THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)



Nighteye was drinking his coffee in his office as he completed his morning ritual. Suddenly, a Yello flash appeared behind him, followed by a young boy.

He was rather tall for his age and showed good development. He had tanned skin and white hair. His most striking features were his red eyes that seemed to shine.

Nighteye let a sigh as he put his cup down and without turning said, 

"How many times did I tell you to use the door?"

"Too slow"

The boy simply answered before walking and sitting in one of the chairs. Nighteye let another sigh and asked

"Did you manage to make a friend this time ?"

He expected another negative answer. During this year, even though he didn't train him in fighting, the boy slowly understood more his quirks. What more, his quirks mainly needed a powerful body with high reflex, so the simple fact of having a better diet and regularly running already boosted his level. 

"Yes!! A girl, she is cool"

Nighteye was more than a little surprised. As Kuroha became stronger, the difference between him and children his age became greater. What more, with his personality, he couldn't acknowledge weakling. As such, he could not make any friends. For him to show such interest in someone else, the girl should really be something.

"How did you meet her?", he asked, interested brimming in his voice. 

"She was lost, I saved her", the boy answered as cleanly and shortly as possible. It was like each of his words were gold. 

Nighteye pinched his eyebrows in frustration. This child would be the death of him. 

"Explains before I became angry. You know what happens when I'm angry.  " 

Finally, the boy showed a different emotion and swiftly began to explain. Nighteye smiled as he saw this. He was really a genius to have found this way of punishment. Who would have thought that this child would become addicted to sweet? He nearly let an evil laugh but coughed a little as he began to listen.

---- a few hours earlier

Kuroha was seated in a park as he looked at the children playing with their family a little far away from him.

Nighteye gave him the order to always stay outside at least for four or five hours every day. He wasn't obligated to befriend anyone, but it wouldn't be bad if he did so.

Of course, he was also under order to immediately activate his quirk [FLASHPOINT], to flee if he felt like he was in danger. 

Kuroha understood what Nighteye was trying to do and frankly, he thought that it was a waste of time. He didn't know about children from heroes' families, but there is no way he could be friends with normal children.

The way they saw the world was simply too different. While he trained to become better, they played in the sand. Not knowing that all needed for their death was one villain being in a bad mood and passing in the area. 

Rather than wasting his time here, he would rather go see his uncle Toshinori or grandpa Torino or go read more books. At least he would be able to learn something with them. After a year of being able to use his quirks as he wanted, he was able to find different little conditions.

His blood manipulation allowed him to create many kinds of weapons. He could create them simply with his imagination, but the more he paid attention to the details when creating them the stronger they were. Because of that, his thirst for knowledge became even greater. 

His second quirk also depended on many internal and external factors. He now was able to greatly enhance his teleportation speed. Now he only needed one or two seconds. Still, it wasn't enough. 

He clenched his fist as he thought of that. For his age, he was without a doubt extremely strong. But he didn't care about people his age. His enemy was a monster who had an unknown number of quirks. All of them have a great synergy. At his current level, even trainee heroes could destroy him. Not to say the very symbols of evil. 

He had to become stronger. Even now, he sometimes had nightmares about his past. After letting a sigh, something very weird when seeing this from a child, he hooped from was he was seated and began to walk home. It was when he reached a somewhat deserted place that he heard it. 


He heard the scream of a Young girl. He decided to go see what was happening. There, in the alley, a girl wearing expensive clothes was being dragged by two  men. One had the head of a lizard while the other looked like a normal human but with a horn on his head. Kuroha eyes narrowed, he had an endless hatred for a kidnapper or any form of aggression toward children. His body began to let red steam. His red eyes glowed a little before coming back to normal. He was very angry.

The girl was crying as she was being dragged by those two weird men. She snuck out of her house because she was tired of how stuffy it was. Now, she regretted this. That was when she saw a shadow. At first, she was overjoyed since she taught that a hero or people from her family came to save her, but when she lifted her head, she was disappointed, it was a child like her.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here. Second merchandise comes to our doorstep", said one of the guys from earlier. 

"Run. You shouldn't stay here", even though she was in danger, she would never drag someone down with her. The boy though, acted like he heard nothing. That when she saw it. Two beautiful red eyes staring quietly at her, before letting a smile. Sadly, this smile was far more creepy than reassuring.

"You should let her go while I'm still restraining myself."

The alley becomes silent. Even Momo was dumbfounded. After that, the two kidnappers began to laugh. One of them, the one who looked like a lizard, made a small fire ball appear in his hand. It was extremely weak for a villain-hero standard. But here, in this zone full of civilians, even more so against some kids, it was more than enough.

At least he thought that it was more than enough. When he threw it toward the child, momo closed her eyes in remorse. It was because of her that he would be hurt.

Weirdly, she didn't hear the scream of pain. But rather a childish laugh full of joy.

"Beautifully done. Since you used potentially lethal attacks against me, no matter what I do in retaliation, there will be no problem."

Momo opened her eyes in confusion. The child had stopped the fire with his bare hands. He wasn't burned, his hand was covered by what seemed like a gauntlet, a red gauntlet.

The worst for those two wasn't how easly the child blocked this attack, but the look on his face. On his face was a smile of pure joy. Like a child having found a new toy. Sadly the situation made it clear that they were the toys. 

This made them snap. 

" Arghh... Don't look down on me with. Brat!!!!!"

The horned man raised his fist and began to run in order to hit him. His quirk seemed to make him a little faster and stronger than normal, it would be enough to intimidate normal people. Sadly for them, 

"Too weak", He wasn't someone normal. 

Kuroha didn't even need to use his quirk to deflect such an attack. He had secretly began to learn martial arts from Grand Torino since a few months ago. The result? He was a prodigy. 

What happened after was a pure and simple beat down. No matter how much they tried, he would either avoid their attacks or make them hit each other. 

After a few seconds, the two were completely beaten down and unable to get up. When he finished with them, he didn't spare them a glance and went towards the girls. He didn't try to use the bright smile of his uncle Toshinori. He knew that he didn't have it in him. As such, when he reached her, he just let a small smile and said,

"I'm Hayate Kuroha, I hope that you aren't hurt too much. "

The girl was so dumbfounded that she just stared at him while her tear streamed down. This stand-off lasted enough for Kuroha to become a little awkward and he began to retract his hand. But his movement seemed to awaken the girl and hurriedly took his hand in her before getting up.

"Sorry sorry. Thank you very much, " said the girl as she sniffed a little. 

After completely getting up, she let his hand go and curtsied with a little while saying more calmly. 

"Thank you very much for saving me, my name is Yaoyorozu. Yaoyorozu Momo ."

After that, she looked up to him with a glowing gaze.

"You're so strong. How did you do that? How did you stop the fireball? How did you train? What is your quirk?"

Momo began to launch thousands of questions without breathing. Kuroha didn't even have the time to answer one before another was launched. Finally, he had to calm her by putting his hand on her mouth. This brought her back

" I'm sorry, it's just that I was so excited", said momo as she blushed a little. Such an outburst was really unbecoming of a Young lady. Her mother would have scolded had she seen her act like that. 

After that, the two began to walk together as they talked. They left the alley. Momo asked if it wouldn't better to call the police, but Kuroha dissuaded her by saying that they should have learned their lesson. 

What she didn't see though, was that marks were placed on their bodies. As they left the zone, Kuroha gave them a last look before ignoring them....

Now wasn't the time to act....

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