The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.36 – Coincidences & Friendship

As I am getting closer to finishing the pre written Act 1, I am starting planning act 2 - I know a lot of you have idea's suggestions, specific monster girls you want to see. I will in the next few weeks hopefully be doing some polls and questions on my discord were people can choose between some non-plot affecting things they might be interested in for Act 2, as I have too many idea's for all of them to fit. It will be limited to kinks & specific types of monsters, not plot points - but if you want to be a part of this, join the discord. And don't worry - there's still a lot left of act one for you:)

"I... Uh... Annabelle? What the fuck?"
"What do you mean what the fuck why are you giving a gnome a womb tattoo?"
"A what?" Liddy mumbled between clenched teeth.

Fiona shook her head. Annabelle was here. Her best friend. The person she'd missed more than anything, her friend who must have been so upset seeing her disappear. Annabelle was in the tower. She felt dizzy.

"You can not stop - so far through, the tattoo might be lost." Gharva warned.

That did not help anything.

Annabelle came in, and looked at her friend. Looked at the Liddy.
"I'm... I'm here Fiona. It's ok - finish what you were doing. But I am here." The goblin had clearly calmed down after the sudden surprise.
"Okay... Sorry Liddy, just a bit more pain okay."
All Liddy managed was a whimper and a thumbs up.

Fiona's mind was not on her task, but luckily it was the magic of her profession, not her skill that dictated the quality. Annabelle was observing. Annabelle. Here.
"How did-"
"Finish what you are doing - I have so much to tell you!" The goblin beamed. Goblin. She was a goblin. 
It took another half an hour, maybe more, maybe less before Fiona finished. But she finished.
"I love it!" Liddy said, the two earthlings looking at each other.
"I'm glad - And I can't wait to see it's buffs." She looked to Annabelle, the goblin seeming... Awkward? Shy?

It took a moment before either of them did anything, and then Fiona swept her up in a hug. They both let out a breath of relief, Annabelle hugging her back.
"I thought... I don't know what I thought but I had to come after you!" Fiona's best friend started crying.
"I can't believe it - how did you even?" Fiona's tears stained Annabells big hat, but no one cared. The two pulled themself apart after another moment, laughing and wiping tears.

"Is this... This is Annabelle? Your best friend from your sphere?" Liddy asked, stomach sore not moving much, but voice full of joy. "I'm Liddy - I'm so excited to meet you!"
"Hi!" Annabelle said.
"I've been with Liddy since floor one - she's been a great help!" Fiona said, before blushing slightly. Right.
"I'll - I'll go do my profession alone, leave you two to catch up!"
"No no - Liddy, please" Fiona and Annabelle both protested.
"It's OK! I'd love to be introduced later - why don't I meet you back at the inn?"

Insisting that Liddy was very welcome, the gnome practically had to run away. And then they were there. Best friends for the better part of a decade. Never met in person. Didn't know each others names, but had seen each other in every compromising position they could think of.
"I... I don't think we should talk to loudly in public." Fiona said, to her friends immediate agreement. "Let's hurry back to the inn?"

A brisk walk later, hands finding each other, the two were sat in Fiona's room at the inn.
"I can't believe it's you. How. What. Why. How?" Fiona just looked at her friend.
"I... Once you disappeared I panicked. I went to the cops, to everyone - no one listened to me. No one wanted to see the video, I almost got arrested showing porn to cops."
"I panicked!"
"I knoooow!"

The cops. Had seen her fuck herself. On a monster cock. That was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened.
"Anyways" Annabelle rapidly moved on. "That was no help - Quinty and Mariell were upset too, but couldn't figure anything out."
"Oh how are they?"
"Worried - probably even more now. Anyways stop interrupting."
"Oh, sorry."
"You hid your address - but the packaging was visible in the video. So I ordered one."

Fiona looked at her friend. Thinking. Wondering, how to ask her next question without being an asshole. Not finding a way.
"You're wondering how I afforded one." Annabelle asked.
"Yeah... Mine was like, five grand." Fiona admitted sheepishly.
"I sold my car. Wait five what I spent two you got scammed girl" 
Fiona just stared, brain trying to fit things together.

"And I used most of my savings."
"Because I MISSED YOU DUMBASS" Annabelle shouted, nearly crying again.
"I was upset and scared and you were GONE. Just POOF. BYE." She was pacing around the floor, waving her hands. Fiona was quiet, she'd worried about how her friend had taken it and... And it didn't seem great. But now she was here.

"And it worked." Fiona said. An immediate curiosity. "Did you get... Do you have?"
"What? Did I get what?"
"You know" She waved vaguely towards Annabelle's crotch, and the goblin gave her a perplexed look.
"Fine." If there was anyone she could show it was her friend, and she pulled her loincloth aside and let her pink monster flop onto her tight as she was lying on her bed.

"OH. OH. Oh my god. You... You really are Fiona Ragehammer." The small goblin couldn't take her eyes off it.
"No, I... I guess cause Annabelle doesn't have one, in any of the stories we played? The dildo did return though... He's my familiar."
"Yeah" She snapped her fingers, and a green cock started floating around. "He's fun but... Kinda awkward to use with most parties." Annabelle's turn for a sheepish grin.
"I think you'd like my party." Fiona smiled.
"Oh thank fuck, you got a match with smart people?"
"Yeah, well one of them's smart. They are all lovely though - you didn't?"
"No I got fucking Gertram, dickhead." 

Fiona decided to change the subject of conversation, as Annabelle went on a long rant that would make a sailor blush about Gertram and his stupid ass.
"Sooo... What's your class? I'm dying to know!"
"You first!"
"Same time?"
"[Berserker of Endless Passion]"
"[Witch of Deep Desire]"

[Witch of Deep Desire]

[Shadow Magic Aspect]

The [Witch] has an affinity with shadow magic and can learn shadow spells from outside sources.

[Nature Magic Aspect]

The [Witch] has an affinity with nature magic, and can learn nature spells from outside sources.

[Mind Magic Aspect]

The [Witch] has an affinity with Mind magic and can learn Mind spells from outside sources.


A bolt of magic that combines any number of affinities the [Witch] has. The effect depends on combination.

[Cloud of Desire]

All creatures in an area become driven by desire for a short period, and abandon any action not related to that desire.

[Deepest Desire]
Can be used on one friendly creature per day.

Reveal the deepest subconscious desire of one friendly creature.
If the creature fulfills their desire, they and the witch receive a permanent increase to their highest stat.
Repeatable. If a creature has no deep desires, this spell will fail.

[Heighten/Suppress Emotion]

Heighten or dull a target creatures emotion for a short period of time. Sentient targets must be willing.

[Summon Familiar]

Summon your familiar.

Your familiar can cast a lower form of [Witch Bolt] and perform mundane task as per your instruction.

[Alchemy - Deep Desire]


"Oh that's what that collar is about, I thought you were just being a perv."
"Shut up."

"Don't you have one like it, back home?"


"Are you saying no 'cause yours doesn't have the word 'Passion' on it?"

"Shut up. Anyways, desire? Did you meet Ina?"

Annabelle shook her head. "No, I met some desire god called Oni, she was hot. Lazy as though, but hot."

Fiona's heart was full, and nothing could get rid of the smile on her face. Her friend was here. Her best friend. And she'd made new ones too. Annabelle was smiling back at her.

"So... who's that gnome? I can't believe you gave her a womb tattoo"

"It's a buff! And it's not a...." 

"Oh - nice. And yes it is. Have you two... you know?'

Fiona looked at her friend shyly, then looked away while nodding, her long hair shaking with rapid movement.

"You HAVE? How! Your thing is like her leg!"

"I got... [Enlarge/Reduce]"

"But I didn't see it in your spell list? And you're a berserker?" Annabelle was lost in thought for a moment. "Oh my god Fiona did you fuck a boss to get a spell that let you fuck your friend?"

Fiona threw herself onto the bed and buried her head in a pillow. One eye peeked out, looking at Annabelle. Then she nodded, before hiding again.

"That's absolutely mad! Tell me EVERYTHING!"

"OK fine, then let's go introduce you to everyone?"

The goblin nodded and Fiona told her friend about the last few days, about the monsters she'd fought, the ones she'd fucked, and the dungeons she'd seen. 

About her usage of her new tool.

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