The Self Evolver.

Chapter 3. (15)

Turyn recognized this dragon as soon as he saw it and he immediately knew that he was fucked. After all the beast in front of him was no ordinary dragon. It was a Typhoomerang and judging by its height and length, it was a fully grown adult female and now that fully grown monster was glaring at him with eyes to kill and unluckily for him, Typhoomerangs were entirely carnivorous.

‘Shit’ thought Turyn as his new powerful brain churned trying to figure out a way to keep himself alive. He immediately came up with the idea of running away through the forest, however, he quickly shot that idea down as while the trees would prevent the large dragon from chasing him, it would also force the dragon to take to the sky which would be a bad idea as once it became airborne his chances of survival would immediately diminish to zero. Also, the Typhoomerang was known to produce red hot tornado like flames which if the beast decided to use while it was chasing him down, it would result in the burning down of the entire forest and it would also mean leading the beast to the village which could result in countless deaths as it was a powerful beast even among dragons and known to be extremely temperamental.

Just as he was about to give up, he heard a small growl a few feet away from him which when he turned to see what it was, he immediately noticed that it was a small baby Typhoomerang hiding within a bush gazing at him curiously.

Turyn looked between the baby and adult Typhoomerang and a plan immediately began to form in his head. He immediately dashed towards the baby beast which ended up startling it causing it to turn around wanting to run away but Turyn was too fast for it. He immediately grabbed the two large wings on its back and pinned them together with his left ha before it used its sharp talons to chop his hand off and also quickly placed his axe on his back and grabbed the baby by its horns preventing it from biting his fingers off.

The adult Typhoomerang roared out in rage as she witnessed her child being captured by the tiny food but it had all happened too quickly and by the time she wanted to act, it was already over.

Turyn knew this as well as he looked at the large scary dragon with a smirk “It’s over” he said as he held the shrieking Typhoomerang upwards to be seen by its enraged mother “Now there are only two things that can happen, either you leave and I let the baby go meaning we all leave this place in peace and without bloodshed or…….I kill your baby and we fight to the death. It’s your choice dragon.”

“So what will it be dragon? Your pride or your child?”

The Typhoomerang glared at Turyn for what felt like an eternity before it nodded it head and began to ascend in a slow spiral pattern before reaching a high enough attitude that allowed it to glide away into the distance. It glided a few hundred meters away before coming to a stop atop a small hill where it was far enough as the little creature demanded but close enough to see its child’s fate.

Turyn looked at down at the baby Typhoomerang which had stopped shrieking and was currently staring at him with anger and helplessness. It did look a bit adorable now that he was looking at it in a calmer setting but he had already seen the type of monster it would grow up to be so he wasn’t tempted to keep it as a pet or anything like that. Plus its mother was still watching him and he was sure that if he kept the child, the adult Typhoomerang wouldn’t hesitate to burn down the entire island. So while keeping a close eye on its most dangerous parts, he placed the child down on the ground slowly before quickly releasing his grip on both its wings and head.

The baby Typhoomerang yelped in joy before turning to glare at Turyn for holding it hostage for a few seconds before dashing off into the forest in the direction of its mother. While its mother was focused on its arriving child, Turyn slipped into the vast dark forest hiding himself from the large beast using the trees canopies as the Typhoomerang didn’t possess great eyesight and smell but instead possessed great hearing so Turyn moved both silently and as quickly he could while hiding within the darkness of the forest. He eventually managed to leave the forest and after glancing back to ensure that he wasn’t being followed, he headed towards his house where he once again passed out on the bed this time not due to physical but rather mental exhaustion.



The next day Turyn was awoken by the sound of a loud yelp followed by loud sparks, he quickly rolled out of his bed and grabbed the axe by the side of his bedroom door after which he quickly turned around ready to face his intruder when he noticed a familiar blue-colored baby dragon with a snake-like neck and razor-sharp talons and teeth sitting on his bed looking at him with curiosity. It was the baby Typhoomerang he had held hostage yesterday and WAS SURE HE HAD LET GO so what was it doing here?

“What the hell! why are you here?!” asked Turyn as he continued holding his axe in a battle-ready stance just because it was a baby Typhoomerang didn’t mean that he would let his guard. The dragon itself despite being a baby was the size of a baby elephant with razor-sharp teeth and wings and the ability to breathe fire. It was basically a miniature death machine.

The baby Typhoomerang let out a small roar before leaping off Turyn’s bed and walking slowly toward Turyn. Turyn kept a watchful eye ready to strike the moment the baby dragon exhibited any hostile behaviour. The baby dragon walked towards Turyn and for a moment it glanced at the axe in his hand with a bit of fear considering last night's events but it still continued forward before finally reaching Turyn’s location. Turyn watched as the dragon looked at him with a bit of interest and excitement before rubbing his foot with its head while letting out a purring sound. All Turyn could think of at the moment was

“What….. the fuck!!”

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