The Raptor of Life

Interlude 18

Interlude 18


(Jessica Jones)

December 21st, 2013
North America
New York


Jessica woke up as Kilgrave, her rapist and jailer did. She had long stopped trying to escape or kill the fucker. She even attempted to free herself through suicide. Nothing worked. He used her to kill the people he wanted gone or as an object to satiate his pleasure.

He was intent to use up her life and use her ability for himself. She wanted out, she wanted this to stop, but her body sat up and she came to the backseat again and went to the toilet and then to the bathroom to start her day. She exited it when she was done and picked up the dress that Kilgrave had bought for her and put it on, and took care of putting on makeup.

She looked just like one of those housewives from the 1950's… it wasn't her style and she hated it but she listened to the orders of her mental jailor. He was waiting for her in the kitchen. He had made breakfast because Jessica was a horrible cook. 

But before she could sit at the table, a man in black armor appeared behind Kilgrave and slapped a collar on him. Then Jessica was forced to defend her jailer but was stopped by a woman wearing similar armor and was tased into unconsciousness.  


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------


Jessica woke to a white illuminated ceiling and recognized the smell of disinfectant akin to being in a hospital. There was a persistent beeping coming from the screen facing her bed. It was a strange high-tech room. The door to the room she was in opened and in the middle of it she saw the most beautifulest woman she had ever seen. 

She walked with a feline gait into the room, her eyes looking into the room and then settled upon her. "Hello there, Miss Jones."

Jessica yelled, "Who are you?!"

She felt herself calm down when the woman said soothingly. "You can call me Jean Grey, and I sent my men to save you from the rapist and murderer who put you under thrall."

The ravenette didn't trust what she was being told, "Why?"

Nothing was free in life, she learned this the hard way with her experience. "Because my friend Jessica Jones in my own universe would have asked it of me." 

Okay this was getting meta here for Jessica, she didn't understand that answer. "It also took some time to find you. But my Artificial Intelligence was on the case. I am sorry that we couldn't come sooner."

Then Jean said something that she could trust. "Do you want to be present when we yeet Kilgrave into the sun?"

This prompted Jessica to ask, "Where are we? This doesn't look like tech from Earth."

Jean only looked at the window and it opened in space and Jessica was witness to seeing the sun more closely than before on a tapestry of darkness. The ravenette shouted, "What the fuck?!"

The redhead slapped her face and realized, "Oh dear, I forgot to tell you, you're not on Earth anymore."

She has been abducted again and this time by aliens and… wait she had been helped by an alien!  "Aliens had to help me… to free me from that horrible man."

Jean smiled at her and said, "Welcome to the Andromeda Ascendant, my flagship." 

She spread her arms wide then she pulled a drawer from the wall. It was a folded purple square in a plastic film. She made it float to Jessica's bed and the redhead said, "Come Jess. Can I call you Jess?"

The ravenette shrugged. "Why not? I am a guest and you saved me…"

The woman stared into her eyes with a burning intensity which scared Jessica a bit. "I would do anything for my friends. Anything."

She patted whatever the purple square stuff was. "Come put this on, this is a generic suit, you'll see it's super comfortable."

Jessica tore into the plastic and saw a suit unfold, the fabric was strange to the touch."Thank you?"

Jessica realized that her hospital gown left her back exposed. "Could you um… turn a bit."

The redhead laughed and turned.  "Huh okay, you're distracting, you know?"

*Was she being hit on? It must have been her imagination.*  Jessica put on the underwear and purple skin-tight outfit and noticed the integrated bra and support she was receiving, there was even a belt that helped seal the suit more tightly on her person. It obviously kept nothing to the imagination, but Jean was on the case and she had a small poncho to hide Jessica's swaying breasts.

"Thank you…" She put on the poncho.

Jean extended her hand to her. "Don't worry, Jess, I will help you as much as I can."

Jessica took the young woman's hand and she liked how Jean beamed at her reassuringly. When the day was over she watched as Kilgrave was sparta'ed through the airlock toward the sun. She cried about finally being free from that monster.


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------


Time dilation time: 6 years

Jessica was recovering slowly and Jean and her family were always there to help her. Hela was the strongest woman she had faced and there was the fact that she was bearing Jean’s and her baby right now. Then Amora and Lorelei who were sisters, were part of the family, their relationship with Jean was quite special. They were her magical support, apparently magic is a thing in this universe.

The brunette realized that she was being pulled into this family slowly and becoming at ease with them. Lukedonia was steadily filling up with disenfranchised people seeking their fortune. Education is free and mandatory. Jessica was studying psychology and taking combat class to control her powers and beat her fear of height to be able to fly with Jean.

Everything came back to Jean, she was helping with her mental health through telepathy. It had taken a long while for her to trust the redhead in her head, but there were also courses on how to create mental shields on the datanet. Jean often showed her Jessica's alternate double and she kept doing it since they became friends back in their home dimension, and it was strange to see herself as a teenager again but stronger and smarter.

She was slowly being attracted to the other woman, and came to question her sexuality. It must be because they kept being connected mentally. Jean always knew when Jessica was having bad dreams and had come to teleport in her room and hug her to sleep.

This continued until Jessica recovered from her ordeal and decided to do her five years mandatory stint in the military. She started as a fresh Aspirant and finished five years later as a Lieutenant in the Space Marines flying division. When Jessica left the military it was as a reservist and proceeded to become a Judge on the space station Gamma.

Jean dropped in from time to time to give her jobs. Offer her perks to continue her training and become a Judge investigator; she was also offered the best gear coming from the military plants. The serums to reinforce her body worked well on her and she was strong enough to train and lift a small shuttle and she could fly decently as well.

The Citadel wasn't peaceful despite it being tightly controlled by the judges and the military. Some people who had been… uplifted had some bad time adapting to life in a society like the Systems-Commonwealth. Some people gathered into communities in the arcology and adopted a tribe mentality because of all the space still available.

Crimes were more tightly controlled, but there were places for a single judge to not tread. Actually, slums were created underground and were now called the underground city; it was there that the red light district, casino and smugglers gathered. 

Recreational drugs had no effect on augmented people, but they were given outlets such as virtual reality or holodeck to play video games and let out their aggression or desire for actions. Jessica was a valued member of precinct 01, until she finally got transferred to Space Station Gamma when the place transitioned into being inhabited by civilian and new members species such as Asgardians, Jottun or light elves.

It became somewhat chaotic. Jottun were violent but revered Governor General Jean as she convinced Odin to give back the Casket of Hundred Winter's, thus revitalizing their world that was slowly dying. The light elves were primadonna, and the Asgardians were a rowdy bunch who came to Lukedonia to fight monsters and hunt them. 

Smuggling animals native to Lukedonia to Asgard somehow happened, those Pikachu rats got everywhere… but somehow she liked her work. She could punch people with more or less equal training with her and they could give her a fight. Well, at least not against Eternals, those people were too strong…

Jean gave Jessica a power armor which raised her ability to a similar level but she couldn't wear it all the time; this was for war time apparently and locked behind multiple permission the DOMINA Super Intelligence controlling everything in the Empire.

Jessica's next goal was to buy a small corvette and show Trish space and maybe get her to become a citizen of SC where she could become an anchor for the space channel here. She could do so much better here, but would she be able to fight and thrive in the military. Those five years really pushed Jessica to new heights of powers but also scarred her mentally. The six months in the jungles of Lukedonia were horrifying…

But where necessary, Jessica understood that Jean was making a strong military and the best Space Marines and Army possible. Jean was preparing for something but she wasn't telling what.


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------


Real time: 1st January
Time dilation time: 7 years
Space Station Gamma 


Jessica's apartment in the Governor tower on space station Gamma. She owned her own small shuttle now and could go from the Citadel to the Space Station when she wanted; her salary as a Judge was enough to buy a high-end model coming from the shuttle dealers who recently installed themselves in the station.

Being a judge was like being a strange mix of cop/judge/Texas ranger, though to avoid corruption, AI were used to monitor everyone. Transgressors were thrown into the mine and camps where the commissar worked them to death on the new Vibranium moon called Ganymede.

Penal military service was also a thing for hardened criminals or at least the definition of what hardened criminals were in the Systems-Commonwealth. Rape, murder and other other type of crimes such as pedophilia were rewarded with capital punishment, being spaced in the sun has become trending lately. The Justice system is efficient and can be considered cruel but crimes here in the SC were completely different compared to Earth.

There’s no racism up there, you were judged only through your competencies and abilities and responsibilities undertaken. Jessica looked at Lukedonia through her panoramic window and it was a beautiful but cruel world which made strong people. "Fuck Earth, I like it better here."

Ring! The doorbell rang, signaling that there was someone there wanting entrance, Jessica asked herself who it might be. The Virtual Intelligence of her home stated the obvious. [You have a guest, Ma’am.]

“Who is it, Jeeves?” Jessica already walked to the entrance hall of her apartment.

[Her esteemed honor, The Governor General, Ma’am.] Jeeves informed her.

Jessica power walked to the door and ordered, “Open the door.”

Jean stood there in her Governor’s uniform looking too damn good. The redhead made a smug smile and said, "Hey, Jess. Looking good."

Jean’s eyes roamed over her entire body, she wore a sports bra and some skin-tight leggings; Jessica had been working out while training in her gym. She was glistening with sweat. The Ravenette blushed at how the other woman looked at her and waved awkwardly. "Jean… What brought you there?"

The redhead invited herself, entering the apartment as if she owned it; it was one of the things that had irked Jessica before but now she no longer blinked at Jean’s actions. 

"I wanted to see you, I missed you." Jean added and pierced her heart mercilessly making Jessica all warm inside.

*She has stopped being subtle.*  Jessica noticed.

Then she raised her hand and a bottle of yellow glowing stuff appeared in it. "And I brought some alcohol made with the reality stone."

Jessica looked warily at the bottle; she remembered Jean’s experiment with her special stone and how she created cartoonish effects with it by creating special food or beverages. "Is it going to turn me into a fairy like last time?"

Staying a little Fairy for two hours hadn’t been easy, Savannah, Jean's little girl tried to catch her all the time. She could already fly and move at great speed; the little girl’s powers were growing steadily. Jean looked embarrassed and for once blushed as she said, "Eh no. I don't think so…"

Jessica gave Jean a look, the redhead chuckled and said, "This alcohol makes you want to tell the truth…"

The Judge, Jessica, facepalmed. "Did you bring a class 3 regulated substance into my apartment?"

Class 3 regulated substances, any kind of truth serum or compounds to mentally control someone were only for the use of the military and the judge. Jean didn’t care that she was committing a crime at all and shrugged with a smile. "Yes. Because… because, I have had enough of wanting to wait… I love you Jessica Jones." 

The ravenette understood. "Oh… liquid courage, you already took a swipe because you wanted to confess to me." Jessica needed to let her down gently, she loved their friendship too much and she wasn’t gay... "It's too bad you're a woman-"

Before she could finish, Jean morphed into a guy and Jessica stumbled back as she saw the muscle bound redheaded man looking at her smoldering.

"Gender isn't a problem." Her… his bass like voice rang deep in her bones.

He threw himself at her and captured her lips and French kissed her from the get go. They began groping each other and ended up on the sofa which morphed into a queen sized bed. Jessica took off her suit and let her breasts free, Jean did the same with her… his uniform.

Jessica's eyes widened when she saw the full master eight inches cock that slapped her in the face. "This… this won't fit!"

She tried to negotiate with a blow job, but Jean was relentless, she.. no… he was taking control and he wanted to make love to her. Jessica was laid on the bed delicately as her paramour whispered in her ear. "I'm going to make you forget about that guy who hurt you, I will only make you able to be satisfied by me."

"Ah wait!" Jessica's eyes widened as he kissed her possessively and connected their minds together…


------ ✶Raptor✶ of ✶Life✶ -------



Eight days later


Jessica was being fucked by this guy-Jean like a psychopath, it was the first time that she felt it when someone pistons into her, she lost awarenes of time as he filled her up as if he wanted to get her pregnant, she wasn't on the pill but it was hard to say no when she felt this oneness with him/her or whatever she was. Straight or lesbian, Jessica didn’t care anymore, her mind was aflame as Jean was one with her in mind and body. 

He was systematically erasing the feeling of other men and Kilgrave from her mind as he put fucking hearts into her eyes. Fuck, she didn't even care anymore that Jean had kids and other wives she wanted to keep being fucked for days on ends. But everything had to end and this was too bad they have too much stamina.

Jean bottomed out inside her and filled her womb while saying. "Cumming!"

"Yes, cum in me! Breed me!" Jessica held onto him as if her life depended on it. A large amount of spunk was injected into Jessica's needy little cut while her womb greedily slurped on the sperm flooding it. He was still cummings inside her as he said, "By Stan Lee, I never thought that I would be fucking an alternative version of my best friend and wanting to keep her with me forever…"

Jean's eyes stared into her own. "You're mine now, I don't let go of what's mine."

They kissed greedily, sucking each other's tongue. But something had to happen to break the spell of the moment. Beep! Beep! Beep!

Jean was pissed off as her com-badge beeped while he was raring to go on Jessica again. "Fuck, why now?!"

Jessica held onto him as she was still being filled with his cum, her belly swelled a bit. Then they reluctantly separated, but Jessica tried to tell him one last time. "Are you sure we can't continue? I want to feel you inside me again."

Jessica was inviting her legs to part with Jean’s spunk slowly oozing out of her most delicate place. Jean licked his lips and the lust filled expression told Jessica all she needed to know that she still got it. 

Jean hesitated and closed his hands in a fist and calmed down, breathing in and out. "Shit, don't tempt me, now. I got an emergency alert sent to me by an ally."

The ravenette was disappointed and still horny, she closed her legs. "Just… okay go, you're busy. I can wait for you?"

 She still had some leave left and she hoped that Jean would come back and show her who she belonged to. This had been the best sex of her life and she was reluctant to let go. Jean dressed back in his uniform, then looked at Jessica, eyes turning gold. "Oh, by the way, congratulations we're going to have twins."

Jessica froze at this statement and looked back at Jean still putting on clothes. "Jean, did you knock me up?"

"Yeah, I couldn't stop myself..."

He or she, whatever she was at the moment, loved her a lot. Jessica had to find the Yandere girl who could shapeshift into a guy… She could feel it, it was like being burned in the sun, this scorching love threatened to consume her. "Ah, that is going to be problematic, how am I going to explain this to my sister? That I fell in love with another woman who can shapeshift into a guy and who knocked me up while fucking me for a week straight while in leaving a hole shaped like me in the bed."

Jean shrugged.  "You're aware that you aren't going to be the only one in this relationship right?"

"Yeah, I can't believe that I am jumping in a relationship straight up after what I went through…" Jessica said bluntly. She didn't regret getting fucked like a slut for a week by perfect male specimen.

Jean reassured her. "I am going to make it worth it, babe, I swear."

Jessica looked at Jean’s strained suit at the crotch. Shit, he was still hard after all that and she wanted to suck it. Jean was too good in bed, a monster actually. Jean returned to being a woman, but Jessica still kept looking at her ass. None of her forms were safe from the hands of Jessica, she realized that what mattered was the mind and falling in love with telepathic humans was easy… they knew how to anticipate everything she needed.

Jessica swallowed as she didn't want to come off as needy, but backpedaled as she said with all the love filling her heart. "Leave, but come back to me, okay?"

Jean stared at her and put a hand on her heart. As if suffering from a critical blow. "Why… Why are you so cute?"

The ravenette blushed at that moment and averted her eyes from the woman who changed her life. Jean said, "I will be back, give me one day. And then I will be rocking your world again."

Jessica smiled. "You already put your babies into me, you want more?"

The redhead shook her head. "No, I want us to sign the partnership contract and then you'll be part of the family. My daughters won't be born without us two in a relationship."

Jessica floated toward the being of her dreams, she didn't care anymore about her gender. "I love you."

Jean flashed her a special smile that she had never seen before it was warm and genuine. "And I love you too, honey."

They kissed one last time and then Jean was gone… Jessica realized that she was more than happy. But despite what Jean said, she needed to check if she was truly pregnant…

A/N: Next interlude is the stuff with Hydra. Next chapter on October 10th, gimme some time to build a buffer lol.

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