The Raptor of Life

Interlude 17

Interlude 17



North America
Secret Location


Fury went through with it! They were going to get help from another friendly space power. Talos was aware that it was a Longshot but Captain… no Governor Jean Grey seemed to understand them. They just wanted a home and go back to being a proper civilization instead of wandering people. 

Talos knew a predator when he looked at one, the woman was dangerous and only playing nice because she could. The powers she showed made her on par there with Carol Danvers. Her people all possessed similar powers? He hoped not… this would imply a level of genetic engineering that allows them to create enhanced humans.

The telekinesis and portal creation was only the tip of the iceberg, they possessed technology that looked basically like magic. He wanted to know about their military power and the number of worlds under their purviews. Something told him that the origins of the Systems-Commonwealth's were extraordinary. 

Lukedonia or Mars was completely different from the red planet from before; Talos expected them to have powerful Terraformation technology. If they can’t find a planet for them, maybe they can make one? This was thrilling! That is why the Skrull was sitting before his computer connected to the Galactic network and called on his friend. It took one minute before she answered.

"Hello, Carol." Talos said with a sibilant voice.

She looked tired and her glare made her rather attractive for a Terran female. "Talos? Do you have any idea how late it is?"

The Skrull simply smiled in a teasing manner. "Sorry, but this is important."

Carol was out of her uniform, she really needed to find another one… he hoped that with what he planned that the Systems Commonwealth would be able to pull the Terran-Kree hybrid in their sphere. Talos went to the point immediately and said, "We found someone who will help us find a new home world, thanks to Fury."

With shock the woman said, "Wait… I must have misheard, what?" She played with her ears as if she hadn’t heard well. 

*Silly Terran.* Talos thought.

"Yeah, it was by chance. We met an advanced Terran group which calls Sol home, they colonized Mars and call it Lukedonia now, they are called the Systems Commonwealth." This was all information available that Talos gleaned from the androids used as crew in the Andromeda Ascendant. Artificial Intelligence and considered sapient have rights in the Systems Commonwealth, the crew are AI running human form replicant and working as soldiers, engineers, and officers.

They even showed Talos a copy of the constitution; every species was welcome to join the Systems Commonwealth, not just Terran. They were a free society led by an Empress in control of their parliament, AI was used to manage the worlds under their control, they basically eliminated corruption from their government. Talos looked at the sleepy Carol, she frowned and said, "I know of no such group."

The Skrull chuckled and said, "Well you're rather far from home, Carol. Are they making you fight the Kree again?"

Carol was fighting for his people, she was a good friend to have; the Xandarian took their people in but they treated the Skrulls differently and at arm's length because of their ability to shapeshift. They were treated worse than Gypsies on Earth with mistrust and jeer, most of them lived in slums and couldn’t attain any position in society. Carol lived with them to defend them, in the slums even though she had been offered an abode in the upper city on Xandar.

With her hands on her face to better wake up, Carol groaned. “Argh, don’t speak about that. I’m catching some shut eye after fighting for a week…”

Talos frowned, he didn’t like that; something told him they were better off on Earth. But at the time it was better to not have all of them on the planet. "You should come back with everyone, even join us for the negotiations with Governor General Grey."

Ain’t that the truth that Governor Grey was going to be a bitch to speak to; she seemed to be an affable person but… there was the nagging feeling in Talos that she was not to be trifled with. Carol then perked up, there was a cunning glint in her eyes. “Wait, I just realized. The Nova Corps are blackmailing me to fight for them, but if I remove the Skrulls from under the Xandarian council…”

Talos nodded and with a grin said, “You can get home and maybe even join those Terrans on Lukedonia, you’d be home more within an advanced society.”

Carol didn’t say anything for a while, but Talos saw it when she made a decision that would change her fate forever. “I’m going to organize everything, give me one week and I will bring everyone back on Earth.”

Talos gave her the coordinates where to land when they arrived there was a small community in a city made entirely of Skrulls in Nevada. A little town where the 200 Skrulls protected by Carol could be accommodated. Carol was still falling asleep and Talos finally told her, “Get some sleep first, Carol. Bye.”


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------


1 week later…
Landing site


The sun battered Talos’ skin warming up his body; he liked the climate here, it was similar to Skrullos' own. It was one of the reason they had chosen the Nevada at the foot of a mountain with a little oasis

Everything panned out like he had expected, the System Commonwealth had started patrolling the Solar system and they arrested the Kree Imperial cruiser under the command of Carol. Seeing the hundred of ships in the system and making moves, NASA detected new additions to the local cosmology. There was a huge planet sized space station near Mercury connected to the sun by some kind of cable and it was… printing ships. It was obviously a shipyard and the sun was used as a power source. 

They detected mining stations in the Asteroid and Kuiper belts, ships bringing material to a giant space station in orbit of Lukedonia. What a good time to be alive, Talos was seeing the change brought to this world with baited breath. Carol’s ship was arraigned in orbit by a dozen ships training their weapons on her and she was forced to power down.

Fighters were dispatched and then they boarded the Kree ship and their modus operandi changed when they realized that Carol’s ship wasn’t a military vessel but one full of refugees. They were made to all leave the ship and transported by shuttles; there were dozens of Pelicans, their name for the transports, coming down on Earth. One by one the pelicans landed and the ramp descended; in them were the Skrulls refugees. First came the adult and then the children.

Talos saw his grown daughter, G'iah, and his wife, Soren, there; he smiled and ran toward them. He kissed his wife, hugged his daughter and said how happy he was to see them. But… “Where’s Carol?”

“She was arrested by the patrol captain.” His daughter forwarded.

Talos’ eyes widened. “Why?”

Soren sighed and said, “She’s wearing a Kree Starforce uniform, why wouldn’t she be arrested by this government?”

Talos hadn’t thought of that. Soren looked at her husband and said, “I told her to get rid of it… but she’s stubborn.”

A bunch of guys in power armor approached them, they all wore inscrutable helmets, they looked deadly and professional. Their weapon harness consisted of rifles and blaster look-alikes. The soldier faced Talos and looked at him. “Are you Councilor Talos?”

Talos nodded warily. “Yes, it’s me.”

The man saluted him and put himself at attention. “Hello, Sir.”

Talos was surprised by so much deference but he didn’t show it, his wife and daughter did though. The man was still at attention, then said, “You must come with us, Sir. The Governor General sent for you.”

So this was the time that will decide the fate of his people, he looked at his daughter and wife. Then he looked back at the soldier in black. “Could you-?”

The soldier nodded. “We will house a bunch of our guys to protect the refugees, you don’t have to worry, sir.”

The Skrull smiled slightly and said, “Thank you, take me to your leader.”

He followed the soldiers and climbed aboard the pelican, he was treated with respect and Talos liked that fact. The Systems Commonwealth seemed to be his best bet for his people.


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------


Destroyer SC Stalwart
Guest cabin
En route toward Lukedonia…

6 hours later


Talos looked at the bed, desk and chair, space was at a premium in the crew quarter; but the embedded screen in the wall showed the stars passing by. The ship was sturdy and militaristic and everyone was Terran on this, but there were some androids still at key positions in the ship. He was not allowed to access the ship’s network but he could still look at movies from Earth and some from Lukedonia. It mainly showed a lot of people living in utopia; but he noticed that every adult was armed, so it was a polite society.

He learned about the mandatory five years in the military that everyone did thanks to the movie. It was a good story, a couple decided to live outside the walls of the arcology called the Citadel and farm on floating plates where vertical farming was used.

There were attacks from flying birds and lizards who strangely looked like pterodactyl. The animals used some abilities that were psionic in nature while the Protagonist and his wife fought them with modern weapons. So the planet is a death world with psionic animals who want to eat them…

Why did they choose this type of world to inhabit? Talos didn't know… unless, it was to create strong people. With everyone being responsible and careful this makes a society focused on duty and survival.

The ship was leisurely using its sub-light engines to travel; on the map of the solar system on the screen, Talos could see how fast they were going. From Earth to Lukedonia in six hours was actually a good performance at lower speed. The planet was slowly getting into view and it was beautiful and Earth-like; the beauty bellied how dangerous it was on its surface with its giant monsters and psionic animals.

But they weren't flying toward the planet, no it was toward the giant ring space station. There were countless ships docked there and the circulation of blue and gold fighter wings being visible.

Space Station Gamma, it was the name written on the screen. It was crude and quite blocky but Talos understood that they were just setting up in this system. The Destroyer slowed down visibly and was docking five minutes later at the station. It didn't take much time for a crew officer to come fetch him.

He was brought out of his cabin and led to the main airlock. Carol was waiting for them there, she had a collar on her neck and was wearing some kind of skin-tight suit with a belt and boots. It showed off her curves. 

"Talos keep looking at me and I will poke your eyes out." Carol stared back at him with a threatening stance.

Talos laughed. "I can appreciate beauty without sexual desire, I am old enough to be your father, young lady."

The Terran hybrid rolled her eyes. "Oh please don't go daddy on me."

They were made to move into the airlock connected to the station, they passed the white corridor and found themselves in a waiting area with a counter for customs. Countless security guards stood in power armor and patrolled the boarding area. There were countless people in the queue for the counters and welcome agents, they looked Terran and homeless. 

Some were even in wheelchairs and Talos understood something, the Systems-Commonwealth were taking people from Earth and offering them opportunities for a new life. There were hundreds of people here.

The soldiers ignored customs and made them walk past the door in the receiving area. A transparent panoramic ceiling showed them space and the lights of the walls guided them to the next area where they took an elevator. Talos decided to make conversation with Carol and tease her.

"So you got arrested because you were wearing that damned uniform." Talos began.

With an annoyed snort, Carol just said, "No comment."

The Skrull smiled and then asked, "What is this collar on your neck?" It was glowing red around her neck.

Carol wasn't happy about that and growled, "A power inhibitor, I am powerless right now."

"Oh they know how to handle enhanced people." That was good to know, the government was really competent and efficient.


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------


Government Tower


They were led inside a palatial government building in the form of a silver tower standing even in space at the base of the military district. Talos looked at the imposing building, the architecture reminded him of those ambitious projects he saw on Earth on National Geographic.

A flying man descended from the ceiling in uniform, he was young in his twenties and wore a black Systems-Commonwealth uniform. His eyes focused on Talos and Carol. He saluted and introduced himself. "Hello, there. My name is John Black, lieutenant Jr grade and I will lead you to the meeting room."

Carol looked at the muscle bound young man with clear interest, and Talos almost called her a cougar at that point. The man pointed his hand before the entrance and a green portal opened, it led into a palatial room with a throne and desk and small living room with white furniture.

On the walls were paintings of the animals on the planet's surface and of other people; notably the painting of a silver haired gorgeous woman in a sky blue dress. Governor Grey wore a blue uniform with golden trim, she had a tea set ready with confections on a small silver tower.

They entered through the portal and John closed it when passed last. The redhead woman smiled at them, she was seated on a throne-like chair. "Welcome to Space Station Gamma, I am Governor General Jean Elaine Grey."

With a kind smile, the redhead said to the young man, “You did a good job bringing them here, Johnny-dear.”

“Thank you, mother. But I’m working” John smiled and came to stand next to her.

What? This was her son? How old was the woman before them? Talos didn’t know, but now he couldn’t use her youth against her, she may look young but could be centuries old. The Skrull bowed slightly and introduced himself. "I am Councilor Talos, I was part of the previous government before the fall of Skrullos."

Being thrust into leadership hadn’t been easy but his people counted on him. He turned to the glowering Carol and he introduced her too. "This is Carol Danvers."

"Yes… the Kree Starforce officer." There was an overtone of disgust in her voice.

Carol noticed and she crossed her arms defensively and said, "I'm not part of them anymore…"

The redhead chuckled and asked, "Then pray tell why you were wearing their uniform? Sure it was a different color scheme but it was a Kree Starforce regalia."

Governor Grey was seemingly amused, Carol lowered her eyes and said a bit low, "I… didn't find any better uniform commercially available."

The redhead snorted in an unladylike manner. "I see."

John stayed stoic but there was mirth in his eyes and it caused Carol’s face to redden. Talos coughed and decided to get the conversation back on track. "We're not here to speak about Carol's taste in clothing, am I right?"

"No, there will be no negotiation; we're here because I deemed that you shall receive my help. Please take a seat, we got refreshment and food."

Talos was shocked by what the woman was saying, so much so that he sat mechanically; John smiled at him and seemed to be having fun with his mother playing politics. The Skrull was blunt when he asked, "Oh, that's good… but what's the catch, ma'am?"

Governor Grey shrugged. "You have nothing that I want from you, I just decided to help you. My council decided to get you out of the galaxy to another one, where your enemies won't be able to find you."

A tablet floated from the table to the waiting lap of Talos, it opened on a file showing NGC 300, a spiral galaxy in the constellation Sculptor. It is one of the closest galaxies to the Local Group, the Milky Way belongs to.

"No one, absolutely no one does things for free, what do you want?" Carol had to open her big mouth, sure Talos understood that she was trying to stick out for him but it seemed rather unnecessary. 

The blue eyed blonde stared into the redhead’s eyes and the governor didn’t seem the least bit intimidated. Governor Grey simply said to the ex-Kree Starforce member, "This is the Systems-Commonwealth way, we help the disenfranchised, we are not the Kree Empire or the Nova Corps. We don't need anything from the people we're trying to save."

Carol became incensed as she began saying, “It’s me isn’t it, you intend to help only if I help. Is it because you need me for something?”

Talos had never thought that his friend was too self-centered before but what the hell is she thinking in antagonizing what’s basically royalty in their own office? Talos wasn’t an idiot, on the way to the tower he saw a portrait of the governor, there were children always saluting to it and swearing some kind of oath in another language.

But contrary to Talos’ fear, Governor Grey didn’t get angry, she simply looked at Carol sadly, leaned forward and said, "Miss Danvers, I am sorry to break your bubble but you're not the only powered person here, everyone like John, my son there, is able to take out a fleet with their powers. Do you think you're unique in any way? We can manufacture and give powers to normal humans, everyone can be superpowered here…"

The Skrull councilor reeled at the revelation, this changed everything, his perception of this small governing body and their capabilities shot up. Governor Grey continued speaking, "When everyone is super in a society like the Systems-Commonwealth, no one is special because they can tell the laws of Physics to take a holiday."

Carol flinched from this, but she was sternly bullheaded so much so as she glared and said, “How dare you? I-”

"So that means that you're…" Talos interrupted the two women bickering, having finally seen why those people needed nothing from them. Then, the palatial office disappeared and they were in space overlooking the planet, a thick blue bubble of energy was separating them from the void of space.

Jean Grey pointed her hand in a direction and next they were next to Jupiter, overlooking a moon, it was Ganymede, she made a trigger finger and said, “Bang.”

Just like that, the moon shattered right in the middle, as if an object had pierced it. Carol’s mouth was agape as she realized what the Governor just did; Talos realized that Grey was showing Carol who was boss and that her meager powers were not that impressive. Then with a wave of her hand she fixed the moon, changing its configuration and composition and it became silver and cobalt colored. Next they landed on the planet and the governor began piloting it toward Lukedonia through an immense portal of golden light.

She then parked the moon 300 000 kilometers from Lukedonia in a perfect ellipse around the planet. “We’re going to mine that moon, and we got more Vibranium for our needs now.”

Governor Grey then turned to Carol and said, “We don’t need anything from the Skrull, or Carol, just your friendship and them helping Earth from time to time and within reason when they can. The Earthlings need to stand on their own after all.”

Governor Grey looked at the cobalt colored stones all over the surface of the moon; there were impact craters everywhere. Talos took the dive and said, “I accept, on behalf of my people, w-we need your help. Please, we are tired of being treated like vagabonds and layabouts. We want to rebuild our civilization and be at peace without anyone to bother us.”

The Governor nodded, and held her hands to him. “Sure, I’m going to help with that.”

So much compassion, Talos found himself crying a bit. This was the best day of his life so far, god-like Terrans decided to take care of them, take them in and maybe even protect them against the Kree. Carol made her presence known and said, “I’m in too, Ma’am! W-what must I do to obtain… Systems Commonwealth citizenship?”

Jean simply replied with a shrug, “Swear loyalty to the Empress, keep your oath and do a mandatory five years stint in the military. There you’ll receive the augmentation package attuned to your physiology and your military credits. But I’m afraid that you’ll have to go back to officer school with the younguns.”

“I’m not too old?” Carol raised an eyebrow, she didn’t want to be the lone old woman in a group of kids.

Grey laughed. “Miss Danvers… we have Rejuvenat treatment for that, what do you think to being back in your twenties and look like that for the next 100 years?”

Carol’s eyes became bigger and she jumped up and shouted, “I’m definitely in!”

Talos had a question that burned his lips so he interrupted the women. “Can the Skrull enter the SC?”

Jean Grey smiled and nodded. “You need to first establish a world, get to at least 100 000 people, petition the parliament to enter as a member. I’m sure the others would gladly let you join.”

“Who are the other members?” Talos asked, he hoped that they wouldn’t judge them too much.

Governor General Grey nonchalantly said, “Asgard and all the realms under their aegis, at least in this dimension so far.”

The Skrull jumped up and shouted, “What?!”

A/N: This is how I get the ball rolling for the next arc in the MCU. What do you think?

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