THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


(AN: Since I'm happy, I will post a second chapter. Sadly, it might be the last of the week. We will see.) 


Nighteye was calmly drinking his coffee. As he watched the screen of his computer. He was sending a call

Soon, the call was answered. The one on the other side of the screen was no one other than All Might himself.

"AHAHAH. Nighteye, how are you? Is the boy doing well?"

Nighteye smiled and said.

"Yes, I'm alright. I'm calling you about the kid. He finally found his name"

"Oh...what did he choose"

"Hayate Kuroha. Truly à troubling name"

Why did Nighteye felt that it was a troubling name? The reason was simple. 

"Kuroha" referred to "black wings", evoking the images of a fallen angel. The truth was that the boy had drawn inspiration for his name from the "clover". In floriography, clovers could mean "good fortune", "think of me", "promise" and also "revenge". One didn't need to be a genius to understand which meaning attired to the boy.

The name Hayate, on the other hand, seemed less problematic at first. After all, it means "faster than the wind", but once you put the names together you had a "revenge faster than the wind".

He calmly explained everything to All Might who stayed silent. Finally, he asked

"What should we do? Should I write this name on his register?"

"Yes, do it"

Nighteye was a little stunned, but he waited for the reason.

"We do not understand what he went through during all those years. We may have seen it, but seeing and understanding are too far apart. It would be arrogance to think that we could make him forget his pain with just some words of justice. 

All Might took a breath before continuing

"We will do our best to make him tread the road of justice. Revenge doesn't necessarily mean that he has to go to the end. If we can raise him so that his revenge consists of only capturing the villains, we would have done a good job"

"But All Might..."

"No more words Nighteye. The child may be docile right now, but in his very being, he still doesn't trust us. He only followed me because I'm stronger than him and because he thought that I was his best bet. If we go against his revenge, I wouldn't be surprised if he found a way to flee and become a vigilante or worse... A criminal "

Nighteye had to take a breath to calm himself. Yes. All Might was right. Kuroha was still a child, a powerful child who had to live in pain since as far as he could remember. Denying his desire for revenge the very moment he expressed it would do no good. All Might didn't stop here.

"You should begin his training. Not a combat one. Just make him a run or ride a bicycle for the time being in order to train his stamina. Doing so would give him something to do and make him go out a little"

Nighteye once again nodded. Since this subject was closed, he asked.

"So, did you find someone to inherit your power in the future?" 

"Sadly no, I don't think I will begin searching for one before beating All For One. I don't want to give this burden if I can help it."

"You're right. Anyway you are still too far from retirement, so we shouldn't think too much about it"

After some nicety, they cut the communication. They still have work to do.

Nighteye closed his eyes as he let a sigh. Truly, raising a child wasn't easy, a child-like kuroha even more so. Still, it didn't matter.

Even though they weren't related by blood, it didn't change the fact that he was now his father. No one forced him in this position. He made his choice and he will live by it. He will raise him to become a great man or even a great hero if he wishes.

After setting his resolve once again, he opened his drawer and took the request form before beginning to fill it. But then he stopped and began to think.

Kuroha showed an extremely high level of intelligence, treating him like a child might be a mistake. What more he remembered the smile he showed once he chooses his own name. For him, being able to make his own choices must be a new feeling.

He made his decision, took the forms and walked toward his living room where Koruha was sitting and reading. This time it was a history book.

"Kuroha, I need to speak to you. Come here please"

He went and sat on his sofa before making Kuroha stand in front of him. After that, he took the form and showed it to Kuroha. A few seconds later, when he was sure that he finished reading, he began

"I won't lie or try to trick you. I won't ask you to trust me without proof either. If those papers are filled, that would mean that I would become something akin to a father for you."

Nighteye took a hard look at the boy.

"You should know about your situation. Right now, everything is still peaceful because they don't know what we have taken you in. Or perhaps they don't care."

Kuroha stayed silent a bit before looking up. His red eyes staring at Nighteye as if he wanted to see through him.

"Can you protect me? "

Like All Might thought, Kuroha didn't believe in them. One of the reasons he still thinks that he might wake up in the laboratory was because Nighteye gave him no sense of security. Perhaps he will be kidnapped once again?

Nighteye grinned. The little shit was looking down on him. It seemed that, like All Might, he needed to show more of his power if he wanted to gain his respect.

"OK, let's take a bet. You're are fast right? I'm also sure you must have let many marks on this room. You can use any means. "

He took a stamp.

"Here the stamp that I will use on the forms. You have five minutes. If you manage to take it from in three minutes, I will not bother you and I promise to put you under the tutelage of a powerful hero. If you fail though, I will officially become your guardian. Are you in?  "

Kuroha was silent. He wasn't goaded by the taunting. He looked at profoundly at Nighteye before nodding.

Nighteye smiled at this. He patted the shoulder of Kuroha before putting himself in position. 

" Ready? Begin."

Kuroha was truly fast, sadly he wasn't fast enough. Nighteye understood clearly the situation. Kuroha learned by himself how to better use his quirks. Just for that, he can be called a super genius.

 What more, his two quirks had a potential out of this world. If he had received even the slightest training, Nighteye would have never made such a bet. Right now, there no way he would lose.

His quirk was [FORESIGHT]. By touching any part of his target and matching his gaze with theirs, Nighteye's Quirk gives him the ability to predict the actions that a person will take in advance for the period of an hour.

Of course, his quirk wasn't all-powerful, by example, it didn't matter if he could see the future move of All Might, if the two of them were to fight, he would be destroyed in a few seconds.

This kid had the potential to become one of the strongest heroes in existence. But that was all, potential amount to nothing if it wasn't changed in strength.

The kid went directly toward him with a burst of speed. Nighteye simply used a move of aikido and threw him behind him.

"The first problem, you may be fast, but not fast enough to attack in such a straightforward way. "

The boy didn't answer, he bites his finger hard enough to draw blood and formed the scalpel with it. The wound was already beginning to heal. He slashed at him.

Nighteye looked at that and simply deflected him once again. He didn't even need to use his quirk against such attacks.

"Your blood manipulation quirk is interesting, but why a scalpel? The reach is so short that it doesn't even matter against me"

He, of course, knew why Kuroha used a scalpel. Most likely, in his mind, this should be the most powerful weapon with how much it brought him pain.

The boy had tear in his eyes but he held it in. A few seconds later he suddenly disappeared in a yellow flash and appeared behind him.

Nighteye sighed, he cleanly avoided it and once again threw him on the other end of the room.

"All newbie with teleportation quirk always act in the same, why attack from behind? Also, your charging time is too slow. You should be fast like a lightning"

Nighteye knew that he was being a little cruel. This kid might be inexperienced, but he was a natural fighter. For him to already be able to move like without having received any form of training showed his talent. He saw so much potential in him. 

The next few minutes ended in the same way. In the end, the child was silently weeping while kneeling. Nighteye heart ached at this sight, but he had to be harsh. This child didn't need coddling. He was like a beast. Only by showing his superiority would he be listened to and respected. As such he stelled his expression and said

"Weak, slow and inexperienced, and with that, you think you can obtain revenge?" 

Kuroha lifted his head, rage clearly apparent on his face. Nighteye didn't let this bother him. 

"Your enemies aren't like the quirkless or untrained researchers you killed in the laboratory. They are villain, powerful villain, one of them  at the same level as All Might himself" 

The rage was replaced by shock 

"You want revenge, then we will do it my way, from now on you'll be under my guard and I will raise you to become a true man." 

He took the stamps and completed the forms. From now on, Hayate Kuroha was officially under his guard. After that, he stretched his hand toward the child. 

" Come, I hope that you're ready? "

The child let a smile, a true smile and took his hand

" Yes"

Internally, he was sweating like a bull. This was a truly dangerous gamble. Thankfully he succeeded. Now he will slowly shape the child so that he doesn't become a demon that only cared about vengeance. There were so many beautiful things in this world.

After that, the two began to live quietly together. Sometimes they fought, sometimes they laughed. Slowly but surely the child was becoming stronger. Before, he was emaciated, but he became healthier and happier.

Nighteye also was happy, having a son wasn't easy, but it was fulfilling. This happy life continued for a year.

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