The Unseen Angel in MHA


The last few months have been super fun with Shota, Hizashi, and me playing at each other's houses. Time felt like it was going forever, especially since our parents told us kids usually get their quirks around the age of four. Though time did go by Hizashi being the one with his birth coming up first was excited. Shota, me, and our parents were all headed together over to Hizashi's house for his birthday party. Our parents told us Hizashi has a surprise for us, Shota and I were curious about what it was.

"Hizashi, we are here!" I say shouting once Hizashi's mom lets us in our parents are used to our excitement as they just shake their heads at my shouting when entering the house.

"Boys, boys!" our moms say as we rush upstairs not waiting for them.

"Hizashi we are coming to your room!" Shota says as we make our way upstairs and see Hizashi is not in his room. So Shota and I look confused at one another.

"BOO!" Hizashi says in an extremely loud voice making Shota and I jump up in fright at his sudden appearance.

"Ow! Hizashi why so loud?!" I say rubbing my ears and Shota nods his head agreeing with me.

"SORRY!... I mean sorry," Hizashi says as he looks like he is having trouble controlling his voice or something.

"Wait! Did you get your quirk?!" I say and Shota looks super curious now too. Now Hizashi is smiling at us like he won a game.

"YES!..... Sorry meant yes," Hizashi yells loudly again but tries to correct himself.

"Ahhh! My ears!" Shota says falling on the ground and I covered my ears in time, as Hizashi is looking at us with an apologetic look.

"Sorry boys, we just got back from the doctors and Hizashi's quirk is to control his voice's level of loudness," Hizashi's dad says to us entering the room and smiling at us while patting Hizashi's shoulder.

"It's fine," I say uncovering my ears as Shota is playing dead on the ground, but slowly stands up and nods his head.

"Anyway, Happy Birthday Hizashi, and congratulations on the quirk!" I say patting his shoulders and giving him the present I asked my Uncle to get me for him. Which was the newest action figure of him, that he signed for some reason.

"Yeah Happy Birthday Hizashi and try not to kill my ears please," Shota says with an annoyed look slightly, giving his present for Hizashi too.

"SO–sorry and thanks guys," Hizashi starts to say but stops to regain control, as I quickly cover my ears along with Shota.

Opening our gifts he was super happy with what I got him and was happy with what Shota got him. Shota got him the comic book he wanted about All Might someone recently made about my Uncle. The rest of the day was spent playing together and Hizashi tried his best to control his quirk. A few more weeks went by with Shota's birthday coming up and a week after his birthday, Shota's quirk appeared when we were playing over at his house.

"I'm sure your quirk will come eventually Shota. Our parents said usually at four, not exactly when we turn four right?" I say somewhat unsure myself as I tried to cheer up Shota who was sad he didn't get his quirk yet.

"YEAH...yeah try to believe in yourself!" Hizashi starts to say making me cover my ears quickly as Shota falls to the ground since he didn't cover his ears in time.

"Ah! Hizashi! Please stop being so loud!" Shota says as he lays on the ground in pain and Hizashi looks at us sheepishly.

"SOR–ry!" Hizashi starts to yell again accidentally but halfway through the yell it disappears as Shota is glaring at him and his eyes have a slight red tint to them now. Hizashi and I stare at Shota surprised to see this and he looks at us weirdly, but before he can speak he winces.

"Ah! My eyes hurt now! Hizashi, did your loudness make my eyes burst!" Shota says rubbing his eyes and annoyed at Hizashi, who now looks annoyed too.

"NO! Sorry meant no! I don't think loudness can hurt your eyes idiot!" Hizashi says angrily at Shota for blaming him.

"Calm down guys! Shota your eyes had a weird glint just now as you stared at Hizashi. His voice stopped for some reason too!" I say and they both stop arguing, Hizashi nods his head agreeing with me.

"Really!" Shota says running over to a mirror and looking at his eyes which are now blood shot but doesn't see the red glint.

"I don't see any glint," Shota says looking at himself.

"I don't know why there was a glint, but when you stared at Hizashi it appeared," I say with a shrug and now we all have a thoughtful look.

"Maybe if you use your quirk again, I can try mine again," Shota says while looking at us and Hizashi seems nervous at the thought.

"I don't want to hurt you guys though," Hizashi says giving us a nervous smile.

"It's fine we can cover our ears and just don't scream too long," I say curious to see if it will work too. Hizashi sighs but nods his head.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Hizashi takes a deep breath and then screams with his quirk as Shota stares at him, with nothing happening. Then the red glint appears again a few seconds later cutting off Hizashi's loud scream. We all stop and stare at each other for a few seconds, but Shota's mom comes running up the stairs.

"BOYS! What is going on?!" Shota's mom says as she rushes into the room, with an angry look and Hizashi looks nervous now that he thinks he is in trouble.

"MOM! I got my quirk!" Shota says before anyone else can talk.

"WHAT! Really?! What is it?" Shota's mom says inspecting him all over and he pushes himself out of her grasp with an annoyed expression.

"I don't know, but when I focus on someone with my eyes it stops them from using their quirk I think. That is why we're testing it on Hizashi and it works!" Shota says with a happy expression and we are nodding our heads agreeing with him. His mom now notices his bloodshot eyes too.

"Really, let me see. But don't use it on Hizashi, but on my quirk," Shota's mom says and beings to lift the spoon she was holding with her telekinetic powers. We all stare at Shota and see if that is his quirk. Seeing our stares he becomes nervous, but focuses on his mom.

After a few seconds of staring at her, his eyes glint red again and the spoon falls to the ground. Though Shota quickly stops and rubs his eyes as they are now bothering him it seems.

"My baby got his quirk!" Shota's mom says laughing and picking up and kissing his head. Though now Shota is pushing her away embarrassed at her reaction, Hizashi and I are snickering at him as he glares at us.

"I will call your father, then I will need to drop you boys back to your homes. I will need to take Shota to the doctor to get his quirk tested and registered," Shota's mom says still smiling at Shota and quickly running downstairs.

"Don't even!" Shota says seeing Hizashi and me smirking at him and his now red face embarrassed at his mother smothering him.

The next month passed with Shota and Hizashi having their quirks, mostly Shota stopping Hizashi from going out of control. With my birthday approaching and they would all come for it and so too would my uncle be there, my dad said. My excitement was reaching an all-time high as I couldn't wait to find out my quirk. It might be like my mom's who can heal minor wounds with her voice or my dad's who can make light come out of his body. Maybe if I'm really lucky I can get my Uncle's quirk and be just as cool of a hero as him.

The night before my birthday I couldn't sleep as I was excited for tomorrow. I know I told Shota quirks don't appear right away probably, but I still hoped mine did. As Iaid in bed trying to sleep, I eventually fell asleep as even my excitement couldn't overtake my tiredness. Waking up the next day, I rubbed my eyes tiredly as I smelled my mom making breakfast downstairs and it smelled like pancakes, my favorite.

"Mom! Are those pancakes you're making?!" I say rushing down the stairs forgetting to wash my face in the morning as my mom taught me.

"Yes they are, but did you wash your face?" my mom says as she comes out of the kitchen with a plate filled with pancakes and my dad sitting at the table facing her reading the newspaper.

"No, but I–" I start to say heading back upstairs before I hear a yelp from my mom and I turn back to see what is wrong. She is staring at me with wide eyes and so too is now my dad.

"What?" I say looking at them confused, quickly they snap out of their surprise and look at me with smiles.

"My baby boy has his quirk now," mom says giving me a loving smile, and dad smiles at me too nodding his head.

I look at them shocked and try to figure out what my quirk is and spin in circles. Though now I notice three sets of wings on my back that are knocking into everything. I begin to panic as I don't know how to control them and they begin to flap quickly lifting me up and knocking more things down.

"MOM!" I say scared as I don't know how to control them. My parents rush over to me and try to pull me down, but my wings are smacking them in the face as I panic. I then being to fly around the house knocking everything in a panic as my parents are chasing me.

"IT IS I ALL—!" I hear my Uncle say as he enters the house, but hear the loud noises and my parents shouting at me to calm down. Rushing over to us.

"WHAT..... Young Akihiko is that you?!" my Uncle says as I turn still in a panic.

"Toshinori help us grab him! He can't control his quirk yet!" my dad says trying to jump and grab me again only for one of my wings to smack him in the face, knocking him back down. Like the great hero he is, he rushes over to me and easily grabs me pulling me into a hug careful to not hurt me in the process.

"Calm down Young Akihiko, take deep breaths and think happy thoughts," my Uncle says as he easily holds me and I do as he says slowly calming down. Once I calm down I see all the pictures and other items I accidentally destroyed in my panic.

"Sorry," I say downcasted at all the commotion I caused and my wings drop down with my mood too.

"It's fine Akihiko, we are just glad you are unhurt," mom says as she lets out a tired sigh, but smiles at me and takes me from my Uncle hugging me reassuringly.

"Yeah, we can always replace these things, not you remember that," dad says hugging both mom and me in a group hug. That my Uncle laughs and joins too, wrapping us all up in his big arms.

"I can be a great hero like you now too!" I say with excitement now too, since my quick showed up and my wings start to flap again with my excitement rising. Though since I'm in a group hug they don't lift me off the ground.

"Of course, you will! When you are big enough I will make you my sidekick!" my Uncle says with his laugh and patting my head smiling at me. Though my parents seem to have a nervous smile at that.

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