The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 30. Stalking the Stalker

Quidditch practice was fun but it burned energy.

I returned back to the dorm with the team before pretending I forgot something behind so I could leave again.

No one thought much about it, no doubt going to rest up after practice.

I wish I could too but there was work to be done.

I had to be more cautious this time because there could be patrolling teachers.

It would be difficult for me to explain my way out if I got caught.

I made it to the entrance of the Forbidden Forest without any issues but the sound of leaves being crunched underfoot ahead caught my attention.

I immediately went on high alert, it could have just been one of the forest animals but there was nothing wrong with being extra cautious.

I hid behind a tree and carefully started in the direction of the sound.

In a place like the Forbidden Forest, it was better to find whatever it was before it found me.

I came here to transform into an extra large snake and move around, if someone was creeping around, I needed to know.

I followed the sound for a couple more minutes, ears and eyes on full alert.

I couldn't see much so I had to rely on my sense of hearing.

But it seemed like whoever it was had noticed that someone was on their tail because they didn't make another sound.

A clearing showed up however and when they passed through it, I was granted a clear view of Professor Esme.

What was she doing in the Forbidden Forest?

And why was she sneaking around?

Anyone coming into the Forbidden Forest was warier of the creatures that lived there than people finding them.

But she was being just as careful as I was, was she also following somebody?

Now that I had a clearer view of my goal, I could move with precision.

I had no idea what she was up to but I had to keep an eye on her in the meantime.

Even if it meant I wouldn't be able to transform into my Animagus today.

I followed Professor Esme for what felt like forever. 

Whatever she was doing was sure taking a long time.

I had to be extra careful too because she stopped a couple of times and even doubled back once.

It was almost like she could tell that there was someone on her tail.

Eventually, she seemed to slow down and focus on something out of my sight.

I fell back, finding a good hiding spot in case she decided to give in to her instincts and go on a search for who had been following her this entire time.

I couldn't see what was going on but I could hear it.

"Jon Moreau, do tell me why you are in the Forbidden Forest this late at night?"

Jon? As in Captain Jon? The same one in my House and team?

I couldn't hear Jon's response but Professor Esme seemed livid.

"You'll be coming with me right now!" She ordered crisply.

A series of muffled sounds and she marched out with Jon in front of her.

He had his head bowed so I couldn't see his facial expression but Professor Esme held her head up.

Her spectacles reflected the faint light of the night and her mouth was twisted in a stern expression.

I remained deathly still, barely breathing as I watched them pass a few meters in front of me.

I didn't move till they were well gone and even then I remained in place for a while longer to make sure that they had both left the Forbidden Forest. 

Then I made my way to where Professor Esme had caught Jon only to find nothing.

What could he have been doing here?

Had Professor Esme found anything out?

It wasn't like I could just walk up and ask her or Headmistress McGonagall. 

I would just get myself into detention or worse because I wasn't supposed to be in the Forbidden Forest either.

It made me think though, was Jon in the Forbidden Forest yesterday?

I doubted it.

But Professor Esme seemed almost sure while she was searching for him, almost like she knew he was going to be there.

It meant that she must have caught sight of someone going to the Forbidden Forest. 


If I had come even a bit earlier, I would have been caught instead.

It made me glad that the practice ran late.

It also meant that I had to be more careful.

Especially around Professor Esme who had it out for me.

If I was the one she had caught instead, I would be losing all the points that Slytherin had gotten instantly. 

I would sit tomorrow out then, in case she still kept an eye out. 

It would be a mouthful explaining that I was an unregistered Animagus, I would rather avoid that.

I did a quick check, walking back to the mouth of the forest and doing a proper search around the area to make sure there were no intruders.

Curiosity about the issue with Jon still burned in my mind but I couldn't do anything about it.

Not right now anyway.

So instead I went through the usual routine of transforming into an Animagus.

I had planned to come out as many nights as possible so that I could take my time perfecting the skill of transformation while adapting to using a new body.

But I didn't have that luxury anymore.

Now, I would mainly concentrate on perfecting my transformation. 

So, my plan was to transform into a Basilisk and back, then I would repeat until I couldn't anymore.

It was a hellish and grating task, the burn of transformation and the pounding heartbeat was awful.

Then I had to concentrate hard enough and picture my human form in my mind to transform back.

But the hardest step ever was still picking up the fucking wand.

By the time I had mastered this skill, I would be able to sword fight with my wand while in Basilisk form.

Because I would end up being able to perfectly pick up and hold the wand between my teeth for extended periods of time.

By the third successful time, the strain was starting to tell on me.

I laid down on the ground panting, my wand beside me on the dirt ground.

I glanced at the time. 11:57 pm.


I didn't even notice the time go by.

I would just have to keep at it but not today, today I was burned out.

I would be getting at least 6 hours of sleep as well too.

So I got up, dusted my robes, and started for the castle.

The Slytherin common room was deserted when I slipped inside but as I started for the dorms, Tanner stepped outside.

"Hey man, I was just about to come look for you." He was already in his pajamas and looked ready for bed. "Where were you?"

"Uh, I got held up." I pulled out of my ass, nodding seriously. "Is everyone asleep already?"

Tanner scratched his head as he tried to make sense of my excuse. "Um, yeah, pretty much." He turned around to go up the stairs. "You look beat, you should get some sleep."

"Tell me about it." I muttered under my breath following after him.

I would figure out the issue with Captain Jon tomorrow. 

Right now my thoughts were muddled up because of how tired I was.

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