The Self Evolver.

Chapter 3. (13)

Thankfully there were no signs indicated that there was an animal or dragon nearby however he didn’t regret his search as the forest of wild animals some common ones known to roam the night were the wolves in their large packs and the boars with sharp tusks and even tougher hides. There were also the occasional dragons that predated at night within the woods so it was better to be cautious than sorry as his mother always said.

Tonight he would be using his Genesis power for the first time and hence he wanted to ensure that nothing went wrong and if it did, he had brought his champion axe and shield to deal with any threat.

He had already decided on the power he wanted to get first.

‘All right here we go’ thought Turyn as he took a deep breath ‘Genesis.’

A wave of energy surged within his very core spreading through his body after which his instincts indicated for him to describe his power which he did. When he finished his description, he immediately felt a nerve wracking pain in brain that made him scream out in pain. It was unlike anything he had ever felt, pure never ending agony that felt like someone had plunged their hands into his brain and randomly pulled it apart before stitching it back together with a thousand fiery hot needles over and over again. Thankfully after a few minutes of never ending agony, the hellish pain he was subjected to finally stopped leaving him with a numb and dull feeling in his brain.

Turyn lay on the ground for minutes breathing heavily from exhaustion, his clothes were  soaking wet, his skin was cold as ice the very touch of the gentle cold sea breeze felt even colder than usual, his eyes were shut tight in a desperate attempt to reduce the pain even by a miniscule amount by it didn’t do anything other than reduce the irritation of the moonlight on his eyes.

After finally managing to calm down, he finally opened his eyes and the very sight around him astonished him. The trees looked greener while the moonlight looked sharper and even more beautiful and if he focused enough he could see what looked like different rays of moonlight each with a different color which ultimately combined into one large silver-white moonlight ray. He didn’t know how to properly explain it however the entire world around him felt even more vibrant and alive, even more beautiful.

He could also feel that his thinking speed had quadrupled enabling him to think about numerous things in a matter of seconds. It was truly breath taking. He also noticed that his cognitive capabilities had increased which he planned to test later on. He also seemed to now possess an eidetic memory as even after he turned to look in a new direction, he could remember the exact way everything behind him looked like from the tall trees with darg green leaves and dark brown bark on their stems to the very colour and look of the grass beneath his feet. Even the light of the moon was recorded. It was truly incredible.

Despite his hatred towards the pain he had experienced, his current self could feel that it was all worth it after all No pain no gain right?

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud roar that sounded a bit of a distance away from his current position and whatever made that sound seemed to be coming towards him.

‘Looks like all the screams I made finally attracted something to me, well to be fair any person screaming out loud in the middle of a forest is bound to attract something dangerous’

‘Its time to go’

Turyn quickly picked up his shield and axe and ran all the way back to his house where he carefully snuck into his bedroom after leaving his weapons beside the rest at the door and immediately fell onto his bed totally exhausted.

The next day, Turyn woke up late into the day around noon time feeling extremely well rested. After a long hot and relaxing hot tun bath, he had some leftover breakfast that had probably been left for him by either his mom or dad which he quickly reheated in a small pot and enjoyed.

‘Now that I’m full, it’s time to put my cognitive and eidetic capabilities to the test.’

For those who didn’t know, Turyn had created the Tier 1 ability, Peak Human mind which just as its name said restructures and enhances the human mind to limit of what the human body could normally achieve.

This change increased his thinking speed by four times, granted him an eidetic memory, while also increasing all his cognitive capabilities multiple times, things like learning speed, understanding and acquisition of knowledge. If before he could estimate that he had an IQ of 90 then he could confidently say that he now had an IQ of around 270 easily surpassing Albert Einstein (IQ of 160), Stephen Hawking (IQ of 155 ) and all the great scientists after all while they were brilliant people they hadn’t reached the peak of what the human mind was capable of.

Besides a certain part of one’s IQ is determined by the knowledge they have learned. For example if Peter Parker’s IQ was calculated to be around 250 then without his current knowledge that is if his brain was to be wiped of all possible knowledge, then his normal IQ would be around 210. Meanwhile Turyn’s current normal IQ after his mind has been enhanced is around 270 which means that should he receive and learn knowledge of things like theoretical and applied physics alongside the other sciences like Chemistry and Biology, then his IQ would increase even more maybe even surpassing 300 after all it is only when one possess knowledge of something can they discover something new.

Even Einstein needed to learn physics and maths and it was that knowledge foundation that enabled him to invent the theory of Relativity just like how Iron man’s foundational knowledge of Physics and Maths enabled him to eventually create and design his Iron man suit.

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