THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


At the park, a young boy and a girl were seated as they licked an ice cream. The two of them held their ice cream and closed their eyes in bliss. It was such a blessing to be able to eat anything without becoming fat. 

The boy wore a white shirt with a dark five leafed clover embedded on it. He had a tanned face with white hair and red eyes. His look was enough to transform many women in shotacon.

The girl seating next to him was rather pretty. She wore a white one-piece dress that was clearly of high quality. She had long black hair tied into a spiky ponytail and black onyx eyes. It was clear that she had the potential to become a stunner once she grows up.

The girl, Momo, was in great spirit as she looked at the side profile of Kuroha after finishing her ice cream. He was so cool back then. She still had stars in her eyes.

Momo was from a very rich family of heroes. She was used to seeing famous people go in and out of her family. For her, this was nothing special and nothing to brag for. It was just normal. But he was different. He was a child just like her, but he could already fight so well. His quirk wasn't weird like her own. As she thought of that she became a little depressed and it was showing on her face.

Kuroha gave a curious look at this girl whose expression changed faster than he could be blink. She was at first scared, then courageous, then surprised, then excited, bashful, happy and now sad. It was the first time he saw such a myriads of emotions displaying on someone else face. The only girl he knew didn't have such a wide range of emotions. She was mostly happy go lucky. 

He wondered what happened this time and asked. She answered him about her apprehension about her quirk and her dream to be a hero. As such he asked her about her quirk.

"My quirk is called [CREATION] and it gives me the ability to create any non-living material through the molecular manipulation of my fat cells." 

The more he listened the greater he was astonished. How could she call this quirk useless or weird? It was basically a specialized version of his blood manipulation.

No, such a great quirk couldn't come without some drawbacks. He directly thought of some.

"Let me guess. You are limited in the mass of what you can create since it burns your fat cells. You're also limited by how big you create them." 

He could easily understand this point since he was also limited by his blood. The only reason it wasn't an issue for him was because of his regeneration. But for someone without a super regeneration, regeneration it should be pretty taxing to use a creation ability. 

Momo was surprised. She didn't think it was so easy to understand. This made her even more depressed. But she continued. 

" This isn't just this. As long as I have an understanding of how something is made, I can make it. In the same way, I cannot create something I don't understand. Also... " 

He was intrigued. When she reached the last part, she began to blush heavily as she stammered a little

" Also?"

She murmured something, but even Kuroha with his superior hearing couldn't hear her. 

"What did you say?"

"I SAID!!! , the larger the things I want to create, the more skin I have to show!!!"

She nearly screamed the first part before hiding her face behind her hand as she blushed furiously and continuing the second part. She was so ashamed she wanted to crawl in a hole.

"Oh...Oh !!! "

Kuroha, on the other hand, was dumbstruck at first because of her scream, after that, he finally understood her words. This drawback wouldn't be much for a boy, but for a girl? Kuroha had enough common sense to know that it wouldn't be easy. 

After collecting himself, he tried to find a way to calm her. But before he spoke, she said

"Tell me..." 

"What?", what was she speaking about. 

"I told you mine so tell me yours. " Her eyes were blazing. It looked like she wanted to change subjects. If he didn't tell her he was sure she might jump on him. 

"My quirk is a form of hemokinesis called blood void. It's a little like yours. I can manipulate my blood anyway I want and give it any shape I want. The more I understand what I want to create, the better it is."

Nighteye clearly told him that he should never tell anyone about having two quirks. As such he could explain his, as being a fusion of two quirks. This was nothing weird even though a little rare. He decided to come back to her quirk. 

"You know, your quirk is far from useless. Frankly, while it's not a super flashy quirk it's really priceless." 

Momo looked at him, so, he continued. He never talked so much to someone. 

"I read a saying. Knowledge is power. This saying is best to describe your quirk. It may some little drawback, but if you want to become a hero, I think that they are without importance. Don't you think so? After all, what is a little shame compared to saving a life?" 

Momo was deep in thought. Before nodding and letting a radiant smile. Frankly, what he said was already to her many times. She was surrounded by heroes. How could they not understand how useful her quirk was? 

But most of the time, the same advice would have different effects depending on who gave it. It was sad, but it was life. 

"I understand. Thank you. I will read more. Become smarter and I will become a great hero. What about you? Will you join UA and become a hero?"

This question stumped him a little. Still, he let a smile and answered her.

"Of course."

This smile, in Momo's eyes, weirdly a little sad and distant.

-----Coming back to the present.

"After that, two bodyguards come to take her and we promised to see each other at her home tomorrow." Said Kuroha as he finished explaining his meeting with the girl named Momo.

Nighteye adjusted his glasses before looking at the situation seriously.

As a hero and an adult, he began to consider the situation from a cold standpoint. Yaoyorozu. Such a name was a household name in the hero world. Being able to be friends with her was a boon incredible. What more, since he saved their daughter, the relationship between Kuro and them would be super smooth. Hero nowadays couldn't be separated from money. It was a sad thought to see being a hero as a job but it was like that nowadays. 

As a father though, he was just happy that his son finally managed to make a friend. Even if the said friend was a girl.

"Good job. Since you made a friend, I can increase your allowance. You'll need it if you go out somewhere with her. Also, you are allowed to have more snacks. I will buy you a new kind tomorrow "


After that, Kuroha got up and began to walk toward the door. But just as he was about to do so he stopped. His back facing Nighteye, he asked.

"Say... Do you think I would make a great hero?"

Nighteye was a little surprised at this question coming out of nowhere but still, he answered with conviction and enthusiasm as nodded. 

"Of course!!! "

"I see..."

After that, Kuroha simply left the office letting alone a confused Nighteye.

----Later at Night

Kuroha, who was seated in the corner of his bedroom, suddenly opened his eyes. Now, he could sleep a little at night. But he still didn't do it on the bed. Of course, Nighteye didn't know that since he made sure to always make it seem so he sleeps on it.

He got up from his corner before going into his bathroom. The face looking back at him in the mirror was cold and indifferent. Not the face à child should have. Suddenly, his reflection began to speak, a malevolent grin on his face

"A hero? You? Don't make me laugh. They are so stupid."

"Shut up"

"If they knew what you do, will they still say that?" 

"Shut up" 

"If they knew how much blood was spilled by your hand this year, would they still come close to you?" 

"Shut up" 

"If they knew what you are once again about to do it this night... Would they give up on you?"

"I said. SHUT UP!!!" 

Sound of rough breathing echoed in this room. The reflection on the mirror was normal. Everything was just his imagination. Everything fine. He wasn't crazy. 

He opened the salve on water and put his head under to calm himself. After that, he used a small knife hidden behind his mirror to lightly wound his face. He really needed a better way to use his power. The time he took to open a wound could spell his death in the future. 

The blood began to slowly flow before covering his entire face and taking the shape of a red mask with only two slits for the eyes. 

Looking at this expressionless masked face in the mirror. He knew that he could never really call himself a hero because what he was about to do and what he had done until now was all but heroic. 

Finally, he disappeared in a yellow flash. Tonight was destined to be a little bloody.

[AN: This chapter wasn't easy to write towards the end since I tried to show how complex he was. You could say that he is currently suffering from a mild form of schizophrenia. One year is far from enough to heal all the scars this child had. Days of torture are enough to break even hardened soldiers. Can you imagine the effects years of torture could have? Even more so on a child? Frankly, in my original drafts, I had planned to totally break him. But I had to tone down a little because that was too depressing even for me, and the goal is too make my reader happy. Anyway, the first volume will be about his growth both mentally and physically. Let slowly see how Kuroha will break from his trauma.]

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