The Tower of Passion

Chapter 1.37 – Introductions

A few hours earlier


Qaerlyz found it incredibly fascinating to be walking through a town she had never visited before, but that she had actively helped plan and design. The first tower to sphere communication had been from here, and Qae was one of the first to answer and help organize the growth of the city for the last several centuries.

And now she was here. It was intimately familiar and entirely strange all at once. The shape of the streets and the buildings were, all familiar. But the tilting of poor construction, the shouting, the heaving bodies, and the thrum of a living city were entirely foreign to Qaerlyz.

Her feet knew where to go, but her mind couldn't process it. An odd sensation, one the dragon queen thought to examine later. She'd had her rune training implemented and enchanted her sword and shield. Now off to go see an old friend that she had never met. 

They had many, many things to talk about. Amongst them, is one delightful berserker.

"Please let Mayor Wishstone know that Qaerlyz Mazayl Franath is here to see her." She stood admiring the architecture as the receptionist at the hall relayed her message, returning a few minutes later.

"Mayor Wishstone has requested you meet her in her private quarters, if that suits you Queen Qaerlyz?"
"Of course - lead the way." 

Qae knew the way, but that would be presumptuous. Rude. She let the orc receptionist show her the way, stopping just before a humble set of doors.
"Through here - She said you would know where to find her." Qaerlyz nodded her thanks and headed through. She had been anticipating this meeting for a long time, for centuries indeed. It would be business - they had important things to discuss. But also pleasurable, if Tialah Wishstone remembered their plans from oh so long ago.

The paladin walked through the humble living quarters, passing what she knew was a kitchen, a small sitting room, and library until she got to the last door in the small home.
Qaerlyz opened the bedroom door and saw one of her oldest friends. Well, ones that weren't dragon.

The elven Mayor of Climbertown since the opening of the tower, Tialah Wishstone, the elder elf was on the bed. She was bound, gagged, and naked. Her snow white, soft, and enormous ass facing the door, presented to her master, her white long her cascaded over her shoulders pooling around her in the soft cushioning. 

Qaerlyz smiled, her pet had remembered. 

A while later, both naked the elf cuddled up to Qaerlyz, who stroked her hair gently.
"We do have important matters to discuss,  my pet."
"I know just... a bit more."
Qaerlyz sighed. "We may stay like this while we discuss, if you wish Mayor Wishstone."
"If we must, Queen Qaerlyz - I am surprised, but not disappointed that you finally have decided to enter the tower. What changed?"
"There is little that can be done from outside the tower - the speed it is being climbed at, news from the top floor rarely gets out." Her sister must be doing very well herself. She was always rash though - not thinking of what that would mean.
"True... But we've had periods of fast climbers before?"
"Not like this. Besides, the Outsiders are making movements. And so are the benevolent gods - there are more and more transcended entering."
"Oh that sounds fun." The elf snuggled into Qaerlyz's bare breast, giving it a soft peck.

"Well, in principle it is an extreme risk to the stability of the tower." Qaerlyz smiled, looking down at the gorgeous elf woman who had pledged to be her pet all those centuries ago. "In reality. Yes. One of them at least."
"You know one?"
Qaerlyz nodded her confirmation.
"Indeed. I think she would benefit from knowing you too. Would you care to join me at my inn?"
"Of course - an official meeting with your party sounds great!"
"Yes. Well, bring the rope. And the gag."

"Oh... That kind of meeting. Yes, mistress."

"This girl - Ash, our latest party member you'd really get on she has this immense coll-" The knock on the door interrupted her, and Fiona hopped up and opened her. The pair had finished going over nearly everything - Fiona was very happy her party members had not been like Annabelle's. 

"Oh! Hope I'm not disturbing but - Ash sorted out a booth for us downstairs for dinner? Qae came in with someone earlier, but said she'd be down shortly." The sea gnome seemed a little awkward, unsure of how she should behave now. She knew she was still Fiona's friend... but it felt less certain?
"Yes! I can't wait to introduce you - I really hope everyone is ok with Annabelle joining our party." She waved the goblin over. "Oh and I didn't properly introduce you two - Liddy, this is Annabelle. My best friend from before the tower." Liddy bowed slightly. "Annabelle, this is Liddy - she's my best friend I've met in the tower!" 

Oh. Liddy blinked for a second. She wasn't a friend, she was her best friend. That... It was nice. Something fluttered in her stomach.
Fiona, oblivious hurried downstairs - immediately reminded, once again, of how much she hated crowds. Luckily Ash had found a booth in a corner away from most of the noise, and bought a round of drinks from everyone.

"I hope you like beer - here, Liddy told me we had a new friend! Got you one" She pushed a mug over to Annabelle, who took one and sat down.
"Hey!" Everyone did an awkward shuffle into their seats, and a moment later Qae came down from her room and joined them - surprised to see the goblin.

"Qae this is... My friend from my sphere." The two's eye's met, and Qae seemed... shocked almost. Only for a second. Fiona only noticed cause she was looking out for something. She gave a slight nod. "Annabelle - This is Qaerlyz Mazayl Franath! She's a Dragon Queen how fucking cool is that?"
"What? For real?"
"Indeed, I am the Queen of the blue clade."
"Don't you have wings?"

Fiona and Liddy laughed, Annabelle looking around a bit confused as Qae sighed.
"I know we probably should get a healer - but would anyone mind if we bring Annabelle with us as our fifth? She's a witch - we do need a magic user as well."
"For healing I should be better now - since Fiona gave me this." Liddy hopped up on the seat, her general lack of clothing letting everyone see her still sore tattoo, displaying it proudly.
"I love it so much" The gnome said, exctatic. "And my healing is so much better because of it!"
"Wait you do tattoos that provide buffs?" Ash said, suddenly?
"Yeah, uh... I got a ton, but I can only do one per day" She'd tried giving herself one along with Annabelle, and it had stopped her. "I might be able to more when I am higher level. It has to be visible to give an effect too so, Qae if you want any it would have to be on your face..."
"I believe I can manage without for now - do let me know if any that suit me are available."
"Can I have one across my chest?" Ash asked again."
"I... Yeah, probably? I'll see what I have." Fiona was a bit overwhelmed at the sudden interest from the fox girl, but she supposed she would have been similar. Maybe.
"Anyways, can Annabelle join?"
"Of course - if she's your friend from home!" Ash, who'd had a few drinks before they all came down looked at Fiona. "Did you... Do you... Share hobbies?"
Fiona looked at Annabelle, back at Ash, back at Annabelle, back at Ash. She decided to not say anything. The cannoneer grinned, taking it as confirmation.
"I believe if she is from your sphere Fiona, I would be inclined to think we should absolutely bring her on. May I enquire about your class?"
"Oh - Yes of course. Uhm, I trust you all I guess since Fiona trusts you so. [Witch of Deep Desires.]".
Everyone was silent for a minute.
"Whats my desire?" Ash asked suddenly.
"Oh - I used it on some idiot in my dungeon group, I can check tomorrow tho." 
"I believe you will be an excellent addition, welcome to the party." Qae helped Fiona add Annabelle to the party, and a mental command and a confirmation screen later it was done.
"I believe spending a few more days here makes sense - we all need to sort our professions, I believe Liddy wanted to call her mothers?" Qae started standing up, preparing to leave.
"Yeah, I... Fiona will you come with me? I'd love for you to talk to them." Liddy asked with a much meeker voice than usual.

Fiona nodded trying to ignore Annabelle's awkward miming next to her.
"I will retire to my room - Fiona, I do have something that is of interest to you, if you wish to join me."

Fiona nodded. She assumed it was about Annabelle, and followed the dragon - wearing just her tunic around town - up the stairs.
"Annabelle is like me, a tra-"
"Shh. Not here, that's not what this is about. I have organized something for you, but you of course may refuse. I believe using your ability as much as possible is beneficial, however." Qae explained in a soft voice as they walked down the hallway, and she opened the door to her room.

"One of my dearest and oldest friends, Tialah Wishstone, is the Mayor of Climbertown." She pushed the door open slightly and stepped through. Fiona followed.
"She is also, technically, the [Floor Boss] of Floor Four."

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