The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 29. The Room of Requirement

At Herbology, it was another day of dealing with the dangerous Venomous Tentacula plant.

Practical lessons on a plant that woke up every single day and chose violence were far from fun. It sucked to have to wrestle a plant just to get a couple of its leaves.

I was glad that after Herbology, we had a break before lunch, then another break after lunch before classes continued.

Charms was my last class of the day, then I would have some time before dinner and then the secret Quidditch practice.

It was really difficult to successfully practice in secret without people stumbling in on us so I had been considering checking out the Room of Requirement.

Creating an indoor Quidditch Pitch shouldn't be a problem for the Room of Requirement right?

I hadn't yet found the time to check it out, I had more to do than I could have ever imagined.

But the idea of using it to practice popped into my head so now I had a solid reason to go check it out.

I planned to do just that after Charms, during the one free period I had after.

In Charms class today we dealt with the Aguamenti spell, also known as the water-making spell.

The Water-Making Spell conjured clean, drinkable water from the end of the wand. Depending on the caster's concentration and intention, the charm could be anything from a jet to a wave.

I had been distracted thinking about how I would get to the Room of Requirement so I wasn't paying much attention when we were tasked to practice the spell.

Well, grinding stats came through for me because I could successfully bring a class to an abrupt stop without even trying.

When it came to my turn to try out the spell, I flooded the classroom.

At least I didn't lose points for that.

Classes ended early which gave me more time to check out the Room of Requirement, inform the team of the current changes, and then take a quick nap before dinner.

Because after dinner, I had Quidditch practice and then I had to go train as my Animagus.

It was exhausting but it had to be done.

I dried my clothes with magic and went straight up to the 7th floor. The Room of Requirement was right across the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy.

To unlock it, I just had to walk past the area of the door three times while thinking about what I needed.

I knew that the Room of Requirement was quite damaged during the second Wizarding war but it was magical and just like the rest of the Hogwarts castle should be all fixed up.

I got to the tapestry in no time and I could see the door that led to the Room of Requirement.

I looked at the moving tapestry one more time, it was about some dude who was jobless enough to try and train Trolls to dance ballet.

In my opinion, he was either really stupid or just high.

I walked past the door that led to the Room of Requirement, thinking hard about what I wanted.

Which was a place to practice Quidditch.

I walked past three times, thinking about what I wanted like I was supposed to, then I pushed open the door.

I'm not sure what I expected to see but I was mind blown all the same. I must have been thinking of indoor basketball courts as my reference because it looked a lot like one.

Well, not exactly, the three hoops on both sides were a stark difference but it was easily five times bigger than a basket court.

It was just like a Quidditch court, just with wooden floors and slightly smaller as it was indoors but it was the perfect space to practice.

We were all in Slytherin House so we could sneak out together at any time to come practice.

It was perfect.

After checking out the entire court, I was satisfied and left to inform the others.

It also provided the equipment we needed, brooms, bats, quaffles, bludgers, and snitches. It was more than perfect.

I just needed to talk to Blair, she would handle the rest of the arrangements. She was incredibly capable that way.

Also, I was very close to shutting down. After the kind of day I had yesterday, I had only gotten about two or so hours of sleep.

I was running on nothing right now.

I found her on the first floor to my relief, after relaying the message to her, I rushed over to the dorms. I was already dead on my feet.

I don't remember falling asleep, only waking up at the sound of the bells ringing to signal dinnertime.

I felt slightly less crappy and I needed to eat so I got up to get ready.

If I wanted to be able to sleep properly again, I had to learn how to perfect transforming into my Animagus and back. Only then would I stop my nightly travels to the Forbidden Forest.

I made my way to the Great Hall for dinner. Blair and the other team members' beckoned me over as soon as I stepped in.

"We were just talking about you, come on, sit down." Blair patted the space beside her after pushing Tanner out of the way.

She was the only girl on the team but she clearly earned her spot and got along with the rest of us easily.

"I was thinking, that since you've figured out a solution, that we can all train together to improve our teamwork…"

She was also really smart, if we had an election right now, I was pretty sure she would be elected Captain.

As usual, Blair had already started making plans after I gave her new information just a couple of hours ago.

After dinner, we would all be heading straight to the Room of Requirement.

The only person not present currently was Jon. Blythe and Crawley were seated across the table with Jason by their side.

It was clear that they genuinely loved playing Quidditch, they were even willing to ditch their boss.

I only had to look up the table to see that Jon was sitting beside Sawyer.

Sawyer was the only one glaring in our direction, Jon's head was down as he ate his food, he didn't look too happy.

Blair followed my gaze and fell quiet, it was not difficult to guess what she was thinking.

"Is Jon coming along today?" I found myself asking.

Blair shrugged. "I told him, he said he's busy, maybe next time."

Anger flashed on my face. "He's the bloody Captain, what does he mean by 'maybe'?"

Everyone looked suspiciously busy with eating, leaving Blair to deal with the implications of my question alone.

"Let's just practice without him tonight, we can deal with him at the general practice tomorrow morning."

I let it go, there was no reason to hassle Blair for something that Jon was responsible for.

After dinner, we made our way back as a team to grab our stuff from the dorms. I was relieved that the indoor Quidditch court in the Room of Requirement had come with equipment.

Walking around Hogwarts with bags was one thing but it would be much harder to be inconspicuous while carrying brooms.

"Let me help you carry your bag, Blair." Tanner offered, his long hair tied back to keep his hair out of his face during practice.

Blair just shot him a dark look. "I can carry my bag myself." She huffed.

"Of course." Tanner backed off smoothly. "Then you won't mind carrying mine as well?"

Jason winced when she smacked Tanner with her bag, most of the team members steered clear of Blair, except Tanner.

He seemed to be born without a sense of self-preservation, well, that or he had a huge crush on her.

We got to the tapestry of the Troll dance teacher and I made them wait while I completed the requirements to get in.

Exclamations of pleasant surprise were uttered when I opened the door for everyone to get in.

"We always had a place like this here?" Jason murmured.

"I heard a couple of rumors about a room like this but I thought it was destroyed during the war." Tanner added, getting on one of the brooms to take it on a ride around the indoor court.

"And we can use this anytime and any day we want? It's the sweetest deal we've ever had." Blair cheered. "Well, other than having you on the team." She said to me.

"What about me, Blair!" Tanner called from where he was high up. "Am I not a sweet deal for the team?"

Blair's response was to throw him a bludger, the Chaser barely dodged the iron ball before Crawley got on a broom to catch it.

"Are you trying to bloody murder me?" He turned around to stare at her with a look of pure disbelief.

"Now that we've gotten such a cool place to practice, thanks to Audric…" Blair just blatantly ignored him.

I cleared my throat, there was visible steam coming out of Tanner's ears. I wasn't surprised when he flew past me, grabbed Blair, and flew up high.

"Enough flirting!" I called up to them, even though Blair was currently smacking the shit out of Tanner. "We've got work to do."

Blair's pretty face went bright pink. "We're not flirting! Drop me down, right now, Tanner."

Tanner managed to look surprised. "Oh? We're not?"

A couple of seconds later, Tanner slammed into the wooden flooring.

He had that coming.

Lucky him, they weren't that high up so other than getting his bones rattled painfully, he was fine.

Blair immediately went back into leader mode. "Come on, team, let's get ready to play!"

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