The Unseen Angel in MHA


After getting through another school day we went to the club classroom meeting. Thankfully everyone in the club was able to get their permission slip signed. Then after Yui brought them to the principal we were able to test our quirks on one another, safely of course. Then we headed outside to test Yui's quirk on Sara's quirk and everyone put on their jackets now that winter is in full swing.

"Ok, Sara make the shield appear, but don't stand behind it. That way if breaks Yui doesn't hit you with her flames," Sensei Haga says to them, and they both nod.

Sara then makes the shield appear ten feet away from her to the right. Once it appears Yui then makes her flames come out of her hand and targets the shield. The shield is able to withstand her first two blasts of flames, but once the third one hits the shield disappears.

"Ok, now let's get back inside," Sara says as she is cold and we all head back inside to our club classroom.

"It might be good if you both were able to test your quirks with one another. Since I still think that the more we use our quirks the stronger they can get," I say once we all sit down and everyone seems to agree.

"Yui and I will have to talk with our parents and see if we can figure something out," Sara says and looks to Yui who thinks about it, then smiles and nods her head agreeing with her.

"Yeah, that is a great idea! We can try that and it can probably help us both become better at our quirks," Yui says with a happy expression. The rest of the meeting we talked about their two quirks and how they can try testing them on each other.

With us meeting regularly for the next month we were able to see improvement for both their quirks. Seeing their improvement made everyone excited for when we would test theirs and now has more hope in getting into U.A. After hearing what our club is doing, it became the most talked about the club and everyone seems to want to join it. Though since most will have to wait until next year, some of the third years who didn't join are jealous. The new meeting today is discussing Kenji's quirk, so everyone today was interested in learning a new quirk and helping him.

"Once again I'd like to thank everyone for helping Sara and me with our quirks. Though this wouldn't be possible if Akihiko didn't give us this idea," Yui says to everyone once all the club members enter the classroom and everyone nods smiling their heads. My friends pat my shoulders at the mention of my name, and Hizashi gives me a thumbs up too.

"I hope my quirk can be helped like we did Yui and Sara, but anything can happen. My quirk is called 'danger sense', whenever I'm in danger I instinctively know what is going to happen to me within five seconds. I don't know how to control it, an instinct just takes over me and gives me a warning in the direction that the danger is coming from," Kenji says to everyone explaining his quirk. Everyone falls into deep thought.

"Maybe you can increase the danger sense, by going to a batting range and dodging the balls thrown at you," Hizashi says after thinking about it.

"Well that is one way you crazy idiot, but first he should train his body so it's easier for him to dodge. He can start with something not so dangerous or painful, like dodgeball," Shota says right after Hizashi and they glare at each other.

"Sorry Hizashi, but Shota is right. Kenji should train his body more so he can dodge things easier, maybe when he becomes impossible to hit with dodge balls he can move up to the baseballs," I say before the two can bicker more.

"Maybe he can do martial arts, that way he can become proficient in fighting and train his body at the same time," Nemuri says after thinking about everything we said.

"Nemuri makes the most sense," Yui says hearing everyone, but you all make great points.

"I agree with Yui and Nemuri, I should sign up for a boxing class. I have never thought about that before and that probably would be a great help in the long run," Kenji says to everyone, though we all nod our heads agreeing with what was said. Though I give Nemuri a smile and thumbs up, she smiles back but I thought I saw her blush slightly.

"Great idea Nemuri! Better than Shota's or mine," Hizsahi says smiling at her and patting her shoulder, making her turn to him. Shota just rolls his eyes at Hizashi's statement.

"For now can we test your quirk with dodge balls?" Rin asks while giving a smirk towards Kenji, who just looks at her with narrowed eyes.

"Fine, but only if Sensei Haga says it's fine," Kenji says with a sigh and we all turn to her, waiting for her response.

"Sure, seems the least dangerous way we've tested a quirk so far," Sensei Haga says as we all make our way to the gym. Kenji goes and changes into his gym uniform as the rest of us grab the dodge balls in the storage room.

"Ok, so do we each get one throw at him? How do we do this?" Rin asks everyone once we grab the dodge balls and wait for Kenji to finish changing.

"In the beginning, we should each get one throw at him, so it's fair for everyone. Then we can throw in pairs at him to see if he can dodge more than one. From there we can either increase the number of people throwing at him. Plus he needs to wear a blindfold, because anyone can dodge a ball somewhat easily if they see it coming to them," Yui says after everyone thinks of a good solution.

We all agree with that plan and like we've been testing the quirks the third years get to go first, then the second years, and finally us first years. Coming out of the boy's locker room, Kenji sees us all waiting with the cart of dodge balls and smiling at him. He just sighs as he stands about twenty feet from us. Yui explains to him the plan that we decided on and Kenji agrees with it. Kenji then places the blindfold on and waits for Yui to throw the ball.

Yui's training seems to have paid off as she is more athletic now and throws the ball fast and hard at Kenji. When the ball is a second from hitting him, he dodges it as it glides right past his head. Next is Sara, though she isn't athletic as Yui, she is able to throw the ball well enough at him, and just like Yui he dodges it at the last second. Once everyone goes, I decide to go last since I don't mind. Walking over to the place we all decided to throw from, I look at him and cock my arm throwing the ball at him. Like everyone else, he is able to dodge the ball at the last second.

"So what do you all think?" Kenji says with a smirk on his face having dodged all the balls that we threw at him.

"I think you're a show off!" Rin says with an annoyed voice. Kenji just chuckles at her statement.

"It was cool, but let's see how you do with two people throwing at you at the same time," Sara says with an indifferent shrug. Kenji nods and we all pair up, Shota and I paired up, with Nemuri and Hizashi pairing up.

Once again Yui and Sara go first as they are paired up together. They both stand on opposite sides of Kenji and nod their heads at one another, before throwing the balls at him at the same time. Somehow, even though he explained his quirk to us, it's like he has eyes all around him. He is able to slip between both balls, dodging them at the last second. Everyone else goes, with Shota and me being the last to go. No one has been able to hit him yet. However, two of the second years were the closest to hitting Kenji. Shota and I go to opposite ends of Kenji, before sharing a look with one another. Then we throw the balls at the same time at him, I aimed low and Shota aimed high as we planned. At the last second Kenji was able to dodge my ball, but Shota's ball was able to just graze him.

"Yeah, we got him!" I say laughing as everyone cheers with us, Kenji takes off the blindfold and laughs seeing everyone cheering for finally hitting him. Everyone then cheers for Shota as he was the one that hit him, Shota has become shyer over the years but became comfortable around the club members enough to not become completely shut off. Shota's face did become red from the attention though.

"Nice job guys. Seems that exercising and maybe boxing should help me become even better," Kenji says patting Shota and my shoulders.

After that club meeting, Kenji signed up for a local boxing gym and began his training there. After the first week of training, we didn't see much of an improvement, though, at the end of the month, we saw an improvement. He was able to dodge up to three people throwing the balls at him at the same time, but once four people thought he has only a small chance of dodging them all. Once we finished helping Kenji with his quirk at the end of the month, winter break arrived. So before we decided to talk about Rin's quirk next, we wanted to see how Yui and Sara have improved their quirks.

Yui is now able to have a much hotter and bigger flame, which she can hold for up to twenty seconds now. This may not seem like a big improvement for heroes, but for kids who haven't had much training, it was nice seeing the improvement. Sara is now able to stand up to ten blasts from Yui's quirk before the shield breaks. Sara can also hold the shield up for about half an hour and ten minutes at her furthest range.

"Well everyone, you all did a good job helping us become better at our quirks. This club has become the best club in the school and is now the most popular club. We can't wait to continue the club meeting after winter break, but everyone should enjoy the time off. See you all after the break," Yui says to everyone once the final club meeting ends right before winter break starts. We all nod our heads and say goodbyes to everyone we probably won't see until the break ends.

"You guys have anything planned for the break?" Nemuri asks us as we all walk together home.

"Not sure, though I imagine my Uncle will be visiting for the break at some point. Usually, my parents just drag me around for shopping, and then we celebrate the holiday together," I say with a shrug at thinking about what I'm gonna do for the break.

"Same, though in the past Akihiko and I usually hang out right before the holiday or after, since our parents have been best friends for years," Shota says after me and I nod my head agreeing with the statement.

"My family usually drags me to my cousin's house or grandparent's house for the holiday, so I won't be surprised if it's the same this year too," Hizashi says with a deflated sigh.

"Don't want to see your family?" I say with a smirk at him, since he always complains about his little cousins. He just snorts at me and rolls his eyes as we all laugh.

"My family just does their own thing too for the holidays. Maybe we can hang out during the holidays?" Nemuri says to us as we approach her area to split up.

"We can try," I say with a thoughtful look with Shota and Hizsahi nodding and agreeing with me.

"Great! Then we can call each other later and see what day works best for everyone," Nemuri says before walking away and waving goodbye to us all.

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