The Shot

Chapter 1

“Hey! That's a cool book you have there!” I heard a soft voice say as I looked up from my page

“Oh uh...yeah. I’ve read it a ton, its pretty good actually.” I replied

“I’ve heard! Mind if i read that for a bit? I promise ill give it back! I just haven't read that one and I love that series.”

“Uh..yes in fact i do mind…sorry. It’s my favorite in the series so...” I said as I started to walk away.

“Oh… it’s alright.” she looked really...disappointed

I thought for a second as she started walking away.

“Um, can borrow it. Just make sure to give it back after okay?” I said as I handed her the book.

“Sure! Ill get it back to you probably after lunch. I’m a fast reader haha.” She smiled as she put the book in her bag. 

“Hey me too! I love reading. I hope you enjoy!” I smiled as the lunch bell went off.

We went our separate ways and everything was fine...until i remembered what id left in my book. FUCK. 

I’d been using a drawing of myself...I mean a character as a magical girl

Fuck I hope she hasn't found that drawing! I saw her walking to the library so I followed as quick as I could. She made her way into the library and I swiftly ran after her. She walked through a few of the assortment of shelves and found herself at a dead end looking at the graphic novels.

“GIVE ME BACK MY BOOK!” I said hastily as I darted towards her.

“What? Why? I told you id give it back, and I haven't even started it yet!” she replied

Good...she hasn't opened it...yet.

“Yeah I know and you can totally read it! I just forgot to take out my bookmark and its really important to me and…” i was interrupted by her flipping through the pages. 

My mind raced as she thumbed through humming.

“Not a problem! Let me just…” she paused

“Did you draw this? Its really good!” she said as she held up the sketch triumphantly.

“I um...yes.” I started to sweat as she looked at the image closer.

“Whats your characters name?” she asked

“I um...doesn't matter...please just give it back.” I started walking towards her

“I will...after you tell me her name.” she smiled

I looked at her as she stuck her tongue out.

“I said its not important!!!” I raised my voice slightly.

“Hey im just messing with you. Is it such a big deal to want to know your OC’s name?” she chuckled

Clenching my fists I stomped my way towards her and she put her hand out to stop me.

“Wow dude calm down…” she said


I pounced on top of her as I pinned her on the ground. 

“GET OFF OF ME!” she yelled as I felt a sharp pinch in my neck.

‘GAAAAAAH WHAT WAS THAT!” I asked as she pushed me off of her

“Shit! Fuck I’m sorry” the girl said as she took the needle out of my neck.

“What did you just fucking do!?” I screamed .

She gave me a sympathetic look as she started to take deep breaths to calm herself down.

“You have to get out of here quick…” she said 

“IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE TILL YOU TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK THAT WAS!!” I said as I felt my stomach start to churn.

“Trust me. You want to get out of here before it kicks in.” She put her hand out to help me up.

“I don’t need your help to g...get u...uh...w-What was that stuff! Whats happening to me!!?” I asked as my body was slowly starting to shake and sweat.

“Your name's Jason...right? It said that on your drawing. She asked

“Y-yeaaaaaOW! SHIT THIS HURTS!” I yelped as my muscles started to cramp all over.

“Okay Jason, you need to come with me right now. You don't want to turn in front of all these people.” she said

“Turn?? What do you mean? w-WHAT THE FUCK!! WHY DO I SOUND LIKE A GIRL?!” I started breathing heavily as I felt for an adams apple that was nowhere to be found.

My eyes went wide and she covered my mouth so I couldnt scream.

“Fuck it.” She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the women’s restroom located in the library. 

“What are you doing!! I’m not allowed to be in here!” I said as she locked the door behind us. 

“You don’t really have a choice right now.” She said as she sat and looked at me.

She was tearing up as I tried my best to move but my body wasn’t responding to any signals my brain was sending to it.

“I...I cant move! What the fucks happening to me!?” I asked as my vision started to blur.

“’re turning into a girl Jason.” She said seriously.

“I’m...turning into a girl!? Seriously?” I snorted at what must be a joke.

“It’s been 5’ll take a few seconds to properly kick in now.” She stated while checking the time.

“And before you say anything, it’s your fault for attacking me. I swear I can change you back, I just have to get the antidote from my house and...” her words started to mean nothing. Sounds became all mushed together as I felt a pain like I never experienced in my life. I couldn’t hear or see or even yell. All I could do was feel my bones cracking and my skin burning. I felt a pressure inflating and deflating parts of my body. I could hear a girl with muffled yelps that synchronized with my body twitching. Something was indeed happening but...she has to be lying about the whole girl thing...right?

“I promise it’s almost over.” I heard her say as I regained my bearings.

“Ow...” was all I could manage. 

“Trust me I know it hurts. Here let me sit you up.” She said,

As she sat me up against the wall I felt a weight on my chest bounce and my dazed state faded away.

She held me in place and covered my mouth.

“HEY! Don’t move. Don’t scream. Take a deep breath and let me explain okay?” She ordered and I nodded as I took deep breaths through my nose.

“Good Jason.” She said, 

I winced a bit from the pain as she brought out her phone. She handed me the phone. I noticed how small my hand looked as she handed me the phone. I could tell the phone was on the camera app but I didn't want to look...I didn't want what she said was happening to be real, but curiosity got the better of me. 

Everything stopped as I flipped the camera.That cant me...that's a girl in my clothes. 

Every move the girl made mirrored my own. Reality suddenly kicked in. 

“Holy shit im...a-AA”I felt a hand grip my face as I panicked

Thank god she covered my mouth again before i could scream or else I would’ve shattered both of our eardrums.

“Shhhh hey. Listen to me. I can fix this okay? Just try to breathe and relax. You’re safe. The pain is over now. It’ll be okay. Just breath for me k?” She said, I started to feel much calmer as she hugged me. 

“I’m really sorry, you just jumped on me and I didn’t know what else to do..” she said

“Ok...I...I’m sorry. I just wanted my artwork back.” she let go of the hug and glared at me.

“You could've just answered my question. You didn't need to attack me for it. ”she said

“I...fair point..I’m sorry.” I said as she handed me the drawing. 

“Its...Its fine Y’know, you look an awful lot like this OC now, its kind of cute.” 

She chuckled.

“Not weren’t supposed see that.” I snapped

“You’re ‘not supposed to be in the girls bathroom’ but here we are. I suppose its fine that you're in here now though huh” She smiled

All I could do was blush.

“I guess so since im a...I mean...Why did you have to turn me into a girl anyway? And...How do I explain this to my mom? I can’t just go home like this!” I asked as I started to panic again

“We can tell the principal what happened and he’ll explain it to her. He’s dealt with this sort of thing before. And to be truthful I really wasn’t thinking. The shot was actually for my friend and the principal's daughter Taylor but you attacked me so, you got poked in self defense.” 

“Wait, so someone else wanted to be a girl? And you used their shot on me?” I asked.

“Yup! I have an antidote that’s almost done at home if you want! I can bring it in tomorrow or we can go to my house after we get out of here and talk to the principal so he can tell your mom that you might come home a girl. If I can’t finish the antidote tonight then at least you can borrow some clothes until I have it finished.”She said as she helped me up.

“Yeah...okay. Let’s talk to him, then go to your house.” I said as I tripped over my pants.

Hannah caught me and smiled.

“We should probably get you in some proper clothes huh?” She asked and I nodded.

“Here...wear my gym clothes for now. You’re a bit shorter than me but they should work well enough...alright?” She smiled as she handed me shorts and a lavender hoodie. I put on the clothes avoiding looking at my body and put my old ones in my backpack.

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