The Self Evolver.

Chapter 3. (14)

Turyn sat down at the table in his room and took out his old Book of Dragons and began to read it page by page until he finished reading it an hour later. Don’t get Turyn wrong. The Book of Dragons while being an old version book, was still a large book filled with a vast amount of information. Yet as he closed his eyes, he could instantly remember everything that he had read and from some of the more descriptive words, he could even create an imaginary image of the creature within his mind. It was truly exhilarating. In his previous world, he hated going to school and studying as he found the process to be quite difficult and tiring yet now, he was actually enjoying reading a book with the desire to do so even more. It was truly lovely having a Peak Human mind.

He immediately wasted no time picking up his new Dragon Hunters guide to hunting dragons which nearly thrice the size of the Book of Dragons and began to read it. And just like that a few hours passed and by the time he finished reading it was already late in the evening however given the enormous amount of knowledge he now possessed from the two books which he now remembered completely word for word, he would argue that his time was well spent. With the knowledge he currently possessed he felt like he could kill any dragon.



Two days had passed since the use of Genesis and Turyn felt comfortable and well rested enough to use it to grant himself another ability and so that night he snuck deep into the forest just like before, armed with just his champion axe and shield just like before. He soon arrived at the same clearing as before and after a quick but thorough search of his surroundings, he set down his shield and axe as he began to prepare himself for the process.

‘I can do this.’  

‘Its just a little pain.’

‘No pain no gain right’ thought Turyn as he psyched himself up for the hell pain he would once more endure to acquire yet another ability but given any other choice he would still choose to do this as despite the How to Train Your Dragon world was based on a cartoonish world. It was currently his real-life world, and he could first hand tell just how terrifying and dangerous dragons truly are. The fact that Hiccup saw such terrifying beasts and chose to become their friend to Turyn was truly unbelievable. How could a person love such terrifying beasts?

‘Toothless must be one hell of cute creature like in the TV shows for Hiccup to turn to a life of loving such terrifying creatures’

‘Anyway, enough about that, let’s get this over with’

Turyn focused on his body and after a few of concentration he felt his instincts take over as a rush of energy spread throughout his entire body. Genesis had awakened.

After spending a few minutes describing his power, he felt the energy coursing through his body vanish and once more hellish pain descended on him. This time however the pain was spread through his entire body and not as concentrated on his mind like before however even, so it was still excruciatingly painful. He once more screamed his heart out filling the forest with the loud wails of his screams shocking the residential creatures within.

He tried to hold back his scream this time he really did however holding his voice seemed to make the pain even more intense and so he had no choice but to scream his lungs as if his pain continued to build from holding back his screams, he would eventually drive himself insane from breaking his mind with this torture.

The pain lasted a few minutes but just like last time, those few minutes felt like an eternity but eventually the pain faded away leaving gasping on the floor except this time he didn’t feel tired, no, in fact he felt so full of energy that he didn’t even know what to do with it curtesy of his new Tier 1 power, Peak Human Stamina. This power granted stamina at the peak of the human limit. He couldn’t exactly calculate how much stamina this new power provided but judging how hyperactive he felt despite the fact that normally he should be feeling extremely tired after the creation of a new ability, he could tell that it was a lot.

He felt like he could run around and train all day without rest which was simply an incredible feeling. He didn’t know how describe it but he felt more alive and full of energy.


His enjoyment was cut short by the sound of a loud roar which was strangely similar to the one he had heard two days ago except this time it was too close to where he was and so he doubted running away would be possible considering how deep in the forest he was plus he didn’t have super speed so he was sure that whatever was charging rapidly towards his direction could catch up to him before he even set foot in the training grounds let alone the village which was much further away. So he waited where he was with his axe in his right hand, his shield in his left and clothes full of sweat that clung to his body and constantly made him shiver from the cold.

It was after a minute when he saw a few large trees a few meters away shatter from the stem as something large bust through causing the ground to shake and dust to rise.

It was a dragon taller than the tallest trees in the forest with a long snake-like neck that held a large head with a long narrow snout and two large horns rising on the sides of its head. Its wings were the largest part of its body as they were 163 ft wide compared to its 127ft length. It had razor sharp talons at the middle sections of its wings and legs similar to a Monstrous Nightmare. It was entirely orange with black marking running along its body making it both beautiful yet terrifying at the same time.

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