The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 105. Calling in Favors

… Albeline Manor…


Audric was alerted the moment a strange presence registered on his property, it was already late in the afternoon, early evening even but that aside, he never received visitors in his home. Who then could it be?

Audric strode out of the outer gates, his black overcoat swirling. His expression darkened when he saw who was waiting at his front doors.

"I sincerely hope you have lost your way." He bit out to the visitor, his tone inhospitable. 

Harry Potter straightened up, a polite smile on his face. "On the contrary, I am exactly where I'm supposed to be."

Audric sighed in exasperation, he knew that situations like this would arise when he agreed to be a part of the Wizengamot but he wanted the information and influence the position brought. "What is it?"

"Could I be so presumptuous as to ask that you invite me in?" Harry asked, his tone remaining polite.

He really meant his goodwill, he felt entirely responsible for what happened to Audric Albeline. The system failed him and he was trying to make it up but right now he needed his help.

Audric had managed to single-handedly capture 'X'. He was a very formidable ally to have.

"It is certainly presumptuous." Audric scowled then backed down. "But come in." He turned around and walked back through the gates, not bothering to check if Harry followed him.

The gates slammed shut after he took a couple of steps, if Harry was still on the other side, Audric would have walked right inside the manor, he really couldn't be bothered.

The workers at the manor house were already gone for the day, Ji-hun was finishing up his task for the day and Juni was probably taking a nap. Audric wasn't hiding their existence but would prefer they stayed out of the public eye. To anyone who cared to know, he lived all alone in the dreary Albeline Manor house. 

He led the way to his study, settling behind the desk. If Harry noticed all the Muggle technology beeping and buzzing in the airy space, he made no comments about them.

Harry knew that he was pushing his limits by insisting on being invited inside but he figured that if Audric didn't turn him away at the gate, he would probably be nice enough to listen to his request 

"You didn't ask to be invited just to see my home, did you?" Audric cocked a brow.

Harry sat down without being invited, it was either that or remain standing, he doubted that Audric cared about such social cues. "No, I'm here concerning the Ro-Bars." He said bluntly.

Audric's expression remained the same as he watched Harry Potter with his single cold blue eye. He was certainly surprised to be approached by an Auror on a matter like this, he wasn't handing out freebies though 

"I'm afraid you have the wrong person, Rowan Roberts should be the person you should meet…"

"I paid a visit to him earlier today or more like Roberts invited me to his home." Harry cut him off.

Audric huffed. "Lucky guy, he got to choose."

Harry let the younger Wizard's words roll down his back, he was the one asking for a favor here. Plus, Audric wasn't wrong, Harry had been the one to barge into his home.

"Roberts confided that his company's product was being infused with a dangerous drug which reacted with his product's secret ingredient to create a dangerous and highly addictive drug…"

"And you felt the need to personally inform me of this? Why?"

Harry sucked in a deep breath. "To ask for your assistance on the case."

Audric scoffed. "I'm not an Auror, nor am I hired by the Ministry."

"I understand but…"

"If you understand then our conversation is over." Audric deadpanned, leaning back on his throne-like chair.

Harry stubbornly forged forward.  "Roberts is holding a gala in a fortnight, I ask that you attend this event."

Audric tongued the inside of his cheek, contemplating. Because he couldn't throw Harry Potter out of his house like he really wanted to, this conversation would keep going in a roundabout manner until one of them gave up.

And it was clear that Harry wasn't giving up, if he was able to put aside his pride to make the trip over to his home just to request a favor, Audric knew that he wouldn't give up till he had achieved his goal. 

Audric could probably easily find out who was behind it if he put his mind to it but there was no reason to, there was nothing to gain from this. He had no interest in becoming the Ministry's lapdog. But he had already guessed the cause behind Harry's unexpected visit, it was why he allowed him into his home in the first place.

Rowan Roberts was an elusive man but he was still one of the top guns in the Wizard Underworld, Audric couldn't just ignore him. When he first learned of the drug and the drug's connection to Rowan, he had been surprised. He didn't think Rowan would do something like that.

He needed a connection to Rowan Roberts and this might just be the way to achieve that. But he wasn't about to make it easy for the Auror sitting across from him.

Just like when he turned over Celeste, he had to make it out like he was doing them the biggest favor while working for his personal interest. 

Audric would also admit that he was curious about just who was behind the drug, it had to be someone rather brilliant and rich, and also someone close to Rowan. Because Rowan hadn't made it public knowledge that the blue Egyptian lotus flower was an ingredient in the Ro-Bars so it wasn't the kind of information that a random person would stumble onto.

"And if I refuse to?" 

Harry gestured with his hands. "Then I can't force you, you don't have to do much or anything at all. I just felt that you might be better at picking up important clues."

"I'm not required to offer my assistance in any way." He stated bluntly, wanting to remind the Auror.

"I fully understand, the Ministry will be in your debt for this."

"Very well." Audric laced his fingers. "You have my word that I'll attend the event but that is the only premise of our agreement, I'm not bound by your rules nor am I under your jurisdiction."

Harry blinked at this, then beamed. He hadn't been expecting a positive response at all and was about to take his leave, it was uncivilized of him to make a nuisance of himself in such a manner.

"I accept." He replied without a moment's thought, getting to his feet. "It's quite late, I best be on my way."

Audric made no move to stop him, summoning Wilkins to lead him out of the manor house. Instead, he reclined at his desk, mulling over what had just happened. They were basically handing the case over to him, it made Audric feel disgruntled. He would be expected to provide useful information and assistance at the gala.

Not to mention, ghosts from his past would be present at the occasion. They were unimportant though, his only goals for that night were to establish a relationship with Rowan Roberts and then figure out who was behind the drug. It was simple and straightforward. 

A knock alerted him to a presence at the door of his study. "Yes?"

Juni's face peeked nervously from behind the door, her long black hair framing her face. "M-Master A-Albeline, dinner is ready." She informed him, hesitating to step in.

Audric stood to his feet, he occasionally ate dinner with the occupants of his manor house, and today would be one of those days. "Thanks, Juni." He dismissed her, getting ready to leave 

Juni beamed, stepping in fully to bow before hurrying out of the Master's study. She had to convince Wilkins to allow her to be the one to inform him, although the House-Elf was busy setting up the table, he was reluctant to give her that task.

It made her scoff to herself as she made her way down the hallways, Wilkins never let her do anything, if the House-Elf wasn't so sweet, she would actually be upset with him. But more importantly, Master Albeline would be joining them for dinner, she had to tell Ji-hun.

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