The Strongest Frostt Loli: Trending One Piece Fanfiction Reincarnation

Chapter 27 – Damn It’s Freaking Hot

The agricultural districts along the Sandora River basin were designed with the river's flooding in mind - thus the levees had to be built some distance away from the riverbanks on higher ground.

This delineated the boundary separating the fields from residential areas.

Of course, levees of a reasonable height lined the Sandora's banks too. But their purpose leaned more towards preventing accidental falls into the river, so they weren't excessively tall. With scarce rainfall outside the rainy season and no real flood risks, these levees sufficed.

"Listen up, Feiyun. Reinforcing and repairing the levees requires sand."

"Yes! We're making sandbags, right?"

"Exactly. But while the desert provides ample sand, transporting it is quite laborious. Desert sands are scorching hot and the quantities needed aren't trivial."

"You want me to carry it? I can handle tools just fine, but directly touching hot sand is a bit much, even for me..."

Even as a giant, Feiyun had limits when it came to extreme heat. Naturally, Kanata wouldn't demand she handle blazing sands directly.

"Not to worry. I'll craft the tools myself." It was Kanata explaining the construction work to Feiyun.

As for why the heat-averse Kanata was even here, the previous day George and the others had returned saying, "The supervisor we met was actually the prince of this country..."

She nearly dropped the juice she was holding at those words, only barely avoiding an outright spill despite her surprise.

It wasn't abnormal for the nation to spearhead such flood control projects - in fact, for crucial infrastructure like the levees along their lifeline river, having top leadership oversee made perfect sense.

Yet strangely, the prince was present on-site nonetheless. So as captain, Kanata had no choice but to show her face, a bitter pill to swallow.

"This also serves as training to imbue my Armament Haki."

Fully decked out in Alabastan ethnic garb with a parasol shielding her from direct sunlight, Kanata remained comfortable by constantly cooling her surroundings with her Devil Fruit abilities.

To onlookers, she merely appeared sweltering, but beneath the surface, upwelling cold air refracted the light in an odd manner, neutralizing the ambient heat.

"You're making them?" Feiyun asked.

"Easy for me," Kanata replied, fashioning an ice shovel sized for Feiyun before making one for herself, demonstrating how to imbue it with Armament Haki.

"This is ice, so my powers allow it to resist melting from moderate heat. But ice is still ice - swing it with your giant strength and it'll shatter after so many strikes."

"Ah, so reinforcing it with Armament prevents breakage...I see."

While Kanata could increase the ice's durability further, she instead opted to weaken it slightly to provide Armament training.

Feiyun could already harden her own body with Armament, but imparting it onto objects required a different knack.

The more skills one possessed, the better - having a vast arsenal expanded one's options in any scenario.

"Rest assured, I can produce as many as needed for your practice."

"Yes!" Feiyun exclaimed, grunting as she struggled to channel her Armament into the ice shovel.

Meanwhile, Kanata went to greet Cobra and the others at the construction headquarters, accompanied by George.

While hurriedly assembled, they had set up a large tent serving as both an infirmary and operations center.

But why was the prince even present? Normally just a ceremonial overseer skimming reports would suffice. Kanata found it perplexing.

"A pleasure to meet you. George briefed me on the situation. I am Kanata, the captain."

"Oh my, well isn't this fortuitous. We've been dreadfully short-handed, so your aid is most welcome. Though if I may be so bold...for one so young to be captain, just what relationships bind your crew together, my dear?"

"We're merely travel-loving wanderers drawn together, venturing to the ends of the sea by braving the great Grand Line."

"I see...a perilous journey to be sure. May your voyages be safe."

"You have my gratitude," Kanata replied politely, the same formal respect utterly absent when addressing even Chinjao.

Witnessing this rare display left longstanding members like Scotch dumbstruck - Kanata simply carried herself differently when it came to dealing with royalty, a far cry from her usual brusque manners.

Negotiations fell to George or Scotch typically, so she rarely took the forefront directly.

"May I review the construction materials?"

"Ah, Igaram! Fetch the documents, if you would!"

"At once, Sir Cobra!"

A distinctively curly-haired man scurried out from the makeshift headquarters' interior, several files in hand.

Kanata's eyes widened slightly at his hairstyle as she accepted the documents, giving the construction schedule a quick once-over.

The tasks themselves weren't overly complex, but the levees spanned immense distances. This year's constant setbacks had the royal military mobilized just to meet deadlines, and even then completion remained touch-and-go. With Kanata's crew providing manpower, they should make the timeline.

"I see...while we'll defer to specialists on technical matters, my subordinates can certainly assist with the manual labor."

"Excellent, I'm counting on you all."

Returning the documents, Kanata concluded her discussion with Cobra and exited the tent.

Sukura remained behind at the infirmary rather than assisting with labor - though precautions were taken, medical emergencies could arise at any moment. Best to have a physician on standby.

The moment she stepped outside, searing heat and skin-scorching sunlight assaulted her senses.

(So damn hot...I want to go back...)

Despite her composed expression, Kanata's only thought was retreating as she made her way towards George conversing with a construction foreman.

At least having a parasol helped somewhat, she mused inwardly.

Since Kanata wouldn't contribute physical labor, her role involved coordinating logistics and oversight.

"Hey Kanata. All squared away with Prince Cobra?"

"Clear as day. What about you?, George"

"Got work allocations pretty much sorted. Anything else come up?"

"I ordered 50 lunch boxes from that bar we visited, plus drinks."

"You'll stick around the site all day then? That getup keeping you cool at least?"

"Best to stick close in case any issues arise initially. But I'll likely return to the ship tomorrow, depending on how Feiyun fares. This outfit is quite comfortable."

As she swished her robe about, drawing an odd look from the foreman, cool air wafted from the openings.

Avoiding direct sunlight kept her comfortable enough - she could neutralize ambient heat by simply emanating cold air.

George stroked his chin. "I see, I see."

"I'll be stationed at headquarters then. Come find me if anything crops up."

"Got it. Here's hoping for an uneventful workday."

With a casual wave, Kanata turned on her heel and headed for the headquarters - but not before circling back to check on Feiyun once more.

Mastering Armament Haki wasn't as simple as being told the technique. She had learned the basics from Dorry and Brogy on Little Garden, but at that stage focused solely on channeling Haki through her own body first.

Feiyun should fare better now, Kanata thought as she stepped onto the desert sands. "How's it going, Feiyun?"

"I'm afraid not so well..."

"That's only natural starting out. Since you can already harden your limbs, try gathering your Haki there first, then channel and 'flow' it outwards into the shovel."

This principle aligned with the Ryuo techniques of Wano's "Flowing Sakura" style.

Despite cultural differences, humans tended to arrive at similar concepts. Gather and flow, gather and flow - Kanata watched Feiyun mumble the words as she gradually manipulated her Haki.

Glancing over, she observed the other crew members prepping for construction work, led by Samuel and David filling sandbags and loading them onto sleds. Wagons would instantly become mired in the loose sands, hence using sleds instead.

Comparing the volume Feiyun could excavate in giant form against what the others gradually bagged by hand highlighted the sheer difference in scale.

"...Actually, wouldn't it be more efficient to have Feiyun transport the sand first, then bag it?"

The crew's collective "ah, good point" expressions prompted Kanata to facepalm.

If consolidating sandbag production at one site before transporting to the levees, Feiyun could drastically streamline the process.

And according to Kanata's Observation Haki, the rumored giant 'Sandora Dragon' lizard shouldn't pose a threat Feiyun couldn't easily handle.

After a quick check-in, Kanata produced several spare shovels for continued Armament practice while she awaited at headquarters.


The evening shift arrived without incident.

Cobra beamed at their accelerated progress beyond expectations. Igaram informed Kanata that with the ailing king still settling into inherited duties, Cobra often handled paperwork on-site to gain experience.

For one so young to shoulder such responsibilities prematurely must prove immensely taxing.

Kanata learned Cobra was just a year her senior.

Incidentally, Igaram was both the prince's childhood friend and current bodyguard - over idle chatter awaiting Cobra's return, an unlikely camaraderie formed between them.

"Truthfully, these levee repairs should have concluded far sooner. But one complication after another keeps arising."

"Unforeseen circumstances are inevitable. As a traveling wanderer I can't claim expertise, but the fact everyone bands together to overcome speaks volumes about how beloved your king must be."

"Yes, the pride of our kingdom lies...ahem! Mama-mama-mama~♪ The pride of our kingdom flows from His Majesty's reverence."

Between newly discovered levee fractures and the recent Sandora Dragon attack, the project timeline tightened considerably despite ample initial leeway.

Yet everyone persisted without complaint, determined to finish before the deadline. When Cobra visited the worksite, his presence drew no disruptions thanks to widespread familiarity, some even greeting him warmly. For a ruler to be so admired proved quite rare.

"If I may ask milady - are you perhaps a noble from elsewhere? Your manners and poise seem rather refined."

"Me? No, I'm just an orphan without knowledge of my lineage."

"I...see," Igaram replied, puzzled.

He had noticed Kanata's immaculate manners stood out even compared to her crew during lunchtime, deeming them fit for nobility.

But learning otherwise left him perplexed as Kanata continued nonchalantly, "I'm no noble by upbringing nor do I hold any interest in wielding power."

"Even so, you clearly possess a knack for leadership. Such talents could be quite effective if put towards governing, no?"

"I can wield power adeptly if needed, but gaining it causes most to become obsessed with maintaining it...power should serve one's goals, not become the goal itself."

Directing her crew could be viewed as a form of power. But that power aimed towards reaching the next island - not controlling them for power's sake, unlike the example of Celestial Dragons' self-serving tyranny.

"I see...yes, now I understand why they follow your lead so willingly."

"That choice is theirs alone. I've never once compelled them..." Kanata trailed off, recalling their first encounter with George before brushing it aside.

Well, they could have fled at any point, so sticking around indicated willing acceptance of her leadership from the start.

As their conversation wrapped up, the full crew congregated before headquarters having completed the day's work.

Seemingly over two weeks ahead of schedule, the foreman estimated ample surplus time to meet imminent rainy season deadlines.

Once roll was called with everyone accounted for, Kanata obtained the foreman's signature approving today's wages.

Given the large headcount working considerable hours, calculating cumulative pay for disbursement after project completion streamlined the process.

"Alright, guess we'll head back to the ship then. I'll handle cooking tonight - need to stock up on ingredients first."

The regular chefs were surely drained from today's labor, so dining out seemed prudent until Igaram provided local recipes for Kanata to try her hand at instead.

Novices like David and Sukura eyed her warily until the veteran crew reassured them.

"You sure about this?"

"Rest easy, her cooking puts top chefs to shame."

As an all-around über-mensch, domestic duties like cooking posed no issues for the self-sufficient Kanata. Aside from an inability to swim and distaste for heat, few mundane tasks proved too challenging.

Hearing her culinary prowess outmatched their dedicated cooks left Sukura glancing their way, yet they seemed the most delighted - understandable, as cooking remained a role of convenience rather than genuine passion.

"We'll need booze too. Let's grab some local Alabastan brews on the way back."

"Just don't overdo it before tomorrow," Kanata cautioned.

"Yeah, yeah..." George replied, lighting a cigarette.

The prospect of considerable earnings from this large-scale, prolonged project buoyed his spirits.

Conversely, Kanata had already resolved, "I'm staying on the ship tomorrow."


Two weeks later...

Though hectic, the levee repairs concluded just as Alabasta's rainy season arrived.


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