The Shot

Chapter 2

After changing we made our way to the principal's office. Hannah was holding my hand to make sure I wouldn’t fall behind. She insisted it was for efficiency but I could tell she was getting a kick out of me being shorter than her. I can’t say I hated that fact but I wasn't sure why at the moment. 

Walking into the office Mr.Green gave us a smile.

“Hey girls! How can I help you.” He asked

I blushed a bit at being called a girl.

“Hi um..actually I’m not a g...I uh..I’m Jason Wells” I said shyly

“Oh...Oh cool! I had no clue you were a trans girl hun.” He smiled.

My jaw dropped in disbelief. A trans girl! That’s the conclusion you come to?

“Y'know my daughters trans too! I’m sure you and Taylor would get along great.” He smiled.

“Did you bring that serum for her by the way Hannah?” He smiled

“ Green the thing is...Jason’s not a trans girl.”

She looked at me and took a deep breath. My heart sank a bit at what she said but I don’t know why. Guilt probably.

“I injected him by accident...he jumped on me in the library and I got scared and well...I poked him with the shot meant for Taylor in self defense.” 

His smile quickly turned to a frown.

“I see...sorry for assuming in that case Jason. I’m guessing you’d like me to tell his parent what happened so he can go home without that correct.” He said sternly.

I nodded with my head down. 

“You know that I’ll have to tell her why you’re suddenly a girl, yes?” He said displeased.

“Mr Green, please don’t tell his mom about the attack. He didn’t mean to hurt me. Really it’s my fault. I stole some artwork from him by accident. Please don’t make him sound like an ass to his mother.” Hannah interjected.

“...Alright. In that case I won’t tell her that you attacked Hannah. However, there will be consequences. Is that understood?” He said

I nodded 

“Good. Now what should I tell your mother.” He asked.

“uh...I don’t know...that I wanted to try being a girl or something I don’t know. I don’t want myself or Hannah getting in trouble with her.” I said

Hannah and Mr Green gave each other a knowing look but I wasn’t sure what it was about.

“Jason really want your mother thinking that you wanted to be a girl?” Hannah asked

“I mean...can’t think of a better excuse.” I said meekly.

“...In that case I’ll call her right away. Are you okay with me using gender neutral terminology so I don’t cause suspicion?” Mr Green asked.

“Sure...” I’m not sure what he meant but I thought it’d be better not to make him angrier with me.

“Cool. I hope you get this all sorted out kiddo.” He said.

Kiddo...he’s always called me sport...weird.

“We will! Oh and Mr.Green, have Taylor come over a bit later so I can give her the shot!” Hannah smiled

“Sounds great, I’ll let her know to come by.” He smiled.

As we walked out I could hear him telling my mother his cover story. 

God I hope she doesn’t ask a million questions when I get phone started ringing...of course. I picked up and braced myself.

“Hi mom...” I said softly

“Hello, Mr Green told me all about what happened today.” She said

“He did...?” I grit my teeth waiting to be reprimanded. 

“He did...Sweetheart why didn’t you tell me you wanted to try being a girl!! You know I would have loved to help you! I’m happy your friend Hannah was willing to give you that shot. That was very kind of her.” She said, My worries vanished as I took a deep breath. Now i just have to lie my ass off.

“I just thought you’d think it was weird or something I don’t know...I’m sorry. I might try to have my friend change me back later but we will see. I’m still not sure what I want yknow? Is it okay if I stay over at her house for a bit?” I asked

“Of course baby girl. Sorry, is that okay to call you?” 

I thought about it for a moment. The nickname didn’t actually feel awful for whatever reason. 

“Sure mom.” I replied 

“Of course honey! Also, if you think up another name you’d like me to call you please let me know okay?”

I smiled. I didn’t think mom would actually be supportive. Sure it’s a lie on my end but it’s nice to know she would support me if I ever...uh...

“Yeah mom. Thanks. I love you.” I said

“Love you too baby girl. I’ll see you later!'

She hung up the phone and Hannah gave me a look.

“What....why are you looking at me like that.”

“No reason at all...That was quite the act.” She said,

I blushed and sighed.

“Mhm...let’s just go please.” I said as she grabbed my hand.

“Do you really have to keep doing that?” I asked

“I’d lose you otherwise! You’re just so tiny, it’d be like finding a needle in a haystack.” She smiled. I blushed at her pointing at out and gripped her hand tighter and she led me to her car. 


“After you miss.” she snorted as she held the car door open for me. 


“Wow you really gotta get that anger in check don’t you.” She smirked

“If I don’t want some crazy girl injecting me with girl goop again I guess so huh.” 

“Fair enough.” she said.

I got in the car and we started driving to Hannah's house. Once in a while shed look over at me, looking concerned and then smiling for some reason.

“Whats got you smirking?” I asked

“Oh nothing, just thinking…”she said

“Thinking...About what exactly?” I asked

She pulled the car into a driveway and put it in park.

“About how good of an actress you can be. See, my dads know I help out people with gender stuff but if they find out I accidentilay turned some guy… I mean uh...I cant have them yelling at me for that.” she said

I frowned a bit and unbuckled my seatbealt.

“If youre saying i need to act like a gender questioning person who wanted to try being like this, I guess i can do that.” I said

Hannah opened her mouth and closed it a few times before talking.

“I uh...I was going to say just act like a girl in general but if youd wanna do that then by all means.”she smiled

“Oh...right. I mean I guess the ‘maybe wants to be a girl’ angle works a bit better for you.That way if you do finish the antidote and change me back they wont ask questions.” I said hesitating a bit.

Hannah looked me up and down and cocked her head. 

“Is everything okay? I mean I know its been a long day but you slowed down a bit there.” she asked

I thought for a moment. I mean i have been questioning and feeling a lot of things but I mean its probably nothing...right?

“I’m fine thanks. Lets just go inside and get this over with okay?” I said

“...Sure.” she said swiftly as we got out of the car.

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