The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 106. Decisive Trials

…  Courtroom 10, 10th Level…

… Ministry of Magic building, Whitehall, London…

(A/N: I almost didn't write this because it was too complicated so bear with this halfhearted rendition of a trial)


I sat on the highest bench in the space provided for the members of the Wizengamot, my presence here was merely observational and if the rest of the Witches and Wizards in plum-colored robes noticed my odd presence they said nothing about it.

The trial was about to begin. It would be brief and concise, more of a judgment than a trial because not only was the evidence overwhelming, Celeste herself admitted to committing the murders. According to the information I received on her case, she wasn't only open about her crimes, she boasted about them even, telling anyone that would listen about the perfection that was the spell that she created.

Today's trial was simply a formality and before the accused was brought in, I took the opportunity to study the people around me. The Minister of Magic and his Undersecretary didn't make an appearance but the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot was present. Griselda Marchbanks.

Griselda was also the Governor of the Wizarding Authority that ran the O.W.L.S and the N.E.W.T.S examinations. She would be the one presiding over the trials happening today. 

Celeste was soon brought in and I had to do a double take, she was nothing like the woman that had tried to kill me. Granted, it had been weeks since she was captured so there was no way to renew her spell but had she always been that old?

It looked like she aged about 5 decades since the last time I saw her, her white wispy hair was falling out and she walked hunched over like the cuffs around her wrists were too heavy for her to lift. A single Auror walked her to the bolted chair at the center of the courtroom, his presence was unnecessary because currently, Celeste couldn't even hurt herself, much less be a threat to others.

She still held her haughty expression on her face even though her prison robes were literally falling off her thin shoulders. She had also reduced drastically, looking half the size of what she used to be.

What was even the use of the trial? Celeste didn't look like she would survive the night if left alone. I had used 'Concutere' on her simply because I could but it was looking like there was no need for my interference.

The prosecutor started the trial, stating the extensive evidence that had been accumulated against Celeste. I noted with relief that my name had been omitted entirely from her case, Harry Potter and his team taking full credit for capturing her.

Celeste wasn't allowed to speak after she randomly broke into loud cackles in the middle of the proceedings and it was allowed because they had already gotten everything they needed from her. Her testimony alone was enough to convict her so the trial was also to discuss the spell she had unwittingly created.

"The spell 'Tenebris Vitalis' is still being studied by the Ministry but we have learned a considerable amount of how this spell works and as it causes the ultimate damage to another, it will be classified as a dangerous curse." The prosecutor informed the courtroom.

Governor Griselda Marchbanks concluded the hearing, the short witch got up to decide what would be done about the spell. She decided that it was better for the spell to be kept secret from the public as it was a dangerous and self-destructive spell. Celeste was clear evidence about that, the spell wasn't only a danger to others but it was suicidal as well for the caster.

The courtroom voted in favor and they were right to, only an insane person would actually cast the curse. It was a curse that offered only cons and not a single benefit.

I made myself scarce after the trial was concluded, Celeste would remain in a holding cell here in the Ministry simply because the effects of the spell on her were still being studied so it could be recorded.

I wasn't required to attend every trial that happened but I had to occasionally show up so that my position wouldn't be revoked. The trials weren't half bad, I just had to sit in stuffy robes for roughly half an hour and then express my opinion in the form of a vote, and I was allowed to leave.

I walked down Whitehall when I left the Ministry of Magic underground building, the Muggle buildings around me were tall and imposing and the people that walked past me in a hurry were mostly Muggles.

"Audric! Wait!" I froze at the familiar voice, contemplating if I should just keep walking. I turned around briefly to confirm that I had truly been called and I wasn't hearing things, planning to continue my brisk journey in either case.

I didn't take into consideration how close the person who had called my name was, not till someone slammed into me, the unexpected hug catching me off guard.

It was exactly as I feared, the person who was currently hanging off me like a lost monkey was Tanner. I stiffened further, at a loss for what to do, I could just brush him off and continue my journey back.

But his first words stopped me. "Man, you're really alive, I wasn't sure I could believe it until I saw you for myself…" He rambled off, his voice thick with tears.

I gaped, my mouth opening and closing, around us, people were starting to eye us suspiciously and I couldn't blame them, we were causing quite the scene. "Tanner…"

Tanner quickly jumped down and I started to sigh in relief only for it to get caught in my throat when he latched onto my leg, crying for real this time. "Blair made me promise not to approach you but I had to, I'm really sorry, I was an awful friend, and because of that…"

"Oi! Tanner!" I started to panic now, attracting attention to ourselves wasn't wise. "Can it for a second, let's get out of here first."

He swallowed back his words, blinking up at me in confusion. "Wha-What? You're not going to kick me away?"

"No," I said, eyeing the Muggle policemen who were doing the same to us. "But we're about to get kicked out if you don't stop bawling."

Tanner immediately got to his feet, brushing his clothes and wiping his eyes, his expression serious like he hadn't just been holding my leg and sobbing a couple of seconds ago. I would take it, as long as he stopped making a fuss.

We left Whitehall peacefully without any further commotion, Tanner sticking close to me the entire time. I couldn't bring myself to send him off because I knew that if I did that he would quietly leave... That would bring me slight guilt, we were friends once.

We walked quietly side by side instead of hiring a cab or using some other means to get where we were going. I wanted to return to the Manor and if Tanner had known that I would be at the Ministry of Magic, it meant that he worked there.

"You work for the Ministry huh?" I broke the thick silence, keeping my gaze forward.

Tanner stumbled lightly in shock, it was a little disappointing to see him so jittery, the Tanner I remembered had too much confidence and not enough common sense… Actually, this was exactly what the old Tanner would do…

"Not really, they bring a steady stream of jobs though so I work with them often, I'm a freelance Curse-Breaker." He nervously scratched the back of his head.

I was pleasantly surprised by this, it made me laugh a little, it was exactly the kind of job that Tanner would go for. 

He relaxed visibly when I laughed but also sobered up, stopping in a quiet corner. "I should have said something when I could…"

I sobered up as well, it was all they had to say and I could understand that, I could have said something too. "It's fine." I shrugged.

Tanner brightened up for the first time, his dark green eyes lightened up. "That's good to know." He nodded, squaring his shoulders. "See you around." He waved, disappearing around a building corner.

I watched him leave, his shaggy black waving in the spring breeze as he walked away. I stood for a while after, just watching oblivious Muggles go around their day.

Carleton would have gotten his way eventually even if it meant straight-up kidnapping me and I wondered if I would have made a different choice... If I were still on good terms with the people important to me, would I have chosen to escape from Carleton instead of staying there to get stronger?

I didn't look too closely at the answer to that question, turning away to take my leave.

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