The Unseen Angel in MHA


AN: Please read the chapter labeled "Please Read", that way some things can be established before you go complaining about anything. Anyway, enjoy, and welcome back to all those who have read my Twilight Fanfic.


Hello to those reading this, I was told to write this story. So people can understand my story and how I became who I am today. My name is Akihiko Yagi for those who wouldn't know by now. My earliest memory is from when I was three during the spring, a year before my quirk, if that is what we are calling it, manifested....

"Akihiko! Shota is here to play!" mom says to me as I'm playing in my room with my toys. One of the toys is an action figure that they made of my uncle.

"Coming!" I say rushing down the stairs to see Shota walking inside my house with his mom talking with my mom in the living room. Shota's mom and my mom have been best friends since high school, so Shota and I have always known each other.

"Shota come to my room, I got the new action figure of my uncle! He gave it to me yesterday!" I say grabbing his arm and dragging him to my room excitedly.

"Akihiko, calm down," mom says seeing me dragging Shota to my room excitedly.

"Sachiko, it's fine they are boys and Shota could use some more excitement in his life," Shota's mom says to my mom. Smiling at them I drag Shota back to my room.

"No way! You really got the new figurine?! It's not even out yet!" Shota says to me picking up my uncle's action figure.

"Yeah, told you so," I say smiling in triumph at him and laughing as my uncle does on TV. When he came back to Japan, he quickly became the number one hero. That's what my dad told me atleast.

"All Might is so cool! You're lucky he is your uncle!" Shota says to me with an amazed smile at the action figure. The next few hours were of Shota and me playing until he had to go back home. Though my dad came home soon after.

"I'm home! Anyone miss me?" dad asks as I hear him enter the house. Though mom and I were watching my Uncle fight this villain on TV.

"We are in here honey!" mom says as I stand up mimicking my uncle on TV.

"Oh! Toshinori is fighting another bad guy huh," dad says as he walks into the living room.

"Yeah, he is beating him up and saving everyone like usual!" I say pumping my fist into the air.

"Well you certainly look like him," mom says to me smiling at me lovingly and dad ruffles my hair.

I get my looks from my dad's side. As my dad like my uncle has blonde hair and blue eyes. My mom has dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I have very light blonde hair and skin that is slightly tanned from my time playing outside. My eyes are the only thing different than either of my parents. My eyes are iridescent in color, always shifting with a rainbow of colors. Everyone always compliments me on my eyes. The rest of the day was spent with me messing around and pretending to be All Might. The next few days were spent as usual with me playing with my toys at my house or going to Shota's house.

"Mom can we leave already!" I say impatiently waiting downstairs by the front door, as I was going over to Shota's house to play today. I was bringing my All Might action figure too.

"I'm coming Akihiko, calm down," mom says with a tired sigh as I woke her up early from excitement. I can finally see her enter the entranceway with her purse.

"Ok, let's go!" I say opening the door and rushing outside to the front yard by the sidewalk. Shota's house was a few blocks down the street and my parents wouldn't let me walk over there by myself yet.

"Akihiko! Calm down," mom says locking the door behind her, with another tired sigh. I groan in annoyance at waiting for her. Though before I can complain further I hear something land behind me, making me jump in fright.

"AHHH!" I yelp after jumping, making mom quickly turn around and look over in fear. Then quickly calming down.

"Young Akihiko! How have you been?! Did you miss your Uncle?!" I hear my Uncle ask me after I quickly turn to him and see him in his hero outfit.

"Uncle Toshinori! I saw your fight the other day! You were so cool!" I say pumping my fist and giving him a hug, which he laughs like he does on TV and picks me hugging me in return.

"Akihiko, Toshinori, you both scared me! Why did you scream?" mom says to us with an annoyed look at me. I just sheepishly smile and so too does my uncle as he holds me.

"That is my fault Sachiko, Hirohito told me to come and see Akihiko as he was super excited after receiving my action figure and watching my fight," my Uncle says to mom with a chuckle.

"Well you should've called or Hirohito should've told me before he left today!" mom says with an annoyed huff.

"Uncle Toshinori, can you come with us to my friends? He likes you too and I showed him the action figure you gave me yesterday," I ask my Uncle after mom seems to have calmed down a bit.

"Sure I have some time, though I can't stay too long. Someone has to make sure all the bad guys get put in jail," my Uncle says flexing one arm while holding me in his other arm.

Mom just smiles at us and motions to follow her, though my Uncle puts me on his shoulders. From his height, I can see everything, not even on my dad's shoulders can I see this high. We arrive at Shota's house eventually mom knocks on the door. Shota's mom answers the door shortly after my mom knocked on it.

"Ah Sachiko, come in.....Oh my, All Might too! Come in everyone," Shota's mom says gesturing for us to enter. My Uncle takes me off his shoulders so I could enter the house and he has to bow his head to enter since he is so tall.

"Shota, Akihiko is here to play and he brought a guest you might want to meet!" Shota's mom says after we come inside the house.

"Really? I'm coming!" Shota says as we hear him rushing downstairs to come and see. I stand in front of my Uncle and Pose like him with my fist on my waist.

"Akihiko who did—" Shota starts to say but gets quiet seeing All Might and tries to talk. As both All Might and I laugh like he does while giving Shota a thumbs-up.

"Hello Young Shota! I am All Might, Young Akihiko's Uncle!" my Uncle says after seeing Shota stare at us in shock.

"Uhhh...hi," Shota says nervously and smiles awkwardly. Our moms now laughing seeing this and Shota's face became beet red.

"It was nice meeting you both, but I must head out now," my Uncle says smiling and waving goodbye to everyone.

"See-ya Uncle Toshinori!" I say waving goodbye to him as Shota is waving goodbye too still processing meeting my Uncle.

"Bye Toshinori, remember to come for dinner this weekend," my mom says as my uncle leaves and nods his head at her.

"It was nice meeting you as well All Might," Shota's mom says after my Uncle waves goodbye.

"Come on Shota let's go play outside!" I say grabbing his arm and dragging him outside as he snaps out of his stupor.

"Akihiko! Why didn't you tell me your Uncle was coming too!" Shota says to me with some annoyance in his voice. After we go outside.

"I didn't know either, he just dropped by as a surprise and I asked him to come to meet you. So you should be happy you met him!" I say to Shota who just sighs and nods his head. For the next few hours, we played outside taking turns being the superhero and villain.

Then I headed home, and time passed with nothing much different happening. Eventually, a few months passed and it was summertime when my family would go outside more and to the park. Today Shota and I were going to the park with our parents watching us, as our family was going on a picnic together. After arriving and helping set up the area, Shota and I could finally go to the playground.

"Be careful you two and don't wander too far!" my mom says as Shota and I run to the playground, with Shota's mom nodding her head in agreement.

"We know mom!" I say as Shota and I continue to run to the playground. Arriving at the playground we can see all sorts of kids playing around with one another. Though Shota and I can see one boy sitting alone on a swing and he seemed sad.

'My Uncle always helps people in need, so should I!' I think to myself seeing the boy our age by himself.

"Shota let's go play with that boy he seems alone!" I say pointing to the boy by himself as Shota and I were just done going down the slide.

"Sure I guess, but maybe no one is playing with him for a reason," Shota says as he seems to think about it.

"So, if we are going to be heroes one day we should be helping anyone we can be then!" I say giving Shota a determined look and he thinks about what I said, nodding in agreement soon after.

"Hi! I'm Akihiko Yagi, but you can call me Akihiko. What is your name?" I say to the boy after we walk over to him and he seems surprised we are talking to him. Though I'm posing like my Uncle with my fists on my hips and smiling at him.

"I'm Hizashi Yamada, you can call me Hizashi," Hizashi says with some excitement in his voice at seeing us talk to him, he stands up and smiles back at me.

"I'm Shota Aizawa, you can call me Shota though," Shota introduces himself with a smile and Hizashi nods his head in return. Like that Shota and I made a new friend who we played with on the playground.

"Akihiko, Shota, come and have lunch!" my dad says calling Shota and me back. Hizashi looks sad that we are leaving though.

"Dad, can Shota and my new friend join us?" I run over and ask my dad. My dad looks over to see Shota standing with Hizashi and then smiles at me.

"Sure, just make sure you ask his parents for permission too," dad says to me as he ruffles my hair. I run back over to Shota and Hizashi.

"Hizashi, our parents said you can join us. Though we have to ask your parents first," I say to them and he then smiles again before running over to his parents who are waiting nearby. They look over at us once Hizashi points at us, Shota and I wave at them smiling. My dad also waves at them. They all come over to meet us.

The rest of the day is spent with our parents talking with Hizashi's parents and Shota and me playing with Hizashi. From who our parents are talking and all laughing together seems like Shota and I have a new friend we can play with now regularly.

"Did you know that Akihiko's Uncle is All Might," Shota says to Hizashi after we are done eating lunch and playing on the swings again.

"No way! Really?!" Hizashi says to us and looks at me with a surprised face.

"Yep! I even have a bunch of his action figures and even a hero outfit he made for me! You should come over to play at my house one day and I can show you," I say with a smile and he nods his head excitedly.

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