The Tale of the Redeeming Villain

Chapter 16- Do you like me?

"You should have some water." As the golden-haired professor entered the room, he suggested the young man.

The only person apart from Charles in this detention room was Blake—who was told to be kept under monitoring for the time being. Reason? Well, he defended himself from Charlotte.

Blake was slightly restless at the moment which shows why he hasn't even applied the bandages to wrap up his wounds.

He never anticipated that Catherine would make such an audacious decision.

To go against the school, church, and most importantly her best friend to protect Blake....indeed, he never could have expected this from Catherine. He never even suspected that something like using a Monarch-ranked spell could have been on her mind.

But it seems after hearing Blake's story she took this decision to protect him.

'I should have guessed it... ' If only Blake had known he would have stopped Catherine. But now it's too late.

The whole Academy must be talking about her at the moment—doubting if Catherine has lost her mind or being manipulated by Blake. Worst, she might get socially outcast by the students.

And the thing that bothered Blake the most was the church and the Pope.

"Professor...can I leave for half an hour? I promise I will return as soon as I ensure Catherine's safety."

Charles, who has been assessing some documents silently until now, lifted his eyes from the files and had a surprised look on his face.

This...was the first time he had heard Blake requesting something. All those times Charles has come across this particular student, all he sensed was arrogance and belittlement.

Blake is a person who deems even the Headmaster lower than him—that was Charles' impression of this student.

....but why is this arrogant student almost begging to let him go...and for what? To ensure that someone else was safe? How this 'me and only me' became so considerate toward others.

"...even if you say that, I can't let you go. And why are you even worried for someone who is under the Church's supervision?"

"That's precisely why I am worried!" His slightly raised voice startled Charles.

Blake took advantage of the reaction before he stepped toward the older one and told him, "She didn't do anything...she is the victim here. But Professor Charles, you and I both know what the church might do to ensure that she isn't influenced by me."

"She isn't?"

Hearing Charles' counter question, made Blake frustrated slightly.

He heaved a sigh to calm himself down, and told him, "Okay, let's assume I have influenced her through some you believe she would hurt Carlson because of that?"

Charles frowned after hearing that, " are right. But that shows that your influence on her is that profound."

Blake wanted to face-palm himself. Is he entangling himself in this thread?

Charles leaned back in his seat and told Blake, " Look Blake, I could see that you are worried for Catherine but there is nothing you or I can do. She is under the church's close watch." With his expression turning a little solemn the blond added, "And we both know the consequences of interfering with those guys."

Regaining the hold on his pen, Charles was about to continue his work, when suddenly a gust passed by him, and the person standing before him; disappeared.


After rescuing Catherine from the church, Carlson dragged her towards the dorm silently.

He no longer was holding her hand but being still in a bewildered state she mindlessly followed him.

"Are you fine?" The silence was broken by Carlson, who didn't turn to look at her in embarrassment and asked hesitantly.

His earlier actions and bold statements were quite embarrassing!

'Ugh, I hope Charlotte doesn't hear about this...'

Catherine, on the other hand, didn't find anything amusing about it. All she felt at that moment was shock and gratitude toward Carlson.

Being a saintess was nothing but a shining face of the cathedral and a symbol of assurance for the people. She never believed that her words would be believed just at face value but she was being suspected even after she showed that spell earlier to defend Blake.

That should have been enough to signify that she still was pure or God would have taken back this blessing from her.

But, naturally, none of those evidences were taken into consideration and it was decided that baptism was required.

After all, she took the side of the 'evil'.

"Carlson....why did you come to save me? Didn't I betray you?"

Her question made him pause, and naturally, Catherine also halted before she found herself getting directed by his narrowed gaze.

He turned to look at her with a completely different demeanor and asked, "I never even once considered that you betrayed me. You just chose a brutal method to stop me from taking the wrong step."

"And you believe that my judgment is right? Don't you believe that I am getting manipulated?"

Carlson chuckled, "Do I need to repeat those lines I just stated back in the church."

Catherine felt a warm sensation spreading in her chest. Carlson indeed is like a family member to her. Someone she always wanted to protect.

It was then, when suddenly she remembered about Blake and her face went pale.

"Carl...can you take me to Blake?"

Carlson's smile faded before he shook his head.

Catherine thought that because of his aversion towards Blake, Carlson wasn't willing to help her. However, before she could have requested him further, Carlson raised his hand to stop her and gestured toward the sky,

"He is already coming to meet you."

Confused she tilted her head to look up—only to find her eyes widening.

A lone figure descended toward them in a controlled manner.

But since he was so close to her head, she hurriedly stepped away, unlike Carlson who remained rooted at his spot.

Between the two landed the person whom Carlson intended to kill this morning.

But the question was, did Carlson still hold such intentions?

"Blake?! Where did you come from...and, why do you still have that wound?" Catherine panicked as she saw the big hole in his shirt and his skin of belly reddened at the spot.

She clearly remembered that Charlotte and Blake fought, but since she was taken by the church soon after, she wasn't able to assess his injuries.

She deftly placed her hand in front of his wound and without letting him say anything, she chanted the healing spell.

Carlson felt something in his heart seeing Catherine being so worried about Blake, but he didn't understand what he felt.

Blake, who was relieved to see that Catherine was rescued from the church, allowed her to heal him until she wasn't satisfied.

"I am thankful that they didn't force you through baptism." Hearing Blake's words, Catherine suddenly recalled the things that happened back there and realized that Carlson was also here!

She instantly straightened her back and looked at Carlson with wide eyes.

Carlson heaved a sigh before raising his hands, "I am not in the mood to kill him today, so just relax."

Blake wasn't surprised to hear that Carlson wouldn't be attacking him—after all, if he wanted to, he had more than one chance.

Why Carlson's mind changed remained a mystery but until he wasn't intending to harm Blake, Catherine was content.

"I will tell you everything...but can you let us be alone for a few minutes? It won't take long, I promise." Carlson nodded stiffly—unsure what Catherine wanted to say to Blake that he couldn't hear.

However, he respected his friend's wish and while gesturing toward Blake, that he was watching him, with his two fingers, Carlson backed away.

Blake chuckled at the display, "He is one strange person."

"Blake." The said person turned to look at the blond saintess before he heard her asking,

"Have you thought of where you would be living from now on?"

Hearing her query, Blake shrugged, "I have a lot of options. Don't worry about me and think of yourself. You abandoned the church, right?"

She shook her head, "No, I haven't. I will return to them after things cool down a bit."

Blake was unsure how he should think about this. The people of the church were weird and extreme. They could go to some absurd lengths to maintain their 'purity'. But Catherine wasn't like them. She wanted to help people but desired a personal life where she could grow to love someone and build a family in the future.

Blake decided that after he stabilized his life, he would do something about Catherine.

He was about to bid his farewell and return to the detention center when suddenly, he found Catherine fidgeting at her place while pinching the fabric wrapped around her.

" don't have...anywhere to go...then you c-can come to my r-room to sleep..."

"---!!" Blake's brows raised high upon hearing that.

There are some boundaries that Catherine would never let anyone breach even in the name of kindness. But this definitely was a

 breach of one of those boundaries.

Blake's brows grew closer, as he asked her,

" you like me?"


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