The Unseen Angel in MHA


During the first couple of days of winter break nothing much of interest happened. I was excited about the planned day with my friends for the new year. Everyone wanted to dress in traditional kimonos for the new year. So my parents and I went out to buy some, so we could meet my friends in the park to celebrate the new year all together. Both of my parents were able to take off that day too, so all our families could meet up for the firework show and vendor they are setting up in the park.

"Make sure you bring a coat to Akihiko, in case it gets too cold!" mom says to me as I start to come downstairs to head out.

"Mom, remember temperature doesn't affect me," I say to them and try to usher them out of the house so we can leave already. My kimono was white with silver details of feathers, I liked it since it matched my wings.

"Fine," mom says to me with a sigh and we all start to walk to the park together. Dad just chuckles at our argument.

"You really not cold?" mom asks as we are walking down the road to the park both my parents are wearing kimonos too, but with jackets on. Since today is supposed to be slightly above freezing.

"Yeah, it feels like any other normal day to me," I say walking down the road and both my parents just shrug excepting my answer.

"Akihiko! Hey! Oh, how are you, Mr.and Mrs.Yagi?" Nemuri says as she spots us once we reach the park I look for my friends but didn't see anyone until Nemuri shouted from behind us. Nemuri was also wearing a kimono that was more white with pink details of petals and her parents also wore kimonos.

"We are good Nemuri, how are you?" my mom says to her as my dad nods his head to her, then talks with her parents.

"I'm fine thanks for asking," Nemuri says and my mom nods smiling.

"Ok kids you can explore, but don't wander too far. Meet us back here before the fireworks start ok!" Nemuri's mom says as our parents let us leave to explore the fair ourselves.

"Sure thing!" I say as Nemuri grabs my hand to drag me away into the fair and our parents laugh seeing it.

"What's the rush?" I ask after we walk into the fair, looking at the vendors and seeing what they have.

"Nothing just didn't want to be by our parents for too long," Nemuri says as we stop at one vendor to look at the charms they have hung up for sale. I just shrug in indifference.

"Nemuri! Hey!" we hear a girl's voice behind us and turn to see Nemuri's group of girl friends. They now notice me and some of them blush at me, as I smile at them.

"Hi, I didn't know you all were coming here too," Nemuri says with surprise seeing them.

"Yeah, we tried to tell you too, but it seemed you were busy. Though now we understand why….." her one friend smirks at Nemuri, implying something that makes Nemuri blush and stutter.

"You guys can join us if you want, though my friends should be here soon if they aren't already," I say seeing if they want to join us.

"Sure, though can we talk Nemuri?" her one friend says to me and turns to Nemuri with the same smirk. She sighs and they all walk away to talk about whatever, as I turn back to the vendor. Not a second later I feel an arm around my shoulder and Hizashi's face comes right next to mine.

"See anything interesting?" Hizashi says as I was inspecting the charms, turning I see Shota standing behind him with a mentally drained face.

"I was trying to look, but it seems people keep interrupting me," I say with a roll of my eyes and pull his arm off my shoulder.

"Really? Cause Shota and I saw something interesting," Hizashi says with a knowing smirk confusing me and Shota just has a neutral face.

"What are you talking about?" I say with confusion.

"Uh? Seriously Akihiko! The group of girls! The ones you were just talking with!" Hizashi says with an exaggerated expression. I look at Shota with a confused face, he just shrugs at me.

"Oh, my god guys! Seriously! This is a perfect opportunity for us to hang out with the girls and maybe get to know them better!" Hizashi says as Shota and I just look at him confused, but now understand his implication.

"Oh! You are just perving like normal!" Shota says with a snicker making Hizashi turn to him with narrowed eyes, as I laugh at Shota's jab.

"Relax, Hizashi. If it makes you feel better they showed up when Nemuri and I were looking at the charms. I invited them to join us and it seems they are," I say before Hizashi and Shota can bicker. Hizashi turns to me and smiles widely, while Shota gives a tired sigh.

"YES! You're the best friend one could ask for!" Hizashi says laughing and putting his arm around my shoulder again in pure happiness, Shota just rolls his eyes.

"Shota, Hizashi, you guys finally showed up," Nemuri says as she and her group of friends come back from where ever they went. Shota nods his head in greeting her.

"Hey Nemuri! Who are your friends?" Hizashi says with a smile and winking at the girls, some seem to giggle at his question.

"Just some friends from school," Nemuri says narrowing her eyes at Hizashi who ignores her look and starts to flirt with the girls as we all walk through the fair. Shota just shakes his head and sighs as we all walk together.

"You think they are actually interested in Hizashi?" Shota asks me and Nemuri as we are walking behind Hizashi and the group of girls.

"God I hope not," Nemuri says with a hopeless look. I just chuckle.

"Hizashi isn't that bad. Who knows maybe one of them will become his future girlfriend," I say while still laughing slightly. Though both Shota and Nemuri give me disbelieving looks.

"I mean..... I guess Hizashi isn't that bad, but….. I don't know if I see him with anyone right now," Nemuri says trying to not sound like she hates Hizashi as we are all good friends.

"Sure Hizashi is a nice guy, but he doesn't catch me as someone who is in a relationship. More of a….. do his thing and leave," Shota says with a thoughtful look at the end. I think I know what Shota is implying and I stare at him surprised. Nemuri's face becomes red in embarrassment at Shota's implication.

"What?" Shota says as he sees our expressions but then makes the connection.

"Oh, you guys are just as bad as Hizashi! That's not what I meant!" Shota says now with his face red from embarrassment too.

"Then what did you mean?!" Nemuri says somewhat loudly making Hizashi and the group of girls look back at us for a few seconds confused but they shrug off Nemuri's outburst.

"Just, you know...…. Nevermind!" Shota says with an even more red face. I finally break out laughing at both of their reactions. They then both turn to me with annoyed faces.

"How about we grab some snacks to eat," I say after laughing and changing the topic. Our whole group then goes to one of the vendors selling Taiyaki. After buying some we all find a place to sit together and eat, away from the heavy crowd.

"So is it true that the Quirk research club lets you guys test your quirks at school?" one of Nemuri's friends says trying to start a conversation from the silence that took over once we all sat down to eat.

"Yeah! We each take turns explaining our quirk and then we all come up with ways to better test our quirks and even improve them!" Hizashi says to her with an excited smile.

"That's so cool! I wish I'd joined when we still had the chance," her friend says and all of the other girls nod their heads in agreement.

"Well there is always next year," I say with a shrug after finishing my Taiyaki.

"True, but will you guys be in the club next year too?" another friend asks us.

"Yeah, why wouldn't we?" Hizashi says with a confused face.

"Just making sure," the girl says giving me a side glance and her face turns red seeing me look at her.

"Ladykiller," I hear Shota mumble next to me with a sigh, I just chuckle after hearing him. The rest of the time is spent with her group of friends and us walking around the fair and window shopping. Once it gets later we say our goodbyes to them, before heading back to the spot we promised our parents we would meet up with them.

"Oh yeah did your guys' parents see ours?" I ask as we walk back to Shota and Hizashi.

"Yeah, that's how we found you so quickly. Your dad told us you and Nemuri headed into the fair after arriving," Shota says as we walk back to them. Once we arrive back at our parents, I can see them all wearing their coats as apparently it has gotten colder. Though the fair had heaters and a crowd that kept everyone relatively warm, now that we are away from that it seems my friends have gotten cold.

"Grab your coats guys, the fireworks should be starting soon," Hizashi's mom says as we walk over to them and my friends grab their coats putting them on.

"Aren't you cold?" Shota's mom asks me once we all sit down in the area our parents picked to watch the firework show.

"No, I'm fine thanks. The weather never bothered me," I say to her and she nods giving me a slightly surprised look.

"How was the fair? Did you guys buy anything fun?" my mom asks us.

"Yeah I bought a good luck charm," Nemuri says with a smile and holding up the charm.

"I got Hizashi a charm to help with studying," Shota says with a smirk as Hizashi just glares at him.

"I got Shota a charm that helps him be more likable by the girls," Hizashi says smirking back at him and Shota just rolls his eyes. Our parents just laugh at Shota and Hizashi's bickering.

"What about you Akihiko?" my dad asks me.

"No, I didn't see anything I really wanted," I say with a shrug and everyone goes back to small talk. After about another ten minutes of waiting, the firework show starts.

"Fireworks are so beautiful!" Nemuri says with a happy smile on her face as she looks at the show. Everyone nods their heads agreeing with her statement.

The show lasts about an hour before we all pack our things up and head back to our homes. Though this time, Shota and his parents join my family on the way home as we all live near one another.

"Why does break go by so fast," Shota says it as more of a statement as we walk home. Since we have only a few more days left before school starts back up again.

"Yeah, it feels like time off goes by so fast and school feels like forever," I say with a sigh agreeing with him.

"But hey, we get to see more quirks and help them become better at using them!" I say with an excited expression for getting back into the club.

"Sure I guess," Shota says with a somewhat excited expression, but still annoyed that school is starting again soon. Saying our goodbyes my parents and I head to our house as Shota and his parents continue down the road to their house.

"So did you have fun?" mom asks me after we get inside and my parents seem to be excited they are out of the cold.

"Yeah was super fun!" I say with a smile, before saying good night to them and going to bed. Like has become my routine, I bring my wings out to sleep in them. As if I don't sleep with them I don't feel as comfortable or safe.

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