The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 60. Snowflakes, falling and dying

new arc begins 



On the Hogwarts Express, my compartment was filled, a stark contrast to my first ride on the train.

 Blair had chosen the compartment and she had hurried all of us in, even Witter.

Roxana and Hazel joined us later and the ride back to King's Cross Station was filled with laughter and conversation. 

The bright air only lasted till we got to the station.

Then everyone in the compartment had odd expressions on. I paid it no mind, joining the rest of the students to disembark the train.

Vannessa was to pick me up but I couldn't see her yet.

I caught sight of Roxana with a woman that looked like the older version of her, I waved when our gazes met but she looked away instead.

I shrugged it off, she probably didn't see me.

There was a swarming crowd, and she was probably looking somewhere else.

I got out to the main station to wait, Echo in her cage with the rest of my luggage.

Vannessa couldn't be too long now, she would be here soon.

As I waited, Hazel and Witter walked past me with a red-headed woman. It seemed like she was the only one that came to pick the both of them up.

I knew they were close, I just didn't realize how much. Were they neighbors then?

"Hazel-" I cut myself off at the cold look Witter shot me.

Hazel herself had her head down, acting like I didn't just call her and she couldn't see me.

The red-haired woman shot me a look of disdain, pulling her daughter close and I could clearly hear her talk about me.

"That's the Albeline boy, isn't it? I hope you're not moving around with his kind. Witter make sure to look after Hazel okay…"

I had frozen in place in shock, the red-haired lady's voice fading as they walked away.

'Ah, that's right, my family is a public disgrace.'

"Hey! Watch it-" Someone bumped into me from behind.

I looked back at the familiar voice and found Tanner with a guy who looked like his older brother.

I was about to say something then clamped my mouth shut. "Sorry." I muttered, keeping it moving.

I found Vannessa right after that. She was dressed casually in her usual vintage sweater and baggy jeans, an overcoat thrown over it with a scarf around her neck to protect her from the cold.

"Audric! I hope I didn't make you wait long." She smiled at me.

I found it hard to smile in return. "Not at all, thanks." I replied, patting the scarf that she put around my neck.

"It's warm, isn't it?" She whispered like she was telling me a secret. "That's because it's magically imbued with heating."

Now I smiled, it was a shadow of the smile I had before I left Hogwarts.

Jarold was waiting outside the station with his automobile and once again we were driving through Central London, heading for the outskirts of Slough, Berkshire. 

I kept my gaze outside the entire ride even though I paid no attention to the houses and streets that we passed.

My chest stung. Everything that I had built up in school had been wiped clean off the slate by something beyond my power.

I was back to square one. What had even been the purpose of everything?

Vannessa noticed I was in a fine state so she left me well alone.

As soon as I saw the familiar crooked sign, I released Echo, she had been cramped in her cage all day.

The train had left early from Hogwarts so it was late afternoon when I got back to Vannessa's cozy cottage on Butter St.

I just went straight to my room, refusing her offer of dinner and retiring straight to bed. I had no plans to sleep though, I couldn't even if I tried.

I had spent 3 months getting attached to a group of literal strangers only to find out that it was merely skin deep. It was quite the blow.

Would everything return to the way it was when I resumed Hogwarts? At least, while I was within the walls of the castle, my dark past was forgotten.

I rolled over to sleep, waking up at dawn. My first night at Butter Street was fucking awful.

Vannessa herself came to get me when it was time for breakfast although she didn't have to. I was done moping.

After breakfast, I got ready to leave. Vannessa was doing the same so it came as a surprise to her when I stepped outside as well.

I planned to wander around till I found the Albeline manor, it was time for me to start unearthing truths.

"Audric?" Vannessa called curiously when she noticed me getting ready to leave with my broom in hand. "Where are you going?"

I shrugged, not wanting to tell her where I was going. "Just going for a quick flight at the back."

She drew in a deep breath. "Good, I didn't want to say it but to prevent untoward happenings I have to."

Her words caught my attention and I looked at her expectantly.

"Please, don't go to the Manor. Wards have been set around it to trigger the Ministry if you do so." She put a hand on her head like she was weary. "They plan to arrest you if you set foot on it."

I went rigid with shock. "What?"

"I know, it's ridiculous but they said something about investigating and not wanting you to tamper with substantial evidence."

I scoffed, they just wanted to keep a tight leash on me. 

Malark had been lying through his teeth, I wasn't going to be let off the hook just because I lost my memory, especially not now that Death Eaters were trying to regroup.

I acquiesced, I wasn't about to willingly walk right into their clutches. I doubted that they would care that I had been a major reason why the biggest prison break was thwarted.

I would probably get heat for that as well.

So instead of visiting the Albeline Manor as I planned to, I flew aimlessly around on my broom.

I dropped in on the Albeline Manor nonetheless, keeping a safe distance from the large building. I simply wanted to get accustomed to the way there.

The rest of the year went by quickly. Unable to learn the truth, I dedicated my time to getting stronger, I had a feeling I would need it.

While in Vannessa's house, I learned that she was a Librarian in a Wizards-only library in downtown Slough. It was where she went to work every morning.

I once offered to accompany her to work so that I could busy myself with reading and I had never seen her expression get so dark before.

My request was turned down coldly even though I had been slightly joking. I knew too well why that had happened.

It settled like a bad taste on my tongue, squirming in my stomach like I had eaten something nasty.

My new birth date was on the 5th of January and the morning I turned 17, it snowed.

I went outside on my trusty broom, floating mid-air and watching the snowflakes fall.

Pristine white as they fell from the sky, each one unique in their own right, only to fall to the ground and disappear.

Snowflakes had very short lifespans. So did humans.

The Christmas holiday was a short one, barely three weeks. Four days after my birthday, it was time to resume the new semester.

Vannessa sent me to King's Cross station by myself this time, saying that she had an early shift at the library today and she couldn't miss it but I understood.

She might have taken me in but she was still my mom's estranged sister who frowned upon her sister's choice of marriage.

And I who was born into a lineage of dark Wizards, I was the last person she wanted to get associated with.

I accepted my fate. I was accustomed to the trip to Hogwarts so I could do without her presence.

Jarold remained quiet even though it was just the both of us in the car. It made me wonder what kind of relationship he had with my Aunt.

I didn't wonder too much though, it was none of my business.

Although my Aunt and I lived together, we were still strangers. She made no effort to get to know me better and I returned the sentiment.

Things had changed since before I went to school, or maybe she was better at hiding how she felt then.

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