The Tale of the Redeeming Villain

Chapter 15- Betrayed~2

"Ah!" With a loud exclamation, Carlson threw the blanket away and straightened his back. His breathing was unnaturally heavy and sweat trickled down his head.

The last thing he remembered before falling unconscious was the fact that Catherine overwhelmed him with her Monarch-rank magic—something she had never used before.

He was unable to overcome the Saintess Blessing and because of a fruitless attempt to resist her, he ended up fainting.

"Take some deep breaths. You were out cold for the last five hours."Hearing the familiar voice, Carlson hurriedly turned his head and found Charlotte sitting there.

She didn't have a worried complexion but as usual, Carlson could sense the concern in her voice.

However, he didn't point it out for now since his main concern was something else.

"Where is Blake?" The anger that he felt earlier somehow has subdued because of certain reasons. But it doesn't mean he has forgiven Blake. Far from it. Until Carlson doesn't beat the crap out of Blake he won't feel satisfied.

Charlotte's eyes sharpened before with a scowl she reported, "He was taken into custody by Professor Charles..."

Carlson frowned, "Why Professor Charles? Didn't they say they wouldn't take any action against Blake since he never broke any law?" Carlson vividly remembered those words that came out of the headmaster's mouth—much to Carlson's relief since he wanted to land the judgment of Blake by himself.

Charlotte seemed reluctant to say it but she said it anyway, "...he is taken into custody for an attempt to murder me."

Carlson's lips parted in astonishment and brows elevated, " attacked him...and lost?"

"Yeah, I know! Can you stop reminding me?!" Charlotte's harsh tone immediately shut his mouth. But that didn't stop Carlson from feeling greatly shocked.

Charlotte grumbled under her breath, as some words escaped her lips, "I don't know how it happened....that guy was so weak and lacked combat instincts in the past. But today, he fought like..."


Charlotte glared at him, making Carlson shut his mouth again.

However, soon she sighed and with her eyes lowering, she uttered, "It felt as if he had suddenly gained years of experience, and despite lacking magical resources, he managed to keep up with my enhanced movements."

"He wasn't using any artifacts?"

"As from what I saw, no...he was fighting all on his own and based on his technique and movements I could tell that this Blake isn't the same one I know."

Carlson patted her shoulder and tried to comfort the girl—only to remember something he nearly forgot to ask,

"Where is Cathy?"

Charlotte's body jerked as she realized how she had also forgotten about her situation, "She is in for great trouble for protecting Blake. The church has taken her and it seems she will get baptized soon."

Carlson's eyes widened as he leapt out of the bed without a second thought.

Just as he was about to move out, Charlotte hurriedly stopped him, "Wait! Are you sure you want to intervene?"

Carlson frowned and looked at Charlotte annoyingly, "What do you mean?"

"I-I mean..." She looked terrified by those glowing eyes but said anyway, "Maybe she indeed is under Blake's control and needs to get baptized?"

Carlson took a long deep breath to calm his nerves before he draped his hands over her shoulder and relayed, "I know you hate Blake more than anyone else, but I trust Catherine more than I hate Blake. So I know, this baptism is nothing but a way of torturing Cathy."

With determination flaring in his eyes, he added, "And I am not letting her get confined once again."


The cathedral was situated not so far away from the school building. On foot, it takes fifteen minutes and students, after school, often go there to pray.

Naturally, in a hurry, the fifteen-minute walk was travelled in two minutes as Carlson reached the church as fast as he could.

However, before he could have walked inside, the two guards stationed at the entrance came to block his way, "You can't go in there."

"The Pope is performing a necessary ritual and has prohibited anyone from entering the church at this hou-ghuk!"


The two of them released painful grunts before falling to the ground after being hit by something they couldn't catch with their eyes.

With his hand returning to look more like human-like Carlson apologized to them, "Sorry boys, but this is urgent."

Pressing his hands against the large doors, Carlson parted it without any struggle—only to reveal several church servants standing inside while wearing their white robes.

Carlson narrowed his eyes and found Catherine standing near the aisle and wearing a large fabric wrapped around her body. The place where she stood had an underground water reservoir in which the church stores the water of the holy river. And inside that tank, Catherine was supposed to stay two days.

Oh, how sensible.

"You can't interfere with the ritual! Stay right there!" One of the priests came forward and threatened Carlson.

The said boy scoffed and released his aura.

The air trembled under the ferocity which the Dragon in the human shell carried. His presence demanded respect and his eyes threatened the lives of those across whom he came. Carlson was a living disaster and this title was not given to him just to boost his reputation.

"Y-You sinner! You stand in the way of God!"

"Oh, and which God allowed you guys to drown a girl for some nonsensical beliefs?" Carlson's immediate response made many gasp as they covered their mouths in shock.

"Y-You!!" The priest was about to chant a magic and an offensive one at that. Carlson awaited the opportunity so he could let loose in the name of 'self-defence'.

However, before the spell could have reached its completion, someone from the aisle called out, "Tame your temper, Robert. This is not a place to start a fight."

The said Priest whom the Pope called Robert, halted mid-way and the spell formation disintegrated.

"Aww..." Carlson's patronizing further provoked Robert but apart from a scowl, he offered nothing.

Carlson made his way toward the Aisle and held a still-shocked Catherine's hand, "Let's go. Your services are no longer required here."

"And who are you to decide?" The Pope's stern voice irked Carlson.

"I am her friend who can help her make some life decisions which can be beneficial for her."

"And do you think, abandoning the church is the right decision? Abandoning her faith would allow the Saintess to live her life without burden?"

Those words momentarily made Catherine pull her hand away, but Carlson kept his grip tight on her and glared at the old bastard,

"She isn't abandoning her faith but rather forsaking her duties as a nun. After all, she joined the church not because to go through these childish games of your-"

"You are speaking a lot!" The Pope flared.

"And what you were trying to do wasn't 'a lot'?" Pointing toward the borehole present in the middle of the aisle he continued, "You think keeping one down in there would prove their loyalty and determination toward the church? What kind of batshit logic is that?"

"You!" The Pope raised his hand and stopped the nun who was advancing to attack Carlson.

The Pope narrowed his eyes from behind the glasses before asking, "Then you tell me? Don't you suspect the Saintess for protecting someone who kidnapped her?"

Carlson didn't show any sign of hesitation before speaking, "No, I don't doubt her. I know my friend better than anyone and if she had decided to take Blake's side then it means there must be something we were overlooking."

Catherine's heart pounded heavily hearing those words as with moistened eyes she looked at Carlson.

When the world was against her, Carlson stood by her side—a fact which she would never forget for the rest of her life.

Carlson didn't hear any of the further queries of the Pope and led Catherine out of the church.

"But Your Holiness, how can we-"

The Pope raised his hand and shook his head in 

Robert's direction.

What was going on in his mind was something only he could know.


A/N:- Not a bastard mc? Hmm~

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