The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 59. Hogsmeade Weekend

The day that was scheduled to be Hogsmeade feeling started on an upbeat note.

The weather was getting colder as Winter approached but it was a bright cloudy morning.

The weather in Hogsmeade differed from Hogwarts but it lifted the spirits of the students all the same.

I went to Hogsmeade with Tanner and Blair but we didn't have to stay together the entire time.

As a matter of fact, they had no plans of staying with me at all.

To my surprise, Blair dragged Tanner with her to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop.

Hazel and Witter were already coming over as soon as they left which was a relief as the other students around me were already eyeing up the empty seats on my table.

"Hi, Audric." Hazel cheerfully waved, seated right beside me.

Witter followed right behind her like a faithful soldier.

"Oh? You're not with Roxana?" She said meaningfully, looking around The Three Broomsticks like she expected Roxana to jump out of thin air.

"Roxana had things to do, we planned to meet up here in an hour." I explained politely.

"West, could you please get me a cherry syrup and cola." She charmingly asked him.

Witter leveled a dark gaze at me but got up all the same. "Sure thing."

I watched him leave while I took a sip from my glass mug of butterbeer. 

There was a long line to order, Hazel had sent Witter away on purpose.

Hazel was already on her feet, grabbing my hand to pull me up. "I have to tell you something, Audric, please come outside with me for a moment."

My brows furrowed but I let her pull me up, following behind her.

I was curious about what she had to say and I didn't want to attract undue attention.

She led the way to the side of the Three Broomsticks, there was an alley that no one ever really came to.

I pulled my hand from her hold and folded my arms. "What do you have to say that you couldn't say inside?" I raised a brow.

I didn't want to be presumptuous but I wasn't about to cheat on Roxana before our first date even happened.

"West told me everything." She said in a small voice looking down.

Her red hair had little braids in them and it reminded me of someone else.

My arms dropped to my sides in shock. "What…"

"Don't tell him that I told you, please, he made me promise not to tell you."


"I just wanted to say t-thank you and…" Without warning she threw herself on me, her lips planting in mine.

My eyes widened in shock, it was one surprise after another.

A movement in the shadows caught my attention and I instinctively knew who it was.

I stepped back, holding Hazel at arms-length with a shuttered expression. 

"I'm s-sorry about tha… that, I just. " 

I sighed, there was nothing more I hated than being dragged into unnecessary drama. 

"Just don't do it again." I said coldly, taking my hands from her shoulders. "Let's return to the Inn."

I glanced at the spot where I had caught sight of movement and just as I expected, the person there had gone.


I sighed again, heading back to The Three Broomsticks before Hazel.

I glanced at the counter as I stepped in, Witter was standing right there, about to order.

He returned after I did, saying nothing to me.

His blank expression remained the same even after Hazel returned, if I hadn't seen him for sure, I wouldn't believe that he had actually seen anything.

Roxana showed up shortly after, students already seated immediately trying to invite her to join them.

She turned them down kindly, beelining for our table as soon as she caught sight of me.

I got up as she approached, my mug of butterbeer emptied on the table.

"Audric!" Her face brightened when I walked up to her. "Sorry, I'm late."

"It's fine."

"Oh, hey, Hazel, Witter." She waved to the others seated at the table.

I shot Hazel a cold state and she dropped her gaze, mumbling a response.

"We should get going." I suggested, needing some time away from them.

Roxana was all too happy to pull me out of the Three Broomsticks, going on about the plans she had for the day.

I didn't see Tanner and Blair at the Tea Shop and I knew that it was just a ruse to leave me alone.

They no doubt wanted to make sure that I went out with Roxana today.

If anything, they were probably at the sports shop or indulging Blair's sweet tooth at Honeydukes. 

The Tea Shop was a little too cramped and it wasn't just the amount of students also here on dates.

it was a cutesy little shop that danced on the lines of cozy and cramped.

Its busyness was a welcome distraction from what happened at The Three Broomsticks before Roxana showed up.

After drinks and light stilted conversation, Roxana suggested that we take a walk.

"Want to visit the Shrieking Shack?" I teased as we walked away from Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop hand in hand.

"You'll protect me, won't you?" She boldly asked.

I faked a shady expression. "Of course, I'm definitely not going to run away on you."

Roxana narrowed her eyes. "Why did you say it like that?"

I laughed and she did. We didn't go to the Shrieking Shack because I doubted that it was open to the public.

I wasn't going to be the dumb teenager that took his date to somewhere dangerous for the thrills.

We went to Honeydukes and made purchases, wandering away from the shops till we got to a quiet street. 

It wasn't snowing but it was cold in Hogsmeade which made Roxana's cheeks a bright red as she laughed at something that I said.

We both slowly fell silent, I stepped forward and took her face in my hand.

She tilted her face upwards when I leaned forward. There was no one around and a snowflake fell on her cheek as I stared into her light brown eyes.

She tasted like sugar and a sweet fruit that I couldn't place.

We reluctantly broke apart the kiss and then made our way back to where the rest of the students were milling about.

We bumped into Blair and Tanner when we got back and there was no chance to be alone after that.

After the Hogsmeade Weekend, Hazel apologized some more and I told her not to stress it.

It was done and there was no reversing it.

Witter however didn't act any differently, it was like he was never there.

The term was quickly coming to an end and with everything that needed to be done, there was little time to dwell on something like that.

Roxana and I weren't yet official but the rest of the school acted like we were.

I didn't want to rush anything and if Roxana wanted to wait, that was fine with me.

Professor Slughorn found the time to invite me to his Slug Club party.

It was held on the 18th of December, merely a day before the semester was over.

I was a little surprised to find Hazel and Roxana at the party as well.

Hazel was incredibly intelligent, Roxana was the same and also charming, not to mention that her family were quite influential.

Avery was also invited to the supper party, she was impressive in her own right so I wasn't even surprised.

The Hufflepuff Seeker that had decided the match was also invited along with Alfreda Henson and a handful of other students.

It was more of a lively dinner with Professor Slughorn at the head of the table encouraging conversations. 

I got several dark looks from the male guests, it didn't help that I was already acquainted with the girls invited so they tended to interact with me mostly.

After the supper party, I retired to my dorm.

It was already well past dinner but the common room was packed and lively.

The Hogwarts Express would be by tomorrow to return the students going home for the holidays.

I had considered staying but there were things to be done back home so I would be going home.

All my friends were doing the same. As a matter of fact, the entire school would most likely be leaving Hogwarts for the Christmas holidays.

With the attacks that had happened during the semester, I could imagine that parents and guardians were a little too eager to have their children and wards back home with them.

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