The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 28. PRESS!!!

I sat sleepily on the Slytherin long table at breakfast, wishing that the day would end. It was just beginning but I was already over it, I didn't have the energy to survive today.

I had never been this happy on a Friday before. Granted, I would be having Transfiguration today but it was the weekend tomorrow so it didn't even seem that bad.

The fact that I would be required to go out nightly so that I could adapt to my Animagus was a fate far worse than a couple of hours in Professor Esme's class.

I hardly paid attention to the morning paper because they didn't exactly have important information to give but today, the Paper owls rushed into the Great Hall with a new kind of restlessness.

This alerted the attention of the students as the papers were dropped off. 

My copy of the Daily Prophet was also dropped off in front of me but I just stared blankly at it.

At least until the papers started a ruckus in the Great Hall. Students were chattering excitedly, forming small groups to read or talk about what they read.

It made me look at the rolled-up paper with new eyes, what could be going on?

I snatched it up and unfurled it, the heading was enough to give me an insight into what was going on.

The Daily Prophet had found out about the Boggart attack.

I glanced up, instinctively looking for Hazel and Witter to check if they knew about this as well.

They were also looking into a copy of the newspaper, expected.

A quick read told me that they hadn't just stumbled onto this piece of information, they had someone on the inside supplying them with information.

Also, they had found out far too quickly about this, it hadn't even been a whole day since the incident.

The article took up the front page of the newspaper, it was even implied in the press coverage of the Boggart incident that it had been planted. It was a mess.

Even though today's copy of the Daily Prophet had started up quite the stir, we still all had to go to our classes.

And of course, it was Transfiguration first thing this morning. I trudged reluctantly to class, wishing for more Boggarts so that I could get to skip out of Professor Esme's class.

As soon as I got to class, I caught sight of Hazel waving me over.

Was this a joined class?

I made my way over because I was looking for the chance to discuss this morning's edition of the Daily Prophet.

Professor Esme wasn't in class yet which was a surprise, she was usually the first to arrive and would just stand in front of the chalkboard, sternly observing everyone that came in through her spectacles.

"You saw the papers, right?" Hazel immediately delved into the matter at hand.

"Something fishy is going on," Witter muttered, forgetting to glare at me.

"I thought the same," I said, sitting down in a nearby chair. "They had to have gotten intel from someone on the inside."

"You think a Professor is behind it?" Hazel's gray eyes went wide, her shoulder-length red hair was in a messy bun today.

"I wouldn't be surprised…"

A commotion from the windows alerted us and we all looked at each other before hurrying to join the handful of students that had already gathered.

It was Professor Esme.

She seemed to be having an altercation with someone else, someone we couldn't recognize.

Whispers were flowing all around us.

"Who's that?"

"Is that Professor Esme?"

"I heard that they're from the Daily Prophet…"

"The Daily Prophet?!"

"Why are they talking to our Transfiguration Professor?"

"Was she the one that gave them information to begin with?"

The speculations only worsened that even when the brief meeting between the stranger and Professor Esme ended, we all remained at the windows, discussing.

"Good morning, students." Professor Esme's crisp voice alerted us to her presence, making us all scramble back to our seats.

"Making a ruckus in my absence, Albeline? 5 points off Slytherin." She shot at me.

I was so caught off guard by this. "Wha…"

Witter kicked me under the table for me to be quiet, it took considerable self-control but I managed it somehow.

"Today's class is being combined because of the unfortunate incident of yesterday." She immediately moved on like she hadn't just unfairly punished me.

"Hopefully, there won't be a repeat of yesterday's incident…"

I couldn't help but feel like Professor Esme peered at me whenever she talked about the Boggart attack.

"Now moving in with the class, papers on my table. We're going to be dealing with Human Transfiguration such as 'Crinus Muto'..."

I barely heard the rest of Professor Esme's words... I hadn't done my assignment.

We were supposed to submit it today so I planned to get it done during my free periods yesterday but then the Boggart incident happened.

Even if I had remembered I wouldn't have gotten the chance to get it done because I would have been too busy trying to figure out my Animagus.

I was fucked.

Her sharp, austere eyes immediately fell on me. It was almost like she had it out for me.

"Albeline? Are you not going to submit your papers?" She asked, reveling in my discomfort.

Her questioning alerted the attention of the entire class, I tensed up from the stares.

"I… um, I didn't get mine done." I answered stiffly, my gaze cold.

Professor Esme was doing this all on purpose.

"10 points of Slytherin." She tossed at me. "Stay behind after the class, Albeline."

I leaned back in my seat with my arms crossed, fighting the urge to let a couple of curse words loose.

I had to be careful around Professor Esme. It didn't matter if I won the Quidditch match for the semester, only to lose all the points for my House.

So I swallowed back my retort and paid attention in class, not giving her a chance to take more points off me.

After the class, Hazel sent me a sympathetic glance as she and Witter left the classroom.

I couldn't leave so I just remained behind my desk with a brooding expression on. I was relieved that I wouldn't have Transfiguration till next Thursday.

Professor Esme walked over to my table with a sheet of paper. "Bring out your 'A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration' textbook and get started." She ordered, retreating to the chair behind her desk to watch me with hawk eyes.

I would have rather gotten my work done without her oppressive eyes on me but this was a far better outcome than the detention I had been expecting. I would take it.

I was quick with the paper, finishing up in less than ten minutes before getting up to turn it in.

Professor Esme looked genuinely surprised that I had managed to finish up the assignment so fast.

She scanned through it, waving a hand to indicate that I wait for her to release me before I could go.

When she couldn't find a reason to complain, she grudgingly let me go.

I picked up my books and strode out of the classroom. I was quick with it, practically dashing out of the class. I wouldn't put it past Professor Esme to find another reason to punish me.

When I stepped out of the classroom, I found Hazel and Witter waiting for me.

"What happened?" Hazel asked in concern.

I shrugged, making my way down the corridor. "Professor Esme just made me do the assignment in front of her."

"She took so many points for no reason too, it's almost like she hates you." Witter said in his typically blunt manner.

I fell quiet because Witter's words had hit so close to what I was thinking. "Why would she hate me though?" I thought out loud.

There was no response needed, we all just knowingly glanced at each other.

If she was the one that had planted the Boggarts, I doubted that she was pleased that I had not only found out but had also reported her to authorities.

We couldn't do anything about it though, it was all up to Headmistress McGonagall to deal with it. For now, it would just be best for me to keep my distance from her.

After Transfiguration, it was time for Herbology so the three of us separated to go to our different classes.

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