with power. “You! How did you-?!”

*How did she get all those?* 

The redhead smiled and closed her fist, and suddenly they were in a garden, under a wooden garden shelter. The guards were still standing at attention as if they were used to this. 

The woman grinned as she showed Gamora the purple gem on the gauntlet. “Do you like my new bling? I just added it to my collection.”

Thanos had already lost, someone was already gathering the stones and even got those that he had used in his plots. The Mind Stone was pulsing with yellow light on the woman's gauntlet. Gamora remembered that holding on to those trinkets was dangerous for people with weak physiology, and that woman had four of them. 

Gamora looked into the verdant gaze of her host. “You have four of the stones. How are you still alive? I thought that no mortal being could equip them together!” 

The redhead chuckled. “I'm too sexy to die, and my physiology transcends most beings.” She simply revealed. A tea set appeared on the table between them and the woman started serving some form of beverages. “Anyway, young Gamora, I have an offer for you. Won't you join me? I could really make use of someone like you.”

Gamora stared at the woman; she couldn't get a bead on that redhead. She has been manipulating the flow of the conversation since the start; it was as if she anticipated every decision of Gamora. 

It pissed the green skinned woman off. “Why would you need me? You have four Infinity Stones and enough personnel and ships to take out a small Empire. Then there's also the fact that I am wanted and reviled by pretty much everyone who learns who I worked for.”

The woman started to laugh, her laugh ended up becoming a cackle and when she was done she looked into Gamora's eyes. “Oh my dear child, I don't mind that you got a bit of blood on your hands. You know… your father could be considered an amateur compared to me; I've killed a universe before.”

“Oh.” Gamora couldn't help but be scared… the woman gave her a different vibe than her father but she was actually worse than him. She was so likable and sounded so reasonable… 

Gamora decided that she wouldn't test her, if she can't beat her, why not join her? “Are you still hiring?”

The woman nodded to her; and as Gamora quickly thought about it, she asked, “Okay, I will work for you… however, would you take in my…”

The redhead brought her teacup to her lips and said before taking a sip, “Your sister, Nebula right?”

Gamora gave the dangerous woman a look. “You already know everything about me, don't you?”

She nodded and put down her teacup. “Quite a lot.” 

From a device on her arms, a holo-screen appeared showing a certain Kree, a star map and the Accuser's ship. “As for your sister… For now she's with Ronan the Accuser,”

The holo-screen showed the Gamma quadrant of the Andromeda Galaxy, it was the Xandarian Empire's turf. “ will take some effort to find his current location, space is big. But I am willing to take your sister in as well. Actually, this is going to be part of your mission, Gamora. You see, I am putting together a team to find Ronan and whatever force he has. Safeguarding your sister's return could be a side objective.”

Gamora was thankful and mildly scared; the spirits only knew what the woman wanted from her and Nebula. “I appreciate that, ma'am…?” Gamora realized that she didn't know the name of her new employer…

The redhead smiled. “Call me, Jean or your Excellency. I have so many names and titles…”

“Thank you for this opportunity, your Excellency Jean.” She might not be able to win, but she could have fun needling her.

Jean rolled her eyes, a small smile showing how amused she was by Gamora's little defiance. 


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Peter Quill)


Temporary Penitentiary


Peter was having fun, this was the most luxurious cell he had ever been in. The food was scrumptious, and the bed was comfortable; the library filled with non-sensitive information about Earth! Peter even had the permission to listen to all the music he wanted.

The only cons was that he had no privacy, it was normal in prison. *Well, this is better than the Kyln.*

Peter had heard horror stories about the jail managed by the Nova Corps. The gray walls could be customized to show different wallpaper, even a window with a landscape beyond it. Peter had chosen a river and forest he had seen when he went fishing with his grandfather. 

He was watching Conan the Barbarian, a movie he had wished to see before he got kidnapped, when he saw guards coming before his cell. They were still wearing those black suits and strange half helmets. The silver cylinder which Peter identified as their issued weapon was at their waist. Peter was interested in grabbing one of them, but something in the way the guards moved told him that they were superior in skills compared to him; he didn’t want to get beat up and put into solitary.

The guards stopped before the blue field of force locking Peter up in the cell and intoned this command, “Prisoner 004, please stand up with your hands together and palms up. “

“Okay, sure.” Like he did since the start of his incarceration, Peter cooperated and stood up from his bed and joined his hand together like the guards ordered.

They briskly asked him to follow them; the gray walls of the corridors were windowless and everywhere looked the same. A decent force would have problems navigating the place. “So, guys, where are we going?”

One of the guards said, “Her Excellency, the Governor General, wishes to interview you.”

This news caused Peter to stop walking. “Huh, why?”

The guard on the left pulled him forward, forcing him to walk. “You'll get to ask the question yourself, Mister Quill.”

Peter frowned, but he continued to walk until they reached open space. It looked more like a fancy greenhouse with meticulously grown lawn with shrubbery and trees; just like on Xandar. Peter could see the exterior of the greenhouse and saw drones working; they were raising foundations and buildings really fast.

It showed that whatever the Systems-Commonwealth was, it was there to stay. *Wasn't Morag supposed to be an ocean planet? How come they are building on it?*

“That is easy to answer, we turned it from an ocean planet to a garden world.” A voice rang from the other side of the greenhouse.

Peter turned his head in that direction and saw the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. The ethereal glow of her hair and her skin attracted him the most as if… she wasn't real. Peter was so lost in watching her that he didn't even notice the guards taking off his restraints.

“Holy Moly, you're beautiful.” Was the only thing he could say to the newcomer.

Peter was so focused on the beautiful redhead that he didn't notice the blonde haired man behind her. The guards pushed Peter forward as a table and three chairs appeared.

“Good afternoon, Mister Quill. My name is Jean Grey, the Governor General of the Systems-Commonwealth.” Jean introduced herself.

*The big boss, huh. Wow, they don't make women as gorgeous as her in Andromeda.* Peter thought in the privacy of his mind. He doubted that genetic engineering could yield such results as well. Not even those crazies, the Sovereign, could mimic such symmetry.

The woman sat at the table and pointed in the direction of a tall blonde man wearing a gray bodysuit and a stylish black coat which made Peter jealous. “This is my son, 1st Lieutenant of the Dragoon special force, Cloud Gurē.” 

Peter was disappointed… The woman, Jean, was older than he thought for having such an old son. The guy looked to be in his twenties; but the redhead looked to be in the same age bracket… how crazy were the rejuvenation treatments of this human civilization?

“Nhg.” Was all the man said as he looked at Peter as if he had seen trash on the ground.

Jean dope slapped him behind the head. “Cloud… say something and stop being such a Sasuke.”

“Mother…” The man scratched behind his head where he was hit. He gave a reproachful look to Jean.

The blonde looked reluctant as he stared at Peter. “Good Afternoon.”

“Hello.” Peter nodded.

The redhead pointed her hand at the chair before Peter. “Please take a seat, mister Quill.”

As usual the ex-Ravager cooperated, looked at the big boss and asked as politely as possible. “Ma’am, why am I here?”

“I’m here because I have an offer for you, young man. I’ve heard about how skilled you are and how you escaped from one of my best agents.” The redhead bluntly said what she wanted from him. 

The guard had been right, this was an interview and she wanted to give him a job? Maybe the dream of having his own ship and crew wasn’t dead yet. “This gotta be good.”

“But first… here have some refreshments.” The woman snapped her finger and food appeared on the table.

“Oooh food!” Peter recognized a bottle of Coca-Cola, and… “Oh I missed this, Pizza! And are these Donuts?!” The man took a slice of pizza from the open box and bit into it.

The redhead looked at him and ate in relish, she smiled at him like his mother… would. “Have as much as you want, Mister Quill. All of this is for you.”

Peter did just that, he ate and ate, taking his time. He realized that with the humans here, he could maybe return to Earth and return to his family. If the woman has access to all this maybe he could catch up on what he missed all those years.

After he was done eating, Peter made a decision which would change his future dramatically. “Whatever you want me for, I'm in!”

Jean clapped her hand, multiple holo-screens appeared between her and Peter. “Very good! However, we shall draft a contract and discuss your salary and rewards. Healthcare is free in the Systems-Commonwealth so you don't have to worry about it.”

Peter looked at the screens. “That's… nice.”

There were screens which spoke about him joining the Systems-Commonwealth as a citizen, his enrollment into the Lukedonian Navy and other stuff he had no idea about. Of course someone had to shit all over the moment, it was the big boss’ son.

“Mother, I am not sure that this… man is fit to enter your services.” The man interrupted Jean, looking at her with a despondent expression. 

The Governor General sighed and patted the blonde cunt's arm. “Don't say that, Cloud. Mister Quill has his quirks but he is an intelligent and resourceful man.”

Peter preened, and the beautiful Milf's praises made him puff up his chest. 

“Mother, that man is a thief and a pirate.” The Cloudy asshole accused, not even looking at Peter.

*Oof.* Peter deflated and glared at the other man. “Hey, dude! I am right here, asshole! At least insult me to my face, like a real man!”

With a sneer, Cloud crossed his arms as he said, “Hmph. You're just proving my point, Quill. I don't see a man before me and really doubt that you’re out of your boyhood”

Before he could think, Peter had climbed the table and threw himself at the blonde. However, he was stopped in mid-air by some kind of invisible force. Jean looked rather annoyed. “Mister Quill, I won't have you assault my boy.”

Peter pointed at Cloud, “But he-”

The woman glared at him, “You need to rein in your temper, Peter.”

The ex-ravager felt a chill down his back. “Um, yes ma'am.”

Jean helped him sit back on his chair, then turned her head to the blonde asshole. “See, Cloud. He can listen, stop antagonizing him.”

The dude continued to whine. “Mother, I worked really hard to become one of your shadows… and you're just handing the position to an incompetent person like him? I can't fathom why…”

Peter grinned. “Eh, and who is the boy now, you're still hiding behind your mommy's skirt.”

Cloud stood up and a giant sword made of white light appeared in his hand. Peter jumped out of his chair, ready to fight. Peter had almost forgotten that all those people seemed to have super powers somehow. Once again he asked himself what the hell was up with humanity now,

Jean teleported herself between the two of them in a flash of value light. She said firmly, “Cloud, calm down.” 

Peter smirked. “Yeah listen to your mom, dude.”

Cloud breathed in and out with his eyes closed, his hand tightened on the handle of his Buster sword.

With a smack of her hand on her face, Jean said, “Maybe I shouldn't have introduced you two.”

When everyone had calmed down, Peter became a citizen of the Systems-Commonwealth and a shadow of the Governor General. 


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Sigrún Grey) 


Sigrún stared at the five individuals being inducted in the ONI outreach program. It was simple, finding agents in the local planet, solar system, or galaxy to serve as spies, saboteurs, or fixers to further the goals of the Systems-Commonwealth. 

This was a typical move of the Systems-Commonwealth to colonize and settle an area. Hire the disenfranchised and those in hopeless situations, turn them into citizens and let them taste the advantages that the SC can give them.

This method worked on pretty much everyone who was chosen to emigrate from Earth to Lukedonia. Applying the same methods to aliens by hearing out what they wanted and helping them get it was becoming the MO of ONI and Sigrún's father.

“Father is scary.” The Half-Asgardian commented as she swirled the Dwarven aged wine in the glass in her hand.

They were in the lounge facing the section of the ship that the quartermaster operates at. It was the officer bar where the heads of the department could rest their heads. It was luxurious and offered the best drinks and food inside the Phoenix.

On the other side of the booth, Katerina, bit into a croissant and sipped on mug filled coffee. She chuckled as she said, “You don't say… Aunty Jean just turned this small group of misfits into assets.”

Sigrún sipped on the ruby red liquid in her wine glass. “That’s why telepaths and precogs are dangerous.”

Kat laughed. “Well yeah, why do you think we have mandatory electives in how to fight against them?”

The Half-Asgardian stared pointedly at Peter Quill. “I really wanted to throw the book at him.”

Sigrún had pulled out all the stops to send the ill-named Star-Lord to the correctional facility where he would mine a moon for years. But just before the decision was validated, Jean saved Quill's bacon and put him under her protection. This had been the first time that she had felt betrayed by her Father. 

Fortunately, before Sigrún could storm Jean’s quarters, Jill stopped her and explained the situation to her. Her faith in Jean renewed, as she recognized one of the tenets her Father had taught her: Waste not, want not. If you use a commodity or resource carefully and without extravagance you will never be in need.

Peter Quill was a smart man who eluded a special agent like Sigrún, putting him to work for her people to settle in this galaxy was a good move. But why was Sigrún still reluctant? Katerina noticed how her paramour felt because she asked, “You're still hung up on how Quill escaped you?”

“He pisses me off!” Sigrún knew that if her mother, Hela, learns about it she was going to get ‘remedial’ lessons. That's not going to be good for her health…

“Don't be so petty…” The pixie-like redhead said soothingly while putting a hand on Sigrún's arm.

Katerina then saw a cruel smile draw on Sigrun’s face; it was a similar expression that she had seen on Hela while training under her. The Half-Asgardian said out loud. “If I can't touch him… then, I'm going to be their orientation officer.”

Katerina gasped in horror. “You bitch, you're going to make Quill and his team suffer, won't you?”

“Fo shizzle.” Sigrún answered with the same disturbing smile on her face. 

She stood up and stretched, Katerina did the same and asked with an impish impression, “Can I watch?”


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Ambassador Jimothy Gurē) 


Jimothy was enthused by the chance given to him by his mother. She hand picked him to become an ambassador of the Systems-Commonwealth and his first assignment was to go to Xandar! He will meet new aliens! The Skrulls and Asgardian were boring since they were part of the SC, he already knew all about them already; now he wanted to know all about the denizens of Andromeda.

After growing up with anime, science fiction novels and other space themed video games sourced by his mother, Jean Grey, Jimothy has always been fascinated on how a civilization in another galaxy would develop. As far as he could see, there was nothing impressive about Xandar, in fact it looked low tech compared to Lukedonia. There was a massive space station in orbit and that’s it; where were the space defenses?

When Jimothy saw a pair of flying men flank both sides of the diplomatic shuttle, he understood why the Xandarian had forgone any traditional means of defenses. Those men were wearing golden helmets and black full body uniforms and could move in space somehow. It reminded him of the Green lantern corps from another universe his mother had told him about.


Still he wouldn't have dismissed static defenses in the home system. The Xandarians were cutting corners for their safety. This spoke of a society that was slowly in decline and it was not good.

The pilot contacted Jimothy from the cockpit and warned him, “Sir, we're about to arrive at the spaceport.”

The black haired young man smirked, “Excellent.” 

He put on his glasses, his HUD appeared showing that it was connected to his personal computer. The shuttle landed at the spaceport, when Jimothy exited the luxurious cabin of the diplomatic shuttle he saw a little group of people gathered. It was an eclectic mix of military and civilian people.

Jimothy descended the ramp at the shuttle's side and said, “I don't want to be that guy, but… why is security so lax here?”

With the passive Hacking of his suit's computer… Yet again the answer was the Nova Corps as Jimothy saw ones of their centurion do a fly by. The Eternal sighed in disappointment. As I arrived at the end of the ramp, a light skinned man with white hair walked up to Jimothy and opened his arm wide as he greeted him, “Welcome to Xandar, ambassador Gurē. My name is Brindyrr Naelt and I have the rank of Speaker.” The ambassador lowered his arms alongside his body and smiled as he asked, “ I hope that you had a good trip?”

Jimothy smiled back. “It was short.”

From Morag to Xandar, the trip didn’t take more than three hours with the slipspace drive; the Xandarian could be considered neighbors thanks to that short distance. His mother preferred the use of Slipspace technology rather than the Universal Neural Teleportation Network that everyone seemed to use; she didn’t trust them at all.

The Jump Points being this far spread showed that they were artificially created; they might as well be a trap. Jimothy bowed slightly, then he spoke candidly, “I’m honored to finally be on Xandar, when I’ve learned about your people, I just had to come see how you and your people have developed into such a mighty Empire.”

Jimothy wanted to know what's wrong with these people and why they neglected to defend their own planet. There were some small talks after that, and speaker Naelt led Jimothy and his guards toward the hotel where he would stay until it was time to meet Nova Prime. 

He had so many questions for her…


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Jean Grey) 


It was quite interesting to see the formation of the Guardian of the Galaxy Team, its members accepted her offer to join her forces for different reasons. Quill wanted a link back to Earth and to prove himself, Rocket wanted protection from his past and respect, Groot wanted his people back and to help Rocket, Gamora wanted her sister Nebula and Protection against Thanos and Drax was consumed by revenge for the loss of his family and half of people because of Thanos and his Lieutenant, Ronan.

Getting Drax here on Morag had been surprisingly easy. I didn't even have to lie or help him escape the Kyln. My son, Jimothy negotiated Drax’ freedom with Xandar's Nova Prime. I didn't even have to give up anything important; it was crazy what that asshole Celestial, Arishem, considered obsolete technology and knowledge. 

I mainly exchanged terraformation technology for access to Xandarians’ medical and agrarian technology and access to their most dangerous alien prisoners. I got a couple of prisoners who could be turned into agents out of it to know more about the lay of the land and how deep corruption could go in Xandar and surrounding space powers.

Those people were so corrupt that they jumped on the offer. After all those years, I learned that you can learn about a people by how they treat others and feed their people. Thanks to Jimothy, I learned that Xandar is a fake Utopia, it was just that the good part outshone the dark side of their society. I ordered my son to keep cozying up to Nova Prime while we took care of their problems with Ronan the accuser.

Speaking of the Kree, he was scheming something…

Many ships with Kree military designs have been detected filtering from all directions in Xandarian space. The ex-accuser was obviously mounting an assault on Xandar with the fleet that he amassed from the Kree Empire who didn’t care what their people were doing.

Some of the Kree higher-ups really wanted Xandar gone to continue their expansion in the Andromeda Galaxy to become a galactic power like the Shi'ar. Those were an entire kettle of fish that I didn't want to poke at yet.

I had a big surprise for that fleet when it came knocking. Project Warsphere was my and Jimothy’s baby; I was proud of my son's devious mind. I remember it like it was yesterday, ten years ago, Jimothy cataloged every known WMD from his favorite science fiction shows and came up with half of a design.

I helped him complete it, by erasing the flaws that I could see from a glance in the schematic that Jimothy made. Fortunately, there was no exhaust port weakness in the Warsphere. 

The warsphere is a Super Mothership 100 km in diameter, housing in its core a city able to support one million people just like a City Ship from Stargate or a Macross class deep space colony ship. It was equipped with two different stealth systems; a cloaking generator and a phase cloak device to pass through normal matter in the phased state.

The Mothership was also highly durable, its hull made of complex and rare materials such as Neutronium, Vibranium and layered together with different techniques and technologies not from this universe. Even if they pierced through the forcefields layer and did any damage to the hull, the mothership had self repair capabilities using nanotechnology and drone workers for work too dangerous for human engineers. 

Though I doubted it would ever be needed, the Warsphere was brimming with energy and projectile weapons on its surface with varying ranges. 

The power requirements for such a mobile Fortress were astronomical, but I didn't let that bother me as I and my pet scientists dedicated ourselves to develop Zero Point technology to harvest the abundant Quantum foam between universes. Celestial technology has shown us the way to do it, it was derived from their universal travel device the Celestial intended to use in case they had to leave this universe. 

I honestly can't wait to see people's faces when they see the warsphere appear in their system, their reactions will be recorded for posterity in my trophy vault.

I will send the Guardian of the Galaxy team to seek out Ronan and in the meantime… I will be taking Knowhere and removing a bunch of pirates in power. 

My scientists wanted more Celestial body parts to study…


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Rocket Raccoon) 


Life as an agent of the Systems-Commonwealth was quite easy. Rocket and his team spent their days in the learning pod, being taught the Laws and everything they needed to know about their new home. They spent their time in the simulators for training, not realizing at first that in the simulators time was slowed down.

They spent two months learning how to handle weapons, ships, and their 4D suits’ systems: they also adapted tactics from the SC military that worked well with their new equipment. Gamora and Drax were the best fighters in the team, Rocket was tech and assault support.

Groot was put to work as the primary intelligence gatherer, it seems that his species’ use of Chlorokinesis doesn't just apply to himself and he could control other plants to do his bidding. That gave ideas to some of the mad scientists in the ministry of science to create flora with special abilities for Groot to manipulate; like a climbing plant to manipulate sounds and act like a transceiver.

Rocket didn't want to know more about it as he felt uncomfortable around scientists. The SC's technology was ridiculously advanced, but the society's laws were quite harsh. If you stole something, the Judges sent you to do mandatory military service depending on the level of article you took. Hard drug trafficking landed you in the mining penal colony under the supervision of the AI that managed the Systems-Commonwealth. Rape and murder got you spaced through an airlock toward the sun. 

The laws of the land were pretty straightforward and simple, stupid people were weeded out pretty early through the education system. 

Rocket looked at the crowd in the military HQ, everyone was armed, even the civilian contractors mingling about. The Systems-Commonwealth is a dangerous place to other species when you consider that everyone was armed, had some sort of psionic power or was enhanced physically beyond some of the strongest species out there. 

Groot and Rocket are in the city of Aquarius on Morag, where they would receive their orders for their scouting mission in Xandarian space.

“I am Groot!” The large humanoid tree yelled as he showed off his lustrous leaves.

Rocket chuckled. “I know buddy, you look good.”

“I am Groot.”

“Yeah, they promised me the moon too, and… they delivered. Even fixed the cybernetics giving me trouble.”

Actually, it was as if he didn’t have any cybernetic at all, the mechanical parts have all been converted to biological ones. Rocket was also made stronger and healthier, with his lifespan increased even further for another century. This was at moments like those that he wanted to bring his friends from the lab to get them looked over; something that he was sure that the Governor General was working on.

Knowing how efficient and determined the woman was, Rocket knew that he would meet his friends again. Rocket nodded to his friend and said, “You want her to find your people again, right?”

“I am Groot.” The humanoid tree revealed.

Rocket showed a surprised expression. “She already did? That’s… quite surprising. You could be with them already, why are you-”

“I am Groot…”

“Ah yes, five years of service, how could I forget. There’s always a price tag.”

“We’re going to be okay…”

Normally, Rocket would have reneged on the deal he made with Jean and escaped, but… To Rocket, who saw the woman wielding impossible abilities and Gamora who told him that Jean Grey was more terrifying than her adoptive father, he decided to stay here and work his debt. There was also the fact that the starship’s designs of the SC were terrific to him, they were all capable of stealth and every capital ship could destroy a planet if needed.

They were fast as well, and used various forms of revolutionary FTL not dependent on the The Universal Neural Teleportation Network. With a side-eyed glance, Rocket saw Gamora and Peter exit the elevator in the main hall of the Military HQ.

They come back from the office where Admiral Hood was officiating; not all of the team wanted to show themselves to him, only the more extroverted of themselves. Groot noticed them as well and straightened his posture.

“I guess it's time to go.” Rocket said as he attracted the duo’s attention.

They walked up toward Rocket and Groot, who noticed that Peter was holding on some kind of envelope.

“What’s that?” Rocket asked, pointing his finger at the envelope. 

Peter smiled. “The commissioning papers for our ship.”

Rocket perked up, they finally were going to get their own ship. “Oooh!”

“I am Groot!” 


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------


Meanwhile, 3000 parsecs (9784 Light Years) away from Morag…

Nebula regretted not having left with Gamora when she could, catering to Ronan the ex-accuser’s need became tiresome. The Kree's ego was so big that he made everything about himself; the fact that his nation made peace with Xandar revolted him and he sought to destroy any Xandarian at all cost.

The insane Kree was so patriotic that he besmirched his own honor and credibility to lead a crusade of genocide against a people who want to be left alone in their fake Utopia. Ronan's motivation is pretty simple. The Kree Empire signed a ceasefire with the Nova Empire and ended a thousand year long bitter conflict that, at a guess, would have at its tamest made Napoleonic Wars look like a gentleman's disagreement. 

When an agreement was made to end it, there were billions across the empire who did not accept the result. Riots engulfed the capital on Hala. The people were furious, billions believed their government had gone insane. Ronan is a fanatic. That means the Kree losing does not compute for him. The riots at home told him his people would have applauded him for his bloody rampage, he had plenty who wanted the war to end with Xandar losing and Ronan used that sentiment as a reason for his actions. 

That is why Ronan's fleet boasted a hundred ships that deserted from the Kree's border fleet. Ronan took over a Kree colony and used the star system's resources to fuel his warmachine.

Nebula walked through the bowels of Ronan's ship, the Dark Aster, a three mile wide Accuser Warship. The decor was minimalist and practical, the crew members Nebula crossed paths with, gave her a wide berth as if she was a dangerous animal. This was because she had to prove herself in combat in the training room in the ship, some of the soldiers didn't want to listen to her orders. Nebula had fought against the strongest of them and sent him to the medbay after fighting him.

She finally arrived at Ronan’s bridge, which was guarded by three Kree in power armor. This was one of the checkpoints in the spaceship; after Thanos’ problem with a mysterious force killing his inner circle, Ronan was made aware of the news after he entered into a pact with the Mad Titan. They checked that Nebula was who she looked to be with different scanners; she handed them her weapons as well.

They were impressed by the large arsenal that she has on her person and quite a bit nervous. Finally they let her pass and the bridge’s doors opened; Nebula dragged her feet toward the chair where Ronan sat while brooding. Without any greeting, she said, “Lord Thanos wants to speak to you, sir.”

The ex-Accuser straightened in his seat. “Put him on screen.”

Nebula used her link to the Galactic Hypernet and transferred and paired her broadcasting system with Ronan’s on his ship. The image of Thanos, the mad titan appeared on screen. Nebula watched as the two men stared at each other with a calculating gaze.

Thanos was the first to break the silence, “Ronan.”

“Lord Thanos.” Ronan slightly dipped his head in greetings.

With a gravely and solemn voice, Nebula’s adoptive father went directly to business. “Have you tracked the one who took my prize?” 

Nebula didn’t believe in whatever goal Thanos has, he really believes that the universe is becoming overpopulated, and that soon there will not be enough resources to support everyone in the universe. This sounds crazy, even more so when you account for the amount of matter present in the cosmos. An astrophysicist could easily debunk her adoptive father’s little belief.

“We did, Lord Thanos.” Ronan replied with eagerness. “There’s words of a new force in the galaxy, they are called the Systems-Commonwealth; they recently entered into an accord for trade with Xandar. It was their forces that were at Morag and took the stone.”

Thanos’ face darkened, the armrests of his throne that he held onto with his hands cracked slightly. “Fools who don’t know their place and who became an obstacle to my grand design. They should already know that crossing me will bring them inevitable doom.”

Nebula didn’t say anything as the two madmen conversed; it would be soon time to escape, she had already sabotaged as many systems as she could in the ship. There was a virus that would slowly spread to the entire fleet, taking down the FTL and sunlight reactors; it would give her time to requisition a ship and disappear to look for Gamora.

“What about my own goal? I want Xandar destroyed and their civilization in flames; I can only return to my people once the work is done.” Ronan said. He intended to go back to working on Hala right after destroying the second mightiest nation in this quadrant of the galaxy.

Thanos seemed to think for a moment, then he leaned into his throne and said confidently, “I will send you 1/4th of my fleet to add to your force, they will be commanded by Nebula. Crush Xandar first and learn more about that Systems-Commonwealth before taking them down too.”

Nebula didn’t like being put on the spot right now. Why was he giving Nebula work right now?! Thanos then leaned forward and added coldly, “And when you’ve learned enough about those new upstarts… Find them, Ronan, destroy them and bring me my stone.”

Thanos cut the feed and the screen became black. Nebula complained in her heart, *Why do I have so many drama-queen in my life?*


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------

(Jean Grey)


Back with Jean…


I walked on the surface of the barren planet after exiting the space portal opened by my space stone. The ground around me was strange, it looked like I was in a marsh but the sand was strangely hard. The water ponds around me were full of life, I could spot small amphibian creatures feeding on the small algaes.

The planet was barren but could bear a semblance of life, the sky was eerily beautiful. There was a huge gas giant hanging in the sky and some other moons. “The place sucks, but it has good scenery.”

My awareness spread all over the planet, I searched for the Red Skull who was made Guardian of the Soul gem. It took barely a second to scan the planet and find the guy, he was 2000 km away from my position, in a mountainous region. I took flight toward the lifeforce that was so human in nature. I found him waiting for me on top of the highest mountain.

I hovered down, not touching the ground as the man spoke, “Welcome, Jean Grey, Governor General and… Phoenix Avatar.”

Yeah, not everyone knew that, so I mouthed off, “Red Skull, Johann Schmidt. You’re a long way from Earth, old man.”

The hooded figure uncovered his red skull-like face and showed emotion in his eyes. “Oh you know me? It heartens me to see someone from my world, tell me…”

He wanted to know if his side in the war had won; in a certain way they did… Hydra won and was controlling the world through the World Security Council. But I chose to burst his bubble of hope. “The Nazi lost, Hitler committed suicide as Berlin got surrounded by the allies; the allies won, though some were stupid enough to take on some HYDRA scientists. Hydra infiltrated the world government…”

Red Skull smiled victoriously, until I added. “Though, it’s been five years since the New Hydra organization was culled for good and oh yeah… Earth is now under my management.”

His eyes dulled as he heard my brief recounting of the event of the Winter Soldier bullshit. “Ah… so I truly have nothing to return to.”

I shrugged and landed on the ground. “Sorry, old man. So, where’s the gem?”

He looked up at me, something conniving brewing in his mind. If he knew what a Phoenix Avatar was, he wouldn’t try that bullshit with me, but you know how derp villains are… “You mean the soul stone?”

“Yeah that.” I nodded, putting a fist on my right hip.

The red skull said, “You should know...It extracts a terrible price.”

I could feel his emotions as he plotted to hurt me in a roundabout way. “Yeah sure. I am prepared.”

“We all think that at first. We are all wrong. Please follow me.” He turned his back to me and I walked behind him.

It took a long time but we climbed the mountain and reached the summit, there was a tall formation and a platform before me giving way to nothing. Just like in the movie, there was a tall cliff.

Red Skull pointed toward the cliff and said, “What you seek lies before you. As does what you fear.”

In his mind he was particularly happy, he was about to tell me bullshit about how the stone required a sacrifice. “Okay.”

I placed myself between him and the cliff. “Sorry old man, but this is… SPARTA!”

I kicked him off the mountain and watched with great pleasure as he fell, his face showing a completely incredulous expression. It took ten seconds for him to die on impact on the ground. Then I suddenly found myself waking up in some pond of water, I had something in my left hand. 

“Ah, here’s my new bling. I knew that sacrificing what you love bullshit was all him being an asshole.” I said as Witchblade absorbed the stone into itself and I felt myself… expanding and feeling the quadrillions of souls in that part of the universe. 

Okay this was going to get interesting…


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