The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.04 – Floor One I

Fiona had quickly caught up to Liddy, and suggested maybe letting the tank/dealer and not the support lead the way - even if she didn’t know what she was doing. Berserker’s tended to go first.

“So you’ve been here before?" Fiona asked after the two had walked in silence for a few minutes, not yet running into anything.
“No. Well” The sea-gnome was lost in thought for a minute “First floor yes. Different spawn. Different dungeon.” She looked up at Fiona, and seeing the confusion on the berserker’s face continued. “Right. New sphere.” She took a breath. “Ok newbie - there’s a few different floors. Dungeon floors like this one, you spawn in a random dungeon and you get to go to the next floor when you kill the boss. Different dungeons, different monsters every time you enter. Easy. The first three are all dungeon floors”
That made sense in Fiona’s mind, dungeons was a simple concept. Beat the dungeon, next floor.

“Next is Town floors - I think there’s one every 4 floors. Peaceful towns, with natives and adventurers alike. Relax, restock, live there the rest of your life. Some of these are enormous! I’ve heard.” She clearly was pretending to know more than she personally did, but it was better than nothing for Fiona. She just enjoyed looking down at the shorter woman’s hips swaying as she walked.

Her groin twitched again. Liddy had not noticed. She thought.

“You then have the world floors - these are open, everyone is chucked into the same world and there’s a great boss to defeat - normally only a small group can fight them, but finding and unlocking them is a collaborative effort” She looked up at Fiona, “Once defeated everyone can go to the next floor - its how we unlock it. They’ve unlocked up to fifty seven think.”

Fiona thought for a minute. “How long have people been exploring the tower?”
Liddy shrugged. “Dunno. Few hundred years? There’s a group making progress right now though. Cleared five floors in a year.”

Fiona whistled. If fifty-two floors took hundreds of years, five in a year was impressive. Unbelievable even. The idea that fiona would get there? No.

But that was a future problem.

“Then there’s the mavericks - some floors are just plain weird. Make no sense. I think seven is the first one - every time you go in, something different.” She shrugged. “No one really knows how maverick floors work, you just have to deal with them. There’s warnings though, supposedly”

Fiona tried to digest the information as she walked down, both women with weapons ready. “Right so. You’ve done a first floor. Just maybe not this one.” Liddy smiled. “Exactly! Now, I don’t know what we’ll be fighting - but should be fine! Can’t wait to see you swing that monster around!”

FIona thought she looked at her hammer, but with Liddy’s height - and she tried very hard to not think about the exact height Liddy’s mouth was - it could have been something else.

“Yeah.” She said, far less confident than she hoped. Far more confident than she was. “Should be exciting” She squeaked out. Something in her knew she could do this - she could definitely handle her hammer. She had her skills.

But also she was just a little girl from northern England, never leaving her house just writing code. She couldn’t fight?! What was she doing in a DUNGEON? Fighting monsters? Ridiculous.

Yet she kept going forward, taking the lead. Brave. Exclusively because there was no other choice.

“So what are we likely to fight any ways?" She asked her new companion.

Liddy shrugged “Various options at this floor, none too challenging. Small slimes, giant rats, feral goblins, imps, sporelings.” She looked at the various mushrooms, a staple since they spawned into the cave.

“I’m gonna bet on sporelings for this one.” She said. “Just a hunch”

Fiona nodded. “Any strategy?” She was a gamer. She could understand a plan. She could do this.

Liddy looked up at her and smiled. “Bash’em real good!” she let loose a wicked grin.

An hour later as Fiona’s hammer spun in a beautiful, perfect arc, its momentum carrying her with her as she spun, forcing power through her hips and legs, Liddy had been completely correct on both terms.

Fiona had a stupid grin on her face as her hammerhead crushed through the little sporelings. Her muscles screamed, adrenaline flowing, she felt ecstatic.

She kept hammering the weird little creatures, kinda of like humanoid mushrooms with stubby little legs rushing towards them. They would have been cute if not for their sharp weird teeth, and the spores they tried to release.

Luckily Timmy wafted some form of wind, blowing it out of their faces keeping both women safe.

She went for an overhead swing on a solitary sporeling as Liddy flowed past her. The sea-gnome was like the wind - or a current, she supposed. Spinning and disappearing everywhere, they had quickly flowed into a pattern, their classes made for each other, swinging her hammer and fighting feeling like something Fiona had done her entire life. As she spun in an arc again, Liddy jumped onto Fiona’s hammer and launched herself forward, spinning as Timmy flowed behind her throwing his octopus blessings on her - making her faster, stronger. Fiona connected with another few of the creatures, as Liddy become a maelstrom of action.

They fought through the tunnels for what felt like hours before Liddy suggested they settle down for the night.

Their last fight had ended near a side-cave, light coming in from above and the stream running by them. Perfect for camp.

“[Inventory]” Fiona said, as per her friends suggestion - was she a friend? Probably. Fiona was so excited - her heart beating so fast, her mind full of adrenaline as she pulled out the camping equipment Liddy had told her would be there. The tower provided a starter kit, apparently.

“Erhm” Liddy seemed a little awkward, which was unlike her. She kept catching glances over at Fiona, who’d found a rock to sit on. “That was so much fun” Fiona burst out “I can’t wait to see what we’ll fight tomorrow - you were amazing, so graceful and fast!” She couldn’t stop talking.

“Yes, ehm” Liddy clearly felt bashful. Which didn’t seem like the girls personality at all from the last few hours. “You… Ehm can you not feel that?” Liddy indicated towards Fiona. Specifically down towards her tummy.

Specifically, down towards her crotch. Which Fiona had felt a straining, a muscle pushed to its limits - but her whole body had been like that.

And there it was. At full attention. Her cock, slipped out of its restraints at some point and now pointing directly at Liddy. All ten inches of hot pink and white, bulbous, veiny, girthy girl dick.

Fiona just stared at it. At Liddy. Back down at her cock. Her cheeks growing hotter, her body paralysed.

“Its been out for a while..” Liddy said. “I didn’t wanna interrupt you when fighting, but you know.. I don’t know what to say” She looked away again.

Fiona was mortified. She jumped behind the rock she was sat on, kneeling down only her eyes peeking up, daring to sneak quick glances. Hoping Liddy had disappeared somehow.

“I’msosorryidon’tknowwhathappenedit’snewiguessidon’tknowwhatodoohmygoddoyouhatemenowimsosorry” She kept rambling incoherently, whimpering as she squeezed her thighs shut trying to hide it. Now that she noticed it, there was no way she could forget it was there. Absolutely no chance.

“Its ok.. I just..” Liddy took a breath. “Do you… Do you want me to leave the cave for a minute?" Leave the cave Fiona thought. So she could take care of it. So Fiona could jerk of her giant massive monster cock.

Fiona had never been ashamed of masturbating - but that was in her house. With her friends.

This was. This was something else. And yet it pulsed so hard, was so hot between her legs. She almost touched it already.

“mm” She managed to squeak out. “That.. That sounds like a good idea.” Oh god she was mortified. “Just so I can calm it down.” She blushed, deeply again. She spread her thighs a little releasing it, the balls hanging below - her pussy still behind them. She had checked. She poked the fat, flared head, making her moan involuntarily. Her hands slapped to her mouth.

She heard an awkward giggle from Liddy. “Oh-ok. I’ll be just down the hall - shout me when you… When I can com- When I can return.” Fiona heard the little gnomes footstep quickly hurry out the cave, and grasped the massive cock with both hands. A jolt of electricity shot up her body and she shuddered.

She was so sensitive, so horny. Why did she not realize this? The adrenaline, the action must have built it up - built up her passion and now she needed release. She grabbed spit on her hands, and grabbed the shaft with both hands and started stroking - there was no pattern, no rhythm, just furious, mindless stroking.

She writhed and moaned on the cave floor, echoes going through the cave and far past the little pointy gnome ears trying desperately not to listen as Fiona squeezed and pulled on her cock, a hand travelling down to rub her balls, travelling all over her new body groping herself, pinching her nipples. Her right hand a fist of fury, up and down at breakneck speed - she had no control, no reason to. The new sensation erased all thought, as she felt herself building closer and closer to release.

“Oh fuckk” She screamed through the cave, pushing her heels into the rocky floor, her shoulders bracing against the stone, lifting her ass up and creating an arch her cock proudly into the air as both hands were back pummelling it.
“I’m CUMMING” Fiona screamed on top of her lungs, as the monstrous member pulsed strings of cum shooting up over her, covering her abs, painting her tits and even her face not escaping the violent, passionate eruption.

She collapsed, tongue lolling out, drooling. She’d never cum that intensely. Even the one that brought her here had not been that much. She laid on the rock, basking in the afterglow, no thoughts in her head until she heard a soft voice from the cave entrance.

“It sounds like I can come back now?"

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