THE TRIALS: Path Toward Godhood. (warning: MATURE CONTENT)


(AN: Caution. This chapter will contain some mention of sexual and physical abuse of children. Nothing too explicit but it will still be here. I will mark the part where it begins for those who don't like it and where it end. You'll miss nothing much if you skip it. Also, remember that whatever I wrote, the reality is way worse than that.)


The full moon was high and shining in the sky, darkness should have enveloped the earth, but the city never fell asleep. The night was the start of everything. The light of all houses and stores illuminated the streets.

What a beautiful sight, what an enchanting sight, what a disgusting sight. 

People let themselves fooled by this facade, this "peace". They thought that just because everything is beautiful, it's meant that everything is alright. They want everything to be "normal". But what was really normal? 

They do not know, do not understand, cannot understand. How much filth is hidden behind everything? Stealing, raping, kidnapping, murder and many others atrocities are common. The night was the domain of evil. Once again this was "normal". The normal world that "normal" people so desperately wanted without understanding all the darkness it hide. 

In a crowded street, what seemed like a child could be seen walking slowly. "He" wore a large black hood that was completely hiding his face and his features.

Despite this, decency would like that some people should have been worried, they should have taken him aside and asked him where he was coming from or if he was lost.

No such decent person existed here. There only three kinds of people staring at this child. Those who didn't care, those who looked at "him" like prey, and those who looked at "him" with pity but didn't dare to call out to "him".

"He" didn't know which of the three groups was the most disgusting.

Those who didn't care even though they should have tried to help a child?

Those who looked at a child with like they wanted to make him suffer all kinds of evil?

Or those hypocritical bastards who looked but never acted?

Frankly "he" didn't care either. Today "he" had a mission and someone to meet. Even so, "he" wouldn't mind erasing some worms from the face of the earth. Just the thought of meeting that person made "his" heartbeat. Only that person could understand "his" heart. 

Speaking of worms, "he" took a turn toward the right and entered a black alley. A few seconds later, three figures followed "him".

They slowly walked toward "him" before circling "him" in order to block all escape.

They looked at the child with the lowered head with a smile. For them, this child seemed like a little scared Lamb ready for slaughter.

One of them. A man with bat-like wing approached the kid and taped on "his" head, 

"Well well well. Look like someone comes to the wrong side of the street. Your parents never told you that children should sleep at night?"

The child didn't answer and simply keep "his" head lowered. This put a smirk on his face as he licked his lip in sadistic glee.


He suddenly punched hard the child on the stomach and laughed with his two companions as they watched the child slowly bent over.

"Your lack of education is really terrible. Let me educate you."

After that, he adjusted his pants and began to lower his trouser fly before wiping his dick out. This moment was always the best for him. 

"Ah ah ah. Little bitch, suck my dick if you don't want to die."

The other two laughed with him. This was one of their favorite past time. Humiliating the weak and fearing the strong. There is nothing they didn't dare to do as long as they were in a higher position. 

Today, they were angry after two of lost a seemingly precious product. The worst was that they had been beaten by a little boy. 

When they saw this child daring to walk alone ot night on the street, they decided to release their stress on "him". It didn't matter if it was a boy or a girl. A hole was still a hole and that all they needed. 

They weren't scared of meeting another freakish child like the one from this morning. After all, how high were the chances to meet an equally strong child at this hour of the night? They couldn't be so unlucky twice in the same day right? 

One of them even licked his lip in anticipation and hoping that it was a boy. The screams of pain, the cries and the pleading they let when he plowed their ass was so sweet. It was like a drug for him. He was totally addicted to them. 

The second one though, hoped that it was a girl. The last time he had that poor family pay their debts with their little daughter's body.

Fucking her in front of them as they cried but had to hold themselves back while the little girl struggled helplessly in his arm as he slowly savored her was the highlight of his life. He would definitely pay them another visit tomorrow. 


The first didn't pay attention to his two friends and continued to swing his dick up and down with a lewd smile as he waited .


"Come and give this baby a little love. " 


Those words seemed to awaken the kid. "He"... NO. She slowly got up before putting down the hood. Under it was the face of a beautiful little girl.

Those three men should have been happy to see such a beautiful face. But they weren't, they began to shudder in fright on the contrary. The face of the girl was simply too deranged.

 A wide smile showing her sharp teeth was covering her face. What more she was blushing and breathing hard as if she was the one who couldn't wait.

This wasn't "normal". How could she be happy? The first man dick completely shrank and went limp. He tried to put his pants back fast, but he tripped and fell and on his back.

The girl on the other hand slowly walked toward him, before seating on his stomach as she looked at him with an beautiful smile. She slowly traced his face with her hand as her smile completely covered her face.

"Let me give you some love."

"Arghh !!!!!" 

On her hand was a knife that she took from under her clothes. She slowly lifted her two hands before ruthlessly stabbing down.

She stabbed, stabbed, stabbed, again and again, all this while smiling and blushing like a girl in love. The more blood splashed her face, the happier she seemed. 

"Ah ah ah ah. This so fun!!!!!" 

For the other two, this was like a nightmare playing in slow motion. They couldn't understand what was happening. Seeing their friends stabbed to death didn't make sprouts any thoughts of fighting back in their minds.

One of them peed his pants in horror and fell on his butt as his legs were shaking so much he couldn't stay standing. The other simply screamed and fleed.

A few stabs later, the girl stopped and looked curiously at the scene. She took a lick at the blood on her hands and began to taste it like an epicurean before spitting it in disgust.

She looked up and directed her sight toward the second man whose fear made it impossible for him to flee.

As she got up from the corpse under her and began to walk toward him, the stain on his pants could be seen growing. An odor of shit and piss could be smelt. The man began to cry as he crawled on the ground before deeply bowing, his face directly against the asphalt.

"Please, please, spare me. I will never do it again. I will be a good man. So please don't kill me. I beg you." 

She looked at this man with an emotionless gaze. The only thought in her head was that this man's blood should also be really awful.

Suddenly she began to smile once again. Only, this time, her smile wasn't as crazed as before. The man seeing this thought that he was being spared. He began to exclaim 

"Thank you!!! Thank you very much!!!! Thank you so much!!!" 

But in his mind, he was cursing at her

(Little bitch. How dare you?!!! I will fucking kill you. I memorized your face. I will send all the guys I know after you after leaving this hell.) 

Still, he didn't let his inner thoughts show on his face. That was when he heard a voice behind him. 

" Who said that you'll be spared?" 

This voice seemed to come from hell. He turned back instantly and his heart missed a beat at what he saw. Behind him, coming out of nowhere, stood another child. This child thought wore a terrifying red mask than only let his equally red eyes show, giving an oppressive atmosphere. 

He turned his head because he didn't want to look at the face of the new child, but what he saw next nearly made him faint. In the hand of the child was another corpse. It was his friend who escaped not long ago. 

He slowly lifted his gaze once again and crossed his with that child. He saw no compassion in those eyes. He knew that no amount of begging would save him.

(I am dead) 

This was the last thought he had as his head soared gently in the sky drawing a beautiful arc as his blood sprayed from his neck.

(AN: Who guessed the identity of the girl? It's pretty easy to guess I think.)   here my discord link 

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