The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.03 – Party Finder

As Fiona blinked, Ina’s voice played in her mind. “Oh, it may be a good idea to not tell people you are Transcended. Plenty of normal adventurers exist in the tower. You will learn to know more when you can, just say you are from a recently connected sphere” The voice faded away as Fiona found herself standing in another strange environment. Sphere? What.

She was overwhelmed.

Fiona found herself standing on a shiny white bridge of sorts, surrounded by a grey mist. She thought she could make out other figures standing on similar narrow platforms, just out of sight, shadows in the distance no details visible. Facing forwards she could see a large, looming dark shadow stretching high up into the sky.

Intimidating, all-encompassing. Enormous. It seemed to go infinitely high. The Great Tower.

Fiona swallowed, taking stock of herself. Trying to calm down. She’d not left her flat in three months maybe?

And now here she was.

At least she wasn’t naked anymore. At least completely. Her feet were bare, but Fiona Ragehammer always had bare feet when she played her. She was wearing a loincloth - a flimsy bit of fabric barely covering her front and rear. A piece of black underwear, thong strings rising up above the loincloth, accentuating her hips and abs.

Naked might have been better.

She had to get used to that. Having abs. Muscles. She could feel actual power in her limbs.

It wasn’t bad. The power. The near nudity, she was unsure about.

Less familiar was the bulge straining against her new underwear, the incredible monster cock she’d pretended to have for years. And now she had it, a human body - albeit an incredibly fit one - with a monster dick.

She touched her hard abs, rubbing against them with new, strong arms. Moving upwards feeling her new boobs. She didn’t have small boobs before, but these were something else. Pert globes. Gravity-defying. Almost as if imagined by an incredibly horny teenager. Almost.

She was happy her outfit came with a bra - clearly visible, as the [Torn Top] she was wearing was about as useful as draping a small towel over her shoulders, trusting the wind to just cover her modesty.

Pink long hair fell into her vision. Her hair. Fiona Ragehammer’s hair. It would go down to her lower back she knew, bright and pink, flowing as she swung her hammer around.

The leather straps were fit in a way that pushed her chest together, making it feel like she was going to pop out. She reached behind her and pulled out the hammer - a crude, simple thing. It felt heavy, but reasonable in her arms.

There was absolutely no chance she could have lifted the 5-foot shaft with its large, stone head previously but it felt natural in her grasp. Reasonable. She swung it around, letting the momentum carry her. It felt good even. The body came with muscle memory.

She’d have struggled with a normal sledgehammer the day prior, never mind this monstrosity.

She still wasn’t sure if this was a dream or not, but she decided to just see what happened. It couldn’t be real anyway, she probably just came so hard she passed out. That... That had happened before. That had to be it.


She started moving forward, towards the tower. There wasn’t anywhere else to go unless she wanted to jump off the path into the mists. She could see other shadows - adventurers? Transcended? - going the same way, as the intimidating dark shape of the tower took up more and more of her eyeline. Before long there wasn’t much else she could see but the imposing dark stone, larger than she ever imagined it would be.

She’d walked for what felt like hours, very much appreciating her stamina and powerful new legs - she could feel her muscles, her glutes working hard to move her forward. As she finally approached, the tower seemed to almost swallow her, pulling her towards it like a gravitational field, she saw a small shimmering doorway off in the distance that her bridge was leading her to.

Turned out, that small was absolutely the wrong adjective. The tower was just much, much further away than it seemed, and as she walked up to the mirror-like portal, surface rippling, at least fifteen feet wide and twenty tall, she finally got to look at herself in its reflection.

Not that she hadn’t seen it before, but her room was covered in statues and art.

Fiona Ragehammer.

Six Foot one human warrior. Muscle bound. Mischievous face with pink eyes. Enormous tits, and a monster cock. With her great hammer, ready to wreak havoc on monsters and cute girls, in various different methods.

She touched her face. Strong jaw, a little nose, and big lips. It felt real. Yet it couldn’t be. Her brain was starting to finally process that maybe it was.

She was excited but worried. Her loincloth really hid nothing. The bulge was apparent - and growing, as looking at herself clearly did something.

She was fucking hot.

Was this normal in the tower? Girls with dicks? She hoped so. But also kind of not. If she was rare, maybe she’d get more attention.

She shook her head. She’d never even kissed anyone and now she wanted to find girls to use her cock on? How did you even start that? How do you suggest that to anyone?

Her mind went back to her skills, to [Shared in Passion]. She would have to she guessed. Or find other ways to satisfy people.

She put the thought in the back of her mind and spun around, looking at her legs. Her ass. The definition. She could see the muscles working as she moved. She hadn’t looked bad before, she was proud of her butt - Annabelle definitely liked it. But this was one that had been sculpted. Her entire body seemed chiseled out of marble.

A power ass. That’s what she had now.

Wait would she have to work out now?

Hopefully not. No one had to work out in the stories she read. Her strength stat should just keep her buff. Or she desperately hoped.

She stood admiring herself for an embarrassing amount of time, striking poses, looking at her bulge - not quite daring to pull it out yet. Drooling over her own assets.

In truth she hadn’t stopped - she just walked closer to the reflective surface to get a better look at herself, when her hand accidentally brushed the portal.

A loud noise rang through her head, and another System message popped up in front of her.

[Party Finder - The Great Tower Floor One]



Fiona taken by surprise wasn’t sure how to answer, there wasn’t any button like in a game. “Yes.” she said hesitantly.



Fiona nearly spat out, why was this relevant? Her cheeks heated up as she blushed, and seeing her own reaction in the mirror made her turn away in embarrassment.



How did she get teleported to another world - dream or otherwise - and end up in a group queuing system? This, more than anything made her think this wasn’t a dream. Why would a dream have the worst part of any game? She awkwardly kind of shuffled around, wondering what kind of person she’d be put with. At least she wouldn’t have to be wearing her outfit in from of some random guy.

Although that might be better, if whoever the system put her with was too attractive her new... The addition might be awkward.

Before she could decide what she’d prefer, another loud *BING* interrupted her train of thought.



The reflective portal rippled, opening outwards and creating a gate for her. On the other side was what looked like a lush cave, lit by moonlight.

With trepidation unbecoming of her new stature, Fiona put one bare foot towards the rippling surface. Almost as soon as it touched, something felt like it was pulling her body through.

It felt different to her previous teleport, like her stomach had been turned inside out and she was flipped and placed somewhere new. Looking behind her there was no sign of the portal - just a moss-covered cave, lit by softly glowing mushrooms in yellow, red and blue, vines and plants hanging from the ceiling. A hole above her let the moonlight through to shimmer in a small stream leading her deeper into the cave.

“Deep Oceans, your tits are MASSIVE!” Fiona was still admiring the scenery when a bubbly voice suddenly exclaimed from behind her, causing Fiona to nearly topple over as she instinctively spun around.

A woman stood before her, about four feet tall at most. Sea green hair in a high ponytail, bright silver, big eyes in the middle of a freckled sun-kissed face with a smirk on it.

Fiona would have called her a Gnome, but she was a bit different. She had little iridescent scales framing the sides of her face climbing up her ears that ended in blue poointy tips. As she did a little wave she could tell her long fingers were webbed. Not that that bothered Fiona - she was gorgeous, with wide hips, but otherwise lean and clearly very fit. What looked like a thick tail covered in similar scales wagged behind her, and it seemed like maybe gills on her neck.

Not that that was what Fiona paid attention to. Similarly to her, this new girl was not wearing much. Less tattered maybe. A seafoam-coloured fabric strapped over her chest - not that the girl had much, her small bumps covered and nipples poking through the fabric. A thong that was clearly partially see-through in the same colour and used the least amount of fabric the garment possibly could, was made slightly less immodest by a shimmering sarong, wrapped around legs with nearly as defined muscles as Fiona’s.

She looked like she was going to the beach.

“I’m Liddy.” The girl said, reaching a hand out in greeting. Fiona noted what looked like knuckle dusters with claws on them on each hand. She couldn’t stop staring, frozen in place, her eyes wandering all over the smaller woman.

“First time you see a sea-gnome?” She giggled at herself. “That’s fine, we’re not very common. Who are you?” Fiona shook her head back to reality. Or whatever this was. “Fiona. Fiona Ragehammer. Ehm.” She wasn’t sure if this was rude. “The system said it was looking for a healer? Are you a healer?" She nodded towards the clawed weapons, the incredibly athletic body. Leaving the question hanging.

Liddy giggled, before posing up in a fighting pose, shadowboxing the air as she spoke. “Nah, I punch and kick!” She demonstrated in a way that gave Fiona a view she was not expecting, threatening to leave her in an even more undressed state as her loincloth was straining to contain her appendage. Her most recent addition definitely appreciated Liddy. Fiona thought how completely she would break the short woman, and quickly put the thought out of her head.

“Timmy heals!” The sea-gnome said, snapping her fingers, and suddenly something was floating above her. A translucent, green octopus. Was one of his tentacles waving at her?

“I’m a [Spirit Monk]- I punch, my spirits heal and buff us all!” She beamed up at Fiona. As she said her class, a system message popped up for Fiona.

[Spirit Monk]

[A dexterity-based melee support-damage hybrid. Can summon spirits to assist them in combat and provide various buffs that gain in potency as the Monk keeps up their combat flow. The nature of buff depends on the school of the Spirit Monk]

Fiona blinked twice. That was useful. She supposed Liddy didn’t want to share her school quite yet. Fiona was very unsure about this adventuring and fighting - she hadn’t ever been in a fight before. But if she treated this like a game, Liddy’s class matched perfectly with how she liked to play. Fast and aggressive.

“Oh. Um, Hi - I am Fiona.” She reached her hand out, feeling bad she’d snubbed Liddy. The gnome didn’t seem to mind and grasped hers and shook it vigorously. “Oh and hi Timmy, I guess” She waved at the ethereal octopus, who definitely waved back. “Oh yeah. Uhm” She wasn’t sure how to do it but tried to imagine. “[Berserker]”.

“Oh, excellent! No armour gal gang, let's go!” She nearly jumped in the air. “I bet you’re not this timid in combat” She giggled. Fiona wasn’t sure what to say. “Ehm. I just got my class so.” She blushed a little. Admitting to be new and not knowing what was going on was embarrassing. “My sphere only just connected” She remembered Ina’s tips.

Was that a mistake? It was floor one. She expected everyone to start. She didn’t know how to talk to people normally, never mind incredibly attractive fantasy creatures barely dressed who complimented her boobs. Fiona was grossly out of her depth.

“Oh. Ohhh. You’re a newbie newbie - that’s cool. I’ve been up to floor 3 before, but we had to bail out. I know what I’m doing though! Kind of! I’ll help you. Especially if you wouldn’t have had knowledge from your sphere before!” She did another spinning kick, clearly to show off, the see-through skirt lifting up giving Fiona a wonderful view of her ass cheeks, muscles flexing through the motion “Liddy will get ya through! Let's go” She set off down the cave.

Fiona had played enough games to know that the support character rushing off ahead into the dungeon on their own was a terrible idea, but that’s exactly what Liddy did. Scared of being left alone, and absolutely not wanting to lose the one person she’d spoken to who seemed able to help her, Fiona pulled out her hammer and rushed after Liddy deeper into the cave.

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