The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 26 – Money Matters

Shortly after tossing out the drunken rabble, Kuro returned with the others in tow. Seeing the now mostly empty bar, they widened their eyes, but noticing Kanata's disgruntled expression, Kuro deduced, "Ah, you got hassled, huh?"

"Even among the great civilized nations of the Grand Line, it seems this place leaves something to be desired when it comes to public order."

"Well, it is the outskirts of town. Ruffians hanging around isn't that strange, is it?"

With no chairs large enough for Feiyun to sit on, she simply plopped down on the floor, while the rest took seats at tables as they were able.

Before long, servers began bringing drinks, and once everyone had arrived, they raised their cups in unison.

"A toast - to our safe arrival on this island!"

"Kanpai!" they cheered together.

Kanata drank juice since she disliked alcohol, while the others sipped their drinks and dug into the food as they pleased.

With such a large group descending at once, the kitchen seemed quite busy. Watching the voracious eaters Samuel and David inhale food, Kanata considered needing to pay more just to cover it all.

Once the food had made its way around, Kanata ordered a juice refill. The owner came out then, so she took the chance to ask something that had been on her mind.

"Are those types of ruffians common around here?"

"Hm? Ah, those thugs...No, that's just this time of year."

"This time? You mean with the rainy season approaching soon?"

"Exactly. Trying to travel the desert during the rainy season is just asking to drown yourself."

In Alabasta, travel across the desert became restricted once the rainy season arrived. The parched sands didn't easily absorb water, so when the heavy rains fell all at once, the surface was washed away in mudslides.

If swept all the way to the Sandora River basin in the island's interior, survival was virtually impossible.

Even the so-called "Desert Bandits" evacuated to town outskirts during this period to avoid such danger.

"Still, the rainy season isn't all bad news. Especially for a water-scarce country like ours."

The downpours made usually pricey water more affordable, and the Sandora River's 50km width allowed it to gently overflow, replenishing the soil for bountiful crops.

While the dry season kept everyone frantically working, the rainy season was typically a time for families to relax together, the owner chuckled.

"I there's a reason behind everything, it seems."

"An interesting tale indeed."

However, sightseeing required crossing the desert to reach other towns. Without waiting for the rainy season to pass, travel was nigh impossible. Though with Kanata around, that limitation didn't truly apply...

"But we need not take such risks. Let's wait for the rains to pass."

"How long does this rainy season last anyway?" Kuro asked.

"Around two months, give or take." Answered the owner.

"That long, huh...wouldn't it be better to just head for the next island, then come back once the rains end?"

Even with the rainy season's cooler temperatures, Kanata looked utterly dejected - apparently this island's "winter" was still miserable for her.

Facedown on the table in despair, George approached while the others remained and inquired with the owner.

"We've only just arrived, but our funds are a bit tight. Don't suppose you know of any day labor work available?"

"Work, eh? Well...with the rainy season coming up soon, there are dam repair projects happening. I've seen crews heading out lately."

"Dam repairs, huh...our crew may not have technical skills, but we can certainly handle manual labor."

"For sure. Having a giant like her is like a hundred men. Heard there were cracks found in the dams this year, so emergency repairs are behind schedule with a shortage of manpower. Swing by this bar tomorrow morning - I'll give you an intro."

The Sandora River basin's overflowing determined crop yields across the agricultural villages. But to prevent flooding disasters, dams needed repair and reinforcement as well. Designating overflow areas in advance, dams were built to ensure the water didn't breach those boundaries. The owner explained they were repairing and maintaining those dams.

The Sandora basin was simply immense in scale. The dam lengths stretched far, and transporting materials was slowed by the surrounding desert making movement difficult and time-consuming.

"I see...that does sound like work suited for us. I'll go hear them out tomorrow, so you all can take it easy for now. That okay with you, Kanata?" George sought her advice.

"Do as you wish. We can't leave this island until the Log is recorded anyway."

While they had decent savings built up, earning funds periodically was still wise to avoid potential shortfalls.

Supplies were rapidly consumed whenever engaged in serious affairs. Especially this time, with Sukura stocking up heavily on medicines, disinfectants, and clean bandages which drained their coffers considerably. It couldn't be helped given their line of work and lifestyle.

George glanced at the owner and asked, "But are outsiders with no ties to this island even allowed to take on such work?"

"At this rate, dam breaches could occur before the rains end if we don't finish repairs in time. I'm just giving an intro - the higher-ups will decide if you're up for it."

Apparently even the nation's military had been mobilized due to the urgency of the situation. As long as one wasn't a wanted criminal, outside labor was being welcomed with open arms.

(I may be wanted, but keeping my face hidden should suffice...)

Kanata disliked heat. She would happily remain aboard the ship.

Having purchased many new books during this rare chance at civilization, boredom wouldn't be an issue. This kind of frivolous spending contributed to their fiscal constraints, though. If she grew tired of reading, Haki training would occupy her time well enough.

George voiced his thoughts. "In any case, we'll see once we meet with them in person. But you're coming too, Kanata."

"No thanks." She declined.

"Don't give me that - what am I supposed to do if the one in charge wants to hear from you directly?"

"You do it. I'll just kill time on the ship as I please."

"You...!" George shook his head in exasperation at Kanata's rare bout of childish defiance, drawing the others' attention as she sternly demanded a juice refill from the owner.

Kanata hadn't touched any alcohol, so her sullenness couldn't be blamed on intoxication - the desert heat must have simply overwhelmed her, George mused while puffing on his cigarette.

The goons who had awoken to attempt revenge on Kanata also wisely abandoned the thought after seeing the rough-looking men and giants standing behind her.


With the need to discuss work arrangements tomorrow, George decided to call it a night before anyone drank too much.

"Seems our initial funds weren't quite enough after all," he said.

"Those two sure can put it away, can't they?" Kanata gestured to Samuel and David.

“Haha!” As Kuro laughingly exited the bar alongside Kanata, light raindrops began to fall.

Though the rainy season had yet to arrive, precipitation did increase during this transition period. Kanata beckoned Samuel over and tossed him an ice umbrella she crafted.

"Hold this to keep me from getting wet. I made it large enough that you shouldn't get wet either."

"Oh, nice one."

Desert nights dipped below freezing temperatures. While this oasis town may not plunge quite that low, the evening chill was undeniable. Best to stay dry.

Kanata swiftly produced umbrella after umbrella of ice, tossing them out to the others in turn.

Though really just shaping ice into an umbrella form - sturdy enough to last the trek back to the ship, but handle them too roughly and they'd instantly shatter.

"Let's head back then. Mind your step so you don't slip."

The sight of the petite girl leading the group of burly men down the street at night prompted passersby to unconsciously make way for them.

Gone was the daytime sweltering heat, but Kanata thought the extreme temperature fluctuations made this country rather miserable if one wasn't acclimatized.

Seemingly, everyone here habitually wore coats to protect their skin from the scorching sunlight by day and biting chill by night. Such were the demands of their culture.

"George will go discuss the work details tomorrow. Were you all able to purchase what you needed today?"

"You should come too...but yeah, we got the essentials covered."

With medical supplies and bandages nearly depleted from Little Garden, they restocked amply this time, along with provisions, water and fresh clothes.

As George stroked his chin wondering if anything else was needed, Sukura spoke up from behind:

"I'd like us to make a stop at the medical nation of Drum. We may be able to acquire an Eternal Pose for it here."

"Drum, eh? Yeah, could be worth paying a visit."

Improving their medical expertise wouldn't be a bad thing. If fortunate, they may even gain another physician. Their current crew wasn't that large, but handling medical records alone was surely too much for just Sukura.

Not necessarily requiring another doctor per se, but having assistants with basic medical knowledge would be ideal.

"True...while I don't find it overly burdensome myself, enabling physicians to focus solely on treatment would be preferable."

At minimum, all crew were trained in basic first aid techniques. With ample downtime on Little Garden, Sukura taught such skills during Junshi's hellish regimen breaks. He insisted it made a world of difference. Not that it reduced overall casualties, but it did mean less workload for Sukura himself.

"Then we'll aim to secure Drum's Eternal Pose. Anything else needed?" Kanata asked.

"Not at present," replied Sukura.

"Got it. Scotch, look into that for us tomorrow."

"What, me? Alright, alright..." he agreed.

Kuro couldn't help but chuckle at Kanata's clear lack of intent to move.

Shrugging, George concluded he'd just have to go make the arrangements himself tomorrow.

Kanata so rarely voiced such petulant demands, he decided to indulge her this once.

"Hope it goes smoothly," George muttered around his cigarette.

There were even some goons contemplating ambushing Kanata once they regained consciousness to exact revenge, but wisely abandoned the notion after spotting the rough-looking men and giants standing behind her.


The next day.

Today was again bright and sweltering.

Since Kanata remained holed up in her cabin, George headed to the bar they visited last night as planned, taking Scotch and Junshi with him - an all-male trio.

"A quick agreement would be ideal."

"How much funding do we actually have available, by the way?"

"Around 7 million Beri at present."

"That still seems fairly sufficient, but..."

"We did earn a decent amount back in the West Blue. It's enough pocket money for now, but we do have giants in our crew, not to mention those who eat like horses. Money won't be an issue, at least."

"I suppose so."

With Kanata now a wanted criminal, earning funds through legitimate means had become challenging. Finding treasure would be ideal, but such windfalls were few and far between.

Hunting pirates to pillage their spoils was the most expedient path, though pirates themselves didn't necessarily always have money on hand either. Simply securing basic provisions would be enough.

"In that sense, the self-sustaining lifestyle back on Little Garden was sort of an ideal in itself," said Scotch.

"But I've had enough survivalist roughing it...I want to play with some girls too, y'know," responded George.

"Kanata's around, right?" Scotch voiced.

"Yeah, but she's...nice to look at it, sure, but you know how she is, Scotch."


Hearing their conversation, Junshi said, "You two would get blasted if she overheard you saying that."

"She's down for the count from the heat, so it's fine," George chuckled.

As they bantered, they arrived at last night's bar, knocking to await the owner emerging.

The sleepy-eyed owner finally appeared, mentioning, "There's a usual spot where all the construction crews gather," before leading the way.

"You keep connections among the construction workers yourself, good sir?" George questioned.

"Heavens no, just that some of my regulars are part of those crews. Ruffians have been increasing lately though, so not many come to my place out here on the outskirts anymore."

The rainy season clearly impacted many facets of life in this country. A glimpse into the norms of their daily existence here.

Not walking much further, they reached a sort of command post area. The owner entered briefly before returning with two men in tow.

For some reason, the owner looked rather tense, prompting a puzzled look from Junshi as George took the lead.

One of the men spoke up, "Ah, good day. You fellows are the ones looking to assist with the construction work, I take it?"

"That's correct, sir. We still have ample manpower available, so hearing the repairs were behind schedule, we wished to offer our services," said George.

"I see...the schedule is indeed falling behind projections. But hiring more hands at this stage will that allow us to make up for it?" One of the two men who emerged with the owner - a younger man - directed that inquiry to the older, more grizzled gentlemen.

The older man checked documents in his hands before replying, "At this rate, we unfortunately won't meet the construction deadline. Especially with the injuries from that recent Sandora Lizard attack, more hands to assist would be most welcome, but..."

"Understood.” Said the younger man before looking at George, asking, “And how many of you are there in total?"

"In total, our crew numbers 34, including 1 giant. We should be able to do heavy lifting."

"A giant! Now that would be tremendously helpful."

While technical skill was one matter, dam repairs were largely manual labor - a single giant's brawn would massively increase efficiency.

Meanwhile, Scotch and Junshi listening in from behind quietly mused, "Pretty sure that number left Kanata out, yeah."

They likely assumed she wouldn't join given the oppressive heat, sparing her the request.

The negotiations seemed to wrap up amicably, with instructions to start assisting from tomorrow onward.

With that settled, only the matter of procuring an Eternal Pose for Drum Kingdom remained, as Sukura had requested.

"Very well, until tomorrow then. Oh, and I should introduce myself - I am Nefertari Cobra, overseeing this construction project. Feel free to come to me if any issues arise." The young man introduced himself with a smile, shaking George's hand firmly.




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